
Viewing 1 - 11 of 11 results

Retro Corner: Castle Wolfenstein 3D (PC) Review · 1:43am Dec 22nd, 2017

A new edition of Retro Corner is up as check out the great grandfather of the FPS genre called Castle Wolfenstein 3D for the PC. Its a game that single handedly created a new genre in the early 90s and would also jump start the First Person Shooter genre into it's popularity. The game stars an agent of United States Office of Secret Action (OSA) named William "BJ" Blazkowicz who goes through missions either escaping or infiltrating Nazi bases during World War II. So how has Castle

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An Update on my website and blog about the TurboGrafx Console · 12:48am Oct 11th, 2017

I know its been a while since I posted anything regarding my website but I just finished some minor adjustments. Anyway if you interested I basically post reviews on classic gaming from the NES to Nintendo 64. Another thing that I do is write my own editorials about gaming on any thing from the Golden Age era to even obscure things that was forgotten by gamers. I will also be debuting a new editorial section soon on MLP related stuff called Pony Central and I will go over the shows, games,

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Retro Corner: Alone in the Dark (PC) Review · 12:16am Dec 19th, 2017

Another edition of Retro Corner has been posted as I take a break from Doom and check out an old horror game known as Alone in the Dark. Before there was Amnesia, Resident Evil and Silent Hill, this game is where the horror puzzle solving adventure started it all. The story takes place at a mansion called Derceto, an old place that belong to Jeremy Hartwood before he committed suicide for unknown reasons. His niece Emily Hartwood goes to the mansion to find out what truly happened. While a

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Retro Corner: Star Wars Trilogy (Arcade) Review · 3:06pm Jan 12th, 2018

A new edition of Retro Corner is available as I close out this three-part Star Wars review series. In this edition, I will be checking out the Star Wars Trilogy: The Arcade Game released in 1998 and developed by Sega. During the 90s, LucasArts was mainly the developer of most of the series' games, but their were times they licensed to other studios. Sega was among these companies and its understandable as to why they were giving the license and they had experience in developing Light

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Vintage Computing eBay Store · 1:56pm Aug 25th, 2023

I'm trying to sell a TON of vintage computing equipment in a warehouse. My brother's been going all over the states buying stuff up, but doesn't have the time to make money off all of it. Not long ago, we had an NEC MultiSync XM-2960 Plus 27" monitor—yes, the Holy Grail. Just last week we had a very rare Texas Instruments TI-99/4 Zenith 13” color monitor. I can't move this stuff fast enough! If anyone's interested, come and check out our inventory. It's always updating, so if you're looking for

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Retro Corner: Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire · 5:31pm Dec 31st, 2017

Happy New Year everyone and like always a new edition of Retro Corner is available. On this edition, we take a look at a retro Star Wars title for the N64 that's based on a book called Shadows of the Empire. Back in 1996, the Nintendo 64 along with Mario 64, Killer Instinct Gold and other titles got released just in time for the holiday season. During the launch window was a Star Wars game called Shadows of the Empire that took place between Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. Of

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Retro Corner: Star Wars: Dark Forces (PC) Review · 5:00am Jan 6th, 2018

A new edition of Retro Corner is up as I take a look at another Star Wars game from the Original Extended Universe. Dark Forces released in 1995 and developed by LucasArts takes place during the Original Trilogy. As I mentioned already, Disney's canon is absolute trash with its political agenda, crappy writing, and inconsistency in the plot. The only thing that could wash off the stench is the stories from the Original EU that was actually written with integrity and effort. That is

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Horror Gaming: Zelda 3 Prototype Review · 3:58am Feb 15th, 2018


Retro Corner: Doom 64 (N64) Review · 2:50am Dec 16th, 2017

A new review from Retro Corner is up as I check out the fourth entry in the series known as Doom 64 for N64. This was among the first FPSs to hit the N64 in 1997 which we all know was the year of Golden Eye. Doom 64 wasn't a port of Doom II or Final Doom like it was for the Original on Super NES. It was an exclusive game developed in the Doom Engine to work around the N64's hardware. So how does a game developed from the ground up on the N64 holds up to other FPSs during that time? Check out

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Ps2 memories · 3:50am Nov 21st, 2019

Not much for looks, but I bought a PS2 at my local GoodWill, and a copy of the original Star Wars Battlefront before the EA butchering. Needless to say, it's still great,but I won't lie that the game probably needed better balancing (damn droidikas and their shield), and it's sequel did solve it's other,though minor, problem of having an actual campaign.

Hoping to get the ACTUAL Battlefront 2 (if it was made for the PS2), and other classic PS2 games, with a fairly nice looking stand.

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Music for Writing: Post Siete - Fantasy/Magical/Adventurous · 1:42am May 10th, 2016

Hey there. Been a bit since I did one of these. Here's some music that might help fuel fantasy/Euro-centric stories. Some might be a bit new-agey with some africano beats, and one has some trippy horror elements sprinkled in, but hey... It's MY recommendations, and I like this stuff. Edit 2019: Dead links! Oh noooo... I added a new one to try to make up for some of the loss, but that still just leaves two...

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Viewing 1 - 11 of 11 results