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More updates! · 9:11pm Apr 19th, 2023

I've completely written the following story. Expect weekly updates from here on out.

EPiecemeal Pupil
Twilight Velvet and her husband Nightlight struggle to build a future for their daughter.
Ice Star · 8.9k words  ·  63  13 · 1.4k views

What is most likely to be next on the update roulette? I'm glad you asked! Look no further than this novel in the making:

[Adult story embed hidden]

If you don't want to read the mature version, check out the SFW version:

[TEEN VERSION] There are two things the elite care about: blood and coin. Young Marigold desires both... and with a strange amulet, maybe she can have such things.
Ice Star · 44k words  ·  8  2 · 508 views

Another Art and Writing Update Blog (or, I Have an OC Now) · 8:43pm May 31st, 2021

I promised a blog showing off art. It is about time I deliver on that. As the title says, one of these is an OC/ponysona/whatever the cool kids call them. There aren't any spectacularly big spoilers in any of them, though I'll just throw it out there that there are some original characters and the like. Check them out below the break. At the very end of showing off the pretty pony pictures that will be shown, I'll give a rundown on how my various writing projects have been coming along. That's

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