• Published 27th Apr 2013
  • 1,900 Views, 32 Comments

Making - Mr Stargazer

An endless void......(1000 word story)(Fiction got the count wrong)

  • ...

The beginning

Before anything, there is an endless void.

A nothing, seeming to stretch on forever.

Yet not existing at all.

There is no Time, Direction, Warmth, Life, Cold or Love.

For it simply is. With no beginning and no end.

In the eternal nothing, a minuscule dot of blackness comes into being.

This is the beginning.

A before and an after.

Now there is Time.

Twisting in on itself, it expands and stretches, forming a sheet infinitely thin yet unbreakable.

From the nothing, a disk forms and comes into being.

It is perfectly smooth on both sides.

Perfectly round and impervious.

The black curtain moves and forms a dome over the disk.

Hugging to its edges.

At the contact matter is formed.

Earth, stone and metal pour into the dome.

Now there is an inside and an outside.

Direction is created.

The black sky seems as if it shall go on forever.

Yet in a moment at the dome's apex there is a flash of light.

The Sun has come.

Its bursts into being from nothing basking all in its glorious light.

As all things must come.

And as all things have come.

But for now there is Warmth.

The light falls down on the dry earth and stone as it twists and turns.

Mountain ranges and valleys form.

As the ground stops moving, the skies open and it begins to rain in soft showers.

The water collects and flows in rivers and streams, collecting into lakes and oceans.

The sun uncompromisingly beats down, driving the water into gas.

It floats up and collects, only for it to fall once again.

It sprinkles, soaking into the earth.

From the dust and moisture, Life springs forth.

First grass.

Then flowers.

Then shrubs.

Then trees.

They spread like waves across the world.

Their seeds riding with the wind and on the newly formed insects.

Yet all struggles.

The Sun, while giving life, also destroys it.

Fields burn, and oceans boil.

Yet there must always be some light or direction, else time will be no more.

So the Sun moves across the sky, and a lesser light is made.

One that does not beat down with heat, yet stands vigilant, against the night.

The Moon.

It hangs glowing over a darkened land.

The animals rest in caves and holes.

There is the Cold.

Things are speeding up now.

New plants grow far too fast.

A new kind of animal is made, that will keep them in check.

The new animal breeds far too quickly.

Predators are set above them, to limit their numbers.

Yet something happens that is not intended.

All things that move, live.

And the Sun and Moon had been moving for some time.

They begin to speak to each other.

First in tones and flares.

This eventually evolves into words.

Then sentences.

The Sun tells the younger Moon of the time before fields of grass and animals.

Of the time unmarked by change.

Yet all life must change, or it will stagnate.

So the Sun and Moon are given forms.

Their wings stretch forth that they may touch the sky.

Their hooves are made strong, so they can carve the land.

Lastly they are bound to the will of the world, so that they may continue to move what they represent.

In time, the Sun is named Celestia, her will of steel and fire dominate all who would challenge her.

The Moon is named Luna. Her depths know no bounds.

The seasons roll by as the greater and lesser light move across the sky.

Soon, like all living things, the two sisters grow lonely.

The seasons are spiraling out of control.

Some coming to early as others fall to late.

There are none to tend to them.

Both problems must be met, so three parts are taken from the sisters and spread among three kinds.

Thus the pony race is created.

First are the Pegasi, who are blessed with wings. They guard the weather and calm the storms.

Next are the Earth Ponies. Their strong hooves carve the land and may call forth plants, even in the worst of ground.

Finally are the Unicorns. Horns made to hold against challenges that the others cannot.

To guide the seasons and maintain balance.

They are set above all life.

The world is almost balanced now, but the trouble will not end.

The Ponies grow too strong.

Too fast.

The earth ponies carve out cities with their strength and provide food for an ever growing population.

The unicorns use their power to dominate all.

The pegasi hold back what was never theirs.

Without limits, they will burn themselves to ash.

They will die screaming in magical fire, and the world will follow.

So more races arise, to balance against their minds.

The cold is brought again.

Least they die.

Soon, they learn to live in peace.

Yet all is not well.

Luna is crying.

Her sister’s sun is so beautiful.

Can there not be something with the moon in the sky?

Thus, there are stars.

Balanced, growing and fading, just the same.

Life needs change.

Too much stability is a bad thing.

Thus Chaos is made.

He brings randomness to the peaceful Harmony.

Far more than he should.

The seas turn to jelly as chocolate rain comes down.

Chaos takes a form himself and a name.


The spirit of chaos.

He would destroy the world.

So another limit is given to the Sun and Moon, and thus, he is brought to balance.

On the side of a mount, the ruler Celestia walks out of her cave.

Below her lies a valley of life.

Then she turns to her creator.

She turns to you and speaks just two words,

"Thank you."

Her eyes stare into yours.

A smile of thankfulness on her face.

This is love...

The love of a daughter.

For this world did not exist, before you read these lines.

and in a breath,

She, and the World, are no more.

Author's Note:

I enjoyed writing this. I hope you enjoy reading it.

To clarify When you read the story you envision the world in your mind.

Thus making it.

Please comment and tell me what you think.

And yes its 1k words

Comments ( 31 )

Pretty cool. ^_^

Still not sure if the ending means they ceased to exist, or something else. I blame sleep deprivation. :pinkiehappy:

My mind went on a meta-induced drug trip at that ending.

So let me get this straight....

You basicaly made a extremly meta story in 1000 words, where we, the readers, by simply reading the story itself create a world in itself, by reading we made the existence of life, creatures that could feel, breath and live, and at the end our daugther, Celestia, thanked us in part of them all for giving them life... To only then fade away....
(Note, to read spoilers click and drag your mouse on the empty space.)

This story makes other meta stories go home and cry for not being so deep in such few words.

That made my mind go into a gyrosphere and never go out.

That was good, happy and sad, so wrong but yet so right, but most importantly, it was well fu#$ing done.



Sign of a good author: being able to write a compelling 1000 word story. Holy shit this blew my mind. ...Again.

...Time to resign my authorship.


2489165 NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! *cuts off hands*

Nu-uh, I was. The story said so.

Meh... I don't like stuff like this. Good job anyhow.


Come at me bro, I'll imagine a world all up and down your face.


I will imagine Morgan Freeman narrating Chuck Norris leaving on a spaceship to go and nap on Mars. Check.



This was another good story by ya, except I don't really get the excessive spacing out of the lines. Are you trying to go for a "poetic" feel or are you striving to say that everything that happened here is it's own individual event?

Ah so this is what you meant you were making a story called "Origin" Once more its something simple and brilliant!

Man, this some Matrix and Inception level stuff...

2490316Actually I was trying to make it sound like it was told verbally

You get a prime number for this excellent story:


In time, the Sun is named Celestia, her will of steel and fire dominate all who would challenge her.

Except Chrysalis
Chrysalis whooped her in Canterlot
So much for the Creationist pony point of view
But still
Fuck my mind

Very impressive

2720467 Thank you. I hope you try some of my other ones....specificaly mordane and Monster.

So beautifully simple in both it's execution and idea. Definitely one of the best stories I have read.

they are not dead, a mans soul only goes where it is needed next, they live on as a part of me! :coolphoto:

"Juice who mein helvete doest thou think i am!?" :flutterrage:

Some coming to early as others fall to late.

2/10, would not date.

Just kidding. :scootangel:
I loved it. There were some parts that I had difficulty with, but maybe that's just because I'm more focused on dialogue than traditional writing. I need commas to give my brain a break.

Like +:moustache:

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