• Published 9th Jun 2013
  • 963 Views, 16 Comments

The Whooves Collection Episode Four: A Starlit Wreck - Perceptive Key

The time travelers land in the year 10,438 C.E., only to stumble upon a search team that's investigating the wreck of the largest ship in Equestrian history. The trio accompanies them, but the ship enters lockdown, trapping them inside...

  • ...

The S.S. Starlight

Chapter 2
The S.S. Starlight

Sterret System; Planet of Castron; Southern Desert; Rescue Station 2; 10,834 C.E.

There was stunned silence for what felt like hours. The Doctor looked around the room in surprise, searching for the source of the voice.

"Hello...?" the voice asked uncertainly, "Is anypony still there...?"

Twilight shook her head, freeing her from her state of paralyzation. "How could you know the Doctor?" she asked quizzically, "We haven't met whoever... you... are, yet!"

"Of course you ha-" he paused. "Wait. You mean you don't know who I am?"

The Doctor let out an exasperated sigh, "Wibbly-wobbly-"

"-timey-wimey," the voice finished. "I know. You told me. Or at least you will..." he huffed.

"What do you mean 'wibbly-wobbly... time... whatever?" Twilight turned to face the Doctor.

"Time travel," he replied, "I never seem to meet anyone in the right order."

"Oh. It must be terrible."

"Especially at weddings," the Doctor said.

"Sorry to interrupt your banter," Streak said, her tone obviously indicating the opposite meaning, "but what gives you the right to disrupt our communications, and how?!" she questioned sternly.

"One, you're not sorry, and two, I did, so shush," he scolded playfully. "Your communication firewalls' pass code was a cinch, and the transmitter circuits were mere foal's play. You'd be amazed at what some computer hacking, duct tape, and a sonic screwdriver could do. Oh, and, before you ask, Cap, Captain, and fun."

Streak had her mouth open in shock. "B- but that security tech is impossible to break through! It had been tested and re-tested countless times. Nopony had been able to break through!"

"What was that last bit: 'Cap, captain, and fun?" Richter asked confusedly, ignoring Streak. Everypony else exchanged confused glances, as well.

"I assumed you were going to ask my name, rank, and intention," the newly identified Cap explained happily, "so I gave it to you, respectively." A sudden cough rang out on his end, but it was brief and quickly forgotten.

Richter opened his mouth to speak, but instead ran to the doors that led to the main center. They quickly hissed open and he poked his head out. "Someone pull up the Starlight's manifest!" he ordered. "I want any information on crew, passengers, cargo, or any spare parts that thing had!"

"Yes, sir!" a slightly smaller earth-pony stallion hurriedly answered. The recruit scampered off, followed by two others.

Richter nodded and returned to the room. "We're going to be sure that he's the real deal," he explained to the gathered ponies.

"Fine," the voice of Cap said in an offended tone. "But I'll be on that list!"

"We shall see," said Streak. Her discomfort with this vocal intruder was growing each passing moment.

"You have a sonic screwdriver?" the Doctor asked in surprise.

"Oh, yes. Made it myself," Cap said proudly. "It's a copy of your own, actually.

"I'm sure that I don't just give you the schematics."


Seconds later, the same, smaller earth pony that had responded to Richter's orders stepped through the steel doors. "Major Richter, we have checked the manifest and crew records."

The Doctor was surprised, but grinned at the speed and efficiency. "Really? That was fast! Then, what were the results?" he asked before Richter had the chance.

"There is a 'Cap' on the list sir," the pony answered, looking at Richter, "and he was listed as the captain of the Starlight."

"Just like I said," the captain's voice said smugly.

"Now... would you be so kind as to help me get out of here?"

"Out of where?" Twilight asked.

"He means out of the Starlight," Held Fast spoke. Everyone turned to face the formerly reserved stallion.

"Speaking of which," the Doctor spoke, "What is this 'Starlight?'"

"The Starlight," Held bgan to explain, "was a research and exploration vessel. A class five starship and the largest, no, most massive ship in the history of the Great Equestrian Empire. The ship itself was 8,000 meters long, 800 meters high, and 800 meters wide. It was privately funded, and one of our company's greatest works, if I do say so myself."

"Then why does he need to get out?" Twilight asked.

Now, Streak opened her mouth to speak. "Because it crashed," Cap added blatantly, cutting her off before she got the chance. "Believe me, the re-entry into the atmosphere was quite painful." The sounds of scratching could be heard, or it could have been static. "It did a number on my wings."

"So you're a pegasus?" Twilight asked curiously.

"Alicorn, my dear," he replied as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

Twilight suddenly entered a semi-shocked state. "B-but... how can you be an a-alicorn?! I thought only princesses could be alicorns?!"

"Really? You're that sexist?" Cap asked, obviously offended by the remark. "It's called evolution. Over the years, more ponies of separate species bred, and alicorns came about. I can give you the more elaborate version, but I'm worried that I'd scare the kids."

The Doctor put a hoof to his snout and began thinking. "If the ship crashed, then why didn't we see any wreckage? A ship with those dimensions would be easily visible from a mile away."

"It's been buried under the sand for over two decades," Streak explained. Twilight and the Doctor were surprised, but Streak continued, "It wrecked about twenty-five years ago, but the home-box wasn't picked up until about a month ago. The internal wiring was faulty and it had been drifting in deep space since the crash."

"So that's why I had to use the emergency line!" Cap exclaimed in revelation. "It's really been twenty five years? What day is it?" he asked.

The Doctor checked the watch wrapped around his right hoof. "July fifth, 10,834, Celestian Era," he read.

"Splendid!" Cap cheered while clapping was heard on the other end, "It's my birthday, today!"

The ponies all exchanged glances, while the Doctor suddenly stopped. "Wait..." he started, "... you've been inside that ship for over twenty years?!"

"And I still have my wits about me! Mostly," he admited. "Now, could we please redirect the topic to rescuing me, please?" he asked hopefully.

"But you're impossible!" Streak interjected. Everypony looked over at her after the sudden outburst.

"Wh-what do y-you mean, imp-possible?" Farsight stammered. Held Fast cast the unsure pony a sideways glance that made him shrink back slightly, silencing him immediately and for many moments to come.

Richter exhaled, "The home-box may have had faulty wiring, but the message was intact. The data recorded that... no one had survived."

"In the nine hundred years of my life I've learned that nothing is impossible," the Doctor stated.

Twilight faced the Doctor with a confused expression. "Nine hundred years?" she asked uncertainly.

"I never told you?" he said with a bemused expression.

"She doesn't know how old you are?" Cap's tone indicated sincere surprise. "This must be really early in your timelines."

"Nine hundred?" Farsight asked in bewilderment. The other occupants gave him the same curious glances that had been plaguing the recent conversations.

"Nine hundred four, actually," the Doctor clarified proudly. "I look rather good for my age, don't you think?" he asked.

Twilight's mouth was still hanging open. "You're nine hundred years old?"

"Nine hundred four, Miss Sparkle," he corrected. "It may sound old, but I'm actually quite young for my age."

"And you're still the same as you will be," Cap remarked. "Well... a little."

"Thank you!" the Doctor expressed happily.

"I'm not particularly thrilled, actually."

"My apologies."

"Wait, a minute!" Streak commanded. Her outburst immediately gained the attention of everypony within the room. "I need everyone to shut up for a moment!" Silence met her ears and she sighed. "Thank you. Now, before we assemble the rescue team, which will be headed by myself and Major Richter, I still have to break through the ship's security deadlocks. I'm trying my best, but I've had absolutely no luck."

Cap chuckled, but his laughter turned into a slight cough. "Why," he coughed again, "didn't you say so?"



Alarms began to blare throughout the station, and the traditional red lights flashed in warning. All of the occupants dropped what they were doing and sprinted for the central structure.

"Wh-what's happening?!" Farsight panicked, looking around in fear.

Richter and Streak exchanged excited glances and ran past Twilight, the Doctor, and Farsight.

"Where are you going?!" Twilight asked as they hurried by.

"It's opening!" Richter exclaimed joyously. The doors slid open to allow them passage, giving the rest of the ponies a brief look at the crews running running away from the control room. Then, the doors closed after the two of them passed through.

"What's opening?" the Doctor inquired over the racket.

"The ship," Held Fast pushed by the three of them in pursuit of Streak and Richter.

Twilight and the Doctor looked at the door. "Should we really follow them?" she asked him.

"Yeah," the Doctor answered. The two of them bolted through the doors with Farsight close behind.

"Wait for me!" Farsight shouted after them, leaving through the large doors.

Author's Note:

I'm SUPER SORRY for the wait. I didn't know that this chapter would take so long, but the dialogue took forever for me to write out. I'm not exactly that thrilled about this chapter, but I'm satisfied with the way that it turned out.
The next chapter won't have as long a wait, as I have already started writing and it's a part that I've been wanting to write for quite a while!