• Published 29th Apr 2013
  • 295 Views, 2 Comments

The Price of a Dream (songfic) - The Psychobrony

Octavia works had to achieve her dream, but eventually realises the price. Inspired by Octavia's Overture, all credit goes to the artists.

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The price of a dream

Look at yourself when you were young
In Ponyville you did not belong
It wasn’t what you had wanted

“You’ll play your cello, I’ll play whatever instrument my cutie mark turns out to be, and together we’ll take the whole of Equestria by storm!”
“It’s not going to happen Vinyl.”
“What’s wrong Octy? That’s always been our dream, right?”
“It’s unrealistic; no one ever becomes famous from boring old Ponyville.”
“We’ll be the first! Our music will put Ponyville on the map, and pones from all around will flock to see this quaint little town where the famous Octavia and Vinyl Scratch first started out. They’ll be guided tours, taking ponies round our old school, favourite café…”
“Don’t you get it Vinyl! I don’t want to be some nobody from Ponyville who just happens to be good at the cello. I want to be one of them, living in Canterlot, living the high life, sophisticated, playing with the big talent.”

“Well don’t you dare forget about me, Little Miss High and Mighty.”
“I’ll never forget you, silly.”

Made money by playing songs
Though nopony wanted to sing along
You felt your talent was kinda wasted

“How did you do today, darling?”
“Don’t be melodramatic dear. Look, you’ve made a lot more than yesterday.”
“I don’t care about the money Mother. They only gave me bits to be polite. I want them to enjoy my music, to stay and watch. To make them cry, laugh, to touch their hearts.”
“That’s very admirable Octy, and I’m sure you will, but you have to remember you’re only a filly still. Plus I’m sure a lot of them would have loved to stay and listened, but they were probably very busy.”
“Whatever Mother, I’m going to practice.”

“Be careful dear.”

Didn’t last long, So long
Goodbye to this old place

“Vinyl, calm down and listen to me for once. I’m trying to be serious.”
“Yes Octy?”
“I-I’m leaving Ponyville.”
“You’re going on holiday? Cool! Where are you going?”
“No Vinyl. I- I’m leaving for good. Forever.”


“I’m sorry Vinyl. I’m going to live with my cousin, in Canterlot. He’s got some contacts in the music business and knows an orchestra that’s looking for a cellist. It’s not a very big orchestra, but hopefully…”
“When do you leave?”


“I’m sorry Vinyl. I’m going to miss you.”
“I’ll miss you too Octy. Call me?”
“Every day.”

Canterlot, Canterlot
Where the best of ponies are there

“Tickets ma’am?”
“Here you are Sir.”
“Canterlot eh?”
“Just a casual visit?”
“No, I’m going to live there.”
“Trying to make your name among the stars, eh? Well, the best of luck to you.”
“Thank you.”

Ran off, so wrong
Your parents look at you sad

“I just don’t understand. Why couldn’t she have stayed in Ponyville. We could have helped her achieve her dream.”
“I know dear. She’s young, all caught up in the glitz and glamor she thinks Canterlot will bring.”
“Did I do something wrong? Was I a bad mother?”
“No, no sweetie, shh, don’t cry. It will all work out okay. Octy will realise this is where she belongs.

I miss her too.”

Famous, famous
That’s the only word that went through your head

“You can make me famous?”
“Of course I can! With your talent, ponies will be queuing to sign you up! You’ve got nothing to worry about sweetheart, just listen to your cousin here and keep playing that cello and you’ll be a star before you know it.”
“I’ll practice every single day.”
“You were born to play that cello Octy.”
“If-When I’m famous, I can’t be Octy. Octy’s a no one. Octavia is a cellist.”
“Alright, Octavia it is. You ready to meet the ponies who can make your career?”
“Let’s go.”

They came to me

“You must be Octavia. I’ve heard so much about you! Apparently you’re the newest rising star of classical music. I simply must introduce you…”

They looked at me
So I told them

“The very first time I played the cello. Why, it seemed so large then, I was just a small filly, but I just knew this was the instrument for me…”
“Ponyville? Oh it’s quaint enough in its own way, but so unsuited to sophisticated ponies like us. I always knew I was destined for Canterlot…”
“Coming here alone? Oh no, it wasn’t scary at all… Difficult? Not really, there wasn’t really anything in Ponyville for me to miss… No, I there wasn’t anypony either. There’s my parents of course, but they simply want the best for me, and honestly it’s quite a relief to get away, the chance to be myself you know…”

I’m the type of pony every pony, every pony should know

“Fredrick! You simple must meet Octavia, she plays the cello beautifully…”

I’m the type of pony every pony, every pony should know

“Darling, this is Octavia. She’s looking for an agent, you really must hear her play. She’s got star potential all right.”

I’m the type of pony every pony, every pony should know

“I heard you’re looking for a cellist for you orchestra? You just must listen to Octavia, I think she could be just what you’re looking for.”

Octavia, why are you still playing the cello, so mellow,
Octavia, why are you still playing the cello, so mellow,

“I’m terribly sorry, but I’m currently occupied. Please leave a message and I shall call you back as soon as I can.”
BEEP “Hey Octy, it’s me Vinyl! How’s Canterlot? I bet all the ponies there are super posh right. Anyhows, I just wanted to see how you were doing, talk soon!”
BEEP “Hey Octy, it’s me again. You didn’t call me back so I’m guessing everything’s going well and you’re super busy. I just wanted to let you know I got my cutie mark! I’m sorry you weren’t there to see it, but I’ll tell you the whole story when you call back.”
BEEP “Me again Octy. Why won’t you return my calls? I guess you’re super busy, but I wanted to let you know I got a job DJing at this club, so I’m gonna save up all my money and come see you! Won’t that be awesome! See you soon.”
BEEP “So I came to see you. I worked every hour I could and hardly slept for weeks and saved every last penny and then when I got there you were out so I asked around and found out you were at some posh do. I was gonna wait for you to come back but then I’d have missed my train, so I managed to sneak into the party, which wasn’t easy! So I’m about to come surprise you when I hear you talking to some stuck up filly about how Ponyville was so ‘unsuited’ and ‘there was nopony for you to miss’. Thanks a lot Octy, or should I say Octavia. I thought you were my best friend.”
BEEP “So I guess you don’t bother checking your messages. Well when you finally get round to it, don’t bother calling me back. You’ve changed Octy, I don’t know you anymore.”

Can you please play me a lullaby

“Now don’t be nervous my dear, if you’re as good as everypony says I’m sure you’ll pass the audition with flying colours. Just relax. Now if you could please play the pieces you’ve practiced.”

“Well my dear, I have to say, I was expecting you to be good, but that was incredible! Congratulations Octavia, and welcome to the orchestra. It would be my honour to have you play with us.”

Here you are in Canterlot
The place you’ve always dreamed about
It’s exactly what you wanted

“Are you ready for your first live performance?”
“I was born ready.”

Playing music with the big boys now
Everyone is cheering and you take a bow
Everything is going just as well as expected

“You were great Octavia, just listen to that crowd! Though I suppose you’re used to it after all these years.”
“Not at all, it still gives me that rush to hear them cheering and shouting my name.”
“I’m pretty sure they all preferred your solo to the headliners! Soon they’ll be the ones begging you to let them be your support act.”
“You’re such a charmer, but thank you. I’m currently planning my own tour with my manager, so that day could come sooner than you think.”

So you decided to call
Your best friend back from the past

“The one and the only! If you’re wanting tickets to the club, you’re just in time cos they’re almost all gone.”

It’s me, your friend, wondering how you’ve been all these years

“It’s me. Octav- Octy.”

“Why are you calling?”
“I just wanted to catch up, see how you are…”
“I’m guessing you didn’t get any of my messages then.”

Can’t talk, not now, busy making a new song

“I’m busy right now.”
“Vinyl, what messages?”
“Messages I left you years ago! I called you every week when you first moved to Canterlot and you never bothered picking up the phone, not once! You didn’t even listen to the messages I left you. I even came up to visit and you were too busy telling everyone how awful Ponyville was and how you didn’t have any friends that you didn’t even notice.”
“Vinyl, I-”
“I’ve moved on, Octavia. And you know what, you were wrong. Ponies from Ponyville can become famous. Maybe you've heard of DJ PON-3? Yeah, that’s me. You've been so wrapped up in your own career you didn’t even notice. And what about your parents? I go and see them every now and then, the only things they know about you is what they read in the papers!”
“Don’t ring me again.”

Regret, regret, why did I forget her for so long.


I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry

“Vinyl, I’m sorry. I’m so, so, sorry.”

I’m the type of pony every pony, every pony should know
But I forgot who I am so I think I should just go back home
Should I stay here in the place where every pony knows me for so long

“Octavia? Where are you going?”
“I’m visiting my parents and my… friend, for the weekend.”
“You can’t do that! Your tour starts tomorrow!”
“Can’t we postpone it, just the first show?”
“Octavia, this is a key moment in your career. We’ve been planning this for months! This tour will get you noticed by the highest figures in the music business and could even get you playing for the Princess! We can’t just postpone!”
“You have to!”
“OCTAVIA! If you walk out this room now, your career is OVER!”

Octavia, why are you still playing the cello, so mellow,
Octavia, why are you still playing the cello, so mellow,

“Boss? Yeah it’s me, I’m worried about Octavia. She almost walked out on me earlier, said she was going back to Ponyville for the weekend. I talked her out of it, but now she’s shut herself in her room and is just playing the same tune over and over again… No, it’s not one we had planned for her tour… No, I’ve never heard it before… I guess she could have composed it as a surprise… I went in earlier, she completely ignored me… Yeah, I saw the sheet music…I think it was called Vinyl’s song?... I’m worried though, she’s not as calm as usual, and she’s never behaved like this before… Well yes… Are you sure we shouldn’t get a doctor, or psychologist to look at her… I understand tonight is a big night… Fine, okay… don’t worry, I’ll make sure she’s there and able to play… bye.”

Can you please play me a lullaby

Comments ( 2 )

that made me sad, good one

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