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2 Things · 3:35pm Aug 12th, 2020

Thing Number 1; Chapter 12 of My little Sunspot it Undergoing editing now! And will be released 2morrow!

Thing Number 2:

TMy Little Destroyer
A human wakes up in Equestria in the body of a Ponyfied Destoroyah.
Northguard · 3.5k words  ·  116  5 · 3.3k views

Check out this story by my good friend Tempest. We have both worked together on making this story come to life so if you want to read something and get hooked on another story give this a read!


So, a confession. · 10:32pm Dec 19th, 2019

I was meaning to work on/publish a chapter today for whatever story came to mind.

Unfortunately, it seems like that probably won't happen today, but it most likely will tomorrow.


I had the whole day to myself, and that means constant gaming on my part.

Anyway, my last two finals for this semester of college are tomorrow, and I'd better resume my studying of World History.

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Update on HLW 4/1/17 · 4:28pm Apr 1st, 2017

Hello, my dear readers.
I come before you today to deliver an announcement on the future of How Love Works. This is something I had been mulling over for quite some time so I shall give it to you straight. I am going to once again rewrite the entire story. It has come to my attention that HLW is quite lacking in some areas.

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Viewing 1 - 3 of 3 results