• Published 3rd May 2013
  • 1,698 Views, 52 Comments

World's Greatest Daughter - JXWheeler

This is the story of one human that learns about the magic of friendship coming from the most unexpected of places.

  • ...

Chapter 2: A Glimmer of Hope (Re-written)

Leon clearly couldn't contain his happiness when Sweetie Belle spoke, after many long hours of stressful and strenuous work he had finally accomplished what any engineer could dream about. He looked down at the android who was looking up at him with the same toothy grin as in the show. "Hi Sweetie Belle, how are you feeling?"

"I feel great!"

"Try singing!"

"Singing? Why?"

"You have a voicebox that was designed for singing and I wonder how it will sound when put into a song." He tried his best to avoid the subject of the show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic for now.

"Okay if you say so..."

Sweetie Belle opened her mouth, taking a big inhale of air before trying to sing. What came out though was a loud burst of air that took Leon by surprise as he was flung back and slammed against the wall. When she saw what she had done she hopped off the table and ran towards the now dazed Leon. "Oh no, I am sooo sorry I did not mean for that to happen! Are you okay?"

Leon slowly stood up and shook his head to regain control. "Yeah, it's okay Sweetie Belle I just have to fix your voice box output a bit more." He looked at the filly android with a grin, making her smile as well.

"So what other things can I do?"

"Well... I am not entirely sure yet. I had not expected that powerful shout from you so you can quite possibly do more than what was programmed." Leon looked at his watch and sighed when he saw it was time for the newest episode of My Little Pony to air. "Want to watch a show with me and see where I got the idea of making you from?"

"Would I!" She flicked her tail happily as she hopped in place with excitement.

Seeing this cute act of hers almost made him want to pass out from cuteness overload. Instead he scooped her up and cuddled her in his arms as he walked out of the lab.

~Living Room~

"Sweetie Belle, what I am going to show you is exactly what gave me the inspiration to make you." He sat down on his chair, making sure Sweetie Belle was comfortable on his lap before he turned on the laptop. He clicked on the internet browser and up popped Youtube. "Oh and please... don't get overly hyper."

Once he started his favorite episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Sweetie Belle hopped up on the table to get a better look at her cartoon self.

"Is that me?" The android looked behind her as Leon smiled with a faint blush of embarrassment. Sweetie Belle then looked back at the screen and examined herself and the cartoon replica. "You did a good job copying the cartoon me, but you know what she doesn’t have?”

"What's that?"

"A great dad!" Sweetie Belle leaped off the table and slammed herself into Leon's stomach, making him lose all wind as she nuzzled him.

"Yeah... A great dad with possible internal bleeding." He chuckled lightly as Sweetie Belle went serious and started scanning him again.





Once Sweetie Belle was done with her scanning she stood up on her hind legs, using Leon's chest for support, and gave him a lick on the nose. Her tongue was surprisingly soft and delicate despite it being made of metal. Leon couldn't help but smile happily, while at the same time wondering what exactly just happened. He stroked her mane and back a bit eliciting a pleased expression from Sweetie Belle, who laid down in his lap with a yawn. "Maybe one day... I can attempt magic like Rarity does?"

Leon didn't know how to respond to that, so he just said the first thing that popped into his head. "You can do anything you set your mind too... daughter."

A few hours went by as they both saw the first three seasons of the show. After the last episode ended, Leon saw Sweetie Belle yawn loudly, making him chuckle at the worn out pony-bot. "I think's it's time for bed."
Sweetie Belle simply smiled and nodded as she curled into a ball and murmured her final words before going into sleep mode. "I love you dad..."

Leon lightly kissed the android's forehead, as he lifted her up gently and walked to his bedroom.

~Bedroom (Night)~

Leon opened the door to his bedroom slowly as he then walked to his bed and placed Sweetie Belle onto the pillow next to his. Taking a look at the sleeping android he thought, for only a split second, that it was an actual filly but he knew that it wasn't. "Goodnight My Little Belle..." He went over to the bathroom and changed into his pajamas before coming back out. "Now... I can only wonder what tomorrow will bring," He said before hopping into bed and promptly falling asleep.

~Bedroom (Day)~

The morning sun rose as Leon slowly opened his eyes. With a loud yawn he started to rub his eyes in hopes of getting rid of the remaining sleep left in them. Last night seemed so unreal to him but once he turned his head and saw Sweetie Belle, he smiled.

The robotic filly fluttered her eyes open slowly as she let out the cutest yawn you could imagine. She looked over at Leon and nuzzled his hand with a smile when he pet her.

"Morning dad, did you sleep good?"

"I slept great, in fact this is the first time I slept for longer than four hours."

Sweetie Belle flicked her tail a few times before jumping into her dad's arms.

"Well better late than never, I'm just glad it wasn't insomnia or something."

"Yeah, me too."

Sweetie Belle looked over at a picture of Leon with his arm over a girl. "Who is that?"

Leon looked over at the picture Sweetie Belle was pointing to and sighed. "She is my ex-girlfriend, she left me because of complications that arose in our relationship." He sighed as he shook his head.

"Well... what was she like?"

Leon just smiled at Sweetie Belle. "She was very kind and caring, not to mention very supportive of my hobbies. I honestly thought she would have left me because I am a brony. However, she stood by me and even indulged me in it." He chuckled upon saying that. "Not many people think highly of us bronies though, and most just call us freaks and the like."

"Well that's mean! Just because you like a kids' show doesn't make you a freak! In fact it only proves how sensitive you can be to be affected by an innocent show.”

Leon's jaw could have quite easily hit the floor at that point if physics allowed it. "W-wow... that's... a very accurate way of putting it."

This compliment made the filly give a big toothy grin as she leaped into Leon's arms and nuzzled his chest affectionately. "Only because you made me that way! It's natural that I am smart."

Leon chuckled as he stroked the filly's head, making her giggle. "Come, let's get your voice output fixed."

Sweetie Belle nodded her head as she made herself comfortable in his embrace.

Leon walked out of his bedroom and down the stairs until he reached the basement. After a few failed attempts to open the door with his foot, Sweetie Belle leaped off his arms and bucked the door in, making Leon's jaw drop at her show of strength. "But... what... how?"

Sweetie Belle giggled as she stood aside for Leon to pass through. "I'll bet Big Mac would have been impressed!" She saw Leon nod slowly as he walked down the basement stairs. She then skipped along behind him, being careful not to fall.


Once Leon got to the lab, he scooped up Sweetie Belle and placed her on the table. "Sweetie Belle, activate your system shut down, like when you go to sleep."

The android nodded her head as she looked forward and her eyes slowly faded to being a dark shade of grey. Eventually her body collapsed on the table like a rag doll.

Leon winced when he heard the clatter of metal on wood as he sighed. "She could have laid down first..." He then took a few tools out, such as a screwdriver and a low power output. He unscrewed the android's neck and started making the proper adjustments. First he carefully removed the current output component and replaced it with the smaller one. After he finished it, he screwed her neck back on and pressed in one of her eyes making them flick to life.

Sweetie Belle's eyes quickly turned green as they looked around. "You finished Dad?"

Leon nodded his head as he put the tools away. "Try singing Hush Now, Quiet Now."

Sweetie Belle nodded her head as she started to sing the song asked of her. A few dramatic jumps, hops, and skips later, Sweetie Belle finished her song. Her voice had reached a high enough volume that the nearby windows threatened to shatter. She opened her eyes and turned to Leon afterwards. "How did I do? Was it any good?"

Leon's ears were ringing by the end of the song so it was all he could do to make out what she asked. "Yeah, you were great! I’m just glad I bought shatter resistant windows...”

Sweetie Belle gave him an embarrassed smile, she began to hop up and down happily before noticing the blueprint beneath her. "Dad? What's this?"

"Oh that? It's a blueprint for a rocket I worked on for NASA."

"NASA?! The space people? You work for them?!"

"I used to, the blueprints for the rocket you are standing on got sabotaged and the rocket blew up upon take-off..."

"Well who the hay would do something like that?!"

"Someone who didn't like me it seems." Leon simply shrugged as he grabbed Sweetie Belle and placed her on the floor. "Besides, it is old news... you are my main focus now."

Sweetie Belle nodded as she nuzzled Leon's leg. "I promise I won't disappoint you!"

"You couldn't even if you tried!"

Sweetie Belle thought for a few seconds before smiling. "Hey... do you think I can use magic like in the show?"

Leon just chuckled lightly in response. "You can do anything you put your mind to."

Sweetie Belle smiled widely before stepping back and closing her eyes. With a few grunts her horn began to glow a light blue, much to the surprise of Leon whose jaw nearly hit the floor, and levitated a cup of pencils a few inches up. After only a few seconds though she couldn't hold it any longer and dropped the cup, making it shatter into a several small pieces. "Oops... I'm sorry!"

Leon was dumbfounded by what he just witnessed. "How did...? You used magic! How is that possible when I didn't even program you to be able to do things like that!"

Sweetie Belle's smile slowly faded when he said this. "You aren't happy?"

Leon looked at Sweetie Belle with a confused look on his face. "You shouldn't have been able to..."

"But you said I can do anything if I put my mind to it!"

"I didn't want to disappoint you... I did not know you could actually do it..."

Sweetie Belle started to tear up at the edge of her eyes, once again shocking Leon, as she ran out of the laboratory crying. "Wahhhh!!"

"Sweetie Belle wait!" It was too late though, she had already slammed the lab door shut. "I'm sorry..."

Author's Note:

Sorry if Sweetie Belle is kinda OOC, she IS artificially made so it is to be expected is it not? That and I have little knowledge of Sweetie Belle, funny huh? My favorite crusader is Sweetie Belle yet I can better portray Applebloom and Scootaloo lol. Anywho I hope you guys liked this chapter!