
Viewing 1 - 8 of 8 results

Notes. · 3:34am Mar 14th, 2017

Writing down a bunch of shit for F.u.c.t. because I'll get confused by it if I don't. (Science and shit, you know . . . ) Not much else really, still working on Ch. 10. I expect it to be shorter than the previous few.

How would you all feel about a series of side stories, a collection really, that delve into the random adventures that characters have "off screen" if you will?

Example synopses:

Dead Mare's Gorge.

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Breaking News: Ponefic drought gets worse, nobody surprised. · 8:24pm Oct 28th, 2015

I have and abysmally bad productivity, at least under the profile of Pony-words:applecry:.

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Depresso Espresso · 3:33pm Sep 30th, 2019

So to be honest, I've been a depressed piece of shit lately, last Thursday I ended up getting dumped for reasons unknown to me, and I lost one of the closest people to me, My best friend that I have known all of my life since early childhood committed suicide, I feel like a terrible friend because I was not there for him when he needed me most, I wasn't available when he was crying for help and for that I want to die, the pain is all too real and I don't know how to handle it anymore


I always forget... · 7:11pm Feb 23rd, 2019

I always forget that I don't have to share my drinks with my keyboard. Around midnight, I pushed a glass on my desk out of the way thinking it was empty. Turns out, the damn thing had nearly an entire cow's worth of milk in it. So yeah, that got in my keyboard and on the floor. I cleaned it all up the best I could, but testing it out the next day, I find that it only types a few letters correctly. The saddest part is, this isn't the first time it's happened. The last time this happened, it did

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It's 2am on Thursday, and I have an idea for NEW Pinkie Pie Loves Bacon Bits content. (plus ARTPOSTING#3) · 7:50am Feb 4th, 2021

I woke up with a fully formed idea for a new chapter in my silly anthology of scenes where Sunset Shimmer is haunted by pony!Pinkie lodged DEEPLY in my mind and I think I'm going to write it. I'm in a writerly mood. Apparently.

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Billboard Breakdown: 1961 · 3:57am Jul 10th, 2023

This Blog Post is primarily meant for entertainment purposes

I’m still alive.

So yeah, my last Billboard Breakdown got immensely popular and I didn’t mean to just leave this by the wayside for all that time. I’m going to approach this fresh as if I haven’t been gone for months.

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mmmmm fuck · 6:52pm Sep 12th, 2018


A Stupid Idea · 3:48am Jul 22nd, 2021

For some reason, one thing I absolutely love to death is JRPG tropes. I’m talking stuff like Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy, stuff concerning party composition, storyline tropes, and all that jazz.

It’s apparently gone so far that I want to write some MLP JRPG thing. It includes all this party composition, enemy tropes, and stuff like that. This may be because I’m playing through Dragon Quest VI and I honestly love it a lot.

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Viewing 1 - 8 of 8 results