
Viewing 1 - 20 of 32 results

Whatever I'm Getting Annoyed. · 10:38pm Mar 3rd, 2021

I dunno I poked and annoyed my G-Docs enough that it basically started to delete my stuff? I think?

Idk, I restarted my Computer and accidentally wiped most of everything away.

No idea what I'm doing, but that said I saved a few things and lost tons others.

I'm just updating what I have soon, and try to fix everything later.


Some life events. · 5:01am Aug 14th, 2017

Hey anyone wanna know something? One of my youngest brothers died a few days before Christmas a few years ago. And my uncle and aunt died in a car accident on the way to visit a few days after. My cousin survived the crash though. And more recent events, well I've gone to Chicago a few times. once when me and a group of friends were trying to get a flight to Florida some how security thought my friend had a bomb and luckily enough nothing happened because the guy doing the security scanning

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Art: Watercolor. · 11:49pm Aug 20th, 2017

Oh hey! Another art even though I'm still on hiatus! Yep. I did up a new icon, and tried to experiment with perspective...which didn't really work out...also she apparently has no front hooves...I like how the shading came out though.

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Art: Iris Agate. · 9:40pm Jun 4th, 2017

Yup. It's another's gonna be a while until we got some not SU stuff, because after those last episodes, I am very much hyped:rainbowkiss: Anyway.

Ignore that deformed hand. So, if you've never seen an Iris Agate, they look pretty plain until you shine light on them, then they have this rainbow of color. It's really pretty:raritystarry:

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Sleep deprivation · 12:27am Oct 14th, 2015

So I've gotten about ten hours of sleep in the last three days. I would give you an daily amount of hours but I'm to tired to do the mental math. I'm exhausted, from mid terms and I have a pretty big essay due in less than a week that I haven't bothered to start on. And I have about a million other things I could probably bitch about endlessly, but am too tired and lazy to do so. I'll probably be on for maybe another hour or so if anyone wants to talk. Warning: I'm tired and pissed, so if you

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Not Sure If Anyone's Still Up To See This, But · 5:12am Sep 18th, 2021

I made some edits to Change of Place, adding some more stuff into a few places and things like that. I'm too tired to go into immense detail at the moment so if you're interested, just read the story when you have the time. That's all I had to say, so bye I guess


Soon... [New Changeling Doll: White Lie Chapter is Coming!] · 2:29am Aug 15th, 2016

I just want this part to be over, but I have to make sure it's well written.

I can't wait until the initial shock of the reveal wears off and I can finally move on to the fun parts of the story. Once I get there, it should be much easier to write.

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EFNW 2022 · 9:48pm Aug 1st, 2022

I'll be there, helping Mono run her booth again. (If you're interested in any signed prints of Mono's work, head over here to fill out a form to help us figure out how much stock to bring.)

If you like pins, find me and I'll give you a free PFP pin until/unless I run out of them! (I love pins and one day I realized I could make some to give away for fun and no one could stop me.)

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Wolf Report · 7:20am Feb 20th, 2022

I'm going to talk about stuff I have planned for the near future, but to do that I need to talk about stuff going on in the present first. Since that is probably depressing, here is a picture of Ocellus informing the other members of the Hive where the pollen :heart: is located:

It's right here, bitches.

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When You've been Studying too long · 4:33am Oct 5th, 2016

And you start considering the legal implications of Consent to Ponification in the TCB-verse for minors.


I’m Not a Technical Writer · 6:17am Jan 2nd, 2022

…And that’s not entirely a bad thing.

So, I was thinking to myself earlier today (or well, late yesterday, given it’s 1 AM and I can’t fucking sleep), after posting a simile I thought was bad in a Discord chat.

You see, I though the simile was a lacklustre simile; however, I got a collection of people telling me that the simile was perfectly fine and I was making it out to be worse than it was.

The simile in question was akin to, “The lava bubbled like boiled oatmeal.”

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UPDATE: New Cover Art for QCC · 12:54pm Feb 1st, 2021

Hi there, I'm gonna make this quick because I'm dead tired from pulling an all-nighter from this, but I created the cover art for the new story Queen of Crimson Crows, it was the first serious project with trying Clip Studio Paint which I'm thinking about using from here on, I rather like it. It's got a few flaws I would've liked to fix but overall quite proud of.

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So many emotions running through my head right now · 2:51am Mar 19th, 2017

Anger about basically everything
Anxiety about every little thing
Depressed because I absolutely can't stand what I've become and the old me died
Fear of getting killed by someone with a grudge
Hopeful that someone cares, even if it's any of you guys
Loathing everything happening in the world around me
Worry that I'll always be a bad person


Was Talking With My Friend Earlier Today · 1:13am Sep 14th, 2021

The day of writing this blog post at least.

So, I was talking to my ‘friend’ (he’s a devout Christian and doesn’t really support me, but I’m stuck with him anyways) earlier today.

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Behind the Story: Me and Poppy · 4:00am Feb 27th, 2022

I feel like I screwed something up because that like/view ratio isn’t the greatest. However, I very much liked the story, and I’m prepared to talk about it.

This story concept actually started a while ago. The story is based on Me and Bobby McGee as performed by Janis Joplin and the Full Tilt Boogie Band, which is of the greatest songs I’ve ever heard. So, in my usual fashion, I decided to write a story about it.

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New Story: That Special Day · 11:54am May 18th, 2023

Hello my dear readers. I present to you a short little sad tale about a Fluttershy who has not had the best life... and whose life is stuck on repeat. This is an entry for the Polyship contest, which I'm glad I was able to submit for before it was too late!

Phoenix update later today, folks! See you then.


BronyCon 2017: After Action Report · 5:36pm Aug 20th, 2017

So. It’s been almost a week since BC. I know most folks have already done followups. You’re probably tired to death of them. Hey, that’s fine. But, I gotta give my shoutouts to the people who deserve them. That being said… it’s been a hell of a week. So much personal stuff has happened that I’m sure there are things that just slipped through the cracks, so if I forget something, please forgive me.

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QCC ~ Episode 03 is up · 12:03pm Sep 20th, 2021

Alright, that's another one down. :applejackconfused:

Next I'm gonna start work on Episode 04. We're gonna start learning more about the past of our queen and perhaps that will give us some context on things. :raritywink:

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Boooooooks Coming! · 6:14pm Sep 25th, 2022

The books have arrived more quickly than expected! I'll be shipping them out Monday. :yay:

Apropos of nothing, Pinkie's scrapbook is... interesting.

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The Best Reading I've Ever Received! · 10:04pm May 7th, 2016

Odd blog post, but thought it deserved one. :moustache:

Earlier today, someone sent me a link to a reading of my story "This Old House". A dark horror story about a ghost that controls an old house. During my time on this site, I've been very fortunate with people reading my work for others to enjoy. Although never before have I had one done with atmosphere, sound effects, and even voice actors brought in to assist. Needless to say, it's all very, very cool. So check it out!

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 32 results