• Published 29th Aug 2013
  • 6,725 Views, 388 Comments

My Little Pony: The Entities of Emotion - Michael_Ravencroft

Willpower, Hope, Compassion, and Love must battle Rage, Fear, and Avarice to protect their new home.

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Episode 19: A Mistake

Two ponies were walking down the hallway of the Crystal Palace, one a pink alicorn mare, and a younger, dark pink unicorn mare. All the while, the unicorn mare was staring longingly at the older mare ahead of her.

Predator, the Entity of Love, found herself, for the first time, in love with another living being. Problem was, this other, who also shared in the power to spread love wherever they went, the alicorn mare known as Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, or Cadance as she liked to be called, was married to a unicorn stallion, Prince Shining Armor. Their love for each other was true, of this she was certain. This was the problem, although Cadance was open minded to many forms of love, she herself, however, preferred to be faithful to the one who captured her heart. It slightly irritated Predator, to be so close to the one she wanted, and yet so far away, to have shared a kiss and for it be so easily forgotten.

Why can’t we be together…We perfect for each other…She’s practically an Entity of Love herself, granted I’ve been around a lot longer than she has, but that’s beside the point. How can she preach about fairness of allowing polyamorous relationships when SHE won’t even consider it!? I mean, Shining Armor’s good looking, I wouldn’t mind sharing. I mean just look at her! That beautiful coat, those long slender legs, her downy feathered wings, those eyes, and that rocking flan –

“Predator why are you staring at me like that?”

The dark pink mare blinked her eyes a few times, shaking her head for good measure before putting on an innocent smile. “I-I wasn’t staring!”

“You kinda were…Rather intently on my flank for that matter,” said Cadance.

“W-Who said I was staring at your flank!? I sooo wasn’t!”

“Then why are you blushing?”

Predator looked to the wall and saw her reflection, the mare groaned when she saw that her face was indeed beet red, which only further intensified her embarrassment.


“It’s alright, flattering really, but just don’t do that when Shining Armor’s around. He’s already edgy about you, and I don’t want him getting the wrong idea.”

Predator stopped walking, finding those words a bit upsetting. “What do you mean ‘the wrong idea’? And so what if he does.”

Cadance glanced over her shoulder and saw that Predator was frowning a bit. “Predator, you know I’m married, I just don’t want Shining Armor to think –”

“That what, you’re fooling around with your apprentice, `cause that’s not happening as far as I know!? Or that we kissed on that hilltop after you came to get me from the Changeling Hive!? Which one Cadance?! Because, to tell you the truth, I’m tired of tiptoeing around this!?”

The Princess of Love was a little taken aback by the harshness in Predator’s words. “Predator…What are you saying? Are you…”

“Forget it!” Predator trotted forward, pushing Cadance out of the way. “I’m leaving!”

“To where!?”

“None of your business!”

Cadance’s horn glowed and in a flash she appeared in front of Predator. “It is my business Predator. You’re my responsibility, the Life Entity wanted me to help you understand love and watch over you, and that’s what I plan to do.”

Predator let out a chortle, “Oh, so you only tolerate my presence because you were asked to!?”

“I want you here, I want to help you understand!”

“I ‘understand’ love enough to know that you are a hypocrite!”

Cadance’s feathers ruffled at that statement, now giving Predator as stern look. “I’m a hypocrite!? How exactly am I a hypocrite!?”

The Entity of Love scoffed at that. “You preach love to all, but you are bound to one. You are accepting of those who have more than one love, but you are unwilling to let in another. That’s how!”

“What I tolerate and accept and what I practice are two very different things! When I married I promised to devote myself to my love, Shining Armor, don’t you think we haven’t talked about things like that!? I brought it up to him on the first date!”

Predator’s eyes went wide with surprise, she hadn’t thought Cadance would bring up on the first date, maybe the third or tenth, but not the first date. “And…what did he say?”

“He’s open minded, otherwise we wouldn’t get along so well. Shining said that he’d be alright with it, but…” Cadance frowned upon remembering that day. “I saw something in his eyes, like he thought that his love wasn’t enough for me. He may’ve said that would be okay, but his eyes betrayed him. That’s when I realized how much he loved me, he was willing to do anything to earn my love, even allow me to bring in another into our relationship. That’s when I knew I couldn’t do that to him, and the power that we generated on our wedding day confirmed just how strong our love is.”

Predator wanted to say something to that, but she knew that Cadance was right. Even she had to admit; there was a strong bond of love between the alicorn and unicorn, a great power that shined unknown to all, and seen only by Cadance and Predator. If anything that’s what frustrated Predator the most, the fact that she couldn’t deny the love between them, and that she might not be able to find a place for herself within that love.

“And you really can’t find it within you to at least allow me into that love…? To let me show you how much I care about you…!” Predator looked up into Cadance’s eyes. “I love you Cadance!”

Cadance was taken aback by her confession. Eyes widening and jaw slacking. Predator had the same reaction, she had just blurted out her true feelings for this mare without thinking. Predator’s eyes darted around the hall in panic, and not soon after, she turned tail and ran down the hall.

Cadance was about to go after her, but bright flash of violet-pink light lit up the hallway. The pink alicorn mare rushed to where the flash emanated from, only to find that Predator was nowhere to be found. Lighting up her horn, Cadance used her magic and sensed the traces of a teleportation spell. It wasn’t hard to figure out where she probably had teleported to; there were few places that Predator knew to go. But…there was still the nagging question.

“S-Should I go after her…?”

After that confession, Cadance was feeling conflicted. She did care for Predator, but it was the kind of love that one would feel for a close friend, or even a little sister. And there were a few times were she was overwhelmed by the power of Predator’s light and almost gave into the feeling. But was the Entity of Love mistaking their resonating talents as something else, could that be the reason she was in love with Cadance?

Although, I haven’t had much luck when it comes to teaching her, most of the things I try to teach look like they’re taking root, but I still feel like she doesn’t understand deep down inside her, and I don’t know how to reach that part…

Cadance looked out the window, gazing in the general direction of a certain town that was most likely going to get an unannounced visit from the Entity of Love.

“Maybe some time away will help clear her head…”

(Ponyville, Sometime Later)

Predator didn’t teleport herself directly into the town, she appeared just on the edge of the Ponyville, opting to take a walk to Rarity’s before she met with her best friend in an attempt to collect her thoughts, best not to repeat that blunder twice in a day. Predator couldn’t believe she had done that! If she ever did get the guts to tell Cadance, it would’ve been a lot more romantic and less angry.

I hope Rarity won’t be too upset that I popped in on her without advanced warning…?

As Predator made her way through Ponyville, she couldn’t help but notice a few…minor details. For one thing, one of the restaurants she passed by was black and covered in soot, the name on the sign read “Mayleen Rose”. Predator had heard about this place from Rarity and was told it was one of Ponyville’s more refined eating establishments. So it was a little strange to see such a place all dirty and black. Predator shrugged, the place must’ve had an accident to make it look like that.

Along the way she noticed that the movie theatre ponies were removing a movie name from the marquee. Predator saw that it was “The Legend of Slendermane”, now that confused her, from what the mare heard it had gotten a lot of good reviews and was a particularly scary horror movie. Again, Predator shrugged it off; it was a movie theatre, if they didn’t want to show it then that was there business, probably too scary for everypony in the town.

Which is weird considering what befalls this place from time to time, oh well?

Predator, eventually, made it to Carousel Boutique. The sign in the window read as “Closed”, so instead of walking in, Predator opted to knock on the door.

“I got it, I got it,” came a voice from inside.

Predator quirked an eyebrow, she hadn’t heard that voice before, and yet it carried a hint of familiarity. When the door opened, Predator gawked at the sight before her. Now Rarity was beautiful, of that there was no doubt, but the unicorn mare standing before her, WOW. She had a coat as white and pristine as Rarity’s, with a long curly mane that was pink with purple highlights, and gorgeous, sparkling emerald eyes. Predator loved Cadance, yes, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t be struck by the beauty of another mare, and appreciate as well.

The unicorn mare frowned, but it quickly morphed into a smile. “Star?! I didn’t know you were coming!”

Predator blinked. “I’m sorry, do I know you?”

The mare cocked her head to the side in confusion, but seemed to remember something that caused her to face hoof herself.

“Duh, I forgot I still look like this. Star it’s me, Sweetie Belle!”

That caused Predator to go slack jawed as her eyes scanned over the mare’s body. This couldn’t be Sweetie Belle! Sweetie Belle was a cute and innocent little ten-year-old filly, not a hot twenty-something year old mare with the body of a super model! Predator shook her head, Cadance had told her once of certain spells that could alter one’s age, but those could only be cast by unicorns who had a high level of magical skill, not to put Rarity down, but she knew the fashionista didn’t have the magic power required to perform such a spell, nor did Sweetie Belle for that matter.

“Okay, seriously, who are you?” asked Predator.

“I know I look older, but it’s me I swear!”

“Uh-huh, if you really are Sweetie Belle, then do you have proof?”

The unicorn mare went deep into thought about how to prove that she was the genuine article, but seemed to be drawing a blank. That’s when her eyes went wide, “I got it!”

Predator watched as the mare opened the door more, backed up, and pointed her left flank towards her, and what a flank. That’s when Predator noticed that the unicorn mare had no cutie mark, she was blank flanked. Now Predator knew well that by this age a pony surely would have their cutie mark, so that must’ve meant that…

“Sweetie Belle!?”

“Yep,” she squeaked.

The Entity of Love face hoofed herself now, and groaned that she had thought such things about the little filly. “B-But how – I mean – You were cute – But now you’re gorgeous – I mean – You were small – And now you’re taller and curvy – I mean –!” Predator slapped herself across the face, trying to regain her composure. “What happened!?”

Sweetie Belle’s cheeks tinted pink, looking a bit bashful. Dammit even when embarrassed she looks hot!

“Well, my friends and I were tailing Applejack and Ion on their day a few weeks ago, and Apple Bloom had this potion, and she accidentally threw it at us. The next thing we knew, Scootaloo, Adara, and I were grownups.”

“I-I can’t believe it, I mean you look beautiful and –! Wait a minute! Did you say Adara and Scootaloo!?”

“Yes, indeed she did.”

Predator cringed at hearing the familiar voice of Adara. She remembered the Entity of Hope’s voice from when she was a filly, but right now, it sounded akin to that of her true form’s voice. She didn’t know if she should turn around right now. If Sweetie Belle was a knockout, Predator dreaded what lurked behind her. Sighing deeply, Predator dared to turn around and face what come. Oh buck me…why, why do they have to look hot too!?

Standing behind her was Adara, Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom. The tomcoltish Scootaloo was, hot, there was no other word for it, a slender body, medium long hair that was spikey and covered part of her face, giving her a roguish, bad girl look. And Adara, she was cute and hot! Thankfully, Predator was just speaking objectively; I mean Adara was practically her sister. Luckily, Apple Bloom was still small, cute, and a ten-year-old. Oh thank you merciful Entity, at least one of them isn’t older. I don’t know if I could handle Apple Bloom as well.

“Star?” Predator turned around and saw Rarity appearing beside Sweetie Belle. “Oh Star, darling, it is you!”

“H-Hey Rarity,” said Predator as innocently as she could, trying not to appear as flustered as she was feeling around these mares.

“Hey, sis, can I go?”

“Oh yes, go right ahead Sweetie Belle. You girls have a good time now.”

With that said, Sweetie Belle joined her friends and the four of them were off. Predator couldn’t help but notice how strange the sight was. Scootaloo and Adara sticking close together, and how Apple Bloom walked between the three older mares like she was the adopted love child of the filly couple.

“Now Star –”


Predator immediately clasped her hooves around her mouth, but the damage was done. Rarity was now standing there, eye twitching as her mind processed the words of the teenage mare. After taking a moment to calm herself, Rarity smiled demurely at her visitor.

“It’s alright Star, no need to be worried. But…” Rarity’s gaze turned dangerous, “If you try to make a move on her, or even try to do something inappropriate with Sweetie, I will not hesitate to kill you right on the spot.”

“I-I promise I would never –!”

“And I don’t mean quickly either,” Rarity interrupted, “I would kill you in the most humiliating, graphic, and most painfully slow way imaginable, and Princess Cadance’s protégé or not, I shall show no mercy. Are we clear, Star?”

Predator gulped, “Crystal.”

“Wonderful!” Rarity’s cheery demeanor returned and her dangerous gaze vanished. “So, what brings you by?”

Predator’s expression changed fast, her ears went flat, and a frown appeared on her face. Rarity noticed the sudden change in Predator’s mood and she grew concerned.

“Star, darling, whatever is the matter?”

“I…I messed up, and I needed to talk to somepony…”

“Oh dear, well, I was just on my way to the Spa, do you wish to go with me and we can talk there?” asked Rarity.

“……Sure, I could use some relaxation. Also, how long will they be like that?”

“Unfortunately, Zecora and Twilight weren’t able to reverse the effects of Apple Bloom’s potion, but luckily it will wear off in a week or two.”

Thank the Life Entity!

Predator and Rarity, after going through a round of pampering, were now soaking in the luxurious bath, the Spa Twins, Aloe and Lotus, left the room and allowed their clients some privacy. Once they were out of the room, Rarity decided to broach the subject of why Predator was feeling down.

“Now dear, what is it that makes you think you ‘messed up’?”

Predator sighed once again, “I…I like somepony, no, more like I’m in love with them, Rarity.”

The fashionista’s eye went wide as they sparkled with happiness, feeling giddy that Star had finally found somepony who accepts her and her special talents. “That’s wonderful darling! But, pray tell, why are you so down about being in love?”

“Because I blurted it out in front of her, and I know for a fact that there’s somepony else that she likes, and that that pony likes her too,” said Predator.

“Oh dear… a love triangle?”

“In a way, yes…”

Oh Star, you finally find somepony you can give your heart to…A pony who can love others, give advice, and be open with her thoughts, is now in quite a quagmire of her own.

“I just don’t know how to tell her Rarity…” Predator slammed a hoof in the water, causing it to splash the area. “I mean…after just blurting it out like that, how can I just tell her that I’m sorry! Dammit I want a do over!”

Rarity sat in the tub, contemplating what Star should do. A love triangle was a tricky thing, as she has experienced with Sweetie Belle earlier this year. “Star, do you love this mare, yes or no?”

Predator gave Rarity an incredulous look. “Of course I do, that’s the problem!”

“Are you willing to fight for this mare, to keep her safe, to take care of her?”

“Ugh, yes! I am! I’d claw through a horde of Black Lanterns all on my own just if I had to in order to keep her safe!”

“Um, what exactly is a ‘Black Lantern’?”

“Never mind! Point is I love her enough to fight and keep anything from happening to her!”

Rarity saw that Predator’s horn was glowing, and at the same time she could feel the powerful love energy being emitted from the young unicorn mare, and it was strong, really strong. Rarity was staring to get dizzy, her body heating up as the love power pulsed through the room, her own horn lighting in response to the magical love energy that Predator was putting out. It was exhilarating and terrifying at the same time, and Rarity felt that familiar carnal urge to jump Star like when they first met. But Rarity tried to control herself, doing something like that would only complicate matters and Star was in a delicate state.

“S-Star dear…”

“I love her Rarity, and I even made it clear that I wouldn’t mind sharing her with another! I’d love this stallion too! But we’re…we’re practically cut from the same cloth, destined to be together since the birth of the universe!”

Without realizing it, Predator released even more love energy; it was getting to the point that Rarity wondered if Aloe and Lotus had been affected by it. She slightly shuddered at the thought of what Star’s power would make them do if she didn’t stop this from going on. But right now, Rarity was struggling to keep control of herself, her eyes were locked on Star, that beautiful mare who needed comfort and affection, and being a good friend, she was oh so willing to alleviate the poor mare’s heartache.

“Star darling…! I don’t mean to be rude or insensitive…But could you please get a handle on your magic?! Because, at this rate, I don’t know how much longer I can keep myself from ravaging you right here and now!”

Predator crossed her forelegs in front of her chest and then huffed. “Go ahead; at least it’ll take my mind off of this mess for a few hours.”



Predator concentrated and ceased the flow of love light flowing through the room. Rarity immediately felt the heat within her body ebb away, her head feeling clear and less riddled with dirty, perverted thoughts. Rarity shook her head, making sure her senses were clear before she spoke.

“Really Star! I know you are upset, but that is no reason for you to allow something like that to happen! Do you seriously want to cheat on the mare you love with another mare!?”

“At this rate it might not even matter, so why not?! At least I know you care about me!”
Rarity glared at the teenage mare. “Of course I care about you, Star! I am your friend, and I always care about their wellbeing!”

“Oh please,” Predator scoffed, “My power wouldn’t have such a strong effect on you to quote: ‘ravage me’, if you already didn’t have those thoughts somewhere deep down in your heart!” Predator then looked to Rarity, her eyes shimmering with the power of her light. “So why don’t you be honest with yourself just go ahead and do it! At least one of us will feel good!”

Rarity let out a shocked gasp; she couldn’t believe that Star would say such things to her. “Star…”

Predator eyes went wide, her eyes stung with tears as her anger quickly left her. She had reverted to her old self, the part of her that was a hunter, seeking out love, craving it, willing to thrust herself into the hearts of those she possessed in order to fill their hearts with love, that was her more fearsome aspect, and she had done well to keep it in check, up till now that is.

“R-Rarity, I-I didn’t mean that…I’m just…” Predator couldn’t stand it anymore, she had had made a fool of herself in front of the pony she loved, and had hurt the feelings of the one other pony who supported and called her friend. “I’m sorry…!”

Predator got out of the bath and rushed out of the room, it took Rarity a moment to get over the shock of Star’s words before she was able to register the sad and apologetic tone in her voice.

“Star wait, please don’t run!” Rarity hurried out of the bath and ran after the young mare.

Rarity was able to catch up with her, but before she could do or say anything, Star teleported just as the young unicorn got out the door, leaving Rarity standing there, saddened, dripping wet, and wishing she hadn’t pushed her to admit all that at once.

“I’m sorry…Star.” Rarity turned to head back and dry herself off but noticed something that made her eye twitch. Aloe was on top of Lotus; both mares were staring at the white unicorn mare, faces blushing red. “Um…”

“Miss Rarity…” Lotus spoke.

“W-We can explain this,” said Aloe.

“Explain what? I was busy taking a bath, and on that note I have to cut this spa trip short, I must dry myself off and go after my friend!”

Aloe and Lotus watched as Rarity did just that, disappearing into the changing room and emerging just as quickly, completely dry, and running out the door. The Spa Twins let out a sigh of relief, their business was about privacy, and being a long time customer, they knew Rarity wouldn’t breathe a word of this to anypony.


“Yes, Lotus?”

“You can get off me now, and you can stop touching me there as well!”

(The Crystal Empire, 2 Hours Later)

Cadance was pacing back and forth within the throne room. She didn’t know if she should go after Predator or not. Then again, there was the confession of love earlier. That was probably the one thing that was getting to her. Cadance went over every little detail in her head, from when they first met until now, trying to find the one thing that could’ve tipped her off earlier that Predator was developing feelings for her.

Every time she did, her mind came back to at least two instances. The night of the Festival of Love, when they sang together and their powers resonated with each other. She was starting to act a little differently then. The second was, most likely, the biggest cause for all this. The night when Cadance went after Predator after being foalnapped by the Changelings, the distraught look on her face for almost dooming her world was something that Cadance couldn’t stand, and all her self-doubt only made it worse. I kissed her…I still can’t believe I did that! And…and I liked it! Sweet Celestia, why did I like kissing her!? I’m married for Luna’s sake!

Oh there was a reason; it was there from their first encounter. Predator’s light of Love. It was raw power, raw emotional love energy, it reminded Cadance of her younger years when she got her cutie mark and then ascended. She could feel all the love energy on Equestria; it was as if she was there with every lover and couple, sharing in their passion and lust. It took a while, but with Celestia’s help, Cadance was able to master her heightened magical power and abilities, allowing Cadance to focus her mind and shut out all the “background noise” as she called it.

But with Predator, it felt like all those past feelings were concentrated and magnified to the power of infinity! And it felt like Entity of Love was bathing her in all that passion, it was intoxicating, frightening, and Cadance feared what she might become if she were to allow that power to flow into her.

“And now…Now she wants to love me, the Entity of Love, the source of all love energy, wants to be with me…”

In a way it was flattering to Cadance, it’s not every day one is told that the embodiment of all love in the universe is actually in love with you. That’s when Cadance raised her right hoof and slapped herself across the face.

“Get it together Cadance! Why did I ever kiss her in the first place!? I just wanted to comfort her, not seduce her!”

Or was it the other way around? Cadance didn’t know anymore, all she knew was that she had let down the Life Entity; the great being that embodied all life had given her the task of watching over Predator and helping her to understand the true meaning of love. And up till now that’s what Cadance had been doing, and it seemed as if Predator understood, but somehow, it felt like she wasn’t getting it completely. Cadance didn’t know if it was because she was a bad teacher, or, after all this, if Predator was too preoccupied having fantasies about her flank.

“I just…I just need to be clear with her, I need to be firm. I have to make sure she understands that, even though I do love and care about her, it is only in the regard of a family member or best friend.”

“But Cadance, I told you I was okay with sharing you! I don’t want you to choose between me and Shining Armor, I know how much he means to you,” said Cadance, imitating Predator’s voice.

“I know Predator, and I am not saying that being open to that kind of thinking isn’t bad, but it just isn’t for me and Shining Armor, we just want to be with each other.”

“Then have me as a mistress or something, I don’t care so long as I can be with you!”

“Predator, I’m not going to send you away, you’ll always be my side.”

“Then why won’t you love me like I do you!? Are you just keeping me around because of an obligation or do you really want me here!?”

“That’s ridiculous; of course I want you here! I…I…I do…don’t I?”

Cadance actually shocked herself with her improve dialog, now that she thought about, Predator had been causing a lot of trouble, both here in the Empire and other places that she took her. She was always trying to search for love, trying to make connections where she saw them, no matter if they were not exactly the most comfortable of things to be done. But now that Cadance really thought about it, did she really keep Predator around because of an obligation or did she genuinely want her around.

The pink alicorn sighed heavily, “I’m a horrible pony to have to take this long to answer the question. I need some rest.”
Shining Armor was going to be busy doing paperwork and going over reports from the Guards. Just as well, she wouldn’t feel right sleeping next to him right now, not with all this stuff going on in her head.

Why shouldn’t I get to love her…?

Predator skulked through the halls of the Crystal Palace. It was night time, and the moon was high in the sky, but the passing clouds would make the shadows dance. It was in those shadows that Predator’s eyes shined with violet light, briefly changing between her alluring violet eyes, and that of her true form’s eyes.

She was done with it all, she was done trying to win over Cadance the other way, now Predator was going to try her way. Cadance showed an affinity for her light, and that would be her advantage. It had been awhile since Predator allowed her more primal instincts to take hold; she never understood why she even suppressed them in the first place. This was thrilling, the hunting of her prey, and the euphoric high of the “kill”.

Predator more than once skirted a patrolling Guard, she could be outrageous and powerful, but when she wanted, she could be stealthy and quick. It wasn’t long before Predator found Cadance’s room, and just as she assumed, the Princess of Love was alone in her bed. Perfect…

The unicorn mare quickly made her way inside and lightly shut the door behind her. Predator then cast a sound dampening spell on the room. The last thing she wanted was for somepony, mainly Shining Armor, to come barging in here and ruin her night with her true love. Predator stalked closer to the bed, creeping right to the foot of the queen sized bed. For a moment, Predator just stood there, her shimmering, violet eyes just staring at Cadance, drinking in her image.

The pink alicorn lay peacefully within the bed she shared with her husband. She had removed her regalia, and honestly, Predator liked it better when Cadance had them off. Those pieces of gilded gold were just mere trinkets that obscured Cadance’s natural beauty. Even as Cadance slept, she was still the most beautiful thing Predator had ever seen. The steady rise and fall of her chest as she breathed, the light shuffling of her wings as she moved into a more comfortable position, she loved it all.

Predator, levitating herself, got onto the bed with all the swiftness of a falling feather. She lied on her stomach, head resting on her forelegs as she waited for Cadance to notice her presence. Predator’s tail swished back and forth, like a lion waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

“Cadance,” she whispered.

Her words carried on the air, making the pink alicorn’s ear twitch.

“Cadance,” she whispered again.

This time Cadance’s ear twitched in her general direction. Groggily the pink alicorn awoke, thinking that Shining Armor had returned to their room and was alerting her to his presence before entering the bed. However, Cadance bolted upright when she saw the glowing irises of Predator, staring right at her from the foot of her bed.



Cadance placed a hoof to her chest, taking in calming breathes as she tried to slow her now racing heart. “You scared me, where have you –!?” The alicorn princess stopped talking; now taking in the full details of Predator’s expression. It bordered on sultry, hunger, and intimidation. “P-Predator, why are you looking at me like that?”

A sly smile curled upon the young mare’s lips. “Like what, Cadance?”

“Like…Like you have something devious in mind…”

Predator chuckled, she was scared, that was understandable, but there was no room for fear, no, soon she’d replace that fear with something else, pure, unadulterated passion and love.

“No, Cadance, nothing devious, something wonderful.”

Cadance, for some reason, felt like a mouse cornered by a cat, “Predator, we need to talk about…about what happened earlier today…I do care about you, but I –!”


In the blink of an eye, Predator had closed the distance between them, placing her hoof on Cadance’s lips and effectively cutting her off. Cadance’s eyes went wide as saucer plates, she didn’t even see her move, and now she was practically a hair’s breathe away from her.

“I know you care about me Cadance. I can tell…” Predator moved her hoof from Cadance’s lips, dragging the tip down to her throat. “You don’t want to say it aloud, and that’s fine.”

Predator’s hoof tip when sparked with violet light. Cadance felt the love light energy course through her from that single point, nearly knocking her out from the rush it gave her. The unicorn mare then dragged her hoof further down, crossing from Cadance’s neck to her chest, and from there she slid further before stopping at the middle of her barrel, leaving behind a long violet light trail from where she started.

Cadance’s breathing became slightly erratic; the power of the love light was flowing through her, spreading out from the line Predator drawn. “W-W-What a-are you d-doing…Predator!?”

“Freeing you of your inhibitions, Cadance, you’re not being honest with yourself, and it’s time you allowed yourself to feel more.” Predator purred into her ear.

The energy continued to spread through Cadance’s body, eroding at her will to resist, she didn’t even know if she wanted to resist. As if an act of betrayal, her wings suddenly flared out from her sides, knocking the blankets off and making Predator back off a bit to see the spectacle. A fierce blush overcame Cadance’s face; she covered her face with her hooves in a desperate attempt to hide her shame.


“I-I-It doesn’t mean anything! It’s just a-a-a bodily reaction!”

“Don’t worry Cadance, you needn’t hide from this,” Predator placed her hoof on Cadance’s, moving them down to uncover her face, “I’m very flattered.”

“P-Predator, please stop this…before this goes too far, please just stop…!”

Predator moved closer to Cadance. The alicorn mare lit up her horn in an attempt at pushing Predator off of her, but it was all for naught. The Entity of Love crossed her horn with Cadance’s, setting it aglow with her own magical aura combined with her light of Love. Cadance lost all control of her magic as their energies mingled at that point, sending the Princess of Love into a euphoric bliss. She could feel it all! All the love in Equestria, every lover embracing their love, every passionate kiss and act of lust committed and reciprocated in kind, it was all washing over Cadance’s mind and body at once.

The unicorn mare separated herself a little from Cadance, though the tendrils of magical energy were still latched onto the alicorn’s horn. Predator smiled as she gazed upon Cadance’s face, she was in heaven, such a look of longing and happiness all rolled into one, and knowing that it was Predator herself who granted her this happiness, it was beautiful.


“Yes, my love?”

“K-K…Kiss me…Please…”

Predator almost cried from hearing those words, this was the Cadance she had always wanted to see, uninhibited, unleashed, a being of pure love like herself, finally, the Predator had found someone who could make her happy. Cadance closed her eyes in anticipation of the passionate kiss, and Predator was more than happy to give her new love the most passionate kiss she’d ever felt, enough to steal her breath away. Predator leaned down, her eyes slowly closing, savoring this moment before their lips met.


Predator stopped.

“Cadance, you in there?”

The bedroom door jiggled a bit. Predator, reluctantly, tore her gaze away from Cadance and scowled at the door, or more accurately, who was behind the door. “Leave us alone!” Predator growled.

“Predator, when did you get back? And where’s Cadance?!”

“She’s with me, we’re fine, leave us alone!”

Cadance’s eyes looked in the direction of the door. “S-Shining Armor…?”

“CADANCE!? What’s going on in there!? That’s it!”

Suddenly a bright flash of rose colored magical energy blasted its way through the bedroom doors, sending the wooden double doors slamming to floor. Shining Armor rushed into the room and gasped at what he beheld. Predator was on top of Cadance, in a rather suggestive way, and Cadance herself had this look in her eyes, a mix between passionate want, ecstasy, and bliss. But Shining could see further, he could see behind that look to the mare beneath, the one crying out for this to stop.

Shining Armor flared his horn and narrowed his gaze at Predator. “Get off of her Predator! NOW!”

Predator glared at the Prince, she then turned to her love and gave her a quick peck on the lips, a light butterfly kiss. “Wait my love, I must teach your husband how it is not nice to barge in on one’s private time.”

Predator got off of Cadance and leaped from the bed onto the floor. The two unicorns stared each other down. Predator and Shining Armor were circling the other, waiting and watching for a good moment to strike.

“You’ve gone too far, Predator! I didn’t mind you having a crush on Cadance –!”

“So you knew, and said nothing!?” Predator snarled.

“Of course I noticed, but I kept quiet. I thought Cadance would figure it out and straighten this matter on her own, but now I think I should’ve done something sooner.”

“It’s still not too late, Shining Armor. We can all be happy together, I don’t mind sharing Cadance, so long as the relationship is mutual, then it is not cheating. I offered this same option to Cadance earlier today, and now I give it you. Besides, isn’t every stallion’s dream to have many mares wanting him, having their cake and eating it too as the expression goes!?”

Shining Armor paused causing Predator to stop as well. “Listen, Predator, I’m happy with just Cadance. You don’t think I know she could have dozens, even hundreds of stallions and mares for herself, instead of being tied down to me!? I even…I…I even said I would accept her bringing others into our relationship if it would make her happy!”

Predator scoffed at that, “Why would you do that!? You made Cadance have no other choice but to marry you! She could’ve had you and others, spreading her love to those who need it!”

“Because that was my sacrifice, I was willing to put up with it, for the one I love! And Cadance…Cadance said that she would never do that to me, that she would devote herself to me, that was her sacrifice, and I in turn devoted my love and life to her! That’s what love is, Predator, Entity of Love! Something that I’m beginning to think you’ll never understand!”

That was the final nail in the coffin, Predator’s body shined with the light of Love, transforming her into her crystalline-raptor form. The Entity of Love growled and thrust her claw right at Shining Armor, grabbing the unicorn stallion and slamming him into the wall. Shining Armor tried to get out of Predator’s grasp, but found that his power was dwarfed by the raw power of this cosmic being.

Suddenly, the violet-pink exoskeleton of Predator began to creep out from her arm and started to cover Shining Armor, creating a cocoon. “You shan’t keep me from the one I love! I was willing to let you in, but instead you want to push us away from each other! Only I can understand Cadance, and she me! We are beings of love!”

Cadance watched this entire scene transpire in a daze, she saw what was happening, but the euphoric energy still coursed through her body. The pink alicorn dug deep inside herself, her husband, her true love was in trouble. To Cadance, it felt like her mind was in a fog, while her body was swimming in molasses, barely able to move. But somehow, she found the strength to get up and start to crawl to the foot of the bed. Cadance mustered as much of her inner strength as she could and focused it all on her voice.


Predator turned around to look at Cadance, but when she did her crystal eyes went wide with shock. Cadance was crying. The Entity of Love released Shining Armor, the crystal cocoon shattering, letting him fall to the floor. Predator brought up one of her claws to Cadance’s cheek, catching a teardrop as she did so.

“These tears…there is no happiness in them…only…sadness.”

“Predator…I beg you…please don’t hurt him! If…If I give myself to you…will you promise not hurt to him!?”

Shining Armor rose unsteadily to his hooves, trying to shake off the draining effect of the crystal cocoon. “N-No Cadance, don’t do it!”

“I…I don’t want to hurt him…I just…I just wanted him to…” Predator’s mind went blank, her ancient instincts giving way to her more sensible side. She looked to Cadance, her body shaking as she looked upon her with such sadness. “This…This isn’t what I wanted! I wanted you to see – to understand how much I love you I…!”

Predator backed away, taking in the whole scene, this was one of those things that Cadance had taught her about, one of the forms of love that was wrong; she violated Cadance with her power, subduing her mind and body to her will. Liquid light started to fall from Predator’s eyes, and as the drops fell from her face, they quickly changed into sapphires before hitting the floor.

“What…What have I done…”


“No…I’m a monster…Stay away from me!”

Predator’s body ignited as she shot through the window and into the night sky. Leaving Cadance to weep and Shining Armor to comfort her the best he could.

Author's Note:

Next Time in MLP: The Entities of Emotion:

"I am not afraid of her, or anything!"

"Queen Chrysalis of Equestria, you have the ability to instill great fear!"

"Please…you have to help us!?"

"From this day forward, they will fear us!"

Episode 20: The power of FEAR!

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