
Viewing 1 - 20 of 91 results

Would you... · 8:59am Jun 14th, 2016

...guys mind if I end Becoming a Princess's Love with how it is? I've been stuck with this chapter for a year now and I can't seem to finish it. I'm sorry if any of you guys liked that turns out I'm not really good at writing Flashlight.


This is Why I Don't Set Release Dates · 5:13am Sep 21st, 2015

Okay, so you know how I said a new chapter would be up by today?

...Yeah, see; my tablet - which I do most of my writing on, as it's portable and has a really neat fold-out keyboard - was just doing its thing, being all manufactured by Apple and sleek and whatever, and I was writing the chapter, when I hit the 'Save' button.
And you know how, when you hit the 'Save' button, FimFiction goes "Oh hey, let me keep those changes for you."?

...Well, it didn't do that.

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Nova Digi Log: Face Reveal Vote · 7:29pm Dec 12th, 2015

Yay or Nay? Your choice.

WARNING: the image you see may damage your screen. Have a spare screen at the ready, JIC.:twilightsheepish:


Pokemon Event going on RIGHT NOW!!! · 7:19pm Apr 16th, 2016

Get your very own level 100 Jirachi from the Mystery Gift section of your Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire copies in an event going on RIGHT NOW! I got my own just a few minutes ago (careful nature, likes to thrash about), so to those of you who have ORAS, go get your very own Jirachi right now!

Until then!


Existing is kind of nice, really. · 1:56am Aug 3rd, 2019

So i realize that my next blog post was supposed to be about wednesday and my hilarious bronycon hijinx. You'll probably still be getting those, don't worry - I have at least part of it typed out. But, since I'm in a rather emotional mood, I figured that I'd interject with something rather different first.

Note that "emotional" doesn't mean "bad emotional," because it isn't. Quite the contrary.

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Well, I Done Bucked Up · 3:00am Mar 31st, 2019

I know you’re expecting this blog post to be some witty statement about a story I’m reading, or a cryptic reference to some unknown April Fools’ prank.

But that’s just it, I don’t have one.

Let me explain.

I had a 7-point April Fools’ setup for this Monday. I was so hyped up for it. I realized I had two emails, so I decided to create a troll account that seemed completely legit. It was called P1NKB0T.

Guess who never read the rules.

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Latrans has only one published story on this website and I apparently inspired it so I read jt · 2:22am Oct 11th, 2022

Also because bus companies suck in several different ways I'm trapped in Arizona until 2:00 p.m. tomorrow

Anyway Latrans is really cool


I'm just being a productive lil' cuss! · 11:24pm Dec 1st, 2017

Tonight's an UBER night for me. But I have gotten some good writin' and doodlin' done!

Drew the sirens. Basically Sonata being a stereotype in a wet see-thru dress and getting yelled at by the other two. I'd show you the sketch, but NSFW due to nips. I'll actually color this one, so it'll pop up on derpi soon enough. Also wrote some more Horsedong words! Chapter 2 is sitting at 3500+ words at the moment and I think that'll hit 5K easy peasy. Have a sneak peek:

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5 of the Worst Stories I've Written · 2:41am Sep 14th, 2015

If you thought I was going to talk about why I wanted to do this, then you were mistaken. I'm just doing it because I darn well feel like it.

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Eat · 9:02am Feb 28th, 2021

*opens the fridge the seventh time in an hour*

Brain: “No, close it. Close. It. You aren’t hungry. You are just bored.”

Me: “”

Brain: “NO.”


Short Update · 7:52am Jul 7th, 2018

Chapter's getting closer to done. Just hit nearly 7k. Not done yet due to me having a few more scenes but like I can see the end of the chapter. I can see three to four more large sections and maybe some shorter ones. I'm unsure about that but it might reach the dreaded 10k plus easily.

I'd love releasing these chapters faster but I kind of can't due to size but oh boy would I want to.

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Hey all, so the old title kinda sucked... · 1:18am Aug 29th, 2023

Heya to the like 2 people who actually care,

First off, I was way overly confident that the name "Legions of Cooled Steam" would actually stick, I put it into the last blog post. That was stupid. It's a horrible name. Like, cringeworthy bad.

Thus I'm not going to fully commit to a title till I get that initial set of 4 chapters out, but rest assured I do have a better one picked out now.

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Soon Eye'll Come Around · 3:31am Apr 18th, 2017

Lost and never found

Waiting for Meye Words
Seen but Never Heard
Buried Underground...

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Unsure About a Prequel / Sequel · 10:49pm Jan 18th, 2017


State Of The Author - Birthday Boy Edition · 4:59am Nov 15th, 2020

(Art by Mcsadat).

I'll be a year older in less than four hours when the clock strikes twelve. As shitty as this year has been, it seems to have gone by quick. In hindsight, that is. I guess going through the motions of life without much thought tends to speed up time. The days kinda start to blur together after a while, and suddenly I find myself getting older.

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Story Time: Why I Don't Like Sandwiches · 11:52am Oct 8th, 2020 not like sandwiches.

I don't even eat them, at all. I won't even eat a slice of bread with butter and jam. Only bread-based thing I'll eat is toast or a breville.

This is an odd story that still doesn't make any sense to me, but it's short, so I'll get on with it. As with another personal hate of mine, this story stems from my time in primary school.

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oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god · 6:26am Nov 5th, 2021

Child of Harmony has fanart! It's amazing I'm screaming internally! It's made by ekdeans and I still can't get over the fact I have fanart of one of my stories now it's so weird thank you so much


Something silly, something serious :: Cookie Monster + Tom Waits · 3:12am Oct 18th, 2016

Was browsing "that" part of YouTube while on break between shifts when I saw/heard something that made me giggle like a loon.

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IT KEEPS HAPPENING · 4:19am Jul 30th, 2018

"Ooh, you're pretty mad, aren't you? I bet you want nothing more than to put me in my place now." Flim's horn glowed green, and the balls rolled toward the edge of the counter, closer to Spike. "Well, come now, little dragon. If honor be the stakes, then surely you have what it takes? Overcome the terrors of Sharpshard Mountain, or live forever with the shame of letting your lady friend be insulted by carnival folk!"

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The Behind-the-Scenes for the DCEU is All Over the Place · 6:18pm Aug 12th, 2021

I saw The Suicide Squad recently. It was pretty good. But it got me thinking: looked at from a film-history perspective, the DCEU is just the weirdest fucking thing. Seriously, look at it:

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 91 results