• Published 5th May 2013
  • 620 Views, 4 Comments

Fallout Equestria - The Mirror Project - Senwyn1

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Stage 2: West Mareton

The journey to Mareton was a five hour slog and getting all twelve undernourished ponies there was no mean feat with just two to guard them. Ratchet and Orion had been on their toes the entire time, keeping an eye out for any bots or slavers that were lurking about. They’d almost ran into a deathclaw nest at one point, before Orion spotted the claw markings on a tree. That had been close. They didn’t rescue them to end up in some claw’s belly.

Ratchet marched at the front of the train, eyes flicking to each point on the horizon, knife ready in her mouth and grenades ready in her bags. She prided herself on her explosives and spent most of her bits coming up with new ways to make things go boom. It was violent, messy and not always precise, but man was it satisfying. Orion took up the rear, trusty rifle floating by her side as she looked around. Her presence had the added bonus of making the slaves move faster. Ghoul prejudice was still going strong in the waste and the stench of ghoul rot was enough to make one foal double over in sickness. Too soft, the lot of them.

With a grin, Ratchet spotted the welcoming spikes of WestMareton’s north gate loom into view. The town was barricaded inside a hulk of steel and wood, melded together to form a tall wall that circled the main area. It was guarded night and day by the town’s peace corps. Once it was juicy prey for raiders, but now it was choking to the brim with bounty hunters it wasn’t quite so nice a mouthful. “Ladies and gentlecolts, we’ve arrived at our destination.” Ratchet declared as they neared the gates, “West Mareton. Safest place in all of Vanhoovia and home to the Children of Harmony.” All ears pricked up hopefully for this and some even cracked a few smiles. The Children of Harmony were the biggest anti-slave group in the area and they paid bounties to go on missions to rescue more lost ones from the claws of New Amazonia and co.

Ratchet felt someone brush up next to her and turned, seeing the small yellow mare from before eying the gates warily. “Is it really going to be safe?” Wagtail asked, turning her one visible eye on Ratchet in a questioning stare. Over the last few hours, Ratchet had learnt a few things about Wagtail. First, she came from one of the eastern regions. Equestria or the like, Ratchet wasn’t sure. Second, Wagtail’s family had all been taken by slavers when they’d gotten to Vanhoovia. She’d suffered an eye wound in that incident, when a stray bullet had richocheted into her skull. Somehow Wagtail had come out of it with all her senses, but she was blind with a horrific scar. That was why she kept her eye covered, to keep anyone from seeing. Ratchet understood that. Most ponies in the wastes had their wounds and you learned not to ask pretty quick. A big scar would just get people talking and dragging painful things out of the grave.

Ratchet grinned, flipping the knife in the air and catching it in her hoof. “Yep. No raider in their right mind would take on West Mareton because we’d flay them alive” she said confidently, tapping her hoof on the mare’s shoulder, “Just imagine a town filled with people like Orion and me and you’ll get what I mean.” Wagtail thought for a moment then smiled wryly, looking up at Ratchet from beneath her fringe. “I’m still not sure it's safe” she joked and Ratchet grinned, “Sure is fun though!”

They approached the gate. It stood over eight feet high and was made of many sheets of metal hammered together, reinforced with wire and wood. Two guards stood in front of it, weapons raised high as they eyed Ratchet and her group. Ratchet and Orion were known to the town, but you could never be sure what you were dragging in when it came to a bounty hunt. Once a deathclaw egg had almost been smuggled into the town, before someone had the sense to check a slave’s bag. Not any more. A short white pony bot with artificial pink mane and green eyes was wheeled out and it scanned each freed slave in turn for any unusual substances or objects.

It beeped when it got to Wagtail and she was checked over. She finally revealed a knife hidden within her dark mane and handed it over apologetically, explaining that she’d taken it from the slave pen to protect herself with. You couldn’t blame her really. “Now can we go in?” Ratchet complained, glancing back at the open wastes as Orion let out an irritated sigh. “We’re like sitting ducks here” The ghoul commented. The guards nodded. “Entry confirmed” one declared and the gates swivelled open, revealing a compound of grey concrete blocks, lined in stable rows from end to end of the compound. To the east, a tall white building stood, red flag billowing out on the front of the building. To the west was a military barracks, made obvious by the sounds of gunfire and fighting emanating from its imposing walls lined with reems of chicken wire. In the middle, there was a market in full flow, with a dusty swirl of colour as ponies bustled from block to block and bickering over food, space and bits.

“Welcome to Mareton!” Ratchet said again dryly as the group cowered behind her, “safest shithole in the west. Stick close to me and Orion and don’t let any of these grubby buggers try and claim they rescued you. You’re our bounty, alright?” Orion backed her up, shoving the slaves into a tight pack as they wove through the bustling crowd towards the white building. “Orange, stick to me” Orion snapped, “You with the stone cutie mark, don’t wander off! Aim for the flag.” Ratchet grinned, glancing around as Wagtail stopped, eyeing the crowd. “Move it” She snapped, giving the mare a shove in the direction of the building. It earned her a huff and a small glare, but the yellow mare quickly followed the others to the white palace that was home to the Children of Harmony.

On the front of the building was a large stained glass window, depicting the elements of harmony in their banishment of Nightmare Moon, back when she’d been the only problem in the world. The Children worshiped the elements, seeing them as Gods and followed their elements devoutly. A Child of Harmony was supposed to exhibit all of the elements: Loyalty, Honesty, Generosity, Kindness and laughter. And of course, as the sixth element was magic, they were all Unicorns.
The Children had been set up in Vanhoovia after the great war and the original elements were lost. It was an attempt to try and bring order back to the world and the organisation devoted itself to freeing ponies from slavery by offering bounties for all slaves brought alive to the organisation. It had attracted a number of ponies to its doors, those out for bits, adventure or honour.

Ratchet pushed open the brown wooden door leading into the home of the Children, holding it open as the slaves trod open mouthed into its great half. Inside there were six stained windows, each devoted to one member of harmony. “It’s amazing” Wagtail murmured as she ducked her head inside and Orion flicked her eyes back in distaste. “Amazingly wasteful. You know how many bits went towards those things?” the ghoul grumbled, as two unicorns swathed in clean white robes strode towards her, eyes narrowed. One wore a pink butterfly, symbolising kindness, the other a vivid blue diamond, symbolising generosity.

“No ghouls” the butterfly mare declared, pointing her horn at Orion, “You’ll spread your disease and filth.” Ratchet snorted, tapping Orion on the side as the ghoul narrowed her eyes at the unicorn. “But I’m tired and thirsty” she said taking a step forward, “And I’m a unicorn just like you. Do we have to go through this again?“ The other unicorn stepped forward, lowering his horn in turn towards Orion. “No Ghouls” he repeated his sister’s words, “Ghouls are a symptom of disharmony and you will not spread it here.”

Orion glared at them and lowered her rifle with an annoyed snort. “Well, thank you for your kind generosity” she growled, turning towards the door, “I’m sure the elements would be so proud of your honesty and of your loyalty towards your fellow pony. What a laugh, right, guys?” Ratchet snorted, glaring at the two as Orion slid out the door. “Just take me to the bounty collection” she snapped, indicating for the slaves to follow, “I don’t want to spend longer in this cesspool than I have to.”
The unicorns nodded in unison and turned, walking slowly along the corridor as Ratchet and her group trudged behind. The going was slow, for they insisted on bowing to every Child who past, sharing a small pleasantry before continuing.

Aside from the grand opening hall with its worshipful windows, the rest of the building consisted of narrow, winding corridors, lined with rough, hard wood doors and small plaques with words supposedly said by the elements emblazoned on them. The two unicorns stopped outside a door emblazoned with a lightning bolt and tapped it once. After a few moments, it glowed a soft blue and swung open. One of the unicorns held up a hoof to Ratchet and went inside.

Ratchet let out an annoyed sigh and glanced back at the group. “Red tape. Learn to love it and hate it, kids, because you’re going to be swimming in it from now on” she said wryly, leaning against the wall. The slaves took her cue and all sat down on the floor in a collapsed heap, tired and hungry as they looked around. A few minutes passed then an elderly unicorn in red robes plodded out of the room, eying the group and Ratchet silently. “Ratchet” she said after a few moments, voice creaking as if her vocal cords were trying to remember the shapes of letters, “It is good to see you again”.

Ratchet grimaced and straightened up, eying the unicorn with mild dislike. “Pleasure” she said sarcastically, “Let’s skip the pleasantries that we both enjoy so much and get down to business, Rosemary.” The unicorn nodded, horn glowing dark red as she swept her horn across the group. “You did well today” she commented after a few moments with a pleased smile, nodding to the butterfly unicorn. The unicorn bowed back and strode to the slaves, nudging them to their feet with soft murmurs and the warm pink glow of magic to ease tired bones.

“Eleven saved is not bad, not bad at all in these difficult times” the old unicorn commented wearily, smiling faintly at Ratchet, “New Amazonia have foiled many of our latest rescues.” Ratchet nodded then glanced back in a frown. “Eleven? I have twelve” she complained, nodding at Wagtail, “Did you count her?” The unicorn let out a low sigh, bowing her head. “You know the rules. No collar, no money” she said in a tired voice, nodding to the diamond unicorn as he started to count out the bits. Ratchet glanced at Wagtail again with an annoyed hiss of air, eyes falling on her bare neck. “No freaking collar” she muttered, glaring at the mare as if it was her fault, then turned back to Rosemary. “Can’t you make an exception?”

The unicorn stared at her blankly and Ratchet nodded, swallowing her anger. “Of course not. I forgot how stingy you lot are” Ratchet grumbled, “Just give me the bits I’m owed. I can at least leave her with you, yeah? I can’t have a dead weight messing up my bounties.” The unicorn glanced at the yellow made and nodded once smiling at her faintly. “The Children of Harmony turn no lost lambs away” she said sombrely. Ratchet nodded and glanced at Wagtail. “There you go then” she said sullenly, “Welcome to your new family, freeloader.” With an annoyed grunt, Ratchet scooped her bits into a hidden pouch in her saddlebag and walked away, leaving the slaves to get acquainted on their own.

It was with a greatful gulp of the fresh air that she opened the door back into the main compound, spotting Orion lounging against the wall a few metres away. “Got paid?” the ghoul asked, unfolding herself from her seat and trotting over Ratchet. “Ripped me off as usual” the mare commented, “But still a pretty good haul. Enjoyed spreading disharmony while I was gone?” Orion snorted, flicking a few strands of her tail as they headed back towards the main compound area. “One of these days I’m going to show them disharmony by knocking their teeth out” she growled. Ratchet laughed, nudging Orion in the shoulder with one hoof affectionately. “When you do, let me know” Ratchet grinned, “I’d love to show those logs a real party.” Orion grinned back then looked around, eying the buildings. “Where’s the pub again?” she asked, licking her lips, “I am itching for a good pint.”

Five minutes later, they were perched up against a bar, two glasses of whiskey in front of them. “To another good hunt” Ratchet declared, picking a glass up with her hoof and clinking it against Orion’s. “To disharmony” Orion shot back, rewarded with another laugh from Ratchet and they both downed the fiery liquid, feeling it burn against their throats and set alight their stomachs. Ratchet let out a gasp and grinned, clunking her glass down on the wooden surface. “Another!” she declared to the bartender, a scrawny earth pony with sunken blue eyes, pale pink fur and dark brown mane. “Same” Orion grinned, catching the glass with her brown magic as it was thrown at her.

“I need to get drunk” Ratchet complained, “We’ve got enough bits to take a few days off then go back on the hunt once something good comes up. Old Loyalty-butt mentioned something about New Amazonia screwing up a few hunts, so I bet there are plenty of fish to catch.” Orion frowned, turning the glass with her magic as she glanced at the other pony. “New Amazonia? That anti-progress cult?” she asked, ears flicking up curiously.

Ratchet nodded, downing the whiskey and slumping against the bar, resting her head on her hooves. “Yeah. Been causing a bit of chaos, disrupting rescue attempts” she said nudging her empty glass with one hoof as she peered through it at Orion. “Heard they actually took over a town a few months back though it was way south of here.” Orion took a sip of whiskey, resting her weight on one hoof. “New lunar republic isn’t acting?” she asked. Ratchet shrugged, “Apparently not. You know the NLR. Not their jurisdiction, not their problem.” Orion frowned, downing the rest of her drink. “Someone should make it their problem.”

Ratchet shrugged again and beckoned to the bar tender for another drink. “Who cares. More wackos, more slaves, more cash” she declared frankly, “Circle of life and all that jazz.” Orion nodded after a small pause and glanced back to the bar tender. “Another” she called, as a pony bumped into Ratchet from behind. “Watch it” Ratchet snapped, turning her head towards the new comer. Her eyes widened as she found a short Pegasus standing behind her, holding a few bits in her hoof for a drink, and immediately Ratchet bristled, getting down from her chair. “What the heck are you doing in here?” she snarled as Orion turned, following her gaze to the pegasi wings. She let out a small sigh and glanced over to the bartender again. “Make hers a double” Orion commented dryly, jerking a hoof in the direction of Ratchet as the beige earth pony squared up against the pegasus.

Ratchet's mouth peeled back into a snarl, flashing her teeth at the other pony. “Don’t you know traiters and trash aren’t allowed here?” The Pegasus took a step back, ears flicking back. “I’m…I’m getting a drink” she declared, “It’s a free country.” Ratchet let out a dry laugh, shaking her head mockingly, “It’s a free country for citizens” she corrected maliciously, shoving the Pegasus with one hoof, “Not scum that run off to their clouds the instant things get a bit messy. I thought you lot didn’t associate with the lower echelons any more. Enclave versus the world, right?”

At that, the Pegasus started forward, flaring her wings in anger. “Don’t lump me with those” she snapped, shoving Ratchet back right in the stomach, “I’m not in the enclave. See!” She turned, baring her rump at Ratchet. The dark brand of a lightning bolt was vivid even in the dim light, marking her a Dashite. As if that meant anything to Ratchet. “All I see is a sorry looking scorch mark” Ratchet purred, “And I don’t get how being a traitor of traitors makes you any better.” The Pegasus stepped closer, looking like she wanted to tear Ratchet’s throat out, and Orion intervened. “Ratchet, leave it or we’ll get kicked out of the one good bar in this dump.”

Ratchet let out a low growl, glaring at the Pegasus. “Go on then” she snapped, “Count yourself lucky or I would have messed you up!” The Pegasus spat at her then strode past, raising a hoof to catch the attention of the bar tender. Angrily, Ratchet turned back to the bar in time to down another cup of whiskey. “Filth shouldn’t be allowed in here” she complained, glaring at the bartender as she served the Pegasus, “Should be locked up and defeathered.” Orion rolled her eyes and took another drink. There was no dealing with Ratchet when she was in that mood.