
Viewing 1 - 20 of 133 results

Still pecking away on Midnight Rising and Feathered Hearts... · 9:09pm May 24th

The two Lemon Zest chapters of Midnight Rising have now reached 26,600 words and they’re still nowhere near done, with probably another 5-6k words to go. Gotta treat the girl right, after all, and also make sure there’s plenty of sexy side dishes around her. And as for Feathered Hearts?

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Did two things this past weekend... · 3:58pm May 13th

First, I ran 10k for the first time in two months after laying off that long to let my ankle bursitis subside, trying to allow the area to generally heal up. It appears that it worked. To my delight, there was no ankle pain after and I hadn’t even lost much stamina thanks to hitting an elliptical machine twice a week for an hour instead of jogging. My upper legs are another matter, though. They’re sore as hell. But I’ll take it.

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C&C chapter 40 entering prereads tonight + teaser · 8:17pm May 8th

Much as I didn’t want to, I made the decision to break it up since the full length of the War Council meeting had exceeded 20,000 words and will probably approach 25k for the now-two chapters before all is said and done. The breakpoint itself will be between learning about the general war situation both Aricia and the Griffon Kingdom face, and then discussing what in all the Crows they’re going to do about it.

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Midnight Rising/C&C update: April showers may bring May flowers... · 4:02pm May 2nd

But of more interest is the emergence of 17-year cicadas in my area. Big, ugly, red-eyed insects that are the size of your thumb but basically harmless, as long as you can get past all the shed skins they leave behind on leaves and the everpresent and disconcertly loud background sound they produce as a mating call. Fortunately, the outbreak in my area seems pretty limited. There's a few around, definitely, but they're not everywhere, and the noise is basically a low hum instead of a constant,

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Midnight Rising update; Feathered Hearts C&C teaser... · 5:04pm April 25th

Hey, folks. Here’s my weekly writing update. I’m tagging this as C&C since that’s what the teaser below is about, but the blog is about both it and Unleash the Magic - Midnight Rising.

Unleash the Magic - Midnight Rising

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C&C chapter 39 in prereads - no Foolin' · 3:21pm April 1st

Though I’ve been tempted in the past to do joke chapters of my more serious stories for April Fools Day, when it comes down to it, my writing talents simply don’t include effectively pulling off that kind of parody. In fact, the only author I ever knew who was good at that kind of humor was the long-gone and still-lamented Denim_Blue. I asked him once or twice if he could write an April Fools Day prank chapter of Firefly as a guest author of sorts, but he declined and then eventually

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C&C update and teaser · 7:49pm March 22nd

The new chapter is closing on 11k words, and it might well be up over 15k when all is said and done. Too far past that, and I’ll have to think about breaking it up again. I’ve gotten close to finishing the first and last (fourth) sections, with the second section at 70% done and the third, about 30%. But the third is in some ways the most crucial, given that’s where you’re going to learn what’s going on elsewhere in the Kingdom and just where/when/how the Cloven struck.

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Just another manic Monday... · 8:35pm March 11th


As a thank-you to Feathered Hearts readers... · 8:07pm March 4th

For all the love and support I’ve gotten the last couple weeks over my blog posts on the story, I’ve decided it’s only fair to reward everyone with a new C&C chapter, which I will be starting this week. It will be sharing creative space with the next chapter of Midnight Rising, which I’m in the middle of writing as we speak, but I’ll aim to have a completed C&C draft out in three weeks, and a chapter launch in time for April 1st.

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Demon Eyes Laharl is alive! · 5:43pm February 28th

Hey folks. Thought everyone would be interested to know that I have gotten in touch with the Father of the Gentlemanverse Demon Eyes Laharl. Thanks goes to HorseWordFan for informing me that he had been active on recently, posting and updating his first new story there since 2018

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Just a quick note... · 7:35pm February 20th

To thank everyone who replied on my previous blog. The outpouring of support I received was very much appreciated, and very much needed for the mood I was in. I will take pains to reply to everyone that commented in the next few days, but first I wanted to make an announcement that I’m sure a significant number of readers will be eager to hear:

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Some things to say · 3:24pm February 15th

Hey, folks. Forgive me for grousing a bit, but thanks to some financially costly personal matters crossed with recently received negative feedback on Feathered Hearts, my ire is up while my tolerance for taking crap is low. There are some things I really need to get off my chest right now, so getting right to the point:

It seems like every couple months or chapters...

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Update on AJA, Feathered Hearts and Midnight Rising · 9:35pm February 9th

Let’s start with some good news. AJ_Aficionado is now a week-plus removed from his procedure, which basically kinks his lower esophagus like a spiral sink trap right above the stomach to prevent acid backwash. He reports he has some minor reflux after surgery, which is said to be normal and should disappear with time along with the post-operative pain. He went home at least briefly, but is staying with family for at least as long as he needs to remain on a liquid diet.

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Eros up next but C&C is not forgotten... · 5:23pm January 18th

The last release was a success, picking up one new like and a slew of additional tracks, so a warm welcome to new readers! Hope you enjoy the story, both what's already written and going forward. I typically blog about my stories, both to keep readers up to date on release schedules and what to expect in them going forward.

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C&C chapter 38 will launch Thursday night · 4:44pm January 10th

Final preread is in—thanks, Silverblade5. So all that’s left is a final editing pass followed by creating the T-rated version. It shouldn’t actually be much shorter than the regular one, as sex does not take center stage here.

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C&C release awaiting one more finished preread... · 5:44pm January 8th

It's looking pretty polished by now and coming in not far short of 13k words, though I keep tweaking it here and there. Even once the preread is in, there'll be a one-day delay so I can create the T-rated version of it. I don't like to do that until I'm satisfied the main R-rated/M-rated version is finished, in order to minimize edits or changes that would otherwise have to be done to two versions of text instead of one.

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A late Xmas gift is coming... · 5:06pm January 1st

... In the form of a new Feathered Hearts: Continuation and Chronicles chapter which has just been sent off to prereaders. So get ready to ring in the new year with the start of a new story arc that picks up after the events described in the latest chapter of Eros. It’s back to business—mostly—but the new chapter will recap events in the Eros arc (including the as-yet unreleased chapters there) and start laying the groundwork for the next phase of the story, which will

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Change of C&C plans... · 1:20pm Dec 17th, 2023

On the advice of prereader AJ_Aficionado, the-now 37,000 words I’ve written for the end of the Changeling arc is going into Eros instead of the main story. I realized he was right when he said that it was simply too big a scene for C&C and interrupted the flow too much. A single 4-5k word M-rated scene in the flow of the main story is fine, but I can’t afford to spend three whole chapters on it. I was already thinking about that, but he gave me the nudge I needed.

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No rest for the wicked... · 4:41pm Dec 11th, 2023

The first chapter draft for C&C is off to prereaders, weighing in at a whopping 17,775 words. So far I’ve gotten one of those prereads back with another in progress, and the initial feedback is favorable. As I’m still picking at it and slipping stuff in, it’s likely going to be approaching 19,000 or more words when all is said and done. But I don’t think I’ll reduce its size by splitting it this time. It’s a climactic chapter, so even as a clop chapter, it will be of climatic chapter length.

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Now 30,000 words written on C&C... · 4:25pm Dec 8th, 2023

And as a result, the originally planned climactic chapter is going to have to be broken into thirds to keep the chapter size manageable. But for all that, I still don’t quite have a finished chapter pulled together, whether part 1, 2 or 3, though part 1 is close and should hopefully be off to prereaders this evening. The main issue is that I’ve got lots of individual sections and scenes written, but piecing them together and making the progression and escalation of events make sense is giving

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 133 results