
Viewing 1 - 3 of 3 results

More Commissions Open · 7:41pm Sep 19th, 2018

Hey guys! It's that time of the month again when I look at the bills and my bank account and try to figure out how to keep a roof over my head. To that end, I'm opening up a few commission slots. As before, for each slot you'll be paying for a minimum word count of 1000 words for every ten dollars you put towards it. Because I know my bad habits, it's likely that I'll end up going over that minimum, potentially by quite a bit. I'm going to start with three open slots. If you're curious

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Procastinating 2: Procrastinate Harder · 1:29am Dec 10th, 2016

Just a little update not to expect any story updates tonight. (Maybe some at like 2am?) And, if I stop procrastinating on story updates long enough to do the homework for Finals (and the 6-8 weeks preceding finals) I'll be busy doing that this weekend.

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Struggling, but Managing · 3:15am Feb 20th, 2019

Hey, guys! I said I wasn't gonna be dead, and I'm not dead now, even though I really, truly, seriously feel like I am right now :twilightsheepish:.

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Viewing 1 - 3 of 3 results