• Published 8th Jul 2013
  • 7,167 Views, 363 Comments

The Rainbow Pigment - Jetstream S

After a stunt goes haywire in her very first Wonderbolt air show, Rainbow Dash will learn the true reason for her being the only "rainbow maned" pegasus around.

  • ...

Chapter Two: Awakening

Chapter Two: Awakening

The palace was quiet as Rainbow Dash exited the confined room. Luna had vanished, and she was left to find her way to Celestia's keep alone. Having been there only a few times in the past, she wasn't exactly sure where she was going, especially in the darkness. She looked around the moonlit hall and saw the thousands of cobwebs lining the ceiling, cracked glass windows, and ones that were completely blown out, lining the walls. The place looked ancient.

Ah, I remember this well...

Rainbow froze. A voice, seemingly from nowhere, had echoed quietly throughout the corridor... or so she thought

"Who's there?! If anypony tries to sneak up on me they're gonna have a bad time!"

Nothing returned her threat. Only the sound of wind blowing lightly through the battered windows filled the hall. Her bruised shoulder and flank pulsed with every step, making her seethe as her jaw clamped shut. She fumbled to the wall of the hallway, taking some of the weight off her injured shoulder by leaning up against it as she walked. Several attempts to blow her unusually matted mane from her eyes ended in failure and she resorted to using the wall as a makeshift comb.

Having cleared her mane from her face, she continued to traverse the seemingly endless hallway. After a few minutes of walking rather painfully, Rainbow's shaken mind remembered her wings. She attempted to extend them only to be brought to the ground by a lightning bolt of pain unlike anything she had ever felt before. Her scream echoed throughout the hall as she collapsed into a pain-ridden heap. The muscles that powered her wings felt like they were ripping apart as she struggled to return them to their folded position. She fought to hold back the tears as her wings fell limp to her sides. The attempt was futile as tears began falling to the floor.

After laying there for what seemed like minutes, the pain in her back and wing roots gradually withered away and she attempted to stand. She again accomplished this by using the wall as support and using her good foreleg to hoist herself up. The hallway was still mind bogglingly long, and she had a ways to go.

"I still don't understand what happened earlier and why," she said in a half whimper and whisper to herself. The questions still continued to cloud her mind as she slowly walked down the hall. The moon shone through the symmetrical windows along the hall, providing some form of light. As she walked, her head began to feel slightly congested and the hall started to contort slightly.

Questions and answers, questions and answers...

Rainbow immediately stopped again and looked around.

"Who's there!?" She yelled.

The only reply was the echo of her own voice.

I see, we still haven't met. Allow me to introduce myself.

Rainbow's head was reeling from the voice's constant change in volume as she began walking faster, trying her best not to stumble over her hanging wings. She couldn't tell where the voice was coming from, but from what she could tell, it wasn't hostile.

My name is Star Prism.

Rainbow stopped. The voice had evened out in its volume and she could tell it was a stallion.

"Uh, Rainbow Dash," she replied hastily.

I know, the voice said again, I've been waiting for this moment for a long time now.

Rainbow's head was beginning to even out again as the voice talked, but it was still pounding. She stumbled again as she resumed her walking.

"What are you talking about? Better yet, who, or what are you?" She asked, looking around the hall.

The voice chuckled before answering, If I told you, you wouldn't believe me.

Rainbow frowned a little at the answer, "Believe me. After the day I just had, I'm willing to believe anything," she assured.

For longer than she hoped, the only sounds she heard were her hoof steps on the marble floor and her slightly labored breathing.

"You still there?" She asked.

I've always been here, it replied. And as to the matter of what I am... You'll find out soon enough, it said reassuringly.

Rainbow rolled her eyes and kept walking. The end of the hall was in sight, and a massive set of double doors loomed before her. The ever so annoying mane again fell into her view, and she didn't try to move it again.

"Jeez I hate this thing!" she suddenly yelled.

But it does hold the key...

The voice was back again.

"Key? Key to what? All I see is a red, orange, and yellow mess!" She seethed.

Details, details. In due time Rainbow Dash.

Her head began reeling again as the doors came closer. She began stumbling away from the support of the wall and she was forced to use her injured shoulder to keep from falling. She quickly realized pain was something she could only deal with if she had the right mindset. Now wasn't the time.

She fumbled with a pain ridden gasp to the floor, landing square on her injured shoulder. She cried out in pain, and she lay still for a little while.

"What happened to me?" She asked aloud.

I think you mean, What almost happened to you.

Rainbow blinked a few times wishing for the hall to stop contorting.


The voice seemed to sigh before answering.

The side effects after the first time are quite painful and disorienting, aren't they?

"How in Tartarus would you know?!" Rainbow instantly retorted.

Passing out on the slope of a mountain isn't exactly the best idea, the voice stated, But you did get lucky on account of the fact that certain species of bear like to "play" with their food. You were lucky your pegasus friends were able to find you before it had exhausted its fun.

Rainbow bit her lower lip only to taste blood. In the dark room before she couldn't see the finer cuts and bruises on her face and chest. She brought a hoof to her mouth and rubbed her chin. She brought said hoof into the moonlight from a window to see dark and shiny red against light blue. Using her good leg, she hoisted herself up and again leaned on the wall shaking her head in an attempt to clear the dizziness. Although the attempt failed, she still relaxed a bit, knowing that her injuries could have been far worse. She silently thanked whoever saved her.

"You never answered my question," Rainbow said.

Her tone was now even as the doors came within spitting distance. The edge of her attitude was beginning to dull.

Like I said, in due time.

"Typical, mysterious voices that withhold the truth until some huge and dramatic self realization occurs," she thought.

She swore she heard a faint giggle.

Out of all the novels she read and the "rules" that accompanied them, the main character always had some sort of self realization following a dramatic, horrific, or peaceful event.

Dash's curiosity was giving the silence little time to linger.

"How long has it been since what happened?" Rainbow asked. She knew the voice would answer this time.

Just a few hours. That is why you are still injured.

She sighed an inner sigh of relief. As she finally approached the door, the size was beginning to become overwhelming. How was she supposed to open a several hundred pound door in her condition? Her wings were useless, her shoulder was still in agonizing pain, and just the fact that her head was swimming made it so that even if her other injuries weren't there, it would be next to impossible to coordinate an effective kick. Another quick glance revealed there were no handles.

"Great, now what..." Rainbow pouted.

A short silence.

"Hey, whatever you are, you seem to have a lot to say. And now, when I need a way past this door, you aren't saying a thing. What gives?" She asked in annoyance.

More silence.

"Oh come on! I know you're some super mystical spirit or whatever! Can I get a little help or something?!" She yelled, flailing her good leg.

Your constant babbling won't do anything to open this door, the voice replied cheekily.

"I'm willing to bet a hoof to the face will..." she thought.

Unfortunately no, it won't. Do try to be a bit more serious about the matters at hoof, hmm? The voice annoyingly stated.

"So you can read my thoughts, you obviously know more about this whole situation than I do, and I can't see you. Do you know what that makes you?" Rainbow growled.

I don't know, nor do I care at this point, Rainbow Dash. All I know is that you have a task to complete. By which I mean opening this door.

Rainbow began to speak, but the words caught in her throat. It was true that the voice had done nothing to be considered wrong by her, but just its sudden appearance at this time was enough to arouse suspicion. This 'spirit' or 'ghost' also had quite a mouth and sense of humor; one that she herself seemed to share. She turned around and put her back to the right door and slid down to her haunches, wondering what to do next. The voice finally returned.

Do you remember what exactly happened back at the Cloudeseum?

Rainbow probed her brain for the information the voice needed.

"I messed up real bad on the stunt I was doing for the finale... Then I remember trying to stop the wave from reaching the crowd. I knew if it did, every pony there would have been killed. So I used my speed to keep it back, but I realized I simply couldn't do it. I called upon anything or anypony who was listening for help... and something answered my call. I felt something within me unlock, and I suddenly began filling with a strange, I don't know, energy? Power? I don't even know what to call it!"


"Yea, whatever. All I know is I started to feel really strange... and everything went all bright. I could feel this surge of energy I've never felt before and I could fly faster than I ever had in my life! I used my new found speed to drive back the Rainboom and complete the trick. When whatever happened... happened, I could do what I couldn't do before, which was saving those thousands of ponies."

Rainbow paused for a little bit, anxious to hear what the voice had to make of all that. She turned her gaze back to the towering doors, and placed her good foreleg against it. She pushed lightly, but as expected, the door held firm. She pushed as hard as her undamaged foreleg would allow, but still no movement, not even a creak. She looked around the wall surrounding the door for any means of passage. Nothing met her eye.

"Darn it! How am I supposed to open this thing?!" She yelled.

You can't.

Rainbow quietly mumbled something incoherent to anypony that might be listening.

You know, petty insults will get you nowhere. Do you know why your mane is the way it is?

Dash flicked the hair from her view with her free hoof and simply scoffed. "Why would I care?"

Your mane is far more special than you think, Rainbow Dash. Let's visit some friends.

Dash's left brow shot up, "Wha- huh?"

The corridor once again began to twist with a sickening motion. She felt light headed as the hall began to transform from an ancient broken down mess into a vast open room before her eyes. The walls of the hall expanded and dissipated while the ceiling, as tall as it already was, began lifting into a sea of black. The windows that weren't already broken shattered and the glass rained down over the mare below. Dash quivered under the glass as it came down, unable to use her wings to shield herself. Moments after the initial change, the moon slowly faded and the new area was now nothing but an inky black. The walls, glass, and ceiling had now completely faded, leaving only the bare floor and the mare that stood on it unchanged.

From within the blackness, a light appeared. Dim at first, but increasing in size and intensity. Dash looked at it from a distance, and decided to move toward it. As she did, it moved higher, and higher, before exploding into a massive sphere of radiant white light. From the ground she heard a dull clanking sound, followed by three large pillars rising from the floor. She looked around at the new bright area, her curiosity now boiling.

"Hey, what just happened?" Rainbow asked, hoping the voice would have some kind of answer.

Just watch, the voice answered with a new found sense of optimism.

Rainbow watched as three ponies faded into view mere inches from where she was standing. Out of instinct, her ears dropped flat and her face put on a scowl that could melt iron as she tried to look as aggressive as possible.

The first, bore a dark red gilded cloak that utilized a long hood to shroud its face. It was tall and rather bulky, but she could see a horn. She assumed it was a stallion by the thick muzzle that was barely protruding from the hood.

The second, bore a simple light blue carapace, showing its slender sky-blue legs. It looked to be shorter and more compact than the other two, so Dash assumed it to be a mare.

The third, stood tall and lean with tight fitting, smooth lemon-yellow armor. His hood matched his red counterpart, so Rainbow couldn't see his face.

Rainbow calmed a little as they stood before her. They hadn't tried anything to label them suspicious.

"And who exactly are you three?" Rainbow barked.

They simply stood still, only the slight breeze ruffling their robes and hoods.


Dash walked up to the one in red slowly, watching and waiting for an attack to come. Up close, Dash could hear him mumbling something, but she couldn't tell what.

"Hey spirit dude. Star Prism?"

Back away.

Rainbow used her good foreleg to jump back to a respectable distance.

"Why? What's gonna happen?" Rainbow whispered.

You are looking at three of the Six Celestial Mages, the voice haughtily stated.

Rainbow eyed the three ponies looming before her. "Why just three? Where are the others?"

These three are the ones that you are most attuned with. The others will be awakened when you are more attuned with your other abilities.

She raised an unamused eyebrow, "What now?"

The voice let another audible sigh echo throughout her mind, I'll explain later.

Rainbow sunk to her haunches, absolutely peeved at the fact the she would have to sit through another boring lecture. Still, Twilight's little episodes could make this guy seem like a kindergarten undergrad in comparison.

She looked out, back at the three ponies. Something oddly familiar loomed about them as they stood motionless. Their heads were sunk as they continued to mumble incoherently. Dash again brushed her mane from her face, sitting and watching them.

She could feel something strange begin to surround her as she sat. The air around her was growing warmer and more course. She noticed something emanating from her left; directly from her wounded shoulder. Her eyes widened as the throbbing in her shoulder began to gradually cease. She slowly looked over to see an unnatural purplish glow surrounding her shoulder and flank. She attempted to struggle out of the magical grip, but she couldn't move. The glow began to intensify as the three ponies' horns began to glow brighter and brighter. She looked down to her shoulder to see the bruise begin to fade and mend. The pain was now non-existent as the aura left it.

She could feel the warmth spread to her back and wing roots as the tempo of the ponies' voices changed. She clenched her jaw as the muscles began to heal and reattach to each other. She breathed a sigh of true relief as her wings began responding to her mental commands. The aura shifted again to her forehead for a mere second before separating into a bright yellow, sky blue and dark red. The thick strands of magic then flowed back to each of the three ponies' horns.

Dash sat there, completely shocked. "Did they... Did they just-"Heal you? Indeed they did. We couldn't have you going through the Trials as you were, now could we?

Rainbow's expression deadened from amazed to suspicious once again as the word "trials" graced her ears.

"...Trials?" She groaned.

I believe an explanation is in order. Kuvvet?

"Indeed it is," A voice from her front stated.

Rainbow's ears shot up, and she flew into a high hover as the unknown voice was heard.

"Quite the speedy one eh? Looks like Velocita's practice has a strong influence on her."

"Are one of you three down there talking?!" Rainbow called.

"Yes. We used our magic to mend your wounds and revitalize your body," the same voice said. "My name is Kuvvet, and I am the Red Celestial Mage."

The red-cloaked muscular unicorn looked up and removed his hood. A large red stripe lined the forelock of his light blonde mane.

His voice was deep and clear, accompanied by a slight ghostly echo.

"I am Velocita," the cyan unicorn used her magic to levitate her hood, "I am the Blue Celestial Mage." Her bright blue eyes descended upon the pegasus before her, and she smiled. Her light scarlet mane bore a long blue stripe from follicle to tip, from what looked like the exact position Dash's blue stripe was situated on her mane.

The final Mage, adorned in a slender yellow armor, removed his hood to reveal himself as another unicorn. His brown mane was highlighted with a bright yellow stripe down the left portion of his forelock, much like Rainbow's.

"Hey red guy, what's your name again?” Dash asked.

"Kuvvet," he replied. He seemed to be slightly annoyed.

Kuvvet's stripe was on the right of his mane, while Velocita's was on her neck mane. After mentally putting their colors together, Dash knew something was up. She allowed her mane to fall into her view again, and each color from right to left, yellow, orange, and red aligned with the three Mages standing before her. The only thing that didn't add up, was the blue being where orange was.

Star Prism's earlier words echoed through her mind: "Your mane is far more special than you think..."

"So you guys are the reason behind my mane?" Rainbow asked.

The Yellow Mage walked forward slightly, using his magic to brush her mane from her view. "Do you know why Star Prism brought you here?" He asked.

Rainbow put on a very unamused look. "No, that's why I'm utterly confused right now." Rainbow sarcastically stated. The reply brought three eyebrows up in question.

She sighed heavily, "Of course I don't! I don't even know who you three are or what happened earlier!" Rainbow yelled, "All I know is I'm awkwardly stuck in this room with three--"

Four, the voice corrected.

"FOUR ponies I don't even know!"

She landed on all fours at Kuvvet's hooves, looking up at the muscular unicorn.

"Surely you can tell me what's going on?!"

The large stallion looked down at the pegasus addressing him. He tilted his head down, looking into Rainbow's rose colored eyes with his own fiery red ones.

"The colors of the rainbow were not always as they are," Kuvvet began, "When the last great war was fought, Celestia had attempted to fight the griffon king, Camalus, many times. However, every time they fought, Camalus would succeed in wounding Celestia to the point of her being incapable of maintaining consciousness. Many times we thought she had been killed, but her magical influence never ceased to amaze us, and she would be back on her throne in as little as a day."

Rainbow's curiosity was once again piqued as she listened. A question soon wormed its way into her mind.

"But if the griffon king wounded Celestia, why didn't he finish the job? How did she escape so many times if she was unconscious?" she asked, a sense of urgency lining her words.

Kuvvet seemed happier at Dash's sudden spike in interest, and he continued.

"We were attuned to Celestia's physical well being through a magical link. Every time she was in danger, we would intervene and take her away. Her soldiers would always find a way to fight off the remaining assault."

Dash was a mixture of thoughts and feelings as what he told her sunk in.

"If you guys are 'all powerful' unicorns or whatnot, why didn't you just take care of the griffon king yourselves?"

Kuvvet's eyes became narrow as he looked down at the pegasus addressing him. "You speak of matters you do not yet have the mindset to understand," he growled.

His voice, accompanied by the ghostly echo, brought Rainbow Dash down a few pegs, and she returned to listening quietly.

"After much debating and many trials, finally we created the power to eradicate the Griffon Faction and restore peace to the world."

Kuvvet sunk a little where he stood.

"But to do it, we needed a soldier. A soldier of the highest caliber in strength of mind and soul. One that could bear the enormous task without backing down. A soldier like Star Prism."

"I'm flattered really," a familiar voice to Dash's right said.

She jumped a bit before looking over to see a white stallion, about her age, standing there. His yellow irises looked like rings of gold around the pupils. One thing that Dash immediately noticed was his wings. They were large compared to hers. She wondered how he was able to move them at all. His mane was a very dark blue, almost black and straight with a light yellow highlight down the middle.

"Ah, Star Prism, there you are," Mahiri said.

Dash stared questioningly. "That's the dude in my head?" she thought. Her eyes raked across his body, taking in his well-built frame and corded muscles. His Cutie Mark was quite intricate: A six colored shield with two strangely shaped wing-like objects sticking from the sides. She raised an eyebrow, bit her lower lip, and smiled slightly. "Looks like Soarin might have some competition," she thought.

Unseen to Dash, Star Prism's face lit up in a bright red blush at her thoughts, and he cocked an eyebrow. You aren't bad to look at either, Rainbow Dash...

The yellow adorned unicorn finally took a step forward to embrace the young pegasus, the motion to which he returned. Rainbow spotted a sort of flash in Mahiri's eyes as his horn exploded in a bright yellow flash. The magic encased his body, somehow allowing him move with incredibly sharp motions. He began side jumping around Star Prism with a sheen of delight on his face.

Rainbow stepped back, watching with pure awe. The Yellow Mage was so fast and accurate that his motions seemed to blur into a circle of yellow transparent light. She could see Star Prism in the middle, seemingly asleep with a small smile on his face.

"Been a while since I've done this..." he whispered.

Without warning, Rainbow began to feel light headed and saw a glow of yellow begin to emanate from her forelock. A slight pulse of energy centered on Star Prism blew outward in a small ring of air, and a second stripe of deeper yellow manifested itself on his mane. It seemed to pulse with a strange power, and Star Prism opened his eyes to reveal them to be a bright neon yellow. He extended his hind leg out behind him with a stream of yellow light following it so fast and accurately that Mahiri was hit. Right. In. The. Face.

With a loud "OOF!" the Yellow Mage was sent cartwheeling across the floor, violently slamming his head against it over and over as he went. Rainbow's jaw dropped as Star Prism looked over at her and smiled, closing his eyes. As he did, the yellow stripe vanished from his forelock, and his eyes were again yellow when he reopened them. Rainbow noticed that the glow from her own lock of yellow had faded, and she again felt normal.

"That was some move, Star Prism!" Mahiri called from the darkness. "You might've drawn blood that time, Congratulations."

Star Prism himself couldn't help but chuckle as Mahiri walked into the light once more to reveal he had lost a boot, his helmet, and hood. Even Kuvvet and Velocita seemed amused.

"Too bad," Star Prism stated, "but I'm not the one in need of training."

He looked over to the cyan pegasus, and gestured for her to come over. Rainbow complied, hesitant at first, but the fire of pride was beginning to catch and she absolutely had to show them what she could do. As Mahiri returned to his place among his kin, all three looked at Dash. Red, blue and yellow eyes sized her up as she made her way over to Star Prism, and he draped a foreleg around her neck.

"This," he rubbed Rainbow's mane with his free hoof, much to her annoyance, "Is the one I was telling you about. Extremely competitive, athletic, fast, agile. She also bears the mane."

"Star Prism, you know that merely having a colorful mane does not make her the chosen one," Velocita stated dryly. "Do you not remember the other? The stallion with the yellow eyes? You tried to prove to us that he possessed the power, but he never did. He failed every trial, was nearly killed and we had to erase his memory!"

Star Prism raised a hoof to silence the disgruntled mare of speed, "I've seen her use it."

All three mages exchanged glances, and looked at Dash.

"Can you?" Kuvvet asked, "Can you harness the power of the Pigment?"

Now it was Rainbow's turn to be confused once more. "Come again?" She asked.

Star Prism brought a wing to his face and scratched his forehead.

"Rainbow Dash, do you not remember what happened? The speed, the heat and the mountain? What about the fiery mane and white glowing coat? Did that not strike you as odd? During that short time, you had done what nopony in over one thousand years had been able to do. You brought out the Rainbow Pigment and used it to its full extent!"

Rainbow was again staring in awe, half not knowing what she was being told. She did indeed remember the strength, her coat turning a vivid white, the unnatural speed, and even the equine drill she had become just afterwards. In a way, she kinda felt sorry for the mountain. She looked at the three mages, wondering what was going to happen next. Her wings were practically aching with suspense.

Kuvvet stepped forward, bowing slightly. His magic encased Dash's right shoulder, and he mumbled something under his breath. A small flash and tiny painful pinch later, something had appeared on her shoulder. She looked over to see a small symbol of a six pronged circle. Each prong was a different color of the mages, and the yellow, blue and red ones were pulsing lightly.

"This seal is in tune with your current comprehension of your power. As you can see, your current talents lie in speed, strength, and agility," Kuvvet stated.

Dash couldn't help but stand a little taller and spread her wings halfway, showing off her expertly preened feathers.

"However, those traits alone do not make a true hero in the eyes of the Six. One must be in tune with all aspects of the prism if one is to gain unreachable power. These trials will ensure that you truly are in tune with our teachings."

"Teachings?!" Rainbow blurted. "You haven't taught me anything! All we've been doing is standing here and talking about things that happened a few hours ago! How is this supposed to --"

"You obviously haven't been paying attention," A mare's voice called from behind.

Dash was suddenly aware that the blue mare was missing, and she whirled to see Velocita inches away from her muzzle. She backpedaled, only to watch her disappear and bump into something at her back. Using her wings, she flapped hard once, sending her flying several feet skyward. But again, something hit her back and her heart sunk. She whirled to see Velocita smiling down at her.

"My, my, a single flap and you're this high? Quite a feat," she laughed.

Dash didn't know whether to feel pride or insult at her constant giggling, but her thoughts were interrupted by a violent connection with her abdomen that left her breathless. All Dash could do is watch as the blue mare's hind leg sank further into her belly, and all she could do was let out a painful "Huh!"

Velocita's smile turned from playful to serious as Dash recovered and grabbed her leg with both forelegs. The prismatic mare had recovered far quicker than Velocita had expected, using her strength to send the unicorn flying with a hard throw downward. Dash smiled as the flailing unicorn was sent tumbling down to the ground.

Hm, the fact that she could recover from a kick like that is astonishing, Velocita thought as she tumbled downward. Looks as though I'll have to pick it up a few pegs--

Before Velocita could blink, Rainbow Dash was following her down, face to face. The Blue Mage could see the blue stripe in her mane begin to shine as her eyes faded from rosy red to a very light cerulean. She was getting serious.

She DOES have it! she thought, her mind screaming at her to move before her adversary could connect a hoof to her face.

With a squeak of fear, Velocita teleported back to her starting position beside her stallion counterparts while Dash pulled up from her dive and skidded across the floor to a halt. The blue stripe faded back to its normal glossy appearance and her eyes returned to their natural rose color.

Star Prism looked at the panting Blue Mage and shook his head slightly. A smile formed on his lips and he looked over to the snarling Rainbow Dash.

"You wondered what teachings Kuvvet was talking about? Well that was one, the teaching of speed."

Dash's mood evened out slightly as Star Prism attempted to add some sense to the sudden outburst. However, despite his attempt, Dash's attitude again descended into anger at the claim.

"What do you mean speed?! All she did was teleport!" she yelled. Her mane was beginning to glow ever so slightly and ruffle from an unseen breeze.

"The art of true speed and teleportation are two very different concepts, Rainbow Dash," Velocita quickly stated. "I just move too fast for you to see."

"Oh really?! Wanna try that again?!" Dash yelled as her mane began to rise further and a sheen of white energy began swirling around her.

She couldn't stand losing, and she wanted to get back at the mare that made her do so. She remembered the power from earlier that had made her nearly invincible... and she wished for it back so she could teach her a lesson in Rainbow Dash 101. She. Did. Not. Lose. Unfortunately for her, the power was lurking just beneath the surface, more than ready to take her up on her request.

Kuvvet stood a little taller, recognizing the power within Rainbow Dash beginning to surface.

"Calm, Rainbow Dash,” Mahiri called. "We did not wish to anger you. We simply wished to see your power. Now that we have, it is time to put it to the test." The Yellow Mage shuffled a little where he stood, fearing the power would overwhelm the trembling pegasus.

Dash was having trouble concentrating as she felt a massive build in strength begin coursing throughout her body. She could see a faint white glow surrounding her vision and she looked down at her hooves. They were becoming lighter in color and the feeling of her mane was beginning to disappear. The ground beneath her hooves began caving in, sending swirls of dust around her in eddies of gray. She was feeling absolutely amazing as the euphoria of power began to grip at her mind, filling it with ideas that only a supreme being would think to do. Her eyes began changing from light rose to dark red and her teeth were clenching so tightly that blood was surfacing from the gums that held them. Her lips began curling into a twisted smile.

"Star Prism!" Kuvvet shouted. "You MUST calm her before she loses complete control!"

Prism was already running to the ailing mare before Kuvvet had said anything as he was fully aware of the growing severity of the situation. He stopped just shy of the growing sinkhole beneath Dash.

"Rainbow Dash, can you hear me?!" Star Prism yelled over the rushing wind.

Dash began to float slightly as the eddies of air began rushing under her partially folded wings. Her eyes snapped open, casting their bright red gaze over the pegasus addressing her. Her coat was becoming encased in white, the soft glow spreading slowly downward from her brightly glowing mane.

"I was once like how you are now, young, volatile, and open to any and all possibilities that power had to offer..."

The white glow had fully encased her wings.

"Trust me when I say, the cost of choosing power over comrades is not the way to wield the power inside. I know... I hurt somepony close to me very badly when I first fell to the temptation..."

The glow was now creeping along the length of her back, halfway between the base of her wings and the beginning of her flanks.

"I learned that day that any power can corrupt the user, whether it be light, or dark!"

Dash's mind was beginning to break free of the sudden block as Star Prism's words began reaching her. She thought of her friends, how they never let her down, and how she would never abandon them. She thought of Scootaloo. How would she react to seeing her idol like this? At the mercy of something she was born to control?

"That power has a mind of its own, twisting its host like a virus into a tool for its own use! You MUST be stronger than its enticing influence Rainbow Dash!" Star Prism yelled once again, silently praying that his words were getting through.

These new thoughts began to clear her mind of the invasive power's influence, letting her come down from her power-crazed hype. Her mind was fighting furiously against the alluring thoughts the power had voraciously implanted into her mind. She could feel the power nagging at her with the promise of unlimited power; at the cost of losing her friends. Images of the throne, money, power danced across her vision. However, the prospect of perfection left out a crucial part of her being: Her friends weren't in any of the visions. "Not... HAPPENING"

"I... will NOT... be the one... to betray my... FRIENDS!" She shouted over the wind.

She was fighting for control with every ounce of mental power she had, gradually forcing the power back from the trigger that released it. She could feel something forming around her neck, starting from the rear of her mane and moving down both sides of her neck. She was winning the fight.

Star Prism looked back toward the mages, who were wide eyed and standing like statues.

"She's doing it! She's winning the fight!" He yelled. He nearly jumped with glee at the sight and sound of the Element of Loyalty forming completely and securing itself with a loud click!

A bright flash of light was seen as the white glow suddenly left her by contracting into the Element itself. The Element of Loyalty was pulsing with a dull red light as Rainbow remained hovering. She slowly began to drift down, but all at once fell onto her side in the hole she had created. Star Prism was silently thanking anything that might of helped her win the fight, and he slid down into the hole where Rainbow Dash lay.

"Uhhng..." Dash moaned as her vibrant rose eyes fluttered open. "Why does my head feel like somepony took a jackhammer to it?" She weakly called to nothing in particular.

"You have done it. You have passed the first test in your trials. The battle for control of your power was won, and you will never have to face it again. It is yours."

"So I can shoot lasers and buck through concrete now?" She groggily asked in a half jokingly manner.

"However, you will still have to unlock its more in-depth aspects, but I know you can do it. The trials ahead will be difficult and harrowing, but know this; no matter what you face, I'll be there by your side, in spirit." Star Prism began to fade as Rainbow Dash got up from her earlier collapse.... and mind.

He was now completely gone, and the three mages were walking up the hole.

"I am shocked that a pony of your mindset was able to resist the Pigment's call," Kuvvet said with disbelief.

"Yea yea, I'm not gonna let some thing take me over. That would be Soooo uncool," she haughtily stated.

Still a little disoriented, she extended her wings and sloppily flew from the hole, landing a few hooflengths from the three mages.

"From the Six," the three stated in unison, "we grant you permission to begin the Trials."

The Red Mage held out a hoof. "Take this," a small red glow began pulsing from the stripe in his mane, "Those doors can be heavy," he winked.

Rainbow Dash extended her own hoof out to touch his, and the red in her forelock lit up with a bright glow.

"What is th--" She was cut off by Mahiri, "Good luck..." All three mages began to fade and Dash simply nodded, still unsure of what to do.

The massive room regained its hall-like appearance as the mages faded completely. Rainbow Dash was again in the massive hall where she had first encountered the doors. She got up from her haunches, turned toward the towering doors, and sighed.

"Great. I STILL don't know how to open these!" She yelled, slamming her hoof as hard as she could into one.

To her astonishment, her hoof sank through the door as if it were merely a thick cloud. The red in her forelock was glowing just enough to cast a very faint glow on the new crater. Her eyes bulged as she ran a hoof over it.

"So this is the power..." She whispered.

She composed herself, stepping back and preparing a barrage of hits for the doors. If they wouldn't open cooperatively, she would make them open. She took aim at the door again, this time turning around for a solid buck. She reared up, striking the doors with a massive hit that caused her hind legs to disappear into them. She huffed and blew her partially glowing mane from her face while she yanked her hind legs from the steel in which they were embedded. She needed another solution.

"Oh come on!" She yelled. "There HAS to be a way to open these things without taking forever!"

Upon completing her rant, she rammed her head into the doors out of frustration. What happened next startled her. When she removed her head, there was an imprint of it bent into the metal. She couldn't help but laugh.

"Alright, time to pony-up and take these things down!" She yelled, spreading her wings.

She could almost hear the doors begin to mock her as she flew back toward the entrance of the hall. She braced, ready to put every last ounce of her one hundred and ten pounds into the next blow.

She took a deep breath and took off, wings beating as hard as they would allow.

"Oh man, this is gonna hurt..." she thought.

Author's Note:

I'm really sorry about taking so long on this. Ever had one of those times when so many ideas are flowing and you can't seem to catch a good one? Yea, well... that pretty much sums up the MONTH and nine days it took to type this. Don't worry though, my collaborator, Luna Silverscale is back, and we have some awesome stuff headed your way far quicker!

Also, any and all criticism is welcome... just be gentle! Be sure to tell me in the comments if there are any spelling or grammatical errors, I had to edit myself.