• Published 9th Feb 2012
  • 7,076 Views, 330 Comments

The Adventures of Sundude and Moonbro - MetalGearSamus

The two Alicorn brodudes go on sweet adventures together.

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(Non-Canon) Sundude and Moonbro screw up and destroy Equestria

"Dude!" Moonbro shouted one day to Sundude who had been chilling in the castle.

"What's up, bro?" asked Sundude.

"Are you any good at diplomacy?"

"Nah, bro, I tried that once and it didn't work. That's why I had to kill all those buffalo, remember?"

"Uh..." Moonbro took a step away from his bro, "I don't remember doing that, dude."

"That's 'cuz you were in the moon, bro."

"Oh, right," said Moonbro.

"Anyway, what'd you need diplomacy for?" asked Sundude, "Did those freaky Chimera dudes come back? They were most terrifying."

"Nah, dude, this crap is much worse. The Zebras are attacking."


"Yeah, I said the wrong word at a United Nations meeting and they declared war."

"That's wack, bro," commented Sundude.

"Yeah, and I'm pretty sure they got an army marching toward us right now. We should probably do something about that."

"Yes," agreed Sundude, "Wait here while I go raise an army of our fiercest and most bodacious warriors."

"Okay, dude. I'll hold down the fort," Moonbro replied with a salute.

* * * * *

One army training montage later, Sundude stood before his troops and prepared to rally them with an epic and inspirational speech. But at that moment, an evil zebra assassin jumped out from a nearby bush and shot at the prince with bullets.

"Look out Sundude!" cried Big Bro, who was Applejack's big brother. He leaped most valiantly in front of the Prince and shielded Sundude from the bullets with his body.

"No!" cried Sundude, "You shot Big Bro!" The zebra assassin laughed evilly, but Sundude incinerated him with a blast of his sun magic. "No one shoots my subjects and gets away with it."

"Sundude..." Big Bro coughed, "Don't worry about me. I'm happy my prince is safe. That's all that matters."

"But Big Bro," Sundude said to the dieing stallion, "I'm, like, an immortal god with the power to control the sun. I'm pretty sure I could've taken that hit. You didn't have to do that, man."

"Oh... darn..." And then Big Bro died, and the ponies of Equestria went to war with the zebras. There was much blood and most uncool suffering, but neither side was able to win.

* * * * *

"I am so tired of this war, bro." Sundude said one day as he and Moonbro were strategizing in their castle in Canterlot.

"Me too, dude," said Moonbro, "I wish there was a way we could just press a button and end it, y'know?"

"Yeah, that would be most convenient..." Sundude said wishfully.

Then the zebras started launching megaspells at Equestria, and one exploded into Canterlot, spreading a cloud of pink vapor throughout the city.

"What the heck is this?" asked Moonbro, "And why is it killing all our citizens? That's very uncool."

"Oh no!" cried Sundude as the pink clouds engulfed them, "Pink gas is our one true weakness! Let's get out of here, bro!" He turned to his bro so that they could fly away together, but Moonbro was already dead.

Sundude leaped away from the city just in time to save himself, but without his bro he was greatly saddened. As he flew over the land, he saw how much destruction had been wrought by the megaspells, and declared that he would do something to fix it.

"I must do something to fix this!" he declared, but at that moment the zebras shot a missile at him, and he was too injured to dodge it.

"Ffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu—" was the last thing he said before he exploded in a most brilliant flash of glorious yellow light.