
Viewing 1 - 19 of 19 results

I don't think writing's an option at the moment. · 10:30pm Dec 30th, 2016

Due to various things happening in my life, I don't feel the momentum to write. I have ideas, but no energy to put them to paper. Also, I personally think I haven't written anything all that interesting since Non-Entity, which wasn't my idea anyway.

I know there are various reasons for the lack of inspiration, and I won't get into them here, but it seems I'm one of those people who can't write unless I'm in a certain state of mind.

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Report Captain Wuzz · 707 views · #woe

250$ for a check up. · 4:49pm Oct 17th, 2018

I'm sad.
I have an appointment and my dad accidentally drove off to work with my purse.
I have to have the appointment and they tell me it'll be 92$ without my insurance card but it totals to about 250$. Ugh.
All that to just check my weight, blood pressure, and blood sugar.
Oh, and for the doctor to scold me for being trash.
If I get hurt I prefer to die than deal with the bill.

Report Mutter_Butter · 373 views · #Money woes

UUUUUGGGGHHHH.... · 4:40am Jan 24th, 2021


Why does this keep freaking happening when I want to finish an entry lately?!

I SWEAR I've been trying to cut these done to more manageable portions! Honest! In fact I've been thinking of going back to Boast Busted and putting the ending part in it's own chapter...

... but that doesn't solve the problem now!

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Fanfic Writer Starter Pack · 5:47pm Oct 11th, 2020

"All right! I finally created an account here after lurking for six months! Time to finally save the stories I like to a favorites folder!"

"I wonder if this has been done before, but hear me out: my OC enters the lives of the Mane Six..."

"How do I join groups again? Is there a limit? Hmm. In that case, I guess I'll join every promotion group."

"Gah, what are these letters in brackets? Why isn't it the way in Docs or Word?"

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Report BradyBunch · 150 views · #fanfic #writer #woes

Nothing to see here. · 5:41pm Jun 25th, 2015

I'm in so much frigging pain right now it's not even funny.

And yet, I can't go back on the blasted BC because it will make me crazy.

Over the counter painkillers need to be stronger.

Report Captain Wuzz · 272 views · #woe #irl B.S.

A request for artistic aid · 11:52pm Sep 3rd, 2015

Alternative title, 'Person incapable of drawing anything more than crude stickmen begs for cover images, herp derp'.

To keep things short for anyone who will actually read this, I am working on a little side tale to the Misadventures of Trixie, which may or may not involve a sword-wielding unicorn and I would like for it to also have a cover image.

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My poor loyal steed was lamed... · 8:19pm Jan 23rd, 2017

Welp... I've been having a string of bad luck. First my battery died Saturday morning. I got that boosted but was told the battery reserves are drained and it's only working at 40% efficiency or so and might fail in a short while. Then I also found out my headlight was blown. Easy enough fix. Got a bulb at Walmart and got that changed with about twenty minutes of effort, a pair of pliers, a flathead screwdriver and plenty of elbow grease. It was rather... snug. Anyway, that only left getting my

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My PC Right Now · 6:47am Apr 20th, 2017


The Plan · 4:11pm Mar 21st, 2018

I swear, I had like a chapter in my head; and all I got written was one line, an updated description for one character, and two things of dialogue.

Ah, well. It was for an alt-universe story I can’t seem to kickstart the conflict to, anyway.


Once more with feeling... · 4:08pm Sep 2nd, 2021

So, yeah, I need some financial help again. This time, however, it isn't quite as dire. I just came up short on money for my rent and a couple of bills that get automatically deducted from my bank account. I'm already halfway to my goal, so if any of you could help push it over the top, that woul dbe great. Any amount helps. Thanks.

Thank you!


A Poll for the Future. · 6:38pm Nov 27th, 2018

Sorry for the silence this past little while. I've been very busy IRL and I needed to get a new computer too (my previous one was an 8 and a half year-old Lenovo G550 whose hard disk started to fail) which meant a whole lot transferring and stuff. Writing wise, things have been going well. I wish I could say the same for editing. I had thought I found someone to help me edit back in July, but after a couple of weeks/sessions they had 'family issues' to take care of. Naturally, I let them have

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In "I Don't Need This Crap" News... · 9:20pm Sep 11th, 2018

My computer is dying. I bought it about 4 months ago, because the price was dirt cheap, and because I needed a replacement after my previous computer had a cascade failure in its motherboard, and components. The iMac was 9 years old when I bought it, but a lot of Macs have a reputation for being long distance runners, so I hoped that it would last me a year or two while I saved up for another PC.

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You know what sucks? · 7:07am Sep 23rd, 2015

I can't find a editor! Yeah I have Alicorn priest and the other guy (no offense man.) But they are only for mlp story's! The rest of them I'm on my ow with. I try finding beta readers but none respond. Damn it why are all the decent editors easier to find for one genre:raritydespair:?!


Radio silence · 7:39pm Jul 25th, 2018


Mechanic: Fords vs. Electricity · 2:38am Jun 24th, 2020


Happy New Year and considerations · 3:58pm Jan 3rd, 2017

First off, a belated Happy New Year to you all!

Secondly, the results of my hiatus (or perhaps, my hiatus thus far...)

Now, I don't want to just give up on a story that I started writing. It's something I wound up doing back when I was writing Yu-Gi-Oh fanfiction with my friends and we wound up abandoning a whole bunch of fun ideas we had and leaving the readers on a massive cliff-hanger.

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Mechanic: Denali II: Denali Harder Ft the Cruze! · 1:50am Apr 10th, 2019

Not the sad Cruze you’re thinking of. That one’s dead, and it stayed dead.

We’re also gonna see that Denali again, and finally solve the mystery of where the Personal Audio Link Control Module went. Plus, we’ll have some fun asides, so


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AWNR chapter 18 · 6:29pm Oct 4th, 2015

Well guys, after a few days and reading the comments I realized that AWNR hasn't gone like I had hoped. That ending was way too dark than I previously intended and I never anticipated it to build up to this point. Currently I'm literally frustrated to the point of tears and I just want to give up on this story and count it as a massive failure, because from how it started to what it is now is a complete 180 of what I truly wanted. However there is a plan in motion in an attempt to rectify this,

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I'm a good student, I swear! · 1:45am Mar 3rd, 2020

Me preparing for my midterm tomorrow: I'm gonna stay focused and on-point.
No distractions, only study :twilightangry2:

Also Me: I don't wanna study!! :raritycry:

This is gonna be a long night.. .

Viewing 1 - 19 of 19 results