
Viewing 1 - 6 of 6 results

Attention Pony Artists! · 1:40am Jul 2nd, 2015

Hey, very short fuse, but with one of my other artists down, I need a bit of pony art done fast and I don't have the time to do it. If you want to do some quick fan art that will be seen by the community (and needs to be to me no later than Friday morning), PM me.

Again, sorry for the short fuse, but it's slightly urgent. Thanks!

Report Shinzakura · 260 views · #aag #art #art nao!

Chapter 25 Revision is up! · 11:39pm Jul 13th, 2017

If you haven't read it yet, have fun!

If you have read it, have fun!

Now I can work on the epilogue!


I Wonder... · 5:01pm Jun 20th, 2015 many people would kill me if I pushed back the start of Book IV by a month?

I'm doing my damnedest to pull out all the stops for the art, and...well, let's just say doing the art for Rainbow and Twilight is hell (Rainbow that much more so.)

As it is, I'm running slightly behind on my schedule for AAG's next chapter because of it, as well as The Huntress and Protection.

Eh, we shall see.


Updates · 5:52pm Jun 28th, 2015

Okay, because people have been asking, here's what the updates are. Keep in mind that over the next few months, my schedule's going to be slammed hard, so there's no guarantees as to the validity of the below release schedule.

This coming week: All-American Girl

July: The Huntress, completion of Protection, next chapter of Polarity (seriously, this has been the hardest story for me to write.)

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Okay.... · 5:44am Mar 27th, 2016 the hand's healing well, so that means that there will be new 7DSJ on the horizon. After some starts and stops, we're reaching the halfway point, and I'm looking forward to it. Expect that to drop about some time next week.

Also heard a rumor regarding a story involving a humanized pony updating sometime soonish. But I'm wondering if anyone's interested about that.

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Java · 2:20am Jun 28th, 2015

Eyes bleary, DJ smacked the iCoffee and waited semi-patiently for the thirty seconds for the heating element in the machine to warm up the water so she could slap the coffee pod in and get her big mug of brown joy. I really need to get her the newest model, but she’s always like “Oh, that’s sweet of you, DJ, but really, I’m fine with what I have!” The humanized pony sighed. No, dear aunt of mine, what you mean to say is, “Oh, that’s sweet of you, DJ, but really, I’m fine with

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Viewing 1 - 6 of 6 results