• Published 8th Feb 2012
  • 1,453 Views, 20 Comments

The Cutie Mark Clash - Captain Gamer

A fighting tournament comes to Ponyville! Can our ponies go for broke or will they be family mares?

  • ...

Chapter 2

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
The Cute Mark Clash, Chapter 2

The Ponyville plaza was buzzing with activity on the day following the announcement of the Cutie Mark Clash. The posters around town reminded all participants to report back for mandatory instructions. Among the crowd was the town's more infamous trio of fillies, the proclaimed Cutie Mark Crusaders, all sharing a blank flank - and thus not knowing their true talents - in common. As soon as they heard of the Cutie Mark Clash, they had rushed off to conspire to join before really understanding what they were getting into. After being told, they weren't discouraged any.

There was Apple Bloom, youngest in the Apple family with a rebellious streak, despite (and fueled by) her bigger sister Applejack's overprotection. Sweetie Belle, Rarity's younger sister, was most often at the back of the group but no less an important part, and Scootaloo, well, her family never really comes up in conversation. She's a pegasus who idolizes Rainbow Dash, a feeling which appears to be recognized and appreciated by the other pony.

Sweetie Belle was as eager to try the next thing as the other two, but certainly thought everything through more than the others. "So how do we know when we're about to get our Cutie Marks?" she asked, "I don't know if I want my Cutie Mark to be in fighting..."

Apple Bloom slowed her trot next to Sweetie Belle, "That's not how it works. The way I figure it, the fightin' will BRING OUT the special talent. So if, uh... say we win a fight, and I start dancin' 'cause I'm happy. I start bustin' moves I didn't even know I had, then suddenly I've got a Cutie Mark!"

Apple Bloom opened her eyes after pantomiming her Cutie Mark-winning dance, and checked her flank just in case. Nothing.

Applejack walked by, "Just as long as y'all stay in my sight, you can do all the singin' and dancin' you want."

The Cutie Mark Crusaders all flashed innocent smiles at the older pony. "Of course, Sis..." Apple Bloom said through her teeth. She then turned to the other two in a huddle. "The first chance we get..."

The other two nodded solemnly.

Meanwhile, on the stage, Hayley was managing his notes and his wits to speak to the crowd. "All right, everybody huddle close. This microphone can only be so loud. Well, not- not THAT close. I'm assuming you enjoy having the ability to hear. But- well, all that empty space- NO! I like the empty space. Love it. Now, then... Everypony look this way. AH! All at once. That was eerie."

For a few seconds, every pony looked at the lone unicorn on stage. Slowly, his book and a pair of Hooves of War floated onstage, as if forgetting their cue. Every head in the plaza turned with them. Once they were positioned at a leg's length, Hayley cleared his throat.

"You all brought your Hooves of War with you, right? Wasn't necessary, but it's good just to get a feel. In order to properly equip a Hoof of War, lay it on the ground like how a horseshoe goes if it were attached to your real hooves. Like so. Now, gently - GENTLY - press down on the Hoof of War, thinking about wearing it. The thought is what counts - literally. Just to warn- yes, you who just gasped. And you three as well. The Hoof will sorta MELD into your own hoof and turn the coat around your hoof golden."

The ponies in the crowd began doing that, giving 'ooh's and 'ahh's at their now-gilded hooves. In particular, Rarity held her hoof up, examining it's shine in the sun. "This... is... BRILLIANT. Oh, but I'll need to make a new dress..."

Pinkie Pie looked over to Rainbow Dash, "Hey Dashie! How much cooler would you say you look with those on?"

Dash scrutinized her hooves, "I'd say about... 44% cooler."

Pinkie Pie's jaw dropped, "That's not how it goes!!"

"How WHAT goes? Who are YOU to say how much cooler I think I am?"

"Okay, okay, are you paying attention? This is the important part!" Hayley commanded the attention again, "THIS is how you apply the Hoof of War's magic. If you try anything without the Hoof of War active, it will not count. In fact, the Hoof of War will REFUSE to go along if there is any premeditated damage that was NOT incurred during a previous clash. First, clop down on the ground with your left hoof. LEFT. Left to prevent accidental use of the Hoof of War when gesturing conversationally. Clopperfield IS a dominantly right-hooved country, so bear with us. Then, you LIFT your left hoof, and clop down with your right hoof."

There was a slight whoosh as the crowd did as told at nearly the same time. Hayley took notice.

"Ha! It's like a big game of Simon Says, isn't it? Hahaha... But- but seriously, you're all doing very well. Lastly, lift your right hoof so that both are off the ground momentarily, and sorta- I guess- sorta STOMP with both hooves equidistant from your middle. Not strictly equidistant. Ahh, see, you there. With the, uh, the orange mane. Your right hoof a little to the left. Your- your left. Yes! Like that. Perform those three steps in rapid succession, and you'll have yourselves a Hoof of War."

After a moment of digesting the information, the ground rumbled as a bunch of eager colts scuffled up the streets trying to summon the Hoof of War.

"Aha! See, we KNEW you'd try that as soon as you knew about it. That's why Lady Aremis has a hold on the Hoof of War's power until tomorrow morning. This way, we can properly kick off the Cutie Mark Clash without anybody jumping the fence, so to speak. After all, many of our competitors have yet to even arrive. Thank you, and, um... prepare well! Or something."

With Hayley's departing the stage and reassuming his position at the booth, the crowd dispersed to go on with their days.

"'Many of our competitors?'" Twilight echoed, "How can ponies not be here yet if the Cutie Mark Clash is BASED here?"

Rainbow Dash positioned herself between Twilight and the booth, "Well, let's take a look!"

The group walked over to the booth where the list of participants was kept. "Okay," Twilight said with a shrug in her eyes, "but I don't see how many more can enter. Not many ponies around here would want to enter, and Ponyville isn't that biiiWHAT THE!?"

Formerly a modest parchment, the Cutie Mark Clash attendance sheet now stretched across a banquet table. Even though the size was due now to the fact that pictures now accompanied each name, there still were many more names than probably accounted for ponies in Ponyville.

"Who ARE half these ponies!?" Twilight snapped.

Hayley exhaled, having been all too ready to rest his vocal chords, "That is a good question! One of the questions I have actually received proper instruction on how to answer! Ahem, you see, Twilight Sparkle, this is the Ponyville Cutie Mark Clash in location only. We've held Cutie Mark Clashes all over Equestria! Fillydelphia, Manehattan, um, even Canterlot! Though I personally have yet to preside over a Canterlot Cutie Mark Clash. The last one was so long ago. Something about injuries and cost of medical attention or another thing. Anyway, the point is that just because the Cutie Mark Clash is being held here, doesn't mean that only Ponyvillians are allowed to enter. Is it... is it 'Ponyvillians?' Or... 'Ponyvillites?' Or... 'PonyvillANS.' Heh. Almost sounds like the name of an antagonist. Pony villians! ... And... I see you are giving me that look which means what I just said was peculiar in one or more ways, which is not good, so please direction your attention to the attendance sheet."

As instructed, the four more local ponies turned their gazes over to the tall scroll, looking at the various names and pictures. They stared with particular scrutiny at the unfamiliar pictures.

Hayley continued, much calmer now that no eyes were on him, "Believe it or not, and I am inclined to believe that you all fall under the 'not' category, just saying, the Cutie Mark Clash is quite popular in most of Equestria! Many ponies are into fighting for sport and travel to participate in the Cutie Mark Clash wherever it is held. Um... ah! Over there! That's one of the Cutie Mark Clash's mainstays right over there!"

The ponies turned and looked in the café's direction and could instantly pinpoint which pony Hayley was referring to. Standing at one of the tables was a grown stallion, burgundy in coat and burly in build. His visible hooves were horseshoed normally over his Hooves of War and he wore a camouflage tank-top with matching cargo pants. In contrast to the surly demeanor he held in his eyes, his mane was awfully showy, normal up to the neck, but on top of his head it was all gelled straight up and ending on a flat top almost like a haystack. His tail was cropped and some pony could barely make out the glimmer of tags around his neck.

Rainbow Dash turned a little pale, "THAT is who you're expecting us to fight!?"

"Technically," Hayley answered, "only ONE of you will be facing him when the time comes. All alone. Against him. You may help each other, but in morale only. It... I believe it counts for a lot."

"I hear music!" Pinkie Pie suddenly chirped.

"So do I..." Twilight added, squinting, "I think he has an iPony on him."

With a point forward, Pinkie Pie claimed, "It totally goes with what he's doing!"

The statement drew some odd looks. Rainbow Dash flew forward a bit to get a better look, then just turned around. "Pinkie Pie... he's just eating a petal sandwich."


Fluttershy occupied herself looking for the stallion in the attendance sheet, when Hayley took notice and spoke up again. "THAT is Gil, an accomplished fighter from Mareica. That is, MARE-ica. As, as in female adults with -ica at the end. Oh, I'm sure you know Mareica. But I thought I'd give you all a thorough introduction. Just in case. Probably didn't. But it's been said."

When they all looked back, Gil wasn't there any more. Twilight started to ask, "Where did he-?" when suddenly the music got louder, "Where's that coming from NOW!?"

They all turned to see Gil turn the corner of the gate out of the café and begin trotting towards where they stood. Pinkie Pie couldn't help but reiterate, "The music even goes with him walking towards us menacingly! He's good."

Gil stopped in front of them, looking them over. He gave a courtesy nod to Hayley, then looked to the other four again. His eyes stopped. "You're Rainbow Dash?"

"Uh," Dash said, caught at being addressed, but gaining her composure, "No. The OTHER pony with the multi-colored mane and tail is Rainbow Dash!"

Pinkie started, "There's ANOTHER pony with ra-!?" but was quickly shushed.

Gil smirked, "You've got spunk. I expected as much from the pony who's rumored to have pulled off a real Sonic Rainboom."

"RUMORED!?" Dash replied, "Let me put that rumor to rest. AS BEING TRUE! Wait... they're talking about me in Mareica?"

"Not all over the place. Let's just say a little birdie told me."

At that turn of phrase, Fluttershy said, "Oh, little birdies talk in Mareica? I would very much like to see that."

"One at a time," Dash said back, "can't you see this guy is fronting me?"

Gil poped a laugh, "I only ask because my signature technique is something I like to call the Sonic Boom!"

"Hah! My Sonic Boom is better than your Sonic Boom! 'Cause it's a Sonic RAINboom! It literally has more to offer in the name alone!"

"That's what I'd like to figure out."

Dash took that in stride, then the implication hit her. "Wait... tomorrow!? Right out the gate!?"

"No, I'm going to be a little more patient with you." Gil began a walk around Rainbow Dash at a conversational speed, "I was in the Marican army for a long time. When you're in the army, you internalize a lot about the art of combat. Most important is knowing your opponent. See how they move, what techniques they employ. I have a feeling you're going to be my most interesting opponent... so I want to observer you, know about your battle style... what makes you tick."

"Ooh!" Pinkie Pie zipped right beside Gil, "I know... An alarm clock!!"

Not more than a moment's stare at the grinning pink pony was lost before Gil took it in surprising stride and looked back at Dash, "I'll be seeing you later... in the Hoof of War."

With that, Gil turned from them and started a walk off to his next location of interest. The group was left with their own thoughts regarding the weight of what was just promised. Despite the inevitable clash, Pinkie had to gesture to Gil's retreating figure, "Okay, you can't tell me that the music doesn't go with THAT."

It really did.


Each pony prepared for the Cutie Mark Clash in their own ways that night. Twilight flew through book after book on the art of combat using unicorn magic, Rarity took painstaking measures to ensure that the fringes on her outfit were the exact pigment of the gold on her hooves. Rainbow Dash dragged Fluttershy out to practice team moves, and Pinkie Pie geared up with a party hat, then wore a party hat on top of that just to be absolutely sure.

Applejack, however, just stayed in the barnhouse and took it easy. She was a rough'n tumbler since birth, so she knew she had what it took. The fillies, however... Applejack walked through the house and peeked in on the Cutie Mark Crusaders as they planned their moves and chatted the night away in their sleepover. Another pony sauntered over, and Applejack moved away to let her Granny Smith take her own pick and emit a quiet laugh. "Oh come, dear. The little ones see it as a bit of fun."

Applejack sighed, "I don't know how Rarity can be so okay with this. I know she gets into her work, but she cares about her sister just as much as I care about Apple Bloom. Am I the only one who looks at this Cutie Mark Clash and doesn't see all cheerbright?"

"I'm sure that isn't the case, sugarcube." Granny Smith knew that Applejack couldn't help but smile when called that. That was probably why Applejack herself adopted that as a pet name for her friends. "From what Apple Bloom tells me, those Clopperfield ponies have everything under control. And besides... it's not often this sort of thing comes along. Why, if I were sixty years younger..."

Applejack grinned softly and chuckled, "That would be a sight, Granny Smith..."


Despite all the worrying, Applejack's internal clock lead her to a good night's sleep. In the morning, she woke up and saw from the lack of sun in the sky that the rooster hasn't crowed yet and nopony else would be up by now.

Well, no point trying to go back to sleep now. Applejack pushed open the door to her room and began her rounds around the farmhouse, making sure everything was in place when she and the fillies left for the Cutie Mark Clash. Speaking of the fillies, waking them for a little earlier breakfast wouldn't hurt anypony.

Applejack walked up to Apple Bloom's door and knocked. "Rise and shine, fillies! There's ain't no sun out yet, so you'll have to do both until it's ready."

Unsurprisingly, there was no response.

Applejack tried again, "I don't know when you other two get up in the mornin', but Apple Bloom I know YOU'RE up by now."

Still silent. Too silent...

Applejack pressed her ear to the door, "Apple Bloom?"

Fed up, Applejack pushed her way into the room and gasped at what she saw. No fillies, window open, tied-up bed sheets leading out, and upon looking out the window, the bush directly underneath was dented as if it absorbed the impact of three falling fillies.

"APPLE BLOOOOM!!" the orange pony called into the young morning. She pulled her head back in, and her worry turned to anger. "HORSE APPLES!!" she swore.

And at that moment, there was a knock at the door.

Despite all evidence, Applejack still hopped downstairs and pushed the door open. "Apple Bloom!"

The door opened up to reveal a modest gathering of her extended family. They ignored the incorrect address. "Well howdy there, Cousin Applejack," the pony at the front greeted, "We're all ready to take over while y'all have fun at that Cutie Mark Clash thing."

Applejack's expression lifted into gracious confusion, "Th... That's mighty kind of y'all! I really appreciate the help! Pardon if I look like I don't, 'cause I didn't know any of y'all'd be comin'!" Intending to say this aside, Applejack added, "Though I don't know why Granny Smith would call y'all down without tellin' me... especially since she's still got Big Macintosh."

Applejack stared into space with a hoof to her chin in thought, not seeing the rest of her kin look around at each other awkwardly. Finally another pony spoke up. "But Cousin Applejack... Big Macintosh was the one who sent out for us!"

Applejack heard this with a start. She looked into the shifting eyes of her family and immediately knew that what she just heard was the honest truth. As soon as she accepted that, Applejack's face scrunched a little into a disapproving glare at nopony in particular. Wheels turning in her head, Applejack responded, "Is that so...?"


On the other side of the Sweet Apple Acres, Big Macintosh was well on his way down the path to Ponyville, passing under the rooster who had a minute until his call. The red draft horse was almost to the exiting gate when he heard the expected clopping and yells from behind.

"Now hold on there, big brother!" Came Applejack's call before she came to a halt some distance away. She caught her breath, "You're gettin' all mixed up in all this Cutie Mark Clash nonsense, too!?"

Big Macintosh turned his head to look back at his sister, "Eyup."

Applejack stomped the ground and leaned in, "But... why!? I TOLD you that I was enterin' to keep an eye on Apple Bloom and her friends... and now they're gone to who-knows-where and now I'm on edge and don't feel like arguin'! If this is about that prize money, then you can just turn back now 'cause we aint' fixin' our problems like that." Realizing how antagonistic she was being, Applejack calmed down and sighed, "Big Macintosh... is just ain't LIKE you to walk out on your duties like this."

Big Macintosh looked forward, away from his sister again, now that she had a point. After steeling himself, he said back, "I want to go."

That spoiled Applejack's sisterly compassion somewhat. "Want!? Big Macintosh, we can't always GET what we want! And- and I know you're not the type to want everything in the world all the time. I'm sorry, but having us BOTH in the Cutie Mark Clash is excessive and as long as Apple Bloom is in danger, I ain't backin' out, and THAT is how it is. So when we get back to the Sweet Apple Acres, you're going to tell everypony there that you're awful sorry for wastin' their time and git-"

At that point in Applejack's ramblings, she turned to Big Macintosh who had turned his entire body around. She first expected him to walk past her back to the farm, but noticed he scratched at the dirt with his hooves, then purposefully laid his left hoof down.

Applejack's face flushed through a series of surprised and sad emotions, settling on miffed. "Big Macintosh... you'd better be foolin'."

Saying nothing, Big Macintosh kept his confrontational stance, lifting the left hoof and laying down his right.

"Not even explainin' yourself," Applejack muttered, "Just walkin' off by your lonesome, wantin' your own GRAND OL' destiny... So much that you're willin' to clash with your own sister over it?"

Still wordlessly, Big Macintosh returned his sister's glare, then let down his hooves. When they landed, a shadow formed on the spot that grew around the two Apple siblings, eventually creating a horseshoe that surrounded them like a fighting ring, and then faded into the ground after its presence was known.

Applejack leaned into her battle stance, eyes narrowed sharply, grimacing, legs shaking with nerves and rage. "You... stubborn..."

This entire time, the calling rooster had been perched safely behind the show. He was, however, still frightened to bring any attention to himself. The two siblings in front of him were ready to clash at any moment, just waiting for some signal. And to the rooster's dismay, the tip of the sun began to peak over the hills. Forgetting the situation, the rooster reared back to call in the day. Remembering the situation, the rooster froze in place. Keeping his call in caused his body to shiver. The call welled up in his stomach, expanded his chest, and managed to puff his beak out before he threw his wings over it to keep it inside. That proved to only delay the inevitable as immediately after, the rooster belted out the loudest "COCKADOODLEDOO!" he had ever called. The fatigue of such a strong call caused the rooster to lose his footing and fall to the tall grass below.

The sun's rise and the rooster's call were all Applejack and Big Macintosh needed to signal the start of their clash. The two siblings took off from their places, leaving large dirt clouds in their wake. They charged at each other in what promises to be a very strong start to the Ponyville Cutie Mark Clash!

As they closed in on each other, Big Macintosh reared up on his hind legs and spread out his forelegs. That whole 'making himself bigger' thing worked when they were young'uns, but now Applejack just saw him as a hard-faller. She could headbutt hard, but Big Macintosh was too thick and sturdy to topple over at full power. He counted on her trying, but she went for something else. As Big Macintosh went for a belly-flop tackle, Applejack pumped her legs for a slide between his. Narrowly she avoided the fall and let Big Macintosh fall over to deal the first damage to himself. She then nimbly hopped back and landed on her brother's back, digging her hooves in with a powerful stomp. To complete the attack, Applejack grabbed off one of her lassos and managed to hook it in Big Macintosh's mouth and pull up.

Unfortunately, it didn't quite work when Big Macintosh was an unwilling steed. Big Macintosh let the lasso pull his head back, then all at once heaved his head down, pulling Applejack off with it effortlessly. While the filly flailed her way to the ground, Big Macintosh pushed himself up and chased after her falling form. Applejack hit the ground, and picked herself up just in time for Big Macintosh to stop in front of her, pivot on one of his front hooves, and swing his body around it, slamming the thick of his flank into the side of her face. He watched the blow roll her across the ground and kick up dirt. Just like before, Applejack planted a front hoof on the ground to pick herself back up.

Applejack didn't underestimate her ability to take a hit, but she KNEW that the flank strike always knocked her out cold. This Hoof of War magic is really potent... What else did Hayley say? Abilities were also enhanced? Applejack looked across the fence at a close apple tree and bucked it. A single apple fell, which Applejack then bucked straight at her approaching brother. Big Macintosh saw the apple and didn't think much of it, until it hit him with enough force to throw him flat on his back. While he got up, Applejack saw her advantage and began a series of apple bucking straight at him.

A few of the apples hit their mark, but Big Macintosh learned how to weave, jump, or duck the majority of them. He reared back on his hind legs to avoid a pair, then slammed them down, creating a tremor. Applejack wobbled in place, giving Big Macintosh his opening for a full tackle. However, Applejack's ability to improvise kicked in. Taking a lasso in her mouth, he roped an apple, twirled out of the way of the tackle, swung the roped apple in a circle with it coming down directly on Big Macintosh's head. Applejack took that moment to distance herself a little more. She sensed he was not out yet.

There was a brief break for them both to catch their breath, and then it was back to it. This time, Big Macintosh took initiative, giving a might leap, elbows forward. Not quick enough to dodge, Applejack just threw her hooves up and blocked the incoming attack. Big Macintosh took a few more swipes with his front hooves, keeping his sister on the defensive. She met his hooves directly on, both on their hind legs, pushing against each other. Big Macintosh had strength and height, but Applejack's will managed to allow her a push that sent Big Macintosh reeling. The critical stun allowed Applejack a few front hoof swipes that connected well with Big Macintosh's face and neck. She kept a good rhythm, but slipped eventually, allowing Big Macintosh to just leap forward for a quick headbutt into her chest. Applejack exhaled hard, then landed on her hooves, trying for a quick counter to whatever Big Macintosh would follow up with.

Big Macintosh leaned back, raised his front hooves to his collar, and loosened the vices. "I reckon we're done here." He hit the ground and met Applejack's headbutt with his own, the two forces colliding at a standstill. However, his loosened collar kept its forward momentum and slipped off, right over his head, right over Applejack's head, around her neck, and to the ground. Despite the fact that Big Macintosh seemed to carry on just fine with it on, Applejack realized at that moment that his collar was EXTREMELY heavy, and that there was no way to quickly pull herself out of it. After realizing that, she realized Big Macintosh took his position facing away and lifting his hind legs in prime bucking position.

"Aw, no..." Applejack gasped, "Aw HAY no...!!"

"Eyup," Big Macintosh said back.

Like a spring loaded all the way, Big Macintosh's hid legs bucked out in a fraction of a second, smashing his exposed hooves into Applejack's face. The younger Apple bucked straight out of the collar into a tree. The collar was popped into the air by the momentum, fell around Big Macintosh's neck, and snapped its vices back in automatically.

"K.O.!!!" Shouted a voice conjured by the Hoof of War's magic.

Applejack fell from where the hit the tree with an "Ugh!" After that, the Hoof of War faded from the field like a rustling wind. Despite not having broken or even sprained anything, Applejack was still on the edge of consciousness, covered in scuff-marks, and trembling with pain and fatigue. "Suh..." She gasped, coughing over her own words, "So... it comes all out... dunnit..."

While Applejack struggled to speak, Big Macintosh picked up her hat and slowly walked to where she lay.

"Thought we had an agreement... Big Macintosh... We both quit the fussin'... and mellow out... for Apple Bloom's sake. Really... had me goin'... Thought you changed... But you're STILL... nothin' more than... than a stubborn FOAL..."

That said, Applejack resigned to staying limp and gasping while her brother reached her position and placed the hat back on her head. However, she didn't pass on the opportunity to shoot him a nasty look. Big Macintosh looked down at her with an expression lamenting no more than her current physical condition. Finally, with his head still close to hers, he spoke softly.

"I mellowed out. You didn't change none."

Applejack gasped and looked at her brother, appalled. Having said all he needed, Big Macintosh turned and continued the way he had been going. That didn't stop Applejack's tongue.

"Now wait a... That just ain't true! Big Macintosh, that ain't true so you take it back! Big Macintosh! BIG MACINTOSH! YOU GET RIGHT BACK HERE! ... Stubborn... blamed... FOAL! ... You know what... you keep walkin', Big Macintosh! See if I ever let you take one step into Sweet Apple Acres... EVER AGAIN!! You hear me!?"

Big Macintosh's retreating form shrunk in Applejack's blurring vision until the red shape was gone from the road. All glared and cursed out, Applejack felt passing out NOW wasn't such a bad idea since there wasn't any pony around to see. With another "Ugh..." Applejack drifted off.


Suddenly, Applejack found herself in... Twilight's house? And she wasn't even in a bed or anything... she was just suddenly standing in the middle of the house with her five best friends doing something or other. She looked at the nearest pony. "Twilight?"

"Huh?" Twilight looked up from her book for all of a few moments. "Oh. Applejack."

Applejack tilted her head away, "That was a mighty flat greetin'. There something you want to tell me, sugarcube?"

"Oh. Well. Good news is I feel MUCH better after deciding not to put up with your strong-headed nonsense any more." In the background, Spike chuckled.

"Wh... what!?"

"Oh yeah!" Rainbow Dash call from up high, "Very strong-headed, very nonsense. I thought you were a rival or something, but I realized you just annoy me."

"Sticklerrr!" Pinkie sang.

Rarity haughtily checked her hoof, "A mess of a pony, really."

"Reckless..." Fluttershy could barely stammer.

Overwhelmed, Applejack backed up, "Wh... why... why didn't none of you tell me these things? I... what did I do to..."


"I know, I know..."


"Just let me-!"


"NAAUH!" Applejack snapped awake in bed. Her bed. Surrounded by her family. "A dream..."

"You were stirring and kicking so violently..." Granny Smith whispered, "It must have been a terrible dream..."

"I'm fine now, Granny Smith..." It was true to say she felt a lot better after the clash, but the dream left her shaken, not to mention all those nasty things she said before passing out left a bitter taste in her mouth.

One of Applejack's young cousins spoke up, "Well, that's all thanks to Hayford over there!"

Applejack furrowed her brow at the mention, and then heard the unforgettable voice.

"Actually, that's HayLEY. Like in... ahhhhh... well, I have no examples off the top of my head, but just take my word that it's a LEE sound."

"You found me out there...?" Applejack asked.

"Naturally! Well, not that you needed to know until now, but the Hoof of War magic is being tracked by Lady Aremis and, by proxy, myself. We see every clash that happens to verify the results. The magic also enables me to teleport myself to the location of the clash in case medical attention is needed. Which it was. In this case. You're welcome. Not- not in an arrogant way! Just, ah, heading you off because I REALLY felt like welcoming you at that moment."

The Apple family was exchanging looks at Hayley's unique train of thought. Applejack, used to it, leaned back into the bed. "Thank you kindly, Haley... I mean it. You're good at what you do."

"Oh! Thank you. I mean... you're- well. That is... you don't preside over a few Cutie Mark Clashes without learning healing magic. By necessity. Ohhh, the necessity... Anyway. I've done what I needed to do, you are safe with your family, I think I'll be going. If, ah, if this loss has discouraged you, please remove the Hooves of War and return them to the Cutie Mark Clash booth in the Ponyville plaza at your convenience."

"I ain't backin' out, Hayley."

"Which I knew you wouldn't! Notice the IF in that sentence. IF! I'm just saying what's obligated of me. Diplomatic relations. You know. ... Right. Leaving. Get well soon!"

Hayley backed his way out and onto other things. There was a moment where nopony knew what to do or say, so one of the extended family lifted a hoof, "All right, everypony. Cousin Applejack's lookin' fine and there's still more apples to pick. She only needs Granny Smith now."

The family headed out to their various chores, leaving Applejack and her elder. The former was still looking around the room, restless. Granny Smith hummed, "I'm worried about Apple Bloom too, dear... but she's with her little friends and I'm sure everypony will be looking out for them, wherever they wander off to... Is there anything you need, sugarcube?"

Contemplating things like asking to be snuck out, or just bolting out at that moment, Applejack ended up falling right back onto her pillow. "... Rest." She answered and turned away.

Knowing well Applejack's temperament when unable to act, Granny Smith gave a little smile to herself and walked off to some other activity. If not for the soreness and fatigue, Applejack never would have drifted off to sleep with all on her mind.


Later in the day, Twilight woke with a start, having fallen asleep with her face in a book about roundhouse kicks. Spike in tow, she ran through town into the plaza where the ever-representing Hayley was wrapping an initiation to the Cutie Mark Clash.

"Lady Aremis. What a mare, right? Now, then... a few ground rules. First: Spread out. Clashes can happen anywhere, so we suggest looking for your own clashing grounds. Two fights going on near each other are just begging for a little interference. That is, unless you're looking for a tag battle of sorts, in which case BOTH members of the challenging team must activate the Hoof of War at the same time. No need for perfect timing... unless you're going for intimidation. I know I'D be intimidated. Without further ado, I announce the first Ponyville Cutie Mark Clash... OFFICIALLY BEGUN!"

"Twilight, behind you!"

The helpful pony's cry was lost in Twilight as she turned around and met a ball of light that slapped itself on her face, doing no real damage, but causing her to see stars and shake her head. When she opened her eyes again, she didn't believe she was in Ponyville any more.

"Sloppy as ever, o fiercest of rivals!" A voice boomed, "I think I'll have you run around a bit in the penalty zone for that!"

Twilight saw herself on a flat, dark-purple plane with brighter purple crystalline structures all around. The sky was an abstract baby blue filled with five-pointed stars that you'd more expect on a wallpaper rather than in the sky. Topping the sky was a pale bright blue moon.

"Wh... Where am I!?" Twilight demanded to the voice, "What did you do!?"

The voice chuckled, "Perhaps you should worry more about THEM, Twilight Sparkle."

Twilight turned around and found she wasn't alone. She was in a relatively open area, and it was full of shadowy pony-like creatures with sharp eyes that were only pairs of bright yellow lights. As if that weren't bad enough, a gnashing sound alerted Twilight that one of them was right on her back.

"AHHH!!" Twilight yelped and quickly tossed the creature off. At this, the other creatures began to approach. Taking the once-spoken advice of her mentor, Twilight ducked into the nearest path between the crystal structures and ran.

Some of the creatures ran after, keeping a good pace behind. Everywhere, around every corner, were more of the creatures. Some were even just passing by, not even noticing Twilight until she ran past or even into them. Finally she emerged into another open area where there was a structure bigger than the rest, with a bright, inviting entrance. Having filled up on too much weirdness, Twilight just ran into the structure.

And all at once, she was back in Ponyville.

Rather, she appeared to be in a circus tent of some sort that was erupting in applause. A gate slammed shut behind her, prompting her to notice she was in a fenced-off area, like a pen...

Or an arena.

"How did you like my dazzling charm, Twilight Sparkle?" the voice boomed again, "The only thing that changed was how you saw the world. There were no creatures... just a confused little filly running around like a madmare."

Twilight rolled her eyes in thought, "So that was... magic? All those things were the other ponies? So then that one that was on me... Spike!!"

"I'm okay..." Spike said, approaching the edge of the arena, holding an ice pack to his head, "At least I know it wasn't ME you thought you were bucking. Ouch..."

The voice chuckled, "Tsk tsk, Twilight Sparkle. For a mage of your... ahem, prestige, I expected more."

"That was a cheap shot!" Twilight responded, looking around, "I wasn't expecting anything! I wasn't even... expecting to EXPECT anything! Aren't fighters supposed to look each other in the eye when activating the Hoof of War? Because I KNOW this is about the Cutie Mark Clash!"

"The Cutie Mark Clash..." the voice mused, pausing to let magical fireworks light up the air at the top of the tent, painting pictures of ponies clashing, and Lady Aremis, "The traditional test of wits of Clopperfield! An event which crowns champions, paves the future for the bold and the skilled... and has a more dark, insidious effect..."

The fireworks swirled in and out to depict two ponies, orange and red, arguing and eventually striking each other.

"The true colors of all ponies who participate are shown. All resentment, insecurity, and locked-away malice are laid bare under the Cutie Mark Clash's flag. Friends against friends, family against family... relationships tested... and broken."

As the crowd looked aghast, but still rapt with attention, Twilight didn't have any of it. "Will you just come down here and FIGHT already!? Where are you!? WHO are you!?"

The voice chuckled, "What you lack in preparedness, Twilight Sparkle, you make up for in getting straight to the point. Who am I, you may ask?"

Suddenly next to Spike, Pinkie Pie urgently raised a hoof. "Ooh, ooh! I know! I KNOW! Even though I wasn't around that episode I STILL KNOW!"

"Why, only the newest champion to grace the Cutie Mark Clash! And today, you will all marvel at the glory of this champion, beginning her ascent to Cutie Mark Clash stardom with this very clash!"

A pair of spotlights illuminated a curtain behind a balcony. Twilight lifted a hoof in anticipation.

"For you see, this is a grudge match long in the making!"

Twilight put her hoof back down and pouted.

"For far too long, Twilight Sparkle has been regarded at the top mage in all of Equestria, a 'fact' which is simply not true. Behind these curtains stands the TRUE most powerful unicorn in all the land! In all of ALL the all the lands! But this speech has tarried long enough. Prepare to have your perceptions of unicorns, magic, and the entire WORLD challenged..."

The curtains tugged a little.

"... By the Great..."

"Uh ohhh...!" Pinkie muttered.

"... and Powerful..."

"Oh, no!" Spike gasped.

The curtains opened. There was nopony behind it. Everypony had a moment to look in confusion before fireworks popped directly behind Twilight, causing the purple pony to jump and retreat away.


The crowd erupted in cheer again. Twilight saw Trixie, as boisterous as ever, basking in the glory of her showy magic. The crowd definitely seems to have forgotten that Trixie left them running away like a coward, which was good since nopony deserved a coward's welcome. To keep the act, however...

Trixie landed back on her hooves and looked at Twilight, "Surprised to see me again, Twilight Sparkle?"

Twilight shook the spectacle out of her head, "Well... yeah! You left Ponyville so quickly that one time that I never got a chance to talk to you personally! I also thought you might have been hurt, but you look just fine now. After the whole Ursa Minor thing, I thought I could talk to you while you're not feeling so great and powerful to discuss why you act so grand. But then you left, so I thought you'd never come back... but now you're here!"

What followed was a silence nopony could have imagined. The only sounds in the tent were the fizzling of the last fireworks. Trixie looked back at Twilight incredulously. Nopony expected that reaction. However, Trixie found her inner 'great and powerful'ness again. "Your attempts at confusing the Great and Powerful Trixie will do you no good, Twilight Sparkle! In fact, they only make you look like a greater foal than you have already proven! Regardless, your craftiness will catch the me off-guard no more. Prepare yourself, Twilight Sparkle!"

Trixie stamped down the gestures, stopping her hooves at Twilight's shrill yell.

"NO!" Twilight shouted, "You... put that away! Or something. I'm not getting swept up in this until you take some time to CALM DOWN and let us talk this out before everypony gets the wrong idea!"

Trixie was quicker to the wit trigger this time, "Are those conditions for victory? If you manage to achieve a K.O. in this fight, the Great and Powerful Trixie will agree to... ahem, 'sit down and talk.' If, however, the Great and Powerful Trixie knocks YOU out, Twilight Sparkle... then YOU will JOIN the Great and Powerful Trixie as her assistant!"

"That's... WHAT!?"

"Why, it's the only thing missing from the Great and Powerful Trixie's performances. A stunningly beautiful assistant to hold the hat from which the Great and Powerful Trixie pulls a rabbit from... or be bolted to the table, putting COMPLETE faith in the Great and Powerful Trixie to throw knives and not hit her... or to just be there for the viewing pleasure of all the colts and fillies - the Great and Powerful Trixie does not judge - during intermissions."

"I can't...! Wait. You find me 'stunningly beautiful?'"

Trixie paused mid-flourish. "Anything is possible with magic, dear."

Twilight growled at that, but then sighed. "Fine. If that's the only way to get to you, I will NOT lose!"

"Fantastic!" Trixie called with a grin, successfully summoning the Hoof of War. "In fact... the Great and Powerful Trixie will give you a sporting chance. Hit me with your best shot, Twilight Sparkle."

Twilight gave a brief look, and then closed her eyes in concentration. Magic swirled about her horn, but not enough to give Trixie any need for concern. Twilight hadn't charged long until she gave a shout of "HADOUHORN!!" and a ball of energy shot forward from her horn.

"Wha-!?" Trixie gasped, and looked in time to see the energy smack her in the face, causing her to twirl around and fall over.

"WHOA!" shouted Spike from the side, "You pulled it off on the first try!"

Twilight said to the rising Trixie, "I spent all of last night researching combat moves, and I always saw references to something called the 'hadouhorn,' so I looked it up. Apparently, it's a fairly standard move used by combat unicorns in the ancient-"


A ball of energy came from Trixie's position and plowed Twilight down.

"Foal!" Trixie spat, "I've known how to use a hadouhorn since before I could SPELL MY NAME! Can you even do fierce?"

Trixie launched another hadouhorn at Twilight, who countered with her own. The two unicorns began a volley of hadouhorns, which everypony in the crowd whipped their heads back and forth to keep track of.

Pinkie groaned, "If I knew all they were going to do was spam fireballs, I would have skipped on this match to watch Lyra and Bon-Bon going at it."

After a few more rounds of hadouhorns, Twilight realized that this was a battle of attrition and the more experienced Trixie would eventually come out on top. Thus, Twilight took it upon herself to swerve away from one hadouhorn and make a dash to get at Trixie with a physical strike. Trixie kept the hadouhorns coming, but Twilight was now jumping them like a pro, much to the joy of the crowd as they cheered her on. One more jump and she'd close the gap to get a kick in. Trixie looked frustrated, until...

"Dragon HOOF!!"

Trixie rose with unprecedented speed, a frontal hoof forward, and connected the hoof to Twilight's gut. Trixie landed smoothly, and Twilight landed on her side.

"Is the hadouhorn ALL you know, Twilight Sparkle? What kind of rival to the Great and Powerful Trixie ARE you? You looked up but ONE technique from the Ansetsuken style! There is much... MUCH more to it than that. Are you getting back up, my future assistant?"

At that final remark, Twilight popped herself back up and stared Trixie down. Trixie sent another hadouhorn, which Twilight dodged and used the action to cover a lunge.

"Dragon hoof!"

This time, the hoof caught Twilight directly under the chin and popped her up and back down to the floor. The crowd gave a collective "Ooohhh...!"

"You must defeat my dragon hoof to stand a chance!" Trixie lectured.

Twilight picked herself up handily, "Challenge accepted..."

Employing the same successful tactic, Trixie sent down another hadouhorn. This time, Twilight backed up a little before predictably making the jump over it towards Trixie. Like before, Trixie sent up her dragon hoof. However...

Everybody saw it in slow motion. The dragon hoof came up to meet Twilight, but only grazed the front of the studious pony's bangs. Trixie yelped in surprise, then struck a look over to Twilight who landed from her jump, only on her front hooves, keeping the back ones in the air. When Trixie came down far enough from her dragon hoof, Twilight bucked her legs to full extent, giving Trixie a fierce kick to the other side of the arena.

While the crowd cheered, Trixie picked herself up with indignation, "How DARE you front the Great and Powerful Tr-UCK!"

Upon turning back around, Trixie found Twilight pursued closely and rammed an elbow into her chest. This was followed up with a sweep to Trixie's front hooves, a headbutt into her cheek, and a vigorous "DRAGON HOOF!" as she felt Twilight's front hoof collide with her chin, sending her upward. On the way down, she surreally heard another "Dragon hoof...!" and felt the strike on her back this time on the way down.

"How are you DOING that!?" Spike shouted over the crowd.

"I'M IMPROVISING!!" Twilight shouted back, half out of panic.

"N... NOVICE!" Trixie howled back. Twilight was in the middle of looking away from Spike to notice the ropes snaking their way to her hooves. Twilight didn't look down, so she was completely unaware when the ropes formed nooses, took hold, and held Twilight in the air. Twilight shouted in protest, but that only fueled Trixie's triumph. Without regard for owners, Trixie sent every object in the tent at Twilight; apples, hats, tin cans, one unfortunate pony's pair of glasses, and a few barrels. When the barrage was done, the ropes carried Twilight over to Trixie's horn, which was billowing with energy. "Now you shall feel the true might... of the Great... and Powerful... TRIXIE!!" At that last word, the energy in Trixie's horn reached a critical point and burst, creating a blinding light with twinkling fallout.

The tent was silent with focus on the grounded Twilight. Trixie's eyes and ears scanned around, knowing what to listen for... and it didn't come. Sure enough, Twilight stirred. "Once and for all!!" Trixie called, breaking into a run for Twilight's defeat. She was already preparing a dragon hoof when Twilight flipped over.

"I'm more sturdy than that!" Twilight announced, "Metsu... HADOUHORN!!" Twilight sent out a hadouhorn that was at least twice in size and intensity as the ones seen thus far. Trixie, too far in her dragon horn to put up a defense, was hit full in the gut with the stronger concentration of energy. The ball grinded into her stomach, pulsing, until it ran out of momentum and fizzled with a final pulse of pressure into Trixie's stomach. The tables turned as now Trixie was sent to the floor.

However, Trixie didn't take her time getting back up. She was quickly back on her hooves. "Well done, Twilight Sparkle! Learning the dragon hoof from observation and then pulling off a more powerful hadouhorn must have been DRAINING, hasn't it?"

True enough, Twilight was having a hard enough time maintaining her balance. How could Trixie has all that stamina left!?

"That's enough for now," Trixie said dismissively.

"I'm still up!" Twilight shouted back.

"Hm, yes. The Great and Powerful Trixie..." Everypony hung on what threat or surprise attack Trixie had in store, "...concedes."

"WHAT!?" Twilight shouted.

"WHAT!?" Spike shouted.

"WHAT!!?" the entire tent shouted.

Trixie chuckled, "Not due to a sense of defeat, mind you. The Great and Powerful Trixie NEVER admits defeat in the long run. I just want you to think on what happened today, Twilight Sparkle. You put in SO much effort, and look at what you have to show for it... Your opponent is still up and looking very healthy. Curious, isn't it? Hayworth, if you could come out and recite the rule we discussed..."

"HayLEY is what you're looking for..." A spotlight revealed Hayley on the balcony. "AH! Spotlight. Stage fright. Not being helped. Right, imagine everypony in their... Now why would I do that? The rule! Here it is... 'At any time, a pony may declare a rematch on a previously fought opponent.' Oh, that IS relevant!"

"Do you see, Twilight Sparkle? The Great and Powerful Trixie is ALLOWING you this moment of complacent calm. You may have the upper hand when pacifying big dumb beasts, but it is I who rule the world of magical combat! Enjoy this technical victory as you would a plump, tasty apple, Twilight Sparkle, but be warned that same apple is actually a time bomb! A time bomb that will explode in your face when you least expect it. The Great and Powerful Trixie bids you... adieu."

Trixie tossed down a concealing smoke bomb that hid Trixie's exit. When it cleared, it revealed the open flaps of the tent with Trixie running off in the distance, leaving the crowd to mill out and Twilight's friends to rush in to see if she's okay.

Hayley, still on the balcony, looked at the scene with a heavy expression. He then looked around his surroundings. "I notice there's no ladder or stairs leading down from this balcony..."