
Viewing 1 - 20 of 29 results

You know I do this because I love y'all · 5:00am Feb 5th, 2018

So I'm going to Disneyland for a week. I'll be thinking about all y'all here reading these new chapters while I'm at the happiest place on Earth. ;)

Dudes, you have no idea how awesome it feels to finally have these chapters posted for you, especially chapter eleven. That Discord/Cady scene has been around since 2013's NaNo and I am just so glad to finally have a place for it. (Still iffy on chapter ten, but I hope you enjoy both).

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Report Ckat_Myla · 379 views · #Sympathy Series

So I was gonna wait until Monday · 7:31am Feb 1st, 2018

I wanted initially to post chapters 9, 10, and 11 all at once in a Netflix-style dump. BUT since it has been a while since I updated, I thought I'd give y'all something to tide you over as you wait for a now-double post on Monday.

I'm going on vacation for a week on Monday, so that'll give y'all something to read while I'm gone.

Then we have 2 more chapters and guess what? The end. :O

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Report Ckat_Myla · 308 views · #sympathy series

Only 12 scenes left... · 10:21pm Oct 22nd, 2017

Yup, I counted. As of right now there are only 12 scenes left in DiH, and therefore in the Sympathy Series. Plus most of them are about done (at least half).

Then the project I put 7 years into is finished. Isn't that crazy?

Can I get it all uploaded by November? That's a big maybe to that. I'd love to have it all up by then so I can focus on NaNoWriMo.

Just please don't hate me y'all if I don't end up being able to keep that promise (and just don't hate me in general, please).

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Chapter 1B up now! · 7:20am Aug 15th, 2016

Okay guys, it's up. It's not all that pretty and polished, it's kinda rough, but it is up for your eyes to read and with hope enjoy.

I'm calling it the part 2 to chapter 1 mostly because the real chapter two is going to take place a good time after these events and I wanted to give the time change its own chapter to sink in instead of just going [____ TIME LATER] and continuing in the same chapter.

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Chapter 4: Truth or Draconequuses · 6:24am Sep 10th, 2016

The title comes from Truth or Consequences, which was a game show and is also the name of a town in New Mexico.

I certainly hope this one satisfies y'all's Discord/Twilight sweet tooth. It may have gotten a little repetitive at times, but this is a scene I've been sitting on for a couple years now.

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Chapter 5 is too short · 2:09am Nov 19th, 2016

...In my opinion, BUT you mileage may vary. This scene between Twilight and Cady I have been sitting on for quite some time, so I just really wanted to get it out into the open finally. I was going to post it around the con... but that didn't work out.

I do hope you enjoy it despite it's smaller word count. Look out for chapter 6 to be a much longer one (if all goes well).




So... I Made a Thing... · 5:29am Oct 26th, 2017

Go read some of the weird, interesting, or sometimes just plain random things I cut from the Sympathy Series if you feel like it.

Yeah... it's not the next chapter of DiH, but it's something cool I hope y'all will enjoy. Don't worry chapter 8 is coming, and he might bring along some friends...;P


Report Ckat_Myla · 366 views · #ssss #sympathy series

Overdue post about Chimesy · 5:36pm Jul 23rd, 2018

... and an overdue thanks to him for the kind and also constructive words.

For those not in the know, Midnight Chimes was nice enough to make a whole review video about aPS wherin he brought up some very good points about my series and my writing as a whole (or at least what he's read of it. Kinda worried about if/when he gets to DiH).

I'm only sorry I haven't been able to make a post about these vids until now.

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Hovering over the publish button... · 4:06am Oct 6th, 2017

Well, here it is, chapter six. It's been a long time coming - especially the Discord/Celestia scene - but I hope it was worth the wait.

Look forward to a new chapter every week at or around this same time. And help keep me on that promise by following me on Twitter and Tumblr (and here) to bug me about it.

Enjoy the new chapter and the new movie. I might share my thoughts on it soon. ^^

- Ckat


What I would do differently · 6:09am Mar 7th, 2018

Well, seeing as this entire little series of mine has taken a good amount of time for me to actually finish (nearly seven years, what!?) I think I can say with a good amount of confidence that I have improved as a writer since that ship-feels-fueled night back in 2011 just after Return of Harmony part II aired, when I wrote the first scene that would become part of the first chapter of aPS.

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So, NaNo's going on · 6:12pm Nov 5th, 2017

And as is my yearly tradition, I'm working on both my pony stuff and my original works. I am currently at a little over 11k words, hoping to get to 12k tonight. This will - with hope - get me to a point where ch 9 will be ready to go, because as I've mentioned ch. 10 is ready to go, but I should think that y'all might like to read them in order.

Just bear in mind that there might be an eensy bit more of a wait after those two go up.

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Endings are hard · 9:19am Mar 5th, 2018

(At 2:55, or watch the whole thing if you want)

I think about that line a lot, especially these days. :P

So, I was planning on going to Everfree this year for my "last hurrah" after finishing DiH, but it's looking like either Bronycon or Fillycon now. That doesn't means the ending is getting pushed back, just my little pony party.

Keep on the lookout for the final chapters, and keep on me to post them (!)



The end, and the begining · 7:01am Mar 10th, 2018


Song for ch. 12 · 3:17am Mar 8th, 2018

I made a little WIP video for the song I wrote from Twilight's POV in the penultimate chapter.Enjoy if you'd like.

Also be sure to have a look at my previous blog post. I'd really like some input on it if you can. :)

Have an awesome day and look forward to my series finale dropping soon.



Working on it :P · 9:25am Sep 11th, 2015

Behold my illusion of progress! No excuse, not a good explanation. But I *am* still working on it. \

I keep pecking away (and angstily sighing as I delete what I just pecked :P). If y'all have anything cool or inspirational that you think might help motivate me, I'd appreciate it.

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UPDATES! · 6:00am Oct 26th, 2015

Hey y'all, I just wanna keep you in the loop. My pal/collaborator who is also my main PR has been super busy lately and not been able to look at my in-progress chapters. I've been doing my best to keep a steady dedication to just sitting down and writing, and also to being a better partner in my joint ventures with him.

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Who's ready for Friday? (and something cool!) · 10:59pm Oct 1st, 2017

So, apparently none of the theaters near me are doing Thursday night pre-screenings for the MLP movie so I shall have to go on Friday night. With hope I'll be going with friends, because I don't want to be the only person dressed up. :P There is also an official 'Brony Meetup' showing on Saturday but I don't know if I can go.

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Sympathy Series Side Stories · 4:09am Jul 27th, 2017

Well, the choice has been made, I shall be hanging on to ch. 6 until such a time as I have finished the rest of the story completely.

I can still whet your appetites for more DiH-adjacent content with these newly-rediscovered pieces of writing I've uncovered from either NaNo 2013 or 2014.

Most of them were a series of letters that all the main 5 plus Shiny and Cady sent to Twilight that I either cut or were never intended to be put in the story.

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Sympathy Series Side stories #2 · 7:33am Aug 1st, 2017


Reader Survey · 6:08am Jul 20th, 2017

Hey y'all,

As I am writing the latter half of DiH (which you might be pleased to hear may have more chapters than previously advertised) I wanted to pose a few questions to those of you that feel like answering. It might help me to make DiH even better than I hope it will be:

1) In your opinion, are there any promises made or questions asked so far in DiH (or in my previous works) that you feel haven't been addressed/fulfilled/answered? If so, what are they?

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 29 results