• Published 11th May 2013
  • 9,312 Views, 1,082 Comments

Denuo Fortuna - Firecaller

She was a unicorn on the run. She needed somewhere to hide, somewhere quiet and boring. The tourist pamphlet was out of date but the place sounded ideal... Ponyville

  • ...

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Chapter 12 - Working On It

Chapter 12 - Working On It

Sunbeam dropped her saddlebags on the floor and limped over to the couch. Both she and the couch groaned as she fell onto it.

Laying there, the incessant ache in her legs slowly became more demanding. ‘I need a nice relaxing bath, yeah, that’ll be nice. Pity about that job thingy to go to in an hour. No way I’d get out of a bath in time.’

‘Perhaps I should have taken up the offer of riding in the wagon. Ohh Tartarus my legs ache, please stop aching.’ She let out a sigh. ‘Sleep, sleep would be nice as well.’

Finding herself dozing off Sunbeam tried, and failed, to get up.

'Right, laying down was a mistake. C’mon, up an' at 'em, gotta go see whatshisname. You gotta wake up! Coffee... I hear you a callin’.’

She rolled over and placed a single hoof on the floor.



Sunbeam sat in Quick Service’s office, listening to him drone on about the job and the bar, mostly about the bar. The office itself was quite plain she noted, drab grey walls with an off-yellow carpet. How he’d got the huge ornate desk, all dark wood, and green velvet, into the cramped office she’d never know. It dominated the room and looked totally out of place in the colourless surroundings. As he continued to talk she tried to stifle her yawns behind a hoof.

'Start tonight? Well, didn’t expect him to be “that” anxious for me to start, wonderful...’ She rubbed her face with a hoof. ‘Okay. If you keep me marinated in coffee I might make it through. Right. I’m working behind the bar, check. Chilling the beer and bar area, already done. In fact, as soon as I walked in, you asked me to do those.'

‘Honestly, I’m beginning to think all you want me for is my horn.’ The thought causing a brief grin.

Quick Service, seemingly oblivious to Sunbeam’s now flagrant inattention, had moved onto the circumstances of how he had employed his brother’s services behind the bar.

'Oh c'mon! I don't need all these horseapples, just tell me how much I’ll get per hour. Please just let me get up and move about some. Look, I will just get up, crawl onto your desk and fall asleep if you carry on much longer. Gimme a coffee!'

She tried tensing and relaxing her leg muscles to get the blood pumping in a last ditch attempt to keep herself awake.

'Wake up! Wake up, you stupid mare... Wait, what's that he’s holding up?


"And this will be your work uniform." Quick Service shifted uncomfortably. "It will encourage customers to come into the bar."

‘Certainly stallions.’ He thought.

"You will be able to use my office to change in, if so desired."

Quick Service relaxed a bit as he came back to more familiar territory.

"Now, I was thinking of starting you on four bits an hour and increasing to five bits after a trial period. Your duties, as I’ve said, will be temperature control of stock and the bar area. Also, you'll be expected to help out behind the bar and waitress in uniform and... and..."

Quick Service trailed off as he finally noticed Sunbeam's expression, her eyes were fixed on the uniform. ‘Oh, um, that’s not a good expression to be trapped in a room with.’

He lowered the uniform behind his desk, looking longingly at his office’s door. The door to his freedom. The door behind Sunbeam.

"Erm, let’s make that seven bits per hour, shall we? We’ll forget about the uniform and the trial period as well, I-I'm sure you'll be fine."

Sunbeam’s gaze flicked from the uniform to Quick Service. She had watched the uniform like it was some sort of venomous insect, one that she was unfortunately trapped in the same room with. Quick Service now received the same look.

Unfortunately, he was looking dejectedly at the uniform at that point, instead of at the glare that was now directed at him. The glare that was currently melting holes in the wall behind him. If he had seen it, he certainly wouldn't have made one last attempt to persuade Sunbeam to wear the uniform.

He looked up at her. "You sure? I mean It’ll make you really stand out..."

The silence that followed was profound.


Bar Service looked at the new bartender who was currently sipping a levitated coffee like it was liquid bliss.

"You mean to say that my old skinflint of a brother offered you ten bits an hour, an hour's paid lunch and as much coffee as you want?"

She nodded, taking another sip of her coffee.

"Wow! How big was the stick you threatened him with?"

Placing a hoof on her chest, she put on a solemn expression "Honestly..." she stated, "after he finished, all I said was “want coffee!”. Oh, and I may have thrown a smile at him as well."

"A smile... A heinous crime." Bar Service replied with a chuckle.

"Many would think so."


The brothers sat together in Quick Service’s office, the bar having closed an hour ago. The two earth ponies relaxed, sharing shots of expensive bourbon.

"Well, Quickie, how are tonight's takings?" Bar Service knew his brother hated his old college nickname, so made sure he used it at much as possible. What else were brothers for?

Quick Service scowled at his brother. Not being able to think of a comeback he, chose to ignore it and carry on.

"Good, very good. In fact, another couple of nights like this and we'll be in the black!"

Bar Service sat up at that. "T-That good? Sweet Celestia!"

"Sweet indeed. Once we factor in not having to pay those crooks up in Canterlot for ice, we can really cut down on overheads. In fact, they've already sent me a reminder that I'm overdue to reorder ice."

He smirked at that, knowing full well that they would be ‘upset’ if he didn't need to use their ice. Every bar used their ice, every successful bar anyway. He wondered how they would respond once they found out he was able to cool beer without needing them?

‘Not well. I’m going to be threatening their monopoly.’ He shrugged. ‘Meh! I’ll worry about it later, if and when it becomes a problem.’

Taking a deep breath, he guardedly looked around. "Erm, how did Sunbeam get on?"

Bar Service sat back thinking about the question. "Well, apart from her temperature control skills, which I am no position to comment on..." He took a breath. "Didn't take her too long to get the hang of pouring the beer without too much of head on it, she should only get faster as she gains experience. If anyone gets fancy and orders a cocktail she'll need to look it up, of course, but then again so would I."

He tapped his chin with a hoof. "A little slow on taking orders and getting orders to tables, but again, that should improve with experience. Not a big talker, good listener though." Bar Service cocked his head in thought. "If she flirts she should get some decent tips, but I don't think she's the type, which may hurt her in the pocket."

Bar Service looked at his brother. "I also note she wasn't wearing a certain piece of attire you've had in storage for ages. Honestly, you've been trying forever to get a mare in here to wear that damn thing. I take it she shot you down?"

Quick Service nodded. "In flames, dear brother. In flames. Oh, while I remember, she asked for tomorrow off, she wanted to go to the library as soon as it re-opened."

Bar Service shrugged. "Funny didn’t take her for the “go fawn over the new Princess” type."

"Neither would I. Anyway, I gave it to her. She can be... intimidating." Quick Service looked at the floor. "I think we can add “bouncer” to her list of attributes. I think Fluttershy must be giving lessons on “The Stare”."

Bar Service winced. He could remember the night Fluttershy had come in with some of her friends. The night where one of the regulars had hit on her. The night where a pony really should have taken “no” for an answer.


The heat of the day still lingered, gently cooking the still air of the night.

Sunbeam’s bedroom was hot and stuffy; even laying on top of the sheets, she couldn’t sleep. In frustration, she flipped the cushion over with her teeth.

‘Well that’s bucking wonderful. I’ve been exhausted all day, and what happens when I finally get to bed? I can’t sleep. Mental note: must remember to go punch the entire weather team.’

She lay there, her mind wandering back to the bar. ‘My first honest day’s work. Shouldn’t I feel all nice, warm and tingly now?’ A half-smile formed at the thought. ‘Well, I’m warm anyway.’

‘Mind you, I could have made so much more money simply by stealing something.’

‘Nope! Not doing that. You are not bucking this up young lady! Not at this point. You are going to be nice and meek, you got that? You are going to be a good little filly.’

She blanched at the sound of something shattering against the far wall.


Carefully, she illuminated the room with her horn and looked around. The vase that had been by her bedside now lay in pieces by the wall, it’s flowers scattered in the wreckage, a water stain on the far wall marking its impact point.

A trembling foreleg, outstretched, pointed towards the remains of the vase.

‘I... I don’t remember doing that. Did I do that?’

Reaching over to turn on the bedside lamp, she let her horn dim.

"I need some air."


He jumped at the sound of something shattering. Diving into the shadows, he looked around frantically for the source.

He froze as a bedroom window lit up. A unicorn mare opened it and leant out into the night.

‘Damn it, go back to bed, go back to bed!’

She rested her head on a forehoof and stared out into the darkness.

He was glad he was wearing a black cloak, even in this heat.

After what seemed an eternity to him, she retreated back into the bedroom, the window closing and the light going out a moment later.

He relaxed and continued on his way.


Sunbeam watched the shadow move away while she sat behind the window.

‘Really? You think simply by wearing black no pony will see you? You look like a dark patch on a light background.’

‘Humm, I could just stay here, crawl back into bed and ignore whatever that guy is up to...’

‘Unfortunately for him that’s not happening, he’s roused my curiosity. Plus I really could do with a distraction right about now.’

Her horn gave off a very low glow, just bright enough for her to be able to find the drawer containing her “hunting apparel”.

Taking out and slipping on the bandolier of daggers, she adjusted it to sit as comfortably as possible across her shoulders. Tugging on each dagger she made sure none would be stuck in its holster if she needed them.

Next was the cloak Rarity had made. This was far better than what she had been expecting.

Throwing the cloak over herself, she admired the craftsmanship. With the patterns of greens, browns and blacks all resembling undergrowth, it would really break up her outline.

She smiled. ‘Rarity knows more about this than she lets on.’

A set of shoes was next. These were black and had thick, ridged rubber soles. The pair for the forelegs had mountings to allow daggers to be attached.

Reaching back into the drawer, she pulled out what looked like a tiny black wizard’s hat with a disproportionately large brim. Placing the pointed section over her horn she pushed it down, making sure that the brim laid flat on her head. She smiled after tying the cords under her chin; no glow from her horn could be seen in the darkness.

Stepping out of her house, she set off to find the target.

‘Oh, I’m gonna sweat like a pig in this get-up.’


Her target stood outside the front of a house, simply staring up at a bedroom window.

With the moon just peeking over its roof, the front of the house was cast into deep shadow.

The target stood just far enough back for the top half to be illuminated by the moon, albeit in a grainy black and white form.

Crouching in one of the darker shadows, her stomach barely an inch off the ground and head held low, she gave herself as low profile as possible as she watched the target.

‘Why’s the bag just staring at that window?’ She wondered, using the name she’d been taught to use to refer to any living target.

The approach to the target had started five minutes ago from the neighbour's garden. Aided by the dark shadows and the long grass of an unkempt lawn, she’d remained unseen as she closed in. Approaching from the left of the target, she was careful to keep out of his peripheral vision.

As the target continued to be unmoving, simply staring up at the window. she continued to approach, a dagger held gently in her mouth.

Before the start of the approach, she had taken a dagger out from under the cloak and placed it in between her teeth. Caution was needed when carrying it in such a way, cut cheeks were not fun. She could taste the charcoal that she had used to blacken the blade. Hopefully, enough was still on the blade and not just all over her lips.

Her left foreleg slowly reached forward, floating just above the ground. Just before full extension it stopped and brushed gently left and right, pushing to one side anything that couldn’t be seen, before carefully being set down. The right hind leg then moved forward in the same manner and repeated the brushing motion. She glided forward at a slow pace until her opposite hind leg reached full extension and was pulled up onto the tip of its hoof.

Her teachers had always said ‘When hunting in groups, hunt like a wolf pack; when hunting alone, stalk like a cat.’

Now within two metres of the target, she was close enough to strike. Bringing the trailing hind leg up, she placed it next to the other and then slowly lowered herself onto the ground. With the grass of the lawn gently prickling her stomach, she lay in the shadows, body and head on the ground, her eyes never leaving the target.

‘Huh, the bag’s done nothing but stare fixedly at that window, I could have marched up singing.’

‘Honestly, no appreciation for the time and effort I’m putting in here.’

Slowly bringing up a forehoof, she twisted her head to attach the dagger to the shoe. Now she was ready. The dagger could be in the target’s throat in less than a second.

The tableau was frozen as the target continued to try to decide what to do. With Sunbeam watching and waiting.

Watching the target, she began to take notice of the heat, that her fur was now sticking to her skin with sweat. The weight of the cloak pressing down on her damp back. The small sounds of the night became louder: the chirping of crickets, the target’s breathing, a dog barking on the other side of Ponyville. The smell of dried cut grass. The swirling pattern of hairs on the target’s throat, now clearly visible in the moonlight.

‘This is getting uncomfortable, please do something before I cramp up.’

Her target stepped forward, stopping just before the front door of the house.

She raised herself off the ground a few inches. Tensing muscles in her hind legs resulted in her hind quarters being raised up a fraction, with a corresponding dip and pulling back of her head and shoulders. Now she now focused entirely on the target, all other distractions fading from her awareness. Now she was ready to strike, she was within range, she just needed the reason to.

The target lifted up a rock, placed something under it, turned and galloped off down the street.

She blinked and watched the target rush off. ‘The bag’s out of range now. Suppose I’d better go see what was left under the rock, see if I need to pursue.’

She stood up and stretched her legs. Turning her attention to the rock, she approached it a questioning look on her face.

Levitating the rock up she could see that just a note had been placed underneath it. With a shrug, she levitated up the note to see what was written on it. The glow from the levitating spell being enough to read by.

My dearest Daisy, my heart longs for the moment we meet again until our lips know each others once more. Where we can express our true feelings simply by looking each other in the eyes, leading to...’

The silence was broken by the sound of a rock being slammed back down followed by muffled hooves galloping off.


Sunbeam sheepishly opened her front door and turned on the light.

‘Okay, that was embarrassing. I am so glad that no pony saw that, for oh so many reasons.’

‘Huh, just a bag...’ She shook her head. ‘Pony! Pony with a love letter.' She snorted. ‘Heh, you win this time Ponyville.’

‘Got a little carried away, didn’t we, filly?’ Said a voice inside her. She cringed.

She levitated off her horn cover and then her cloak, hanging them both up in the hallway. Using one of her rear hooves she kicked the front door shut.


A different set of eyes had been watching as Sunbeam headed to her front door.

He had been scavenging for food in bins when he had seen ‘Mr Love-Note’. Reading his notes was always a welcome distraction, so he had followed him intent on reading his latest offering. After watching Mr Love-Note scurry off, he’d stayed still and started to count to ten. He always gave Mr Love-Note some extra time, as he sometimes changed his mind and came back for the note. The first time that happened he’d nearly been caught!

That was when she’d stood up. That nearly give him a heart attack., he hadn’t seen her at all before that point.

For now, curiosity replaced hunger as he followed her home. He wondered what was in the letter that had spooked her so badly.

‘Perhaps Mr Love-Note had got a bit suggestive in that last one?’ He thought with a grin.

He watched her walk into her house and turn on the light, he started giggling as she took off her horn cover. ‘A horn hood, hehe.’

‘The cloak is camouflaged as well! Oh I want one. I wonder if... What?’

He stared into the open doorway as she hung up her cloak before kicking shut the door.

‘A white back! A dark green unicorn mare with a white back, no bucking way!’

‘It’s her! It’s her! “The Lost One”... I’ve found her!’ He bounced on his hooves.

‘I will have to watch her carefully before I make my move.’


Sunbeam laid back down on her bed.

‘Right, chill the buck out, you stupid mare. You have all of tomorrow to yourself. So get yourself down to the library and start some serious research. The librarian herself should be back around midday, so hopefully she can help. Remember, she’s close to the princess, so be careful.’

She took a deep breath and wrapped the sheets around her.

‘So tomorrow’s plan: get up; breakfast; library; research; take out lunch; meet librarian. All this while avoiding anything to do with princesses. Woohoo! Sounds like a plan.’

‘A nice, safe, above all, dull plan. A dull tomorrow... how wonderful.’

Author's Note:

First off, a massive thank you to 'LaBarata' for pre-reading and wielding only a medium sized stick at my errors.

A bit longer than planned to get this one out, but it seemed that my old English teacher failed in certain regards. (Okay, I am not entirely innocent in that respect either). :P

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