
Viewing 1 - 7 of 7 results

it's true though · 6:26pm Jul 4th, 2021


mine is the gift of prophecy · 6:16pm Aug 13th, 2017

"I'm just – we were just concerned for you. You've shut yourself up in the boutique; you won't answer the door; you've worked through the night... Rarity, have you rested at all since we got back?"

"So what if I haven't?" Rarity replied, growing defensive. "Work happens to be very relaxing for many ponies, myself included. It keeps body and mind occupied, and holds troublesome thoughts and feelings at bay!"

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Free Game? (obsolete) · 7:57am Dec 19th, 2018

If you do, an amazing game (my opinion) called Subnautica is free on the Epic Games Store It might be a pain having to set up an account (if you don't have one), but it suited me since I already had an account (thanks UE4).

Have some music while you're here:


Death Valley fanart (MAJOR chapter 23 spoilers) · 2:32pm Yesterday

Lucerna recently contacted me with some fanart for Death Valley. It's of Tallbush in chapter 23.

And if you've read chapter 23, you, uh, understand why that'd create fanart. Major spoilers!

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So I watched Dance Magic last night and · 9:26pm Dec 22nd, 2017

"Oh, are we hiding from someone?" the girl whispered.

"No." Snake's eyes snapped over to her. "We're not doing anything. Get lost."

it keeps happening


Revising some chapters. · 10:21pm Sep 10th, 2015

Originally, the first three chapters were meant to by one. However, I was so naive and eager, that I didn't realize how lackluster they were divided. Some have said that there just wasn't enough substance to really hook them. So, I did what I wanted to do from the start. Chapters 1-3 are now a good 9k chapter. I think this might help hook some new readers, but I don't know yet. Let me know what you think if you have an opinion of the matter.

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Next "Iron Horse" Chapter is Delayed · 3:01am Apr 15th, 2017

I'll get right to the point: I found out this morning that my grandfather passed away. He was 89 and on the wane, so it was sudden, but not totally unexpected. I'm holding up all right, but I'm making an emergency flight home to be with the family.

Between that, some work stuff I have to take care of, and all the other stuff involved with this sort of thing, there's no way I'll be able to finish this next Iron Horse chapter. It has been worked on, but it's not there yet.

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Viewing 1 - 7 of 7 results