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Pop Culture References in my latest Chapter of OIM · 10:54pm May 30th, 2023

I didn't bury the most recent chapter in television and movie references, but threw a few in there as part of a demonstration of how bizarre things are when you are locked in Discord's sights. References within the story are listed below, mostly offered because the references may not be recognized by younger readers. Please read the chapter first

Discord mentions NLP, which stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming is related to hypnosis.

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Report Windyspirals · 173 views · #errata

Six Years Ago Today · 8:27pm May 1st, 2018

So I just glanced at my profile, and apparently I joined this site six years ago today. May 1st, May Day.

¡Viva la Revolución, Amantes del pony!

Down with the oppressors!

So that's a fun fact.

Anywho, I doubt anyone will actually read this, but if you do I'd like to know something. I've got a few story ideas rattling around in my head besides Twi-Light, so would you prefer:

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Report TMH · 662 views · #Poll #Hi #errata #The Magic Hobo

G3 Core 7, Heathspike, Minty and Rarity exist in the same universe? · 9:37pm Jan 29th, 2018

Cannon headaches abound! Because, apparently, they do, at least in the G3 chapter books.


IMPORTANT EDIT to Foe — Pillars of Society. · 7:08pm Aug 2nd, 2020

The segment reading:

Lyra sighed. “All right fine. Cogsworth, forget what I told you. The buffalo willingly gave up their lands to make room for the ponies.”

Now reads:

Lyra sighed. “All right fine. Cogsworth, forget what I told you — override protocol A, password twilightisaputzasterisksixnine. The buffalo willingly gave up their lands to make room for the ponies.”

You'll see why this is important in about 90K words. Sorry for the inconvenience.


More Minty erata: the wand doesn't glow the user's magic aura, and the objects being effected don't glow. · 7:19pm Feb 3rd, 2018

So, apparently, another piece of erata with my story:

When the magic wand operates on an object, no magic aura is given by either the wand, or the object (but it can sparkle):

The wand, however, does occasionally glow it's own pink glow when casting magic:


Yet more Minty errata: G3 pegasai can fold their wings, albeit not to a comfortable position · 7:34pm Feb 3rd, 2018

Straight from the G3 books:

Here's contextually male (there was a spelling/continuity mistake in the original book) Star Catcher folding her wings as she talks to Twinkle Twirl:

So it looks like I was wrong when I said that the G3 ponies can't fold their wings at all, but it DOES look like they can't fold them to their sides for comfortable sleep al-la G1 or G4.

And here's a couple of examples from G1, and G4:

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Viewing 1 - 6 of 6 results