• Published 24th May 2013
  • 10,410 Views, 357 Comments

To Swoon the Stars - LucidTech

When the chilling winds of harsher trials whip through their lives, can Luna and Hendrick find the strength in each other to endure? Sequel to 'To Befriend the Night'

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Chapter Ten

Blue was running. His hooves beat against the earth, sounding for all the world like a rolling storm. Ponies and buildings passed by on either side as he ran, he could hear the chase behind him, urging him forward. His wings fluttered helpless in the air that rushed around him, helpless now just as they had been since he’d woken up in the hospital. He could feel the world slipping away around him. There was no need for the chase, he didn’t need any other reason for what he was about to do.

The edge of town came into view. He saw the edge, where the world dropped away into nothingness. He knew it would be here. he just had to run in one direction and he would find the edge. He remembered the layout of the town, he’d been here before. Shouts broke out behind him, the urgency playing its chorus among a frantic verse of worry. He hadn’t explained it to them, he didn’t have time. He needed to end it as soon as he could. He knew he had to end it before someone could talk him out of it.

As he ran, images of Octavia, Vinyl, Moon Light, Front Page… everyone who’d visited him the hospital. Every single one of the faces that had shown even an ounce of compassion for his plight when the watched him. They came to mind, almost vividly, and he felt tears building once again, seeking their fellows that Blue had left back on the hospital bed sheets. He shook them away, he was almost gone, they wouldn’t need to worry about it anymore, wouldn’t need to worry about him any longer. Blue had no idea who he was, but he knew the kindness in their hearts. And now... the edge was so close now…

Even with the tunnel vision that took his eyesight he still spotted the silhouette that had moved alongside him. Closing the distance from behind. The form let loose a burst of speed and jumped forward suddenly, spinning a tight one hundred and eighty degrees before planting its hooves against the small wall that kept ponies from falling off accidentally. Blue had no time to stop his run, and instead collided with them. The shoulders of the pony and the changeling seemed to lock together from the force, and both stood perfectly still. Blue was shaken from his stillness by the encroaching force behind him, and he sought to push forward still, trying in vain to move the barricade that had ended his run. He heard the gap close behind him, they would be on him in moments, and they would never let him leave again. They cared too much.

Then, suddenly, the hoofsteps behind him stopped. So close to catching him and they stopped. Blue looked out over the edge, barely catching a glimpse of a tuxedo as it flew over the edge and drifted down and down until it disappeared. Blue let his legs stop pushing, coming instead to a stalemate with the mysterious pony that had stopped him, necks side by side and heads out of each other’s view.

“What’s the matter Blue?” Came the voice, and it rang familiar in Blue’s ears.


“Did something happen? Did someone attack you or threaten you?”

“No Hendrick its…” Blue choked back tears as he stood there and looked at the setting sun on the horizon. He hadn’t thought he would speak to anyone. He couldn’t phrase his thoughts right, his lips grasping for the first words to come to his mind. “I remembered.”

“... I see.” Came the simple reply, full of understanding despite the vague words that had been said. “What did you remember?”

“I… I don’t deserve this Hendrick. I’m only going to cause you trouble while I’m still alive. There’s things that the Queen left in my head, things she would have had to remove from my head by force. Information locked away from me that she doesn’t want you to see. She thought I would die. But I… Just by being alive I…” Blue shook his head and watched the sun slowly dip below the horizon, the edges of the ball waving slightly by illusion. “I don’t want to put you in trouble. And I don’t deserve the kindness either. It would be so much simpler if I just-”

“No. Actually. It wouldn’t.” Hendrick responded, his stance still firm and taut, holding his ground. Keeping the changeling from the edge.

“What do you mean?”

“I’m not the best kind of person to explain.”

“But you just…”

“I’m just repeating what I was told when I was in your place. I’m not gonna pretend that I know anything too deep about it Blue, but I know its true. I trust that what Luna told me is true beyond a shadow of a doubt. Death is not an answer. Death is not even an option. Not for you. Not for me. I’ve already seen some truth in those words. You just have to put in the effort.”

“But it would end it all, right here. If you move to the side…”

“I’ve caused enough death through inaction, Blue. Never again.”

“So then… what? What’s your master plan huh? Everyone talks you up so much… you have a plan to get out of it right?”

“Of course not. But you are not going off this cliff. Not while I still draw breath.”

Blue stood still for a moment, before anger took his expression. He pushed against the stalwart form of Hendrick. “MOVE!” He shouted, before throwing his weight into Hendrick, hoping he would move aside before they got to the edge. If not, one of the pegasi would save him, or a unicorn. Hendrick was a civil hero, after all, they wouldn't let him die. But Blue... Blue was a monster.

There was a crack as Blue threw his weight into action, but he ignored it and pushed harder. Only to find he was gaining no ground. And, after a moment, he was surprised to find he was losing it. Despite his best efforts he found his hooves sliding backwards, he dared a glance at Hendrick and saw a fire raging in his eyes. The stallion pushed the changeling back from the edge, slowly but steadily.

“Not-” Hendrick forced a cough. “Not today Blue.” Stride after stride Blue felt himself move farther and farther away from the small wall and the sweet release on the other side. “There’s always another choice. A better choice. And you have plenty of ponies who want to help you find it. If I don’t get to end my life than you most certainly don’t get to either.” Blue stopped pushing against the force, and felt Hendrick lighten his aggressive tactic. “Not. While. I. Still. Draw. Breath.” Came the panting attacks from the stallion.

Blue stood perfectly still, stunned silent. Hendrick continued, talking to the ponies behind Blue now. “Captain. Take Blue to the castle. Who you tell about what just happened I leave to your discretion, but make sure to tell the princesses that Blue is getting his memory back.”

“Yes sir.”

“Don’t call me sir. I hate being called sir.” Hendrick stepped back from Blue, and began to move away when one of his legs buckled.

“Hendrick are you-” Shining Armor began, only to be cut off by the victim of his worry as he forced himself onto his feet again.

“I just. Dislocated my shoulder. I’ll go talk to the rehab doc, see who he recommends. Then I’ll have to look into getting a new tux, but don’t worry about me. Above all, make sure that nothing bad happens to Blue.” Hendrick glanced around at the crowd that had gathered, some of them having tailed the guard all the way from the hospital. “Please. As a favor to me.”

“Of course Hendrick.”

“Thank you.” Hendrick nodded once to Shining Armor before he began to hobble away, a noticeable limp in his steps as he moved away towards what Blue could only assume was the rehabilitation center. Ponies moved out of the way as he passed, looking between him and Blue with curious judging eyes, but they remained silent. Shining Armor and a mare in armor flanked him on either side, corralling him towards the castle. Blue followed without a thought.

After they’d left the crowd behind, Blue opted to speak. “Captain.” He said simply. “Do you know anything about Hendrick’s history?”

Shining Armor shared a glance with the female guard, who looked back in confusion. “Not really. Why do you ask?”

“Because that fire in his eyes…I saw it in the mirror this morning.”

The pegasus floated above the buildings, glancing into the valley where the road ran its course. He held the cloth tightly in his grasp as he flew, looking for a face or shape in the crowds. He spotted it easily, it was hard to miss the limp. He swooped down to the road and landed easily, a few paces behind Hendrick, passing the tuxedo its spot in his hooves to tucking it under his wing as he switched from flying to walking.

“Mr. Hendrick!” He shouted, causing the stallion to pause and turn, giving the pegasus time to catch up. “Hey Mr. Hendrick!” He called again, jogging lightly to catch up, a smile always on his face. “I noticed you dropped this!” He managed to say through his smile, never breaking his joviality. He passed the tuxedo to Hendrick, who smiled as he received it.

“Thank you very much Mr...”

“Oh it’s Fair Weather, Sir.” Hendrick seemed to twitch a bit at the last word, but Fair Weather ignored it.

“Thank you very much Mr. Fair Weather. I was worried I’d have to buy a new one.”

“Its my pleasure. I was happy to do my part. Especially if it meant helping you out. Sir.” Hendrick twitched again, but Fair Weather assumed it was just the shoulder acting up.

“How do you mean?”

“What?” Fair Weather started before he continued. “Oh, you mean the helping you out part?” Hendrick nodded, so the pegasus went on. “Well you’ve done so much for all of us, figured it was an honor to help you out. I mean...I help everybody out, but not everyday I get to help out a hero like you sir.” Hendrick flinched again and Fair Weather got nervous that he was keeping him from an urgent trip to get his shoulder fixed. It didn’t look that bad, but Fair Weather knew he’d been wrong before.

“I’m not quite a hero yet I don’t think.”

“Hahaha!” Fair Weather immediately broke into a laugh, only to realize he was alone in it. He stopped abruptly and looked at Hendrick with an apologetic face. “Oh, I mean… Well you’ve just done so much… If you don’t think you’re a hero… I don’t know quite what to say to that. Other than… I guess… you’re keeping yourself to some pretty strict expectations.”

“Yea, I suppose that’s a possibility.” An uncomfortable silence settled on the pair until Fair Weather felt the need to excuse himself.

“Well sorry sir, didn’t mean to keep ya, just thought I’d drop that off for ya so you didn’t have to worry. Hey, anything else you need though, give me a hollar. I’ll come runnin’.”

“Will do, thank you Fair Weather.” The pegasus nodded back and was about to take to the skies when Hendrick spoke again, his voice rushed to catch him before he flew off. “Actually, could you do me a favor Fair Weather?”

“Sure, what do you need?” Wing muscles relaxed and Fair Weather looked to Hendrick expectantly.

“Don’t call me sir.”