
Viewing 1 - 20 of 82 results

Displaced Idea · 2:22pm Jun 7th, 2019

Report KukriRyuTsukino · 204 views · #Potential

Been Considering · 9:39am Oct 22nd, 2018

Been considering doing a potential story on this idea.

Report KukriRyuTsukino · 309 views · #Potential #Tale

No Promises, But... · 8:46am Sep 22nd, 2017

Posting this to primarily gauge interest. I haven't written clop in two years. Oh wait, there was that Taismo story last winter...

Okay never mind. You folks interested?


It's October! · 2:51am Oct 7th, 2020

... holy shit, it's October?

Time is meaningless.

But anyway!

So I'm currently sitting in front of my laptop, in the weird mood of "well, it's dark out, but I probably shouldn't go to bed JUST yet." And, uh, here we are.

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I Am Once Again Back In Business! · 10:58pm Oct 22nd, 2021

Yeah, I know, “How long will THIS last?” Is what you’re more than likely thinking, but I’ve got a plan this time. :raritywink:

Also, I MAY have to upgrade to a new laptop at some point, but not yet.

Soon enough, I’m getting back to work, got custom decks to make and stories to write.


Potential Tales · 12:20pm Oct 20th, 2018


I have ideas for at least three new stories. One is a Human turned Pony story.

The other two are Displaced stories with very specific characters. #surprise

Ebony Spectre is a pony with a very, very potent Aura of energy and very... unique ways of manipulating it.

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New Characters in the works · 9:47pm Oct 8th, 2019

So recently I've been bouncing around the idea of displaced and so there are two characters.
For a more rpg style displaced, we have Aeon(no not aeon of dreams). Aeon is a calm wisecracker who is a master with his special weapon Cain's Blade(A blade with a pin fire revolver in the sword). This character would work more with "The Gamer" type of story.

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Rando Thoughts - A Ship With Potential · 6:52am Jan 1st, 2018

Heelloo, FiMFiction! I was deep in one of my contemplative thoughts a few days ago with MLP in mind, and I had this random thought. Rarity x Fluttershy - or RariShy - would make a decent ship if written correctly. So I thought I might as well toss that idea into the ring of The Herd's one-stop fanfic sites.

My Thoughts

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Destiny and More · 8:28pm Apr 29th, 2020

Hey folks,

So, yeah, just as a quick connection to my previous blog post. I still definitely struggle with mental health issues, but I'm in therapy and on medication that works fairly well and now that COVID has been a thing... Well so has writing!

It's been an extremely positive experience writing again. So, while I work on the next chapter for Destiny, there's been a few ideas floating around my head.

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Cancellation · 7:30pm Jul 9th, 2022

So I decided to cancel Redemption and Darkness. I'll probably go and rewrite it at a later date in my off time. But for now it'll not be updated anymore. It was relatively unpopular. So yeah I shouldn't expected to be doing this months ago


Fallout Equestria - Infinite Potential chapter 8 is done · 7:39pm Dec 23rd, 2017

Hope you all enjoy it^^

As some of you might remember, when I published chapter 5, I had done so after an over year long break; as such, I had promised to deliver 3 more chapters before this year would end, and I dare say I've delivered^^ Now, though, I noticed that tomorrow will be the third anniversary since this story started... and I'm still not done with arc one. As such, I will try to do my best to double the amounts of chapters you will receive next year:pinkiecrazy:

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Do you believe your culture is perfect? · 1:32pm Apr 1st, 2018

People are quick to judge other cultures, but do they ever look in the mirror? Here are some of the problems I see with the culture you live in:
- segregating genders by establishing restrooms for each sex
- allowing inexperienced people to handle children (first-time parents)
- forcing people to wear clothes
- forbidding children from working for money to achieve financial independence
- slaves (interns) are worth nothing and the employers don't even have to provide food to them

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A question for anyone who had an original Xbox... · 7:45pm Dec 25th, 2019

Does anyone remember when this was gonna' be a thing, before it got cancelled?

Leave a comment if you do.


Unlocking Facebooks Potential: How Boosting Can Transform Your Business · 7:10pm Nov 28th, 2023

1. Introduction to Facebook's Potential for Businesses

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Heart of Stone: The End! · 8:51pm Mar 28th, 2016

It has been two years since I started this project, and now it has finally come to a close. I'll openly admit, this project's scope was way too big for such a new writer and honestly I had almost no idea what I was doing for at least sixty percent of it. So of course it's full of error's, plot holes, and whatever else have you. The ending might seem short, but trust me, it's better than at least three of the other endings I had planned, and since the fourth was was simply impossible to make

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Future Pony Projects · 8:16am Mar 1st, 2019

So I've mentioned in the past on several occasions wanting to do several different pony projects. The only one I can confirm will come out after The Lulamoon Files is done, is a special project I got permission for awhile back and have slowly worked on called Trixie's Mental Retreat, I'll let y'all guess what that is.

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Thinking of a rather... unusual Displaced Idea. · 5:08am Nov 5th, 2018

Most consider the Wishmaster series rather bad, though I have to admit that the kills were rather imaginative. I mean, someone comments "Oh, please, you can see right through me," then gets turned into a glass statue complete with a skeleton? Admittedly, it would be taking it a bit literal, yet I had to wonder... what if someone got Displaced as the Wishmaster... but unknown to the Vendor sending that fortunate/unfortunate person along, their body and soul were merged with

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So, Season 6 premiere · 9:08pm Mar 26th, 2016

All in All, I really liked the two parter. I didn't expect it to be as funny as I found it. Also, Celestia giving lessons to Cadance about being a ruler, so much yes. Also, I don't believe that Celestia and Luna are not born unicorns, they are in my eyes but hey, they have been around for 1000 years at least so maybe they just forgot about their own births or something.

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Cutie Mark essay · 8:29am Nov 10th, 2015

(Note: I've decided that my essays are written from a Doylist POV rather than a Watsonian POV. Basically, its from MY POV rather than from Coin Flips)

On Cutie Marks.

The term "cutie mark" refers to the marking on the rump of a pony. Since MLP is targetted towards girls (although FiM has gained quite the large periphery audience), the name sounds cutesy. I'm fine with that. Coin Flip would probably call it a rump marking, because he's (most of the time) a stallion.

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Spit & Polish: Potential Spin-Offs · 5:17am Sep 10th, 2016

Brass Polish presents some thoughts, jokes, and observations on which aspect of the show should live on after it snuffs it.

Viewing 1 - 20 of 82 results