• Published 1st May 2013
  • 593 Views, 2 Comments

The War of the Equestrian First Reign - Creative Charmer

Twilight is informed by Princess Celestia about a certain war that happened some time after Equestria's creation.

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Chapter 5: Strange Uncoverings - 2/3

Finally, as sunset approached, did the pegasi soldiers come across what seemed like the boundary they had been searching for. Lying directly next to the desert which the pegasi were currently in, was a vast, empty, and seemingly lifeless wasteland. Unlike the sandy, hot-as-Tartarus surroundings of the desert, this new terrain consisted entirely of rock, with the entire ground made purely out of solid stone, which was littered with strewn about boulders, rock formations, and mountains in the distance. The earth was quite craggy here, with many canyons and precipices of varying size embedded in the rocky floor—especially, the one enormous crevice separating the desert from the wasteland. In addition to the desolate nature of these badlands, a veil of billowing dark clouds occluded the sky from view completely, and in turn cast a somber shadow over the entirety of this no-pony's land. Sensations of apprehension were swept across each of the pegasi by the dismal ambience this land did produce . Even being the audacious soldiers that these ponies were, they could not shake off the uneasiness radiating from this strange land. It was at this time a joint decision was made: the scouting team would progress no further, and the split between the desert lands and the badlands would become the southern border to Equestria. Of course, such a decision was not in their hooves; it would be up to the leaders of Equestria to give their assent to the scouting team's adjudication—but, that would have to wait until the team returned to the homestead, which they did so with all deliberate speed, as the farther they all were from those sinister lands, the better.

With the explanation of their account now finalized, the scouts inquired as to what their commander's orders concerning the border issue. This was a matter that Commander Hurricane needed not the time to analyze. She dismissed her soldiers and swiftly flew off to gather the other Equestria rulers.

With the leaders now assembled, Hurricane repeated to Chancellor Puddinghead and Princess Platinum that which her scouts had detailed in their report. Commander Hurricane's stance on the matter was the same as her scouts: Equestria's borders should end at the wasteland, as clearly there was nothing of any value or use existing in that dismal area. Naturally, Princess Platinum was opposed to the idea of such a wretched piece of earth being part of what would become a glorious nation, so she was with Hurricane on this subject. Then came Chancellor Puddinghead, who was not so quick to choose a verdict as the others. However, she was the highly suggestible type, and seeing that both of the other leaders were in agreement over this affair, she agreed as well. And so, a unanimous decision was made: Equestria's southern borders would end at the badlands, which meant that now Equestria was now fully partitioned, and the real colonization of the new homeland of the pony races would at last get underway.

Almost immediately after the joint decision did Commander Hurricane proclaim her want for southern Equestria to properly outfitted for defensive requirements. This seemingly impetuous decision was due to the fact that the badlands had not been explored, so it was unknown if any beings of malevolent nature dwelled within those lands. The Equestrians required immediate defensive planning so as to be prepared for the probability of an attack on their homeland. The safety of Equestria's inhabitants was top priority for Commander Hurricane, and she would see to it that her people were protected from any perceivable threat, no matter how much time or resources would be utilized in doing so.

In opposition to the pegasus leader's extensive proposition, Princess Platinum showed herself to be not so eager to enact with Hurricane's hasty project. Such an enterprise was nothing more than trifling when placed into comparison with the more salient matter of establishing proper residences for their homeless people. After all, homes were necessity to shelter their ponies from the harsh elements of nature; plus, the notion of living outside was an unacceptable choice for the unicorns, as they required only the most luxurious and fitting accommodations for their kind.

Hurricane was rather nettled in her being forced to witness the side of unicorns to which she contained considerable abhorrence towards. She recollected on her past feelings towards the unicorns due to this display, reminding her of the causes that originally fostered her aversion of the unicorn race. Such pompous deportment was unfitting in this new society of equality and tolerance of each other's differences, so as not to bring about another downpour of chaos and destruction as what befell their previous homeland. But with these thoughts in mind, Hurricane soon came to the realization that she was doing just that in her critical judgment of Platinum's behavior. If anypony was going to start a fight, it(ironically) was not going to be her. So, the pegasus elected to disregard this pontifical comportment, and situated the subject of the current discussion back to that which it initially had commenced with.

Her retort explained that none of the ponies' efforts in that which Platinum had placed her ambitions would contain any sort of significance if Equestria came under attack during the period of time that would be taken up for the overlong construction of the various settlements formulated by the requisition of the unicorn princess. That's why a defensive strategy was of such importance to Hurricane; she desired this course of action not purely for herself, but for all of Equestria, for, as she put it: anypony with even a quarter of a brain would know that the wants of the people would have to wait until after the needs of the people.

As anypony could surmise, Princess Platinum was appreciably offended by Hurricane's disparaging remark about her intelligence. How dare she say such a thing about the ruler of the unicorns! She not only had considerable audacity to slander the princess's good, wonderful, and beautiful name, but also for her adjudication concerning the optimal direction in which their new nation should head in this era of uncertainty.