• Published 25th May 2016
  • 3,674 Views, 37 Comments

Full (frontal) Moon Over Equestria - Charlie_K

On a late night in Canterlot, Celestia finds it impossible to sleep and decides to go for a walk. Little did she know that a late night conversation would lead her to an entirely different discovery.

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(Guest Chapter by Artie Downer) Finale

In the many moons that passed since the naturist revelation of Princess Luna, the ponies of Equestria simply went about their daily lives, not the least bit impeded by the sudden declaration from their sovereign. Whilst they were initially gobsmacked, it wasn’t long at all before Luna’s nudist lifestyle was accepted wholesale by the populace. It became all the more easier for them to do so when the nighttime monarch began making the rounds across the nation. From the middle-class neighborhoods of Canterlot to the homesteads on the Appaloosa plains, Luna would come before them in her preferred state of dress, and be greeted with cheers of exaltation. From the adoring crowds that hailed her wherever she went, she sensed no ill or malicious intent from the many eyes that peered upon her bare naked body. She always took precautions, however, not to present herself in such a way when her younger and more impressionable subjects were nearby. Nonetheless, it truly warmed her heart to be accepted in such a way.

The acclaim, though, was not totally universal. As predicted, some in the nobility stuck by their word and surrendered their posts in Luna’s court, disavowing the whole ordeal. Lord Strongarm led the exodus, in an expectedly grandiose fashion, but their departure left no noticeable absence, nor did it hamper Luna’s policy agenda. Those that remained, however skeptical they still were of the whole nudism thing, did not find worth in making a big fuss about it.

All of Celestia’s fears had been allayed, much to her great relief. There was no widespread revolt, no public outcry or general indignation. Perhaps she was right when she said ‘the idea of a nude ruler is much cuter when done by the younger sister.’ Still, despite all that had been accomplished by her sister, she felt there was unfinished business to attend to.

Treading through the East Wing in her usual regal attire, Princess Celestia soon arrived at her sister’s private quarters, seeing her au naturale as she had been for a long while. The Lunar Princess appeared to be supervising two maids, who were shifting through her closets and wardrobes, carrying out and folding her numerous articles of clothing into neat little piles.

“Are you busy at the moment, Luna?”

She quickly snapped out of her focus and turned to her sister. “Ah, ‘Tia. Oh no, don’t worry about any of this. I’m simply… taking that final plunge, as one might say.”

“How so?”

“I’d be more than happy to delve into it with you. But first, tea?” She pointed at a short table besides her, where an ornate tray with two empty cups and a still-steaming kettle lay on top.

“Ah, not right now, I’m afraid,” declined Celestia.

“Suit yourself.”

The two disproportionately-dressed princesses took their seats, as the older sister served the younger a cup of lavender tea.

“In regards to your inquiry, I’ll have you know I’ve decided to get rid of all of the clothes in my possession,” Luna stated.

“Well… that certainly is ‘taking the plunge’,” Celestia replied.

“Indeed. Originally, I wasn’t intent on taking my nudism this far. I figured there would be times where I would simply feel like wearing clothes again, or perhaps I’d have to bundle up in the winter. But now, after meeting with and seeing our subjects, after having them see my true self, I feel it necessary to dedicate myself completely to this. I can’t call myself a nudist unless I do so otherwise.”

“I see. You did say that not all nudists take it this far.”

“Right, and I thought that I was one of those who didn't. But I’ve come to realize that’s simply not the case for me. Being naked is how I should be, how I want to be, and it does me no good to keep these garments here, lying around and collecting dust.”

Celestia looked over to many orderly stacks of her sister’s clothes, the bundles heaping up as they spoke. “So what will you do with them then?”

“Simple. The majority of my clothes will be donated to ponies who truly need them. I certainly have no use for them anymore, as you can see,” Luna shrugged.

“Oh, you’ve made that more that clear,” smirked Celestia.

“Like crystal. The more pompous and formal attire, that which has no real practical use outside of elegant balls and the like, will be donated to museums so that all may appreciate their beauty up close.”

“Sounds like a solid plan.” Celestia paused for a moment. “…I certainly hope you don’t mean to get rid of your regalia as well.”

“Ah, you need not worry, ‘Tia.” With the snap of her fingers and the glow of her horn, Luna’s crown is teleported onto her head. “I won’t be getting rid of this for a good while.”

“I’m glad to hear it,” responded Celestia.

“In any case, you had something you wish to discuss with me, sister?”

Celestia suddenly remembered why she was here, and straightened out her back. “Ah, yes, about that… It regards a… trend that’s been popping up all over Equestria. I’m sure by now you’ve heard… of the sudden uptick of incidents related to… public nudity.”

“I certainly have, and I’m pleased to hear that not a single Crown Prosecutor has yet to take up charges against those who wish to harmlessly express themselves, like their Princess already has.”

“I couldn’t agree with you more, Luna. Be that as it may, though,” Celestia continues, shifting in her seat. “It would be quite inconvenient for any burgeoning nudist pony to have to deal with the authorities every time they trot outside.”

Luna took a sip of tea. “Yes, it certainly would.”

Celestia takes a deep breath, priming herself up. “Which is why the time has come for me to take proper care of all this. It was irresponsible of me to give you my blessing whilst not giving the same consideration to our beloved little ponies.”

“What are you saying, sister?”

“I’m saying that as of today, as far as myself or anypony concerned, public nudity is now legal in Equestria. No more of this refusal to prosecute nonsense from my office; too many prosecutors at the lower levels simply aren't getting the hint.”

Once more, Luna was left stunned by the words of her sister. The past days had been filled with nothing but astonishment and self-acceptance, and she was more than elated to see it continue before her eyes.

“It’s nothing formal like a royal proclamation, I don’t think even I could get away with that," Celestia explained. "Instead… I’ve signed an edict barring anypony from being charged with indecency simply because they’re a nudist. None shall be given any more trouble for going out naked in public, unless they are committing truly indecent behavior while being so. It's like you said, nudity isn't about base desires.”

“That…” Luna started, finding so many words swirling through her head. “That truly is something special, Celestia.” She smiled warmly at her. “Thank you. Thank you so very much.”

The Sun Princess smiled back at her sister. “You’re very welcome, Lulu.” Celestia stopped for a moment then, before continuing. “There is… something else, I’ve been meaning to ask you about.”

“Hmm? What is it?” Luna asked, as she perched her chin on her hands, leaning in closer.

Celestia was silent for a while, before finally coming out with it. “You wouldn’t be offended if I… adopted your lifestyle for myself, would you?”

“…You want to be a nudist?”

“You've done a lot to change my mind about things.”

Luna smiled. “Well, I don’t see why you have to be so formal about it. It’s not like I’m the Princess of Nudism. Unless you’d like to imbue me with that honor,” she laughed.

“Y-you know what I mean!” Celestia retorted. “I just don’t want to come across as… appropriating something you cherish so much.”

“There’s no need to worry about that. If it makes you happy, if it feels as good for you as it is for me, then go for it!”

“Y-you really think it’d be OK for me to do so? One nudist monarch, the people seem to take well. Two, on the other hand…”

Luna sat up straight in her chair, puffing her chest out proudly. “If the Princess of Equestria wishes to be spend the rest of her days naked, then who can oppose her!? Nobody, that’s who!”

“Yes, I suppose you’re right… Heh, you certainly got your way, Lulu. No denying that,” Celestia sighed with a smirk. Looking back, she found the whole situation quite comic.

"Let's not kid ourselves, 'Tia. We both know you were looking forward to this. Ever since you found me in the kitchen like this, on that fateful night…”

"Yes, well... there's no beating around the bush at this point. In for a bit, in for a pound…" With that, Celestia stood up from her chair and began to undress. The first to go was her long, flowing white dress, reduced to a pile on the floor surrounding her. During this, Luna remained sitting, watching with a proud smile across her face. Now clad in only her white, lacy lingerie, the Princess of the Sun reached behind her back, past her wings, and unhooked her bra, letting her breasts hang free. Celestia’s mammaries heaved ever so gently as she breathed, as the two maids stopped what they were doing and watched on amazed.

Then Celestia took a single breath, before pulling her panties off and down to her hooves, where she daintily stepped out of and kicked them a few centimeters away. It would be the last time Princess Celestia would wear clothes for a long while.

A blush formed on Celestia’s cheek, but it’s gone the next second. There was no need for her to feel any shame or embarrassment at this time. She knew that now better than she ever had.

With that, Luna quickly got up from the table and gave her big sister a big hug, flesh on flesh. Nothing in between, bare to each other, no more secrets to hide. “Congratulations, ‘Tia. I’m so proud of you.”

Celestia warmly reciprocated the hug from her little sister. “Thank you, Lulu.”

Just then, Celestia noticed the stares from the two maids, who were still watching awed at the historical event they just witnessed.

"Well, don't just stand there gawking, you two," she teased. "You still have plenty of Luna's clothes to go through!"

The two maids rapidly stood at attention, embarrassed by their distractedness. "Y-yes, apologies, your Majesty!!"

Before they could get back into it, however, Celestia chimed in once more. "Ah, and when you’re done here, I’ll want you two in my quarters next. I have my own ensemble which I’d like to give away!"

Luna chuckled, almost giddy with herself, as she stayed in her sister's embrace. The younger Princess then feels a hand on the top of her head, and looked up at her sibling. “I think I’ll have that tea now, Luna.”

Three years.

Three years passed since that fateful day, and in that time, Celestia and Luna had formally abdicated their roles as supreme rulers of Equestria. Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship and Celestia’s star pupil, took on the position of sole reigning monarch. For the immortal sisters, a nice and quiet retirement awaited them at Silver Shoals.

That was, however, not the only change to occur in those 3 years. With Celestia joining Luna in the ways of nudism, the practice became all the more popular among their subjects. By the time of their departure, it was just as common to see a pony walking around naked as it was to see them clothed. Whether intentional or not, the former Princesses sparked a cultural movement in their nation. One they knew would last through the ages.

It was no accident, of course, that the tropical retreat Celestia and Luna retired to was a nudist resort. Surrounded by like-minded ponies, with nice temperatures all year around, they were quick to find their new home more than accommodating.

In one of these endless near-summer days, Celestia found herself laying on a folding chair at the beach, soaking in the sun, bare as can be. She radiated all of the elegance one would expect from seeing the nude monarch of the sun taking in the glow of her own astronomical counter. Truly a magnificent sight to behold. As she relaxed, from under her sunglasses, she saw in the corner of her eye the approach of her equally undressed sister.

“What’s that you got?” asked Celestia, noticing something in her sibling’s hand.

“Just something you might want to see in today’s paper,” Luna answered with a smile.

Celestia sat up in her chair, taking off her sunglasses, as Luna passed the newspaper to her. She needed not scan the contents of the print to find what she was referring to, as it was right there on the front page. Her eyes were met with a black-and-white picture of Princess Twilight, adorning a pair of striped boxers and nothing else, holding up a stamped royal parchment in her hands. Celestia couldn’t help but notice, however, a nervous look in her former pupil’s eyes.

“What is this?...” Her eyes finally went up to the actual headline, typed in all capital letters ‘PUBLIC NUDITY OFFICIALLY LEGAL IN EQUESTRIA.’

Celestia nearly fell out of her chair right then and there. “She didn’t-!!”

“Indeed, she did,” assured Luna, as she took the empty lounge chair next to Celestia’s. “Even in retirement, she keeps managing to one-up us.”

“But to take that final step… and to participate herself! I didn’t know Twilight had it in her. She never gave any inclination for it.”

“Maybe she couldn’t bring herself to do it until you retired,” guessed Luna. Then, with a cheeky smirk, she asked, “Shall we travel to Canterlot and give her a good scare?”

“Oh hush,” Celestia replied, putting down the newspaper. “You know better than anypony its best she ease into this.”

“I kid, I kid…”

Celestia let out a sigh at that moment, looking at the endless clear blue sea ahead of them. “How things change… I never thought in all my millennia, such a shift could occur so quickly.”

Luna glanced at her. “It couldn’t have happened without you, ‘Tia.”

“Please, this was all your doing. You not only opened my eyes… but the whole world’s.”

The Princess of the Night couldn’t help but blush and smile at this, as she shared the view of the ocean with her sister. “Well… I suppose you’d consider that a job well done.”

“As good a job as can ever be, Lulu.” They sat in silence for a few minutes then, taking in the rich sound of the sea foam gently splashing onto the sand.

“Ah!” Luna suddenly remembered. “They’re serving gourmet cookies at the community center. Shall we procure some for ourselves?”

“Yes,” Celestia nodded. “Let’s.”

Comments ( 5 )

A nice Epilogue, I still love the characterisations of Celestia and Luna.

Considering the topic of the story it was wholesome and we'll written...... Both the old chapters and the new. Though I think a picture of Twilight removing the boxers with them past her knees and with the stamped parchment on a stand at her side would have been a more powerful/emotional pic for the newspaper than her with the stamped parchment in nothing but the boxers, it would show that she was not only supporting her mentors lifestyle but joining as well.

There was a lot of discussion involved relating to just what Twilight should be doing. Somehow we missed the discussion of whether or not she should be undressing for the photo.

Can't always think of everything.

What about having a license?


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