
Viewing 1 - 12 of 12 results

Real Life, and What Comes With It, Part Three: A Father's Day Regret · 3:38pm Jun 21st, 2016

This was meant to be a Father’s Day blog, but real life saw to that.

Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed the day and had no shortage of manly power tools and gardening gadgets. In light of that, I thought I’d share a story from my life related to this little holiday of ours. I’ve never told a soul, but it’s a story I’ve been meaning to get off my chest in some form for a while now.

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Real Life, and What Comes With It · 10:12pm Jan 27th, 2015

Hey, guys.

I apologize for my lack of voice recently in terms of news updates and and story updates. Last Friday I got a story into my head that I really liked and had planned on pumping out for the More Most Dangerous Game contest. Got a lot of words on paper, and was really excited to get ~15k words out in one week, as that would have been the largest speed write I've ever done.

But then I got blindsided last Monday.

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So Much To Do · 4:14pm Sep 24th, 2018

Fall Out Boy was so much fun. But, now I have to focus on so much more. Here’s a list

  1. I have received a few complaints about the first chapter of “The School of the Mindless” being a bit rushed. Keep in mind, that was my first ORIGINAL story. I have plans on finishing the story soon. And, yes I’ll try not to rush chapter 2. :unsuresweetie:

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I'm gonna be part of the Pony ASMR Project! Also, other things. · 12:32am May 20th, 2022

The Pony ASMR Project put out a call for writers to apply a little while ago.

Guess who applied?
And guess who got a callback?
And guess who passed the audition piece they asked me to write?
And guess who got hired?


Not gonna lie, it feels pretty darn good to get picked for a job.
And it's writing! Sure, it's just to write one script, for now, but it's kinda nice to have a writing project again, and I'm having fun with it.

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Real Life, and What Comes With it, Part Two · 8:09pm Nov 21st, 2015


How’ve you all been? Hope you’re all enjoying your November and slow transition into the winter months. My envy goes out to those in the upper midwest expected to get 13’ of snow here shortly. I love snow.

Anyway, why I’m blogging:

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Original Fiction · 3:39pm Sep 4th, 2019

So after the Rules series I'm not sure I'm going to do another big long project like this. As I mentioned in my ending screed on the last chapter of Featherfall, I've been working on some original fiction for a while now and I'm probably going to put my effort largely on that. I think writing-wise on this site I'll probably put up the occasionally short set in the Rulesverse, something cute and fluffy with one of the couples maybe, and the occasional bit in the Featherfallverse with the further

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Aaaaaand ACTION! · 10:42pm Dec 30th, 2016

Here comes the challenging part of the story to write. I don't want to spoil anything, but I will let you know that it may take me some time to write and some time to edit.

It's going to be good though.


Odd little things · 10:58am May 11th, 2018

I was recently looking at the character page for Dinky, because I’m considering having her appear in a future chapter (maybe more), on the MLP wiki when I noticed something in the opening paragraph. Aside from the placeholder name of “Dinky Doo” it stated that throughout the course of the series she has appeared with several different cutie marks and has been a member of all three main tribes of pony, they even have the images to prove it. Now, it isn’t uncommon for background characters to

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It's Just Me - 1 week later · 9:26pm Feb 15th, 2020

So... This has been a project that was asleep for a long time. At least a year, because I remember starting to write it after December 2018, during a time that was not really fun for me. It was first supposed to be called "It follows me", but I felt it was just right to call it "It's just me". I abandoned the story when I felt better, until January. I finally got the courage to look back on it, on what Twilight was going through, on what I was going through, and finished it. I wanted to

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Team/Crew Spectrum Regarding: What Comes Next? · 2:35am Apr 11th, 2021

TheIdiot: Hello, everyone! TheIdiot here once more to give an update on matters. And there’s so much to go over, it isn’t just me this time.

To start, there’s Doctor Fluffy – say hi, Doc.

Doctor Fluffy: (Doc says something)

TheIdiot: Well, that was something. As for why here’s here, I’ll let him break the news since it’s his business to do so. Whenever you’re ready, Doc.

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Writing a bit · 3:30pm Jun 16th, 2018

Hello, everyone.

It's been a while, I'm still alive, writing is hard but I'm trying to get back to it cause I missed it so freaking much. So here's a teensy weensy teaser of what I'm currently working on. I've got a hundred projects in mind and I plan on doing them all. I hope I'll find the time and motivation.

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Very Mysterious Blogpost #1 · 10:08pm Aug 18th, 2017

"You know, it's days like this I enjoy the most." She spoke in a soft and gentle tone—one he couldn't help but notice that didn't necessarily fit in with the loud and rowdy personality that she was well known for. "Just... calm."

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Viewing 1 - 12 of 12 results