• Published 1st Oct 2011
  • 1,922 Views, 71 Comments

The Long Road Home - Wheller

Vinyl Scratch learns this when an ancient device of terrible power is discovered, and now her new home, the only one she ever felt was truly hers is threatened by those who wish to control it.

  • ...

Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Twilight and Vinyl Scratch blinked, as if they were trying to process what Surprise meant. They hoped, they hoped harder than they ever hoped before that “set off the bomb” was going to be a metaphor, and when they realised that it wasn’t, made them fear the insane pegasi more than they already had.

“What?” Twilight asked, in disbelief, causing Surprise to frown. Neither mare thought it was possible, but Surprise’s frown was twice as disconcerting as her smile.

“You heard me,” Surprise said dangerously, her voice was filled with annoyance and contempt for her new “friends.” Her face turned to a smile. “Not today though, noooo... I think we’ve done enough for today! You two can go on home and get a goodnight sleep! Just remember, I’ll be watching you...”

Surprise leaned in close and uttered a single word in a hoarse whisper. “...forever!”

Twilight and Vinyl needed no encouragement to leave, they turned tail and walked as quickly as they could out of EPMB without breaking into a full on run. They opened the steel door and the moment they were outside, burst into a full out sprint, not stopping until they were safely inside Vinyl’s home, door dead bolted behind them.

Both mares collapsed onto the floor, breathing heavily. Twilight looked at her friend and wrapped her forelegs around her in an embrace.

“Vinyl! I am so scared right now!” Twilight said hysterically, she looked as if she was going to burst out into tears.

Vinyl hugged her back, trying to console her friend, but soon she found herself breaking down too. They had no way of preparing themselves against somepony like Surprise.

“Vinyl? What’s going on?”

Vinyl looked up to see the orange Pegasus filly in which she lived with looking terribly confused as she watched them.

“Scootaloo!” Vinyl said as she released Twilight and threw herself around Scootaloo, giving the filly a hug of relief.

To Vinyl’s disappointment, Scootaloo wormed her way out of the embrace. “Don’t touch me,” she said, backing away from the off-white unicorn mare, who sat on the floor, about to burst into tears. She understood why Scootaloo couldn’t be affectionate with her right now, but it hurt nonetheless.

Scootaloo went back into her room, closing the door behind her, leaving Twilight and Vinyl alone.

“I think we should try and go to sleep,” Twilight said. “Maybe... maybe things will be better in the morning.”

The mares looked at each other, and knew that it was a flat out lie.


Somepony was kissing her. Vinyl Scratch opened her eyes; she was lying on her back on her sofa. Surprise was lying on top of her, gently kissing her lips every few seconds, sensually running her hooves down Vinyl’s flanks.

Vinyl Scratch wanted to leap out of her skin.

“Hi,” Surprise said seductively. “Has anypony ever told you that you taste yummy?”

As a matter of fact, they had, and now it was creeping Vinyl out far more.

“Surprise... what are you doing?”

“Isn’t it obvious?” Surprise asked coyly, she kissed Vinyl’s lips again, and then her neck, and continuing to move down, all the way down.

“Surprise!” Vinyl breathed heavily.

“Don’t you think I’m pretty, Vinyl?” Surprise asked. “I think you are!”

Surprise began to stroke the inside of Vinyl’s legs, causing the mare to gasp in pleasure.

“Don’t you want me?” Surprise asked.

“I... I...” Vinyl stammered she was torn; it was Surprise, after all. The Pegasus pony that they’d learned that a thousand years ago, she murdered a pregnant mare with a chainsaw, on the other hoof; Vinyl was so turned on right now.

“Too late!” Surprise called out. “Had your chance! You blew it!”

Surprise got up from on top of Vinyl and trotted out of her house. Giggling sadistically as she went. Vinyl was all worked up now; there would be no sleeping for the mare tonight.

That had probably been Surprise’s plan. Exhausting them to minimalise resistance, but Vinyl wasn’t concerned with that, she was extremely horny, and all her mind could focus on was a release. Her eyes darted around the room, happening to fall upon the door to Scootaloo’s room, filling the mare’s mind with ideas.

NO! Vinyl did her best to shake the ideas from her mind, which were wrong on so many different levels. The idea popped into her head that she might need to tie herself up to keep her from going and acting on them. Poor line of thought, it turned her on even more.

Vinyl’s mind was ripping itself to pieces. Conflicting ideas swirled though her head to how best deal with the situation. She rose to her hooves and quickly exited her house before she convinced herself that molesting either Scootaloo or Twilight was a good idea.

Vinyl heard giggling behind her as she went outside. Surprise was lying on the roof, laughing at her.

“Oh this is so much fun!” Surprise said. “I should have tried this earlier!”

Vinyl wanted to murder the Pegasus for that. She had just slipped her magic around the handle of her revolver when Surprise leapt from the rooftop and darted towards her, tackling her to the ground.

“Hellllo? Who do you think you’re dealing with here?” Surprise asked. “Not that it matters, shoot me, stab me, do whatever you want. I’ll just get right back up!”

Surprise grinned widely at the unicorn beneath her. “You can’t kill me!” she sung. Surprise rose to her hooves and leapt into the air flying off to who knows where.

Vinyl got up and walked off to find a place to be by herself. She had things to take care of.


Scootaloo awoke to the sound of hooves trotting around on the roof. She got up from bed and went to look out the window. There was nothing at first, Scootaloo opened the window and looked out it.

“SURPRISE!” cried a white Pegasus who stuck her head in through the window from her perch on the roof.

Scootaloo cried out in surprise and tumbled backwards.

Surprise giggled at the filly. “Ha ha! Gotcha!”

Scootaloo was not amused by the Pegasus. “Who are you?” she asked.

“I’m Surprise!” the Pegasus replied in a chipper voice.

“Go away,” Scootaloo said. “Leave me alone!”

Surprise frowned at the filly. “Somepony is being a party pooper! I don’t like party poopers!”

“I don’t care,” Scootaloo said crawling back into her bed and pulling the covers over her head.

Surprise ripped them back off Scootaloo, who looked at the Pegasus in annoyance. “Get out of my room before I tell an adult!”

“Like who? Vinyl Scratch? She’s not here! Go look!” Surprise said.

Scootaloo grumbled, intending to show the Pegasus up, she rose from the bed and opened the door, looking out into the main room; Vinyl wasn’t lying on the sofa like she was supposed to be.

“What?” Scootaloo asked in surprise. “Where... where did she go?”

“I saw her walking towards the edge of town!” Surprise said. “She left you.”

“What?” Scootaloo asked, looking at Surprise in disbelief. Tears were forming in the filly’s eyes. “Why... why would she do that?”

“‘Cause she doesn’t love you, duh!” Surprise said. “She said: ‘Scootaloo is such a loser! I’m way too cool for her and her party pooper butt.’”

“I... I...” Scootaloo said, she started to cry. Vinyl had abandoned her just like her parents had. She was alone again.

Scootaloo was sobbing now, she ran back into her room, packed her saddlebags with the few positions that she had and climbed out the window. Bound for the CMC clubhouse where she could be with the only pony she could depend on, herself.

Surprise had to cover her mouth to keep herself from bursting into full out laughter. “Oh such a fun little game!” she said to herself, smiling brightly with accomplishment. Surprise eyed the other bedroom where Twilight was sleeping; she quietly snuck in and crawled into the bed, moving under the sheets to the foot of the bed, and began stroking Twilight intimately. She began to stir.

“Oh... Rainbow...” Twilight murmured in her sleep. Surprise picked up the pace. Twilight’s leg began to twitch. Getting bored, Surprise poked her hard in the stomach, causing her to awaken.

“Huh? What?” Twilight said sleepily.

“SURPRISE!” Surprise yelled bursting through the covers and throwing them on the floor.

Twilight screamed loudly, lights from the other houses nearby began to click on one by one. Twilight abandoned her bed and scampered out of the house, continuing to scream as she ran. Waking up the entire town and sending the full contingent of kangaroo soldiers into the streets.

Surprise, however, just sat back laughing. Her sides were beginning to ache.

“Best! Pranks! Ever!” Surprise managed between wheezes.

Oh how much fun she was going to have with this little town.