• Published 9th May 2013
  • 4,688 Views, 25 Comments

Taking It Slow - Craine

Much harder than it sounds.--AppleDash

  • ...

"Taking it Slow"

Sometimes, Applejack thought she was incredibly stupid.

She’d never say it aloud, of course. Nopony would believe her. They’d have no reason to. She was, after all, the most dependable of ponies. But Applejack believed. With eyes and ears drooped heavy, she was quite certain she was stupid. Especially now, as she tread quietly through her apple orchard. Every step, a tickly rustle in the grass.

The closer she came to her goal, the more she wanted to laugh. If only at herself. She had, in fact, tried to stop herself, to find a reason not to care. She failed. She had, once before, tried to forget about her feelings, to pretend this never happened. She failed. She knew she would fail.

When the words ‘I want you’ left Applejack’s mouth, and those beautiful blue lips curled into a smile, she knew.

She lifted her head skyward, fondly counting the stars that shined the brightest. She smiled as her eyes drifted ahead, now zeroed on her goal. It was small. A ways to walk. Plenty of time to think. Too much time? Perhaps.

With every twinkling star, every blade of grass, every leaf dancing on the trees, Applejack would see her. Those eyes that tugged the heart with unspoken vows. Those wings that ache the shoulders with a need for height, wind, and speed. Those lips, full and ready, waiting, yearning, to be kissed.

Applejack slowly shook her head with a growing smile. She really was hopeless. She’d never admit it before, not to herself, at least. But as she stepped onward, as Cloudsdale grew and grew, Applejack swore up and down, chuckling into the night, that she was a love-struck fool.

And it was all because of Rainbow Dash.

When Applejack finally reached her goal, standing alone beneath the grand city, she found other things to blame Rainbow for. Like being there in the first place. Or looking like a clueless ditz, staring at Cloudsdale without a purpose.

Slowly it occurred to her, teeth gnashing as it became clearer, that Applejack had no idea what she was doing. She glared back at her wingless shoulders, back at Cloudsdale, and finally down at the cold soil.

“Dagnabbit, Applejack. You’re so stupid,” she muttered bitterly.

Applejack already believed that. Perhaps more than she should have. Perhaps, if she hadn’t willed herself to stay, to wait for Rainbow to bound from the sky and collide into her with hugs and kisses... No, she was definitely stupid.

“She’s asleep, ya idiot,” Applejack muttered again. “She ain’t comin’ out.”

Her body ignored the words, ignored the logic, and her haunches hit the grass. There, she waited for that which never came, berating her stupidity all the while. And as minutes turned to hours, as humble green eyes drifted, as muscles numbed with a desperate need for rest, she waited.

Even as her body fell with a soft thud, gentle snores calming the night winds, Applejack waited.

And waited.­­­


In her sleepy haze, Applejack heard her own quiet moans.

Dimly, the events of yesterday sifted behind her closed eyelids. As she became more aware, the sun’s warm light shined through the dark. Something echoed in her ear, light and playful, like chiming bell. Applejack sealed her eyes tight, fighting to stay asleep. Then that sound came again. It was laughter. Strong, yet sweet. Airy and familiar.

Applejack opened her eyes, blinking away the morning blur, and she smiled tiredly at the Pegasus sitting over her, watching her, shading her from the sun.

“Afternoon, sleepy-head,” Rainbow greeted with her own smile.

Applejack grimaced. “Afternoon...? Aw, hayseed,” she cursed, lifting herself to sit and face the other mare.

“Up late last night?” Rainbow asked.

Anything Applejack was about to say was swiftly cut down by the cold stab in her chest. She threw her eyes to the grass, desperately searching for an answer. At least an answer that wasn’t creepy. “U-Um, yeah. I was, uh… up late, and… yeah,” she said, now staining eye contact.

Applejack threw on her very best smile. But sweating like a pig on a summer afternoon made it rather hard to be convincing. And the squint thrown at her didn’t help. To Applejack’s surprise, however, Rainbow softened her glare. Even more surprising, was the red on Rainbow’s face.

“Were… Were you waiting out here for me?”

Sleeping right below Cloudsdale? Waking up late? Trying to come up with a lame excuse for it all? Of course the dots were easy to connect. Applejack was suddenly cold. So cold, her sweat should have frozen solid. She’d been made. And her façade vanished as she nodded, timid as a filly waiting to be punished. Rainbow chuckled again.

“Geez, Applejack. You’re so stupid,” she said, trying and failing to contain her laughter.

If Applejack hadn’t told herself those exact words, if she hadn’t thought it was true, she may have been offended. In fact, her brain was screaming for a hasty retort. Instead, Applejack broke down, joining Rainbow with her own fit of giggles. And her brain acted accordingly with shouts and curses for being ignored.

By the time Rainbow stopped, Applejack hadn’t noticed, nor had she noticed the breezy smile on the other mare’s face.

Only when soft lips pressed against her cheek, did Applejack’s breath catch in her throat like a fly in a web. Rainbow pulled away with a light *smack*, and right there, Applejack felt her own blush.

Rainbow rose to her hooves. “Let’s get going, AJ,” she said. When the farm pony offered a hiked eyebrow, Rainbow rolled her eyes. “Date?”

“Oh! Oh, right,” Applejack replied, rising to meet the Pegasus.

With wordless nods, the pair walked side by side, both drawn closer by the other’s warmth. Applejack forced her eyes straight ahead, where a not-so-distant Ponyville lie waiting for them. She couldn’t look at her. Not like this. Not with cheeks as red as her cutie mark. But Rainbow was staring at her. Worse, she was grinning at her.

It took a concerning amount of self-control to keep a steady pace, but Applejack held strong.

Then the farmer smiled. And her shapely, solid rump collided with the one beside her. Rainbow was nearly taken off her hooves before hitting the grass with a gentle *thud*.

She shot a frown at Applejack, who, by that point, smirked rather shamelessly. “Hey! What was that for?!” Rainbow demanded.

That was for callin’ me stupid,” Applejack answered with a slightly lifted nose.

Even as Rainbow shot back up, and was somehow face to face with her, Applejack held her daring smirk. “Oh yeah?!” Rainbow bellowed. “Well, how ‘bout I--"

The chance was seized. And Applejack’s lips planted lightly on a blue nose. The rest of Rainbow’s sentence came out sputtering, eyes wide and jaw slacked.

That was for bein’ there when I woke up,” Applejack cooed, eyelids low.

She walked ahead, passing the stunned Pegasus. “W-well, I… You…” Rainbow’s head snapped to the retreating farmer. “Hey! Wait for me!”

Applejack could only smile as Rainbow’s frantic hoof steps became louder and louder. And when both ponies united, neither said a word. Their eyes set forward. Their cheeks stained red. Both hearts hammering away.


Distractions. Something Applejack usually ignored. Something that pulled the mind away, and unsteadied one’s aim. Something, when living on a farm, was to be avoided at all costs.

But on that day?

That day, Applejack practically begged for a distraction. More than once, even. Thankfully, the Fair was in town, and distractions came plenty and full. It wasn’t appropriate for a ‘first date’. Applejack didn’t think so. Spinning teacups and mounted water guns were no substitute for dinner and a good movie, after all.

But those things kept her eyes in places that wouldn’t get her slapped.

Honestly, and not at all proudly, Applejack knew she was being a terrible escort. Addressing her date without eye contact. Walking ahead sometimes. Inconsiderately choosing everything they did. At some point, Applejack was almost sure Rainbow Dash frowned at her. But Applejack didn’t want to be sure. She’d have to look at her to be sure.

Was Applejack being fair? No. But, of course, neither was Rainbow, strutting next to her with that smooth, sheening coat. Those flexible, taut muscles pulling and shifting with every step. That rainbow-tail swinging from that round fla-

“Oh, lookie there. Bobbin’ for Apples!” Applejack trod ahead again, trying desperately to ignore a seething Pegasus.

Time after time, hour after hour, Applejack was sure to keep the date at her speed. If only to keep herself distracted. Foolishly, Applejack allowed those thoughts to sink in, truly believing it would last, believing that Rainbow would just lay down and take it.

But when Rainbow leapt in her path, wearing that look, Applejack started to realize just how stupid she really was.

“I have a better idea,” Rainbow said, offering Applejack a frowning smile.

Rainbow pointed to the side. Applejack’s eyes followed, and almost immediately, the orange paled on her face. “Y’all can’t be serious.”

Only seconds after she uttered the words, Applejack wished that she was somewhere else. “Excuse me?” Rainbow squawked.

Applejack’s eyes swung every which-way, avoiding her date’s fiery gaze. “Well, I… That is, um-“

“We’ve spent the last five hours doing what you wanna do. And when I finally get a say in it, you start complaining?” Rainbow chided.

Applejack glanced to the now orange sky, finally noticing how long they’ve been out. She sucked her teeth, rubbing her elbow like she’d been hit. “Aw, shucks, Rainbow. I-I didn’t mean…” Her words trailed off at Rainbow’s narrowing eyes. “It’s just that I… well, I ain’t much of a singer, is all.”

Rainbow scoffed with a lopsided grin. “You ever heard me sing?”


That seemed to work. Rainbow was laughing again. Applejack bit back a breezy sigh and allowed her smile to resurface. Rainbow tilted her head toward their new destination, and turned away.

Applejack’s muscles went rigid as a glossy rainbow-tail brushed against her chest. Her eyes dimmed when that same tail slithered to her neck and chin, taking a piece of her soul as it left her. Rainbow sauntered ahead, cracking her tail like a whip.

Whatever planet Applejack was on, the sharp sound brought her back, and reminded her to breath. Her eyes fell upon Rainbow’s backside, which swayed a little more than it did earlier.

With hazy eyes and a chewed lip, Applejack followed, quietly clearing her throat as they approached the Karaoke Bar.


By all rights of Ponydom, Applejack was no singer. Not before a crowd, at least. Her voice had no grace. Her heart was too humble. And, perhaps the most embarrassing, she didn’t know that many songs.

Normally, these merits would suggest a night of utter disaster at a Karaoke Bar. But normally Applejack wouldn’t date the fastest flier in Equestria. Normally, Applejack wouldn’t be the odd pony in the crowd, reciting lyrics of an ancestral tune.

It started peacefully, a flute whistling softly into the bar. And Applejack was downright appalled that the only song she knew by heart wasn’t being sang. So she did something about it with all the grace she simply didn’t have. Even as the words drawled from her mouth, even as her eyes closed against the dimly lit bar, Applejack could feel the stares.

Her heart quickened at the thought of Rainbow.

She could already see the Pegasus shifting nervous glances at the other ponies, prepared to tell them how very unacquainted they were. There was a pause in the song. And when Applejack opened her eyes, everypony in the bar was indeed staring at her, waiting for more.

Applejack glanced to her date, and blushed at those sparkly magenta eyes that urged her to continue.

And she did.

Her chest was lighter now, and she sang the song of her ancestors with a wide smile. Even the lump in her throat was gone, lifting all the weight from her voice. Soon, the song picked up, and Rainbow joined her. Applejack shot her date a pleased glance, ignoring how many verses it took them to sync. It started with two ponies singing amidst the crowd. Then four.

Then eight.

It spread like a virus, infecting one pony after the next with a warm tingle. Before Applejack knew it, she stood on a table with a foreleg draped over her date. Both swaying together in song. Both cheered on by the singing crowd below.

When the song ended, the bar rumbled with disappointed groans and curses. But Applejack would have none of that. She was on a roll.

“Come on all my brothers and sisters!
The founders had stories to tell!
With rot on their gums,
They sang without drums!
I’ll be damned if we didn’t as well!”

To Applejack’s delight, Rainbow had joined her again.

“To Hell with the frowny low faces!
Chin up, we’re far from done!
Now empty those jugs,
And take up your mugs!
The night is still plenty and young!”

With shouts and whistles blowing from all corners of the bar, everypony sang in unity, clashing their mugs of hard cider. With loud laughs and hooves beating on tables, it went on for hours into the late night. Song after song without music. Mug after mug of spilling drink. A pegasus and an earth pony pumping the crowd.

On a whim, Applejack and Rainbow took their leave. They stumbled from the bar, leaving the deafening cheers and ongoing songs behind them.

The pair laughed long, and they laughed loud. With cheeks warm, and steps wobbled, they carried on into the night. There was nowhere else to go. Nothing else to do. And so, with tails entwined, they continued along until Ponyville was left far in their wake.

Soon, it was quiet again. Something Applejack came to appreciate after all the singing. When her thoughts finally caught up with her, she found herself lying on the grass. She tore her gaze from the stars, and grinned at the mare snuggled on her belly. Eyes closed. Those beautiful blue lips curled into a smile.

With a grumbling stir, Rainbow twisted where she lay. With her chin now resting on Applejack’s stomach, Rainbow opened her eyes and met the ones staring back at her. “You were awesome back there,” she said, scooting herself downward.

Applejack’s hind legs pried open without permission. “Speak for yourself. Didn’t know y’all had it in ya.”

Rainbow crossed her forelegs over her own muzzle, her eyes glazed. “Thanks…” Her lips ducked behind her forelegs, planting a soft kiss on sensitive flesh.

Applejack’s held breath finally shuddered out, and her eyes rolled back. She stared numbly at Rainbow, who rewarded her with another, longer kiss. Applejack lifted her hips, reached a hoof forward, and gently caressed that silky, colorful mane.

Rainbow lifted from the farm pony, and shook her head with a sly grin. “Horn dog.”

Applejack threw her head back with a whiny groan. “Tease.”

The pair shared another moment in each other’s gaze. Rainbow crawled forward, surprising Applejack a little. When Rainbow settled again, both ponies sighed together, orange and blue entangled. Applejack felt the other mare shiver. No doubt from of the sudden warmth, she thought with a tiny grin. Her hooves surfed through Rainbow’s coat, and instantly, the shivers ceased with quiet moans.


By now, Applejack fully understood her stupidity. Maybe it took a whole day and night to realize it. Or maybe it was the alcohol caked on her tongue. Whatever the reason, the eyes, now transfixed on hers, wouldn’t let her keep it inside. Not anymore. Applejack had to ask her. Applejack had to know.

“What are we doin’?”

Rainbow didn’t respond.

She simply lied atop the other mare, their breath synced. For a long moment, neither pony spoke. Applejack peered intently at Rainbow, who did the same. The farm mare narrowed her gaze, feeling her own heart pound against Rainbow’s chest.

Finally, Applejack received her answer. It surprised her, of course. An answer that took the breath away, and froze the muscles usually did.

Soon, Applejack's shock melted from Rainbow’s scorching breath and blue lips, twisting and smacking on her own. And Applejack repaid her in kind. Hooves traveled without restraint. Hips danced rhythmically with one another. Tongues battle for dominance. Then they remembered that oxygen was important, and pulled away.

Their eyes met again, rugged breath coating the other’s muzzle. Rainbow smirked. “We’re taking it slow.”

Applejack knew a shameless lie when she heard it. She hated them. Quite a lot, actually. And on any other night, any other time, she would have frowned at Rainbow. Maybe even scolded her. But that night?

That night, Applejack could believe that lie with a smile.

Author's Note:

Heh! This was loosely--and I do mean loosely--based on a personal experience of mine. And before anyone asks; yes. Yes she was a f**ckin' cock-tease. Y'all know the drill! FEED ME CRITIQUE!


Comments ( 25 )

This is far better than the downvotes and lack of comments would suggest. Don't let them get you down! It was a very enjoyable read.

Indeed it was. It's always good to read some fresh squeezed AppleDash.

Interesting introspective insights from Applejack here.

Not my favorite way to ship these two, but it was okay.
Gotta admit it did not hold my interest too well and if it was much longer I would have given up. Don't know what to tell you beyond that.
Keep at it I guess.

Winter Song: I liked it :pinkiehappy:

Of course you would,

Winter Song: What that suppose to mean?

You like any story that contain yuri

Winter Song: Well I'm a lesbian of course I would like a mare on mare story!

It's not because you're gay that mean you're force to like a story about two girl kissing!

Winter Song: Well I liked this one! So I will give a thumb up you can't stop me bucking prude

What did you call me?!

Everything was perfect, I recommend it! :raritystarry:

Oh this was wonderful! :pinkiehappy:

2555532 Yay! The message has been received!

2555613 Fresh-squeezed AppleDash is a good way to put it. I can't tell you how much aspirin it took to avoid the RotL trip.

2555687 Honesty... is the BEST! Glad to know I can still change styles every now and again. Thanks for commenting, friend. :twilightsmile:

2555742 Respect the yuri ship! RESPECT IT!

2555804 Heeeee! :twilightblush:

2555857 Thank you! I tried.

This was really cute - I especially liked the singing bit and how it brought everyone together. Singing old songs in large groups, however offkey, has a strange way of doing that :derpytongue2: So yeah, thanks for a fun and entertaining read :pinkiehappy:

That was great. Especially when they were singing. Is there going to be a second chapter.

lol rump :rainbowlaugh:

Ahem... now that I've grown back up I really enjoyed this fun, albeit short, jaunt in the lives of another appledash episode. It was well rounded, exciting and funny. great job :ajsmug:


Oh! Why, thank you. :twilightsmile: Though, I must admit, I may never do another singing bit. Thought I'd try something new. I did. And well... well. :ajbemused:

Comment posted by ShiningNova deleted May 14th, 2013

I enjoyed the song though , were the lyrics yours?
Sounds flogging Molly like


Yep! If they weren't, I'd credit the one who owned them. :moustache:... Because I'm cool like that.


Question though. Who in Merry Andrew's Hell is 'Molly'?

Comment posted by ShiningNova deleted May 14th, 2013


Flogging Molly is a band

The lyrics just sounded like one of their kind of songs. In my head at least.


Huh. Well, I'll be damned. :coolphoto:

This really deserves a lot more likes. And a lot more comments. And more love! I haven't read a story like this before and I enjoyed it with everything in me! I just....ahh! It was brilliant! :pinkiehappy:

I adore your profile image :raritystarry:

Whatever planet Applejack was on, the sharp sound brought her back, and reminded her to breath. Her eyes fell upon Rainbow’s backside, which swayed a little more than it had earlier.

FimFic authors generally seem not to know when to use the pluperfect tense.

Comment posted by LurkingToRead deleted Aug 28th, 2023
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