
Viewing 1 - 20 of 33 results

Nuclear fusion · 8:34am Dec 15th, 2022

By now, you've probably heard the news about the net-positive nuclear fusion:

This is the greatest news of all time. The most important invention of humankind.

This changes everything. With this technology, we don't even need the Sun anymore. We can live and thrive in any spot in space.

With infinite energy, there aren't any limits anymore. The Universe is in the palm of our hand.

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Random Idea #12 · 4:12am Dec 8th, 2014

A bit of thinking about spell mechanics in the Dresden world.
Those "Force Rings" Dresden uses store a bit of kinetic energy from swinging his arm, for later use. Who said that it has to be generated by human forces?
Why not stick it to the end of a gun, to both reduce recoil and sound, to charge up a damage boost for pistol whipping?
Drop it next to a live grenade, and hold it down with a heavy spike?

Can you store different forces?
Heat Energy?

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Nuclear Power in Equestria and Elsewhere · 9:57pm Dec 29th, 2013

It has been pointed out that Rock Farms and Nuclear Reactors was somewhat ridiculous. But Equestria runs on ridiculous ideas, so why not nuclear power?

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Energy Ponies · 2:13pm Apr 16th, 2018

I just got inspired by a fic that has it’s own breed of unique ponies. So the energy ponies are more powerful than alicorns . They look like average ponies with cutie marks when in their neutral state. They are born with their embodiment ex: if their named Candy :derpytongue2: well it’s self explanatory. They are not gods so they can die but they can reincarnate when a couple decide to name their foal after them . Two energy ponies can not have the same name at the same time. When they

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Still on my break · 5:06pm Apr 19th, 2018

The title kinda says it all. I'm still on my break and I'm not writing anything. I'm on a quest to improve my life and keep myself healthy. Summer is coming and I'm not planning to spend it on my computer. Hopefully, this will give me energy and motivation to continue my stories in the near future.


End of the Universe · 10:04pm February 11th

I am working to finish Infinite Imponability Drive as soon as I can. Unfortunately the last two weeks have been so crazy that it’s been hard to set aside more than a few hours to do any writing…

Meanwhile, let’s get back to talking about random physics. It seems as good a time as any to consider the ultimate fate of our world. How will the universe end?

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Update.... Again! · 6:38pm Jul 27th, 2023

Heyo guys!

It's been 47 days since the last chapter was released, and for that I am really sorry. Thankfully it is not because of a lost of interest, or writer's block. It is simply time that has been an issue.

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Conservation of (Magical) Energy · 4:22pm Jul 19th, 2020

A key concept in Daring Do and the Inexplicable Artifact is the idea of the Conservation of Magical Energy. In the story Daring Do and Twilight Sparkle reason that the inexplicable artifact is inexplicable because it is absorbing enormous amounts of magic, apparently without doing anything. It isn’t actually written anywhere that magic works this way, but readers intuitively pick up that it

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That tears it · 11:25pm Apr 1st, 2023

Enough is enough! I have had it with these monkey-fighting delays on this Monday-to-Friday story! Time for a new plan. I've got an irl shift coming for the near future, and I'm so close to having all the parts of Chapter 12 done. Time to resort to some outside input for these last two sections. I know at least one of my loyal followers gave some input on a part. Let's see if I can get a little more again and finally push this thing through. Then maybe I can actually get some progress on other

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Hour-long commutes suck. A short vent and pony pictures! · 3:24am Mar 23rd, 2016

If I was on a train or public transportation, I wouldn't mind so much.

But when you're driving, it takes a lot more out of you and you can't do much more than just focus on the road or listen to music/podcasts or think.

I like to think. It's nice to have some quiet time.

However, I'm tired when I get home, and after doing the daily household stuff and preparing for tomorrow, I don't have a lot of time or energy for anything else.

I can't wait to move.

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"Small Hiatus" he said... · 8:30pm Sep 7th, 2019

"I'll get back to it eventually," he said.

Well, looks like I'm going to take back what I said. As of right now, I'm canceling the Protagonist. Why? Well, the reason I'm doing it NOW is because I've gotten stupid busy and I want the looming blade of the Protagonist off my plate. It's been sitting there for a while, glaring at me, sneering.

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Princess Luna's Energy Output · 11:10am Jan 16th, 2019

This is sorta a little spoil on a future incoming chapter.

Princess Luna
Dark Energy Statistics
Average Wavelength: Low
Average Frequency: Medium

Current Releases:
001: Releasing overflow of energy, too much taken from the environment.


we have invented a new thing · 3:57am May 29th, 2020

when your story gets good views, but the like/dislike ratio is almost exactly even

that's 'darf energy'

it would be cool to review video games semi-professionally. we think we will make that a goal for this year.

here is our list of goals so far. some of these may or may not be able to accomplish within an infinite time frame.

  • publish a video game review somewhere, preferably for pay
  • join/start a band/music project
  • get a new bong/vape/smoke piece

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Changelings are my favorites for a reason · 1:18am Apr 22nd, 2021

Looking through my ideas for stories. “Changeling this, changeling that...Thorax this, Pharynx that...Ocellus somewhat...Chrysalis burns in a fire...

...why is this mimicking species the only thing that gives me creativity?!”


Sci-Fi · 9:14pm Jan 6th, 2022

Bicyclette's Science Fiction contest is ending today. As most of my readers know, it's right up my alley... but my energy level isn't enough for two contests, even while off work.

I should be in the G5 competition which ends on Sunday, however. I really like my story and I hope you will too! :heart:


Dark Energy · 3:00pm Apr 27th, 2019

To one of my past blog posts, Booster Spice gave the random comment:

Dark Energy is Magic?

I can’t remember the context, but I’m taking it as a prompt for this post.

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my b · 6:46pm Jun 14th, 2021

hey all

sorry for reaching out for human contact and then, like... not responding to those offers for contact. truth be told i feel like a bit of a fraud/sham: i asked for people to be kind and contact us, and then got too scared to respond. partly i don't want to dump my problems on these poor innocent people. partly i am just stupid i guess.

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Ten · 5:35pm Nov 27th, 2023

I made my account here exactly 10 years ago today. A whole decade of occasionally posting words about silly little talking horses and birds. I wish I had something planned but this kinda just snuck up on me. All I have is my thoughts, and I've only got one of those right now.

I'm getting old.

Anyway to mark the occasion here's a picture of a bird because she still makes me happy after all these years :)

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So, about that laptop... · 10:48pm Dec 10th, 2020

Yeah, turns out it's a gaming laptop, and I've spent most of my time bashing ark and siege and other games. That and using it for college work, and I haven't spent as much time as I would writing the new chapter.

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First Time For Everything, I Suppose. · 12:30pm Jan 19th, 2018

For the first time in my six years here, I have blocked a follower.

Two things drive me to write fan fiction.

1. My own imagination and inspiration.
2. Reader feedback on existing chapters.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 33 results