
Viewing 1 - 3 of 3 results

Anthony spends a day with pansexual people · 8:47am Feb 19th, 2020

Once again, I appreciate Anthony for having another discussion about sexuality. To the person who said “Hearts not parts”, that is exactly what it’s all about. People need to get their heads out of the gutter. It’s not about what’s down there. It’s about being attracted towards someone’s personality and/or inner beauty.


New Name, (Slightly) Different Avatar, and Some News · 8:29am Dec 19th, 2020

So, you all may have noticed some changes to my account that just took effect, and there is a very good reason for all of them. I've decided to tell you all something I've known about myself for quite a while now, but only just started being comfortable enough to share online. And that is that I am non-binary and pansexual. Perhaps the pansexuality came as a surprise to no one (I've never been exactly subtle about my sexual orientation, online or irl), but coming out about my gender identity

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Ooooh · 8:58pm Jun 26th, 2015

I knew Gay Marriage was just legalized today, but just now I realized everything is rainbows because of it. :twilightsheepish: Silly me!
I'm drawing pride ponies for the occasion. :3
These aren't my pride ponies, though:

Viewing 1 - 3 of 3 results