
Viewing 1 - 8 of 8 results

A little help with my story · 8:24pm Feb 5th, 2021

So, in my story, one of the characters is Photo Finish. :coolphoto: I'm wondering if she is part German. She kinda speaks like a German. Is this true?


Hullo everyone · 10:27pm Feb 2nd, 2018

So, hopefully you read my last blog posts. I am indeed back and writing... But, I need help. You see i'm using a laptop and it is very difficult for me to write for long on it because its old and fussy. The hamster running it doesn't always like me. We were planning to use my husband's tax return to buy a new one but... He isn't getting one. So...I can't work right now all I can do is write, play video games, and sleep... So...If you can help at all. I have a patreon. even one dollar a

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So, Now What? · 5:58pm Jun 16th, 2017

As the ending of Rainboom Revolution implies, The Canterlot Chronicles is FAR from over. However, before starting Consequences - the next episode in the series - I am going to be taking a hiatus, for several different reasons:

1. Burn out (Rainboom Revolution was at least 5 months coming out, on top of the two jobs I'm working now!)

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I Think I Figured It Out · 4:24pm Sep 7th, 2021

The cause of my computer screwing up was a quality update around May 2021, but my computer is still stuck on the Blue Screen of Death, and all I can access is the troubleshooter, but the only one I can make work is the command prompt.

If there is a way I can get past this, if ANYONE has figured out how to work around this and get to the user login screen, please, please, PLEASE let me know in the comments below.

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Proofreader? · 6:29pm Jun 8th, 2015

Can I please get some help with the Proofreading of my story The life of Bent-G. please


The Fire Might Need To Be Beaten With A Stick · 7:30pm Mar 15th, 2016

....It's been a month. I am so sorry guys. So, I have come up with a system that might make me finish this faster. So. I wanna get to know some good friends and stuff like that. Talk, have fun, get invited to do things and have to deny those things because I'm in Texas and y'all are probably in some other state billions of feet away from my location. I want that to happen. SO. Getting to the point. I wanna make some friends on here and more amongst the brony community or pony fan community. If

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I'm Finally Asking For Help. · 9:33am Sep 1st, 2019

Hey fimfiction.

You all have been my readers, you've followed my stories, you've been with me on my journeys, and you've helped me through a lot of rough spots. Most of the time, I use my blogs as an attempt to vent my problems, or get help for others who need it, but this time... I'm asking for help for me. And that's... A first, really.

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My Heart Is Just Breaking And I Need Help · 9:37am Jul 31st, 2019

Viewing 1 - 8 of 8 results