• Published 4th May 2013
  • 6,180 Views, 310 Comments

The New Boss - Dash Attack

A Five Score, Divided by Four side story. The son of a mob boss turns into a villain from a kid's show. Read the full description for more details.

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Part I Epliogue

It has been about a week since the change started, and I have since locked myself in my New York City apartment. When I first realized I was changing, I stocked up on food and supplies wile I could still blend. Back then I had been human. Back then I had been man. Now I’m a yellow pegasus mare with blue hair and a raindrop tattoo. I’m one of those ponies my friends used to be into. I’m a My Little Pony.

Back on May 3rd, my parents called to check up on me. When I answered the phone, they didn't believe it was me. They thought they called the wrong number. They thought I was a girl, witch technically I was but... Dammit why is this happening?

Anyways, since then they have been calling both my phones, and I have been too afraid to answer them. Would they still love me now that I was like this? Would they still think of me as their son even if I was a girl? I guess I’ll find out in a few days. I figure it won’t be long until they drive all the way from Jersey to come check and see if I’m alright.

Even after a week, nothing makes sense. A part of me wants to jump out that window and fly across the skyscrapers. Yet, I don’t know how to fly, and even if I did people would see me.

I’ll have to do it someday though. Eventually I’m going to run out of food. Hell, most the food I bought I can no longer eat anymore because my diet has changed. If I were to guess, I’d say I have three days worth of food left.

I lay on my bed and sigh. In exactly five minutes and forty five seconds, it will rain. It won’t let up until exactly 8:07 PM. I guess I’ll go see how wrong the weather people are again this time. Seeing how wrong they get the weather always amuses me. After watching hours of sitcoms and cartoons, this game I have going between me and the weather channel is the only thing that entertains me.

I press my muzzle against the power button on the TV and turn to the weather channel.

“Crap!” I shout. Itsjust a car insurance commercial, one that I'v seen over a dozen times since I went into seclusion. “This blows.”

Yet as watch it, I notice something new had been added to it. I zoom in closer and everything becomes clear. In place of the stupid cereal mascot, there is the image of a creature. The image is fuzzy, but If I'm not mistaken the creature is... No. It can’t be.

“A Pony!”

I watch it’s mouth start to move and I listen intently.

“Greeting brothers and sisters. Do not be alarmed by me for I am here to help you. If you can hear and see this message it means that you are no longer human. You may be wondering how and why this happened. Allow me to explain. Twenty five years ago a chaotic spirit that goes by the name ‘Discord’ took us from our homes and sent us to live here as humans. Each and everyone of us shares a birthday on May 1st and possibly May 2nd. Last week we shared our 25th birthday, only to find ourselves shedding our false skin. Each of us has forgotten who we really are and what we used to be.

“We are ponies. A proud and magical race capable of feats that humans have only dreamed of in their deepest fantasies. We can fly, use magic, and have a strong connection with the soil itself. However, this also means that none of us belong on this planet anymore. In the eyes of humanity we are a contradiction to what they perceive as reality. To them we should be nothing more than creatures of their mind. I assume most of you are in hiding right now, but I am here to say this: Hide no more! For I am offering you the chance at new life. A life free from fear, worry, and strife with the humans.

“Right now me and my band of human ‘freedom fighters’ are working on conquering the city of Chicago. As of right now we are in control of the information coming in and out of the city. In a few days time, humans and ponies will be able to live together in harmony, with me as your supreme ruler and master. Chicago will be our new home and safe haven once we finally take it over.

“Come to Chicago, and help join my freedom fighters so we may build a more tolerant society. We are still fighting the resistance from locale law enforcement, but come to the Anello Estate located at this address, we will gladly give you sanctuary until we have full control of the city.”

Crap, can’t write it down. Curse these hooves.

“For those of you that can no longer write effectively, we have directions to the estate on my old Facebook account. Type the words ‘Steve Anello’ and ‘Facebook’ in Google search then click on the second or third link on the tab that pops up. They will be right there in front of you. Use your muzzle or hooves gently to navigate the web. If you do not have access to a computer, I’ll repeat the address five more times so that you may find us...”

The creature repeats the address until I completely memorize it.

“Together we will build a brighter future. A future filled with peace and security.”

After that the commercial fizzles out.

Just then, I hear a knock at my door.

“Jonathan Green!” cries the voice of my pissed off landlord. “I know you're in there. Your rent is three days overdue. Come out now or I’m using my master key.”

I jolt up after hearing his voice. However, I realise very quickly that I am not coming down. I turned my head both ways and saw that my wings flapping. I’m hovering two feet off the floor. Holy shit.

My wings freeze up and I hit the floor hard. That commercial sounded almost too good to be true, but it beats staying here. I run over to a corner and grab a small bag with my teeth. I then frantically pack whatever I think would come in handy. Once I’m packed I run to the window and buck it with all my might.

It shatters instantly. I feel a shard glass scrape my leg a bit, but I’ll live.

Finally the landlord busts the door open and looks at me.

“Sweet Mary, what the hell did they put in those Cheetos?”

I start to flap my wings and try to take off. I stumble a bit but I manage to get the hang of it pretty quick. I guess you learn faster when under stress.

As I start to fly out, I turn to face the landlord.

“I’m sorry I’m late with the rent. As you can see this hasn’t been a very normal week for me. If my parents come looking for me, tell them I’m in Chicago. Tell them I’m a girl now, and that I’m no longer human. I know they won’t believe you, but at least they will know the truth.”

As I start flying away, the landlord shouts something back at me, though I can’t make out what. As I fly past the huge New York skyscrapers, l feel like my soul had been lifted from it’s depression. I find a shimmer of hope and in the end that hope gave me the courage to fly.

That’s when I realise that it’s no longer raining.

Just then I sense a change in the wind. For the first time in a long while, my first prediction about the weather is wrong. It looks like it’s going to be a sunny day after all.

Author's Note:

Special thanks to Chaotic Pony for editing this chapter and making additions to the commercial. They were really good.