• Published 3rd May 2013
  • 589 Views, 3 Comments

EquestriaBound Zero - Lord Xaos

In the early 1900s, in the United States of Amareica, Scootaloo's great grandparents were abuducted by aliens, but her great grandfather returned, alone. 80 years later, evil threatens to destroy the world. Can Scootaloo and Co.'s PSI sav

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Chapter 1: Reading Kills

A/N: This is a crossover of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and the Japanese NES Game “Mother” aka “Earthbound zero”. It’s the prequel to “Mother 2”, or as Western audiences may remember it “Earthbound” for the Super Nintendo. There were 3 games in total in the series, but only the second one was released outside of Japan.

Many of you hopefully know about this if you clicked on this fic, but I would like to direct those who haven’t to this youtube video series about the franchise and its history:


Anyway, while the franchise as a whole could use some more press, I always thought the first game was the most unknown and underappreciated. Ness and Lucas both are seen in Smash Brothers, but what about Ninten? Very few people know where “Giygas” really came from…

…but enough yapping, on with the story.

EquestriaBound Zero

By Lord Xaos

(Most characters the creative property of Shigesato Itoi, Lauren Faust, Nintendo, Hasbro, and other entities who aren’t me.)

In the early 1900’s, a dark Shadow covered a small country town in rural Amareica. At that time, a young couple mysteriously vanished from their home.

The stallion’s name was Cloud Reader, and the mare’s name was Fluttershy. Two years after his disappearance, Cloud Reader returned as suddenly as he left. He never told anypony where he had been or what he had done. Withdrawing into seclusion, he went into seclusion and began very odd research.

As for Fluttershy, his wife, she never returned.

80 years have passed since then….

In 1989, there a house on the outskirts of a small rural Amareican town called “Mother’s Day”. In that house there lived a family. The father was a busy stallion whose job regularly called him out of town, and was rarely home. However, he made constant phone calls to keep in touch with his family despite the distance. The mother was a tender, caring pegasus mare who was very affectionate to all of her children. The youngest foal was a colt that was friendly but scared easily and was prone to crying. The other youngest foal (for they were twins, but this one came out first, and might be considered the “older sibling”) was curious and observant, yet got easily annoyed when he was mistaken with his brother.

As for the oldest child….

A orange-and-purple blur tore through the house, diving under an unsuspecting pegasus mare with a pale orange-cream coat and slightly dark raspberry sherbert mane and tail (with brighter streaks of pink at end), and the image of three tornadoes emblazoned in her fur coat on her hind quarters. The blur slowed down as it went up the stars, revealing itself to be a pegasus filly with a spiky purple mane, but no emblem on her flank. She still moved quite quickly, and was out of sight before the aforementioned mare recognized what she was seeing.

“Scootaloo!” Called Dizzy Twister after her daughter.

“Can’ttalkmom, loveyou!” Scootaloo called back, galloping towards her room, and almost making it to the room to her door…

…before something grabbed her tail and pulled her back, causing her heart to sink!

She was turned around and made to face…Dizzy Twister. Scootaloo was still shocked at how fast her mother could be when she wanted to be. Subconsciously, she raised her hooves to hide the saddlebag on her right side, as if it was some kind of awful contraband instead of the usual thing she wore to school everyday. She couldn’t quite keep herself from sweating and wearing a very guilty expression on her face.

“Y-yes, Mom? Is something wr-UUGGH!” Scootaloo’s attempts to act cool were cut short as Dizzy Twister kissed her on her cheek.

“No, nothing’s wrong, my darling little filly. That’s all I wanted.” Dizzy said with a smile.

“Mom!” Scootaloo whined, her orange face turning scarlet. “Geez, don’t you have two LITTLE kids you could do this to?”

“Yes. But only one filly. And I’m not going to have you thinking I’ve forgotten about you, young lady.” Dizzy said, stroking her daughter’s mane.

Scootaloo groaned. “Okay, okay. I love you, too, Mom. Can I go now? Am I dismissed from your daily smothering regiment?” Scootaloo nagged, hoping her mom wouldn’t become too suspicious.

Dizzy Twister raised a hoof to her chin and hummed thoughtfully.

“W-well?” Scoots asked, mentally kicking herself for that small stutter.

Dizzy smirked coyly. And then she pulled Scootaloo into a tight hug.

“MOOOOOOOOOOM!” Scootaloo whined, although she couldn’t keep herself from smiling.

Dizzy Twister giggled. “Okay, now you’re free to go. Oh, and remember to wash up before dinner.”

“Yeah, yeah…”

Dizzy started to fly down the stairs, but called after her daughter. “And don’t run in the house, alright?”

“Okay!” Scootaloo called. When she was sure her mother wasn’t going to add anything else, she took a furtive glance around her, and retreated behind the door she had nearly reached before she was interrupted.

The young pegasus girl, now safe in her room, tossed of her saddlebags and baseball bat next to the chair she kept in the middle of her room (which actually had been in the living room before it got crowded and Scoots had the chair hoisted on her, but that was about as unimportant as details got). She closed curtains on all her windows, panting slightly. Everything was done to shut out the entire world, lest anypony ever discover her terrible secret.

What secret?

Well, she was what might be called a “late bloomer.” Everypony, absolutely everypony in her year had already gotten a mark. That symbol of maturity and distinction, the emblem that separated the fillies from the mares, that showed that you found out who you were and were ready to be a real person! …A cutie mark! Well…everypony but her that was. Her flank was blank.

But that wasn’t a secret. She thought about wearing clothes to conceal herself, but that would only draw more attention to it. Besides, she didn’t want to give her mom anymore excuses to take her dress shopping for hours at a time. She still had nightmares about last time…

She had another quality that separated her from the other children. One time when she accidentally bent a spoon, she discovered had psychic powers. “PSI” it was called. It allowed her to speak with other psychics and even animals. Although…she always seemed to offend animals somehow, so it was hard making new friends that way…

Oh, but you still would be incorrect to assume that was what she was so desperate to hide. In fact, she had gotten into an argument with a bully over cutie marks and said that, yes, in fact, she WAS special. But her attempts to prove she had telepathy by reading the bully’s mind had gotten her accused of spying. Things escalated quickly and Scoots had earned the nickname “Stalkerloo” by the end of the day.

(Her father believed her, at least. Even though he couldn’t telepathically communicate with her either. He was wonderful like that.)

She wasn’t very good at flying compared to other pegasus ponies her age, but…okay, yeah, she wasn’t exactly declaring that fact from the highest perch in town. But it still wasn’t the secret.

No, her secret, her shame, her terrible sin was something she could not believe could’ve happened. She got IT from…from that filly. She didn’t think much of the girl at first, but when it became apparent she was the only one who shared her cutie mark-lessness, she opened up to her. Even after the girl got her mark, she was still important enough to Scootaloo that she was able to convince Scootaloo to take IT. “You don’t have to read it! Jutht hold on to it for me!” What an obvious trap. And now…and now she couldn’t stop.

With sweaty, shaking hooves, Scootaloo reached into her bag, and wrapped around…IT. She should really not be doing this in her own home. What if one of her little brothers saw her?

But…I love it so much. I’m…I’m…I’M!

Scootaloo looked down at her newest passion/object of eternal shame:

…A book entitled “Daring Do and the Queth for the Thapphire Thatue” (Or at least, that’s what THAT FILLY had called it.)


With a taxi-carriage miles away, a white earth pony filly with an frizzy orange mane and a cutie mark of two peppermint sticks let out a mischievous, almost sinister giggle.

“Peppermint Twist? What are you laughing at?” A mare sitting next to the filly raised her eyebrow with a bemused look on her face.

“Oh…it’th nothing, mom! Juth a funny thought I had…” Twist grinned.

Looking down the copy of “Daring Do and the Quest for the Sapphire Statue,” Scootaloo knew that nopony could ever be allowed to find out. That there was no going back. That the nightmare of her own existence had only just begun.

She might’ve paused to ponder what her life was going to be like now, or how she was going to make Peppermint Twist pay for this…but Scootaloo had gotten to a very exciting point in the story and had been forced to wait for far too long to continue it. Sometimes, she swore that clock at school enjoyed her pain. (Yes….she couldn’t possibly think about revenge against Twist until that clock got his…)

Scootaloo switched on the blue lamp with the white lampshade, and opened the book to the page marked by the unbelievably embarrassing peppermint striped tag (that Twist swore was also very special to her since she got it to celebrate her cutie mark, so Scootaloo might as well use it to mark her place. Honestly, could Twist possibly make it any MORE obvious she was trying to kill Scootaloo?) and found where she left off, which was quite deep in the book. Without wasting another second, she read the story aloud:

“Daring Do stood at the entrance to the central temple chamber. At last, she was face to face with the legendary Sapphire Statue.” Scootaloo read aloud with excitement, imagination completely captured by the scene. She continued to read. “Distracted by-“

Abruptly, the lamp on the table by her chair went out, leaving Scootaloo in the relative dark, and shutting her out of the magical world of treasures and danger she had been aching to return to.

“Wha? Ugh, not now! I just got back!” Scootaloo groaned. The bulb had been changed just the other day, and she worried that getting a new one would call attention to herself. Besides, she really wanted to get back to the story as quickly as possible. Scootaloo started to get out of her chair, just for the light to come back on. Quite befuddled, she gradually settled back into her chair and started to read again.

“Sunbeams shone down upon the Sapphire Statue through a small skylight in the ceiling, and now that she could see it and its many shades of blue in person, Daring was entranced by its beauty. Distracted by the hypnotic sparkles of the flawlessly cut sapphire in the form of two headed jackal who watched vigilantly to the north and the south, Daring began to step out with her front leg into the room thoughtlessly, forgetting just for a moment where she was...”

No, Daring Do! You nearly died just getting here! Scootaloo mentally admonished the fictional explorer. You can’t let your guard down for a moment!

Little did Scootaloo know she should’ve taken her own advice, or some may have noticed the odd things about her own room: the lighting and shadows, even the ones behind the book were changing and oscillating. Ever so subtly, but it was happening. She might’ve noticed something out of the corner of her eye, had her eyes not been glued to the page and the outside world becoming completely unimportant. Furthermore, the door to her room had been left unlocked when she first sat down to read, overlooked despite her desperation to keep her newest hobby a secret, but it had since been silently locked without her knowledge.

But the most disturbing thing of all was simply that the lamp was shedding light…even though it had been unplugged. Indeed, the chord was slowly coiling itself around the chair as the oblivious filly read on.

“She caught herself and pulled her hoof back before it was too late. Regaining her senses, Daring Do took in the subtler details of the scene. First, there were the stone tiles which she had nearly stepped on. Each one bore the image of various animals such as tigers, wolves, snakes, cheetahs, and others, each of them a warm color ranging somewhere between red and gold, yet a different color from its neighbor.”

The chord, reaching the top of the chair, slowly slithered down to where Scootaloo lay slouching in her chair…

“Looking around, she saw that stone monkey idols with ruby eyes adorned the wall, as well as arrow holes partially concealed by the idols. She decided to test the tiles and kicked a nearby rock onto one. It collapsed immediately, and a volley of arrows instantly sailed across the room and pierced the solid stone wall on the other side, striking what would have been every major joint and vital in Daring Do’s body at once, had she been there. Daring Do examined the tiles in closer detail. ‘Hmm…what do all these animals have in common?’ The tiles depicted bears, wolves, snakes, rats, owls, eagles and various types of wild cats. Daring contemplated what the pattern could be.”

The chord had just begun to slither onto Scootaloo’s shoulder as slow as it could when the pegasus had abruptly ceased to slouch and sat up with a “hmm.” Oh! I know! Only one of them can fly! Oh…wait. Owls AND Eagles…

“The answer came to Daring in a flash of inspiration. ‘Aha! All of these animals are predators! Except for….Rats!’ Daring Do reached out to step onto the nearest rat tile, knowing that if she made a mistake, she would be instantly skewered throughout her body.” As Scootaloo read, she faintly felt an odd sensation around her waist, but it passed quickly before she could take full notice of it.

“Sweating profuss….prefer…pro-fussed-ably?” Scootaloo continued to stumble over the word “profusely” for a few moments before the chord, which had wrapped itself around her middle, tightened and pulled her up against the back of the chair, pulling her hooves off the ground in bargain. Scootaloo also dropped the book, for the thing about a brightly colored magical pony’s hooves was that they had a grip at all, not that that grip was particularly strong.

“Ugh!” Scootaloo grunted, and looked down to see the chord move and loop around the chair a second time, reaching the end of its slack. “Huh? Hey! What gives?” With her free forelegs, she wrapped her hooves around the chord and tried to pull it off of her, but a strange, unnatural strength resisted her and held the chord taut. Noticing the light dance around the room, she took in her surroundings.

And then she saw it.

Hovering above her in the air, there was the lamp she had been using to read all this time. It had undergone some slight…modifications while she wasn’t looking. For starters, there was that whole “floating in the air” thing. But far more worrisome was the evil, monstrous face: sharp, tusk-like teeth stuck out of its blue, rotund frame in a kind of underbite and malicious squinting eyes grinning at her while she struggled.

Even in a world of magical ponies and psychic children, this was simply NOT normal lamp characteristics.

How is it moving? Is it being levitated with Unicorn magic? Is this a prank? This has gotta be some kind of prank, right?…

The features on the lamp’s face were much too lifelike. If this was somepony’s idea of a joke, it was a very, very expensive one. For a moment, Scootaloo just stared at the unreal sight with her mouth agape. The two looked at each other, Scootaloo and the lamp. A tremor passed through the house, and the lamps’ light flickered out for the quarter of a second, plunging Scootaloo’s curtained room in darkness in unison with the unearthly tremor.

There’s no aura! Even if it was a pale color that doesn’t show up in the light, just now when everything was dark, it should’ve shone through…Am...am I doing this?

Scootaloo, not certain if it would understand pony speech, and having spoken with animals before, ventured to communicate telepathically with her strange assaulter.

Don’t say something stupid, don’t say something stupid, don’t say something stupid…

For a moment, Scootaloo’s telepathic channel only rang out static. Then Scoots’ brow furrowed as she latched on to the first idea that seemed “cool” to say:

“I, the Dark Queen Psychicmane, demand that you release me at once, or you shall be blasted by my lasers!” She outstretched one foreleg to point at the lamp and the other one bent and pointing at her head.

The lamp showed no signs of being intimidated by the bound filly in her ridiculous pose.

Arg! I should’ve said “terrible psychic powers.” That’s much less lame and could cover stuff I could actually do! I could at least project the “Song that doesn’t end” and technically be right. But now, I just feel awkward…

The lamp landed on the chair between her hind hooves and opened its mouth wide, revealing row after row of ridiculously sharp porcelain teeth that made Scootaloo’s eyes widen in terror.

“Wait! Don’t! I’m sorry! I DON’T TASTE VERY GOOD!” Scootaloo shrieked in both verbal and telepathic speech as she struggled with the improbably secure chord, trying to pull it away from her so as to move into range for her to start chewing through it. (Although, a tactically-minded person might point out that she could either fly out the top or slip out the bottom if she ever got that much leverage.) She shut her eyes trying to pull the chord off of her with all of her strength, only to reopen them when she heard a loud “Chomp!” sound.


Scootaloo looked down at her body. She seemed to still be all there. Relieved, she was still confused to hear the lamp chewing on something. She looked at the lamp…and her heart sank.

“HEY! STOP! NO! PUT IT DOWN!” Scootaloo cried out in normal speech, forgetting about telepathy altogether. She tried to reach out and grab the lamp, but it hovered out of her grasp, taking its prize with it.

The lamp was eating her precious book. The cover was scratched and ruined, although it was structurally intact. The pages, however, were ripped right out of the book and shredded.

“NOOOOOOO! It was just getting goo-hoo-hood!” Scootaloo teared up as the book was torn up in front of her. How was she going to find out whatever happened to Daring Do? She didn’t know how she was going to get another book. She was actually dreading having to give it back to Twist, now that she was thinking about it. She planned to read the entire thing and just give it back to Twist, denying everything…but what if she wanted to read it again? What was she supposed to do? Ask to borrow it again? Check it out of a library, which would require being seen anywhere NEAR a library?

The point was moot, as the lamp had finished destroying the book, was beginning to spit out book-confetti. Scootaloo looked on, heartbroken, as the shreds of the book fell to the ground. Then, a look of realization crossed over her. A moment later, her expression darkened.

Building up with a throaty growl, the filly snarled at the evil appliance. “You stupid lamp! That book belonged to Twist! She was the only one who didn’t make fun of me for being a blank flank! I swear, the second I get out of here, I’m gonna…” Scootaloo’s tirade was cut short as part of the lamp chord unfurled from around the chair, rose to the level of her face, and slapped her, breaking her eye contact with her tormenter.

The lamp smirked. That shut her up. It was pleased that the filly’s eyes seemed to start watering again. Filled with nothing but a malevolent desire to cause as much pandemonium as possible, it surveyed the room for more things to destroy in front of its victim. Hmm…perhaps the Whinnyndo Entertainment System next…

Scootaloo, however, had finally noticed her baseball bat lying against the chair. She had already wrapped her hooves around the bat, and pulled it back for just the appropriate distance to build up momentum for a lamp-shattering…

“SMAAAAAAAASSH!!!” Scootaloo screamed her battle cry as the blunt instrument of property damage sent the lamp flying! It swerved around the chair and Scootaloo had a flash of insight just as she felt the chord starting to slacken just a little around her waist, and with lightning reflexes she turned her bat around and swung it in the other direction just as the lamp came into view…

…and her attack connected, breaking the lamp and sending the porcelain shards everywhere!

On piece landed in her line of sight, which she recognized as part of the lamp’s face. The eye rolled back in the lamp’s “head” and vanished into thin air, returning the surface of the ruined appliance to its normal, featureless blue smoothness.

Darkness settled over the room as the light bulb, stuck in its socket guarded by the (now significantly dented) lampshade, was released from whatever force was lighting it without being plugged into the power grid. Scootaloo panted, surveying the room. Nothing else seemed to move.

Scootaloo looked at the remains of her lamp. “Aw man…How am I going to explain this? Now that its face is gone, nopony will ever believe I broke the lamp in self defense!”

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw something under a lamp shard illuminated by a thin ray of sunlight creeping from under the curtains. Something… pink-and-white.

Since the chord was no longer digging into her belly anymore, and was in fact perfectly escapable, Scootaloo held her bat in her mouth and pushed the chord off of her and investigated.

Cantering over to the spot, she pushed the lamp piece to one side and recognized the object. It was Twist’s bookmark. It had teeth marks all over it, but otherwise seemed to have survived the book’s destruction.

Her mind traveled back to her last conversation with Peppermint Twist.

“It’th very thecial to me, be thure you don’t lothe it, alright?” Peppermint Twist said with a smile.

“Ugh. Twist, really, this thing is so uncool…” Scootaloo groaned, glaring at the uncool thing like it was diseased. An expression which was quickly replaced with an alarmed one when Twist’s face was shoved up against hers.

“Thootaloo! I’m therious! Don’t lose it or I’ll have to think of thomething horrible to do to you!” she threatened. And then she walked away, smiling. “And perthonally, I believe you are going to uthe it more than you think! Thee you in two weekth, Loo-loo!”

Scootaloo’s called after the earth pony filly. “Hey! I said I hate that nickname!”

Twist stopped to face Scootaloo again. “But it’th eathier for me to thay inthead of ‘Thootth!’ Thoot’th’th…thootssshhhh…Hey! Loo-loo! Thtop laughing at me!”

“Alright, alright! You can call me ‘Loo or something. Just don’t use that one, it makes me sound like a girl!” Scootaloo cringed.

“But you ARE a…ugh…Alright…if you read just the firtht chapter and can prove that you have, I’ll call you Loo. But if you don’t,” Twist’s lips curled up in the most mischevious smile as she whispered her threat in Scootaloo’s ear. “I’m bringing back my old nickname for you, and telling everypony. The one that was REAL eathy for me to thay!”

Scootaloo gasped with a look of utter horror on her face and a burning red sensation in the tip of her ears. “You wouldn’t!”

“Maaaaaybe not.” Twist winked as she continued to whisper. “One chapter. Jutht one…Cutealoo.” She quickly shifted to a much more pleasant expression. “Thee you in two weekth! Oh, and don’t lothe either the book or the bookmark!”

Scootaloo set her bat down and sighed. “‘Sorry I don’t have your book, Twist. My lamp ate it.’ I might as well legally change my name to…” She gulped. “…Cutealoo.” She placed her foreleg’s hoof on top of the bookmark, and lifted it, bookmark sticking to her hoof in a phenomenon that still confounded griffons, minotaurs, and diamond dogs the world over to this day. She looked it over. “Well, at least this mostly survived.”

Suddenly, another tremor ran through the house and the light bulb flashed on for just a moment. Scootaloo squeaked and shattered the light bulb with her bat. She bashed the socket in for good measure as well.

She went quiet, looking around for any other movement. She had been so distraught over losing Twist’s book and possibly her friendship that it didn’t occur to her that her house might not be safe yet.

Although how to apply her psychic powers was still a mystery to her…something about the whole “feel” of her house was off. Like some kind of oppressive force lingered even after the lamp’s destruction. More tremors came, and by she noticed that there seemed to be other brief power surges coming from the outside, causing light to flash from under her door for a moment.

And that’s when she heard the screams. Then she realized.

Her mom! Her brothers!

She bit down on the bat handle and charged out her door. To her left was her parent’s room, but it was wide open and clearly devoid of ponies or animate objects. But to her right were the doors to each of her little brothers’ rooms. Without any information on who was in more trouble, Scootaloo went for Tin Tailor’s room, as it was the closest one.

“Tinny!” She cried out her brother’s nickname and she shoved open the door to his room Slamming it open, she could now see a much younger gray pegasus colt with blue hair and cyan eyes crawling around under his bed. Another lamp was there, and it hovered from side to side, whipping the floor with its chord and producing a loud “CRACK!” every time the little colt tried to escape.

“Scootaloo!? Help! I-I can’t get away!” Tinny sobbed.

“RRAAAAAAARRRR!” Scootaloo roared through the bat being gripped in her teeth, and charged into the room, spreading out her wings. She took to the air and seized the base of the lamp, swinging her head –and more to the point, her bat- across the top. She bent the lampshade and shattered bulb underneath, which caused no major change in lighting because Tinny had not closed his curtains to block out the afternoon sun.

Scootaloo and the lamp tumbled together through the air for a while, but Scootaloo let go just before the crashed into a wall. She panted and floated down onto Tinny’s bed, her wings already exhausted from that short bout of flying. That was when she noticed that the lamp was still floating in the air, with a glower that said it was rather upset at being bludgeoned with a baseball bat.

Darn…I thought the light bulb’s might be their core…or something.

“Scoots, watch out!” called Tinny, who had taken the opportunity to escape to other side of the room. “That chord really hurts!”

“Huh?” Scootaloo turned her back on the lamp to look at her brother. She noticed a nasty bruise on his rump and another one around one of his fetlocks. She realized what caused those. That made her angry. “How dare you…” Scootaloo turned to face the lamp again…

..only to receive a lashing of her own as the lamp launched its counteract. CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! The lamp whipped the filly in a flurry of attacks from its plug. Scoots yelped and shrieked and tried to block her face with the hoof that was, until just a moment ago, holding the bat. She stumbled back until she fell off of the bed.

“Sis! Are you okay!?” Tinny ran over to his fallen sister. He saw the scratches and bruises over her. “Oh….does it hurt?”

“Owww…” Scootaloo groaned. That was not fun. She had pains from different parts of the front of her body as she tried to move. Still, she learned her lesson. She grit her teeth and searched the room from any sign of the evil, evil lamp. The first thing she took note of was the loss of her weapon. Where is it? Scootaloo’s mind raced, but she was answered as another whiplash from atop the bed sent the bat flying to the other side of the bed, out of her reach. Well, that’s gone. But where’s the monster? She couldn’t find the lamp at first but then it silently hovered into view.

“Oh no! Scootaloo, we have to go!” Tinny bit on Scoots’ wing to try and drag her, but she wouldn’t budge, her focus directed at her enemy. “We have to find Mom, she can deal with it! Come on, I’m sorry I distracted you and made you lose your bat, but that’s why its time to go! I don’t want to see you get hurt anymore!” Tinny persisted, and was taken by surprise when a snarl came from above and he looked up just in time to the lamp’s rows of teeth in its wide open maw coming right at the both of them.

“AAAAUUUUUGGGGHHH!” Tinny screamed in terror. He shut his eyes and trembled.

“YYYAAAAAHHH!!!” Scootaloo yelled as she threw her body up into the air and delivered a flying kick to the lamp, with help from some actual flying. The lamp was knocked back into the base of the bed by the force of her kick.

Tinny opened his eyes, looking amazed to still be alive. He was just in time to watch quite a show.

Rounding on the weakened appliance, Scootaloo reared up onto her hind legs, and dropped down, stomping on the lamp with all her might. She did this several times, crying a new exclamation each time she reared up.

“BAD LAMP! BAD! SCOOTALOO SMASH! SCOOTALOO BEST THERE IS!” Scootaloo broke the lamp’s porcelain shell apart, stamping with all four of her legs, the fiendish light source crunching beneath her horseshoes.

When Scoots dared to look, the face had already disappeared off of the lamp.

Slightly winded, she looked back at her brother, who sat there unmoving with his eyes wide and his mouth agape.

Scootaloo laughed. “I got him.” Tin Tailor didn’t answer. This made Scootaloo very, very worried.

“H-hey say something, Tin!” Scootaloo turned around to face her brother. She started to stretch out a hoof to touch him, but retracted it. Her ears flopped behind her head. “Please.”

Oh no, I broke him! First I broke the lamps and then I broke Tinny! Mom’s going to skin me alive!

Scootaloo sat back and spoke with the calmest voice she could manage. “Oh, Tin…I’m sorry I lost control. I just was so frustrated and I had to- ”

“EEEE!” Tin Tailor glomped Scootaloo. “OH WOW THAT WAS SO COOL! You’re the greatest big sister ever! I can’t wait to tell everypony at school how tough and awesome you are!”

Scootaloo was stunned speechless, but she started to blush as what Tin Tailor just said sank in. “Aw shucks...You’re making me feel embarrassed.” she rubbed the back of her head.

“You really saved me! I’m sorry I put that spider in your bed that one time!” Tinny said.

“Of course! I couldn’t just…wait, what was that last part?” Scootaloo felt like she just missed something important that was mentioned in the last five seconds.

“NO! NO! GET AWAY! HEEEELP!” The moment was ruined as the terrified screams of another colt came from the other room.

“TIMMY!” Scootaloo and Tinny cried. Scootaloo grabbed her bat and turned to the door.

“I can-“ Tinny started.

“No. Stay here and lock the door. You’re safe here, don’t open that door until me or somepony else come to get you.” Scootaloo ordered.

“I…Alright. Go get ‘em, Sis! If its you, I know you can do it!” Tinny said, giving a salute to Scoots.

Scootaloo nodded. Then tore out of the room. “I’m coming Timmy!” She ripped opened the door to her other sibling. On the other side of the door she found…

Author's Note:

The song that doesn’t end:


no really, it won’t end. Apparently, Lamb chop is the Dark Queen Psychicmane.