
Viewing 1 - 4 of 4 results

Filly Friends - Wub Extended Author's Notes · 3:51pm May 13th, 2020

Before I get started, I wanted to thank everyone who has been reading since the beginning, and everyone who is just now catching back up. It really means a lot to me, and I hope you're all excited to see where this ride goes next. As of right now, I've got one little arc to finish up, and one more arc to write before I'm done. Conservative estimates are around 7 to 8 chapters, but knowing me, it's going to be more.

Spoilers ahead for the latest chapter of Filly Friends, Wub. Duh.

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Filly Friends - Foof Extended Author's Notes · 5:19pm Jun 23rd, 2020

Ahoy, mateys, there be spoilers ahead for th' latest chapter of FIlly Friends, arrr. Duh

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Filly Friends - Extended Author's Notes · 4:11pm Aug 11th, 2020

Before I get going, I want to thank everyone, again, for reading through. I was honestly not expecting much in the way of reception for an author who has been gone for years, but I was so pleasantly surprised. You guys have chucked my iffy words back into the featured box multiple times over the course of posting, and I don't think any amount of thanks will accurately convey how much that means to me.

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Truancy - Chapter 4 extended Author's Note · 8:03am Yesterday

This Author's Note got pretty long, so I thought it was best to put it in a Blog Post. As you can see, there is a lot.

Ponice Document
CC = Canterlot Calendar. This calendar began after the capitol of Equestria was moved from The Castle of the Two Sisters to Canterlot.
F = female
M = male
NP = nature-pony**
P = pegasus

Kiger is a breed of mustang whose coats fade to black around their lower-legs down to their hooves.

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Viewing 1 - 4 of 4 results