• Published 28th Apr 2013
  • 916 Views, 35 Comments

Dr. Star Wars Chainsaw Massacre: the Next Generation is Magic - GhostWriter17

What happens when Star Wars, Star Trek, Dr. Who, and Texas Chainsaw mix with ponies? EVERYTHING.

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The Importance of Being Patient

Elio Is The Hero Of This Chapter

A Fanfiction About Elio

By: GhostWriter17


Elio watched in glee as the being known as Darth Vader rushed toward the Everfree forest. The conductor smirked as he fixed his conductor's cap, ready to greet the "citizens" of Ponyville with his cargo. The train approached the small, idyllic town, stopping at the station, a rather large group of earth ponies awaiting eagerly. They all met Elio's gaze, and he nudged his head to the cars behind him. They all then rushed inside the cars, grabbing what cargo they could, and dragging it out onto the station, quickly and quietly, without a word. Elio looked over the ponies, stallions and mares alike, watched them, as they worked, piling the large crates into piles, sorting them by width and height. The whole process of grabbing and arranging took only a couple of minutes. When everything was finished, and all of the crates were sorted, the earth ponies all lined up around the crates, while Elio stepped off the train. Without a word, he took off his hat and handed it to a brown mare, who smiled and proceeded to board the train. With a wink and a smile, the "conductor" started the train once more, and set off, back to Canterlot. A green flash of light illuminated the engine for a second, before the engine was out of site.

So far, so excellent, Elio thought. He nodded his head toward the crates, four piles total, and focused his magic toward them. His horn glowed, and magic swirled around the crates. In a wave of energy, the crates all transformed into four similar-looking, wooden carriages, the kind that could fit a family of three or four ponies, coupled with straps on the fronts so other ponies could pull the carriages, inside. The earth ponies then strapped themselves to the carts, and Elio began the charge into Ponyille, his little parade of carriages following carefully and inconspicuously behind him. He led them through the empty, barren streets, passing by the Mayor's house as he did so. In front of the Mayor's house, Elio saw the two Princesses and the Elements of Harmony somberly setting up a shield around the house, discussing the recent events quietly. How ignorant they all are to all that is happening around them. How insolent are they to not know what will happen, to what I shall accomplish!

The Princesses and other ponies none the wiser, Elio and his parade traveled until they stopped in front of Sugar Cube Corner. Elio signaled for his parade to stop as he approached the confectionery. He knocked on the door. Mister Cake, orange and lean, opened the door and looked upon Elio.

"Ah, Elio. Just on schedule. Do you have the cargo?" He asked with a sly smile.

"Yes, Mister Cake. It is all here. Is everything ready downstairs?"

Mister Cake nodded. "Yes, everything is ready. Though I must ask: What is it you plan to do with what is inside those boxes? I honestly don't see how what is in there could help my business in any way possible, or how they'd benefit you."

Elio waved a hoof playfully in front of Mister Cake. "Not to worry, my friend. As I promised before, this cargo will help your business in the long run, I assure you. As for what I have planned, well, you'll just have to find out whenever it happens. I wish not to spoil the big surprise. You understand, I am sure?"

Mister Cake gave a knowing nod. "Of course, Elio. But, before you put everything downstairs, I have another question: Do you know anything about the murder that happened?"

Elio raised an eyebrow. "Spike the dragon? But of course I know about it! I do not, however, know who would kill the poor little dragon in the middle of the night, however. I would assume it may have something to do with that secret organization of rebels that have surfaced in Equestria." He said, winking to Mister Cake, whose eyes widened at the mention of the "secret organization".

"You know about that?!" He said. "How could you?"

Elio laughed. "It's not very difficult to see the signs of a bona fide member, my dear Cake: The slightly baggy eyes, the heavy breathing, the obvious eye implants and other enhancements made to your body, however subtle. They don't call me the "chemical analyzer" back home for nothing, Mister Cake! As you may know, I have the rather uncanny ability of having extremely good eyesight. Nothing gets past me. Nothing."

Mister Cake swallowed nervously. "Yes, well, I think we've dilly-dallied enough already, right, Elio? You may come in now. Please be quick about it!" He moved away, allowing the carriages, which were now once again crates, entrance.

Elio entered the shop, stepping beside Mister Cake, whispering in his ear as the crates were hauled down to the basement. "A word of advice to you, Mister Cake: Do not order me around. There are two things in this world I cannot stand: Opponents who stand in my way and those who stand in my way, thinking they can push me around!" His voice was as cold as ice, slithering its way into Mister Cake's thoughts. Elio had always been known for having a frightening-sounding voice, one that sounded like a cross between a rasp and a harsh whisper. Now, however, his steely, commanding voice paralyzed Mister Cake.

"Now, Mister Cake, how much did you pay for these implants of yours, hmm? A hundred bits? A thousand?" Elio whispered menacingly into Mister Cake's ear once more. "It would be such a shame for those implants to go to waste, wouldn't it?" He focused smoke-like magic to slither around Mister Cake's legs, squeezing slightly at his knees, where a few implants were located. "I mean, how awful would it be for somepony to just go and snap those new knees of yours, rendering you completely and utterly defenseless?

"Oh, just imagine somepony finding you here, writhing on the ground, wondering what the hay happened to you? Imagine the horror on their faces when they realize you've been surgically and, might I add, illegally implanted with enhancements of both a magical and off-planet origin?" is magic squeezed tighter at Mister Cake's knees. "Oh, how I would just relish that moment of humiliation! Of course, you wouldn't, my dear Cake, now would you?" Elio suddenly squeezed his magic tighter on Mister Cake's knees, feeling and hearing a slight cracking sound, a sound that was music to his ears. Mister Cake squealed in agony.

"Please! Don't! I beg of you!" Mister Cake screamed, dropping to the ground. "No more! I promise to obey!"

Elio smiled once again. "Now, Mister Cake," he said, sounding as if he were offended, "I never asked you to obey me and my orders! It's quite obvious where you stand in these troubling times. For that, the only thing you must promise me is to not reveal that I am here, living with you and your wife, Besides, I think a limp in your stride is punishment enough, for now." He laughed as he walked away from Mister Cake, and headed down the set of steps that led to the basement, locking the door from the inside as he went down.

When Elio entered the basement, surveying the scene before him. The basement was a large set of square rooms, nothing special, really. The rooms were all concrete-filled: Concrete walls, concrete ceilings, and concrete floors. The only difference was the set of small tunnels lining many of the walls. These tunnels were literally holes in the concrete walls, where soil had been dug out. These tunnels ran through only small sections of Ponyville, but, soon enough, these tunnels would be a system of tunnels that would weave all throughout the town, but that would come later. First and foremost, the crates were to be dealt with.

The crates were all stacked in the center of one of the concrete rooms, the only one without any tunnels in it, and the earth ponies were huddled around the pile. Elio smiled at their dedication, their loyalty.

"Are you all ready, my loyal followers?" Elio proudly exclaimed to the earth ponies. They all silently nodded to him. Elio smiled even wider as magic began to flare from his horn, sending erratic sparks from it. "Now, my followers, it is time. Now it is time to let this tale unfold! Now, we shall begin the Great Turning!" His magic flared even greater, the glow from his horn now encompassing his entire body! The glow then formed into a smoke-like substance, similar to the one he used on Mister Cake. The smoke twisted around him, blackening, growing ever darker. The magic spread out from Elio's back, like dark wings, snaking its way across the room, on the ceiling, on the walls, and across the floor, dragging itself to the pile of cargo and the ponies around it. The entire room was soon cloaked in a shroud of black mist, opaque, impenetrable. From outside of this room, where the "Great Turning" began, sat an aged mare, watching intently on the scene before her unfold.

This mare thought of what she had witnessed over the past few days, what she now knew, and was horrified because of it. Last night I find a dead body at my door, now I witness... This? What is Equestria coming to? A wicked laugh escaped the room shrouded in darkness, scaring the mare out of her wits. Suddenly, the darkness dissipated from the room. All was quiet. Out of the room stepped Elio, an evil smile spread across his lips. His steps were heavy, proud, and triumphant. He was alone. No other ponies were with him. From behind Elio, the mare thought she saw several shapes moving, but she couldn't distinguish what they were. Elio stared right into the mare, his bright blue eyes focusing on her with a paralyzing intensity.

"What," He exclaimed to her, "have you never seen a group necromancy session before?" The mare stared at him blankly. Elio rolled his eyes. "Oh, geez." He facehoofed. "Okay, lady, first off, you really need to get out more. Second, those earth ponies are fine, by the way, they're just working. I'd never sacrifice or kill them or anything! Third, if you don't know what friggen necromancy is, read a book." He shook his head at her, sighing. "And to think I'm going to rule over you morons one day!"