• Published 11th Feb 2012
  • 4,169 Views, 151 Comments

What If? - BronyNeumo

Applejack and Rainbow Dash encounter relationship problems due to an unexpected visitor.

  • ...



The journey home was long, and due to Applejack's condition following her ordeal, took three days to complete. Despite having been magically healed by her unicorn friend, and regardless of her dogged determination to not hold the group up, Applejack found that she could not walk very long before her aching body succumbed to the demands of exhaustion. For three nights, the tired, yet elated, group slept under the stars. Each night, Rainbow Dash made sure her marefriend's head rested comfortably on her own chest when Applejack drifted off into sleep.

There was no fanfare when they arrived home. Close friends, who had noticed their absence, waved when the saw them entering town again. Others, who hadn't seen the six friends for a while, greeted them as they saw them, but for the most part, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie were able to rejoin their neighbors without many questions about their whereabouts. The majority of the townsfolk were fully aware of the friends' frequent adventures, and few bothered to pry. The six friends each breathed a sigh of relief for this, as they had decided between them that nopony else needed to know of what had happened.

Night had already fallen by the time the group made it back to the town center. They gazed with renewed appreciation upon the brightly-lit, colorful, friendly-looking buildings in town, the dreary scenery of Manesville and the forlorn little cabin having left an unwanted, yet indelible, impression upon them. At the town center, the group bid each other farewell and set off their separate ways. Twilight Sparkle cringed as she returned to her tree-library. She knew Spike would probably demand a full explanation of her absence, and she was sure she wouldn't be able to lie to him. Rarity, exhausted and, according to her, looking worse than she ever had before, retreated first to the spa for a lengthy rejuvenation session. In the back of her mind, however, she hoped even more the soothing steam would relieve her of the terrible memories of her ordeal.

Pinkie Pie, looking drained yet undoubtedly happy, set off for Sugarcube Corner at once. Fluttershy, after giving Applejack a tight hug, as if she could still hardly believe her friend was really alive, quietly retreated to her cottage. She left only Rainbow Dash and Applejack, standing alone in the star-lit night by the bridge that would lead them over the river towards Sweet Apple Acres.

Rainbow Dash happily trotted forward, excited to be finally coming home after so long. She was almost halfway across the bridge when she noticed the lack of a presence at her side. Turning, she quickly glanced behind her to see Applejack, still standing at the foot of the bridge with her head hung low and her eyes closed. Almost instantly, Rainbow Dash was back at her side.

"AJ? Are you ok? Is something wrong?"

Applejack looked up, opening her eyes and closing them again several times wearily. "Ah just… Ah don't know, Dash. Ah'm just tired, Ah guess." She yawned.

Rainbow Dash rested her forehead against her marefriend's, letting their forelocks mingle together in a tangled wave of rainbow and gold. Their noses touched, and they both closed their eyes, breathing in each other's scents in the quiet night. Rainbow Dash brushed a light kiss on her lover's cheek. "I'll carry you."

Before Applejack could protest, she found Rainbow Dash twisting and squirming her way underneath her. Gently, the pegasus lifted herself up so Applejack rested on her back, sinking into her cyan fur. Applejack shifted herself just a bit and laid her head against the back of her mare's neck, letting the multicolored fine wisps of her mane brush across her face. Rainbow Dash started trotting, gently, so she wouldn't make the ride bumpy and uncomfortable for her love. Every now and again, she would glance back, reveling in the sight of the mare she loved resting against her, nuzzling into her neck.

A light breeze washed over the pair as they began strolling through the orchards. The road was winding, but they both knew very well that it would surely lead them home. Applejack smiled as she rested, allowing the soothing rhythmic motion of Rainbow Dash's trotting beneath her to calm her. "Ya don't… ya don't hafta do this fer me, Dash…" she stifled another yawn, trying not to seem as tired as she really was, "Ah… Ah can walk."

Rainbow Dash just kept walking. "I want to, AJ. I want to carry you because you carried me."

Applejack was silent for a long while. She remembered all too clearly the day her marefriend referred to. She would never forget that day. "It... it was nothing Dash."

"It wasn't nothing to me, AJ. It was much more than nothing." Their path wound through the orchard, bringing them past row upon row and grove upon grove of tall, fruit-bearing trees. Then, as they rounded a bend, like a great ship looming over a distant ocean horizon, the quiet farmhouse, tucked away in a clearing surrounded by trees and fields, rose before them.

The windows were dark, save for a single light shining from the living room. They both stopped, standing on the path in the pleasant chill of late evening, and stared. At that moment, to the two tired, hard-pressed lovers, their cozy abode had never looked so appealing, so inviting, or so beautiful. "Ah… Ah can't believe how much Ah've missed this place." Applejack's brilliant green eyes seemed to sparkle in the wavering light.

"I know… me too." Rainbow Dash trotted forward, bringing the two of them to the front door in no time. As quietly as possible, she hoofed the latch, letting the door gently swing inward with as little noise as possible. Gingerly, she stepped over the threshold, allowing her eyes to sweep the dark foyer as she brought her marefriend home. She strode into the living room, looking to see why the lights remained on so late, only to see Big Macintosh, lying belly-up on the couch and snoring deeply, having succumbed to his exhaustion. "Do you… do you think he was waiting for us?"

"Ah… Ah don't know. Poor big brother, he must'a been worried 'bout us; had to take care of AB this whole time. Rarity probably dumped Sweetie Belle here when she left, too." Gently, Applejack clambered down off of her lover, setting her hooves upon the floor. She crept over to her older brother, whose head lay lopsided against the arm of the couch. His big chest rose and fell with each rattling breath he took. She smiled at him in a way only a sister could. Tenderly, she leaned forward, lightly kissing him just above his ear. "Ah love ya, big bro. See ya in the mornin'." He only snored in response.

Applejack walked to the foot of the stairs, where she was soon joined by Rainbow Dash. They nuzzled cheeks and began the ascent, their tails swishing together as they climbed.

Applejack's room still looked as pristine as she had left it. There was no mess, no broken bottles, nothing to remind her of the one place she wished to forget most. She smiled. It was perfect. They looked about the room. Applejack had to suppress a chuckle when she saw the state of Rainbow Dash's cloud. In the many days without care or fluffing, the material had grown this and wispy, pulling apart over time. They both looked at each other.

"Don't worry, Sugarcube. Ya can sleep with me tonight." Applejack grinned, brushing her tail lightly across Rainbow Dash's cheek as she walked past.

Rainbow Dash grinned. "I was already planning to."

Applejack nestled herself into her blankets, snuggling into the softness of her long-missed bed. Rainbow Dash was not far behind her, landing on the bed next to her and immediately tucking herself in next to her marefriend. She reached out and wrapped a hoof over Applejack's shoulder, flipping the orange pony onto her back. Applejack giggled, but was cut off abruptly by Rainbow Dash's lips. She eagerly returned the gesture, pressing her mouth against her lover's.

After a long while, the two pulled apart. Rainbow Dash gazed happily into her lover's shimmering eyes. She reached forward to plant a kiss on her forehead; letting loose strands of Applejack's golden mane caress her nose as she went. She pulled back, smiling, and expecting to see Applejack doing the same. She was surprised, however, to see a frown flit across her marefriend's face. "Applejack?" She paused for a moment in confusion, "Are you ok?"

Applejack looked down, almost as if she were trying to avoid Rainbow Dash's gaze. Rainbow Dash reached a hoof down to Applejack's chin, pushing her head back up so she could look into her eyes. Tears welled up underneath Applejack's green orbs, slipping down her cheeks uncontrollably, even as she fought to keep a straight face in front of Rainbow Dash.

"What's wrong?"

"Ah'm… Ah'm sorry, Dash. Ah just… Ah just." Applejack rubbed at her eyes with a hoof, failing to really stem the flow. "What if… what if Ah didn't make it? What if Ah wasn't here right now?"

Rainbow Dash hugged her tightly, letting Applejack's head slip into the crook of her shoulder. There, Applejack wept, Rainbow Dash trying her hardest to soothe her. "It's ok. You're fine now. You're here, and there's nothing that can change that."

"Ah know, Dash… but… but what if Ah wasn't?" Applejack pulled back to get a good look at her lover. Rainbow Dash tried to smile for her. "There's nowhere Ah'd rather be than right here, with you, right now, but Ah almost didn't make it. Ah… Ah can't… Ah can't stand it."

Rainbow Dash lay down, still holding Applejack around the neck, and let her snuggle in next to her. "Applejack… I won't lie to you. I… I thought you were dead. In fact, I'm pretty sure you were for a while, and I was terrified. I'm never going to forget seeing you there, lying still like that. I thought I lost you. I thought you were gone." This didn't seem to help; Applejack's tears only ran thicker. Rainbow Dash frowned, reaching out to kiss her on the forehead again. "But that doesn't matter now. You're alive, you're fine, and you're with me. We're together, and together, we're unstoppable. That's all that matters."

They night grew even longer as they lay, wrapped in each other's embrace. Applejack kept sniffing, kept trying to keep her tears in. She didn't want Rainbow Dash to see her like this. She felt so weak. She hated it. Rainbow Dash touched a hoof to her cheek. Applejack gazed up at her, her eyes wide. Rainbow Dash smiled wanly. "It's ok." She soothed, rubbing Applejack's cheek tenderly, "It's ok… it's ok to cry."

And so they did. And as the minutes passed, it felt good. Alone, in the quiet night, they held each other, spilling tears for all they had ever endured together, and they never let go. Applejack, her exhaustion finally getting the best of her, finally drifted into a peaceful sleep an hour or so later. Rainbow Dash felt her own eyelids drooping as she gazed at her sleeping lover. She leaned forward to kiss her still form. "Good night, beautiful." It was not long before the beckoning grasp of slumber claimed her as well.


Despite the happy occasion, or more likely, because of it, Rarity was in a particularly bad mood. In truth, she had been for weeks, much to the chagrin of her friends. As the date of the event grew closer, they resorted to not mentioning it around her, but this grew difficult, especially when they were out in public, as the upcoming event had become the talk of the town early and had retained that position right up until the looming date arrived.

It was past midday, and the festivities were scheduled to begin in the afternoon. As could have been expected, the townsponies were nearly beside themselves with anticipation. Rarity, despite her dourness, couldn't help but get caught up in the joy of the festivities. Her business, with such an influx of orders for formal wear, was doing quite well because of the event, and she could hardly feign that her hurt pride at all lessened her enthusiasm; she was a bridesmaid, after all.

Well, one of five, at least, but that was still good in her opinion. She had at least had the opportunity to make numerous gowns for the wedding attendees, as well as Twilight Sparkle's, Fluttershy's, Pinkie Pie's, and Applebloom's bridesmaid dresses, not to mention her own. Despite this, she still felt like she had missed out, an opinion she seemingly couldn't help but express as the crucial hour neared.

"It's just not fair." Rarity turned her snout upward in indignation.

"Oh, Rarity, are you still going on about that? You silly." Pinkie Pie had never looked more excited. It was seemingly all she could do to keep from bouncing in place on the raised platform she and the others occupied. Before them, it seemed everyone in Ponyville had turned out for the event. The town square hadn't been so packed in anypony's memory, especially given the fact that a sizable chunk of the even more sizable Apple Family had also turned out for the most anticipated, and most controversial, wedding since the marriage of Princess Cadence and Shining Armor.

"Well, I guess I'm just upset to have my skills so utterly turned down."

Twilight Sparkle, standing beside her fellow unicorn, rolled her eyes. "Come on, Rarity, aren't you happy for them?"

"Well of course I'm happy for them, Twilight Sparkle, indescribably so. However, I must say I'm more than a little off-put by their decision."

"Why, it's their wedding, they get to do what they want."

"Well, yes, I know… but… tuxedos? Really?"

Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie giggled at their friend. Fluttershy smiled as well. "I thought it was a cute idea." She chimed, smiling brightly in her excitement.

"Well, I don't know about that. I suppose it might make sense for one of them to wear a tuxedo when they get married, but both of them? They're being ridiculous. Besides, I had such nice dresses planned for them, too." Rarity consigned herself to feigning pouting again.

"Oh, Rarity." Fluttershy's eyes shone as she spoke, "I'll wear whatever wedding dress you want to make for me. I promise."

"Thank you dear."

"Ooh! Look y'all, here they come!" Applebloom was finding it hard to control her excitement. Everypony's head turned. Some had to squint to see, but, in the distance, two moving figures could plainly be seen. As they approached the pony-lined aisle, Rainbow Dash and Applejack could be seen even clearer. They walked slowly, side-by-side, as they marched towards the raised platform of Town Hall. They wore matching fancy tuxedos, both with coat-tails flowing out behind them, the tips of which just dragged along the ground. They kept glancing at each other, attempting not to snicker at how ridiculous they both looked, and tried to maintain a refined, formal appearance.

They failed miserably. They made it about halfway down the aisle before it happened. Rainbow Dash accidently stepped on a coat-tail of her tuxedo with a back hoof. Her hoof slipped on the slick material, and she lost balance, crashing to the ground with a thud. Applejack, initially concerned, turned to see her bride-to-be, only to find her sitting dazed and confused but none the worse for wear. It was then that she started chuckling, an action that soon escalated to a laugh. She clutched her side and had to close her eyes in an attempt to stop her nearly incessant giggling fit.

She didn't even stop when Rainbow Dash tackled her. For several moments, the wedding attendees watched with a strange mixture of horror and amusement as the two brides rolled around in the dirt of the aisle, laughing and shouting in merriment as they engaged in a strange sort of friendly, loving, wrestling match.

Rarity groaned and tried to hide her face behind a hoof. "Ugghh… Don't they know anything about proper etiquette?"

Pinkie Pie took a break from laughing hysterically at the display to wipe her eyes. "Oh, Rarity, it's Rainbow Dash and Applejack! What did you expect?"

It was at this moment that Applejack, having wound up on top of the upside-down Rainbow Dash, looked up to the platform to see her friends waiting for them. "Oops… Come on, Dash! Let's go!" She immediately hopped off of her wife-to-be and trotting towards the stage. Rainbow Dash was quick to join her.

They stopped at the head of the stairs, smiling hugely. Their suits, so pristine only moments before, were covered in dust and had tears in several places. Rainbow Dash was missing a piece of her coat-tail, and both of them had lost their corsages. Still, they beamed with the unabashed enthusiasm of two lovers ready to commit themselves fully to each other. Neither cared about their appearance.

Rarity, however, did. "Oh, honestly, you two. You're making a mess of your own wedding!" Rarity lectured as she set about using her magic to clean up their suits and faces, fix the rips and tears in the black fabric, and replace the lost flowers. "These were rentals, you know."

Rainbow Dash laughed as a bit of magic scrubbed off a patch of dirt from her cheek, tickling her in the process. "Come on, Rarity, lighten up! We were just having a bit of fun!"

Rarity rolled her eyes theatrically as she finished cleaning the two of them up. "I would have thought if you two ever decided to take fashion seriously, it would be on your wedding day." Rainbow Dash and Applejack both grinned at her.

The ceremonies, after the unplanned delay, were just about ready to get underway when everypony was distracted by a noise coming out of the sky. As they watched, a gleaming golden chariot, let by a team of well-groomed white pegasi, descended from above, coming to a gentle rest not far from the Town Hall. Twilight Sparkles eyes lit up immediately in feign surprise. "Princess Celestia!"

Twilight beamed, just managing to maintain enough composure to stay in one place while the pure white princess with a shimmering mane of many colors made her own way over to the stage. Guests and Brides alike bowed their heads in respect; while Twilight leaned up to share a welcoming nuzzle with her old mentor. "Twilight Sparkle. It has truly been too long. I trust that I am not late, yes?"

"We were just about to get started, Princess. You're right on time! I'm so glad you decided to come!"

"Oh, don't be silly, Twilight, two of the Elements of Harmony getting married? I wouldn't miss this for the world!" Behind her, Princess Luna approached, saying nothing, but waving at the assembled friends. "Well, shall we get started?"

In due course, both Rainbow Dash and Applejack has assembled themselves at the altar. Applebloom, Twilight, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie all stood behind them and to the side, while Princess Celestia and Princess Luna took up a position behind them even further. Twilight Sparkle stepped up to the podium, looking as if she was about to start a speech, and hesitated. She turned around, facing her mentor. "Princess, would you like to do the honors?"

"Oh, I don't know, Twilight. Shouldn't that be Applejack and Rainbow Dash's decision?"

Applejack turned and smiled. "Princess, it would be an honor."

Twilight Sparkle vacated the podium, allowing Princess Celestia to take her place. Celestia beamed at her student before turning to face the hushed crowd. "Fillies and Gentlecolts, my loyal subjects, today we are gathered here to witness the wedding of two of our most beloved friends, two heroines of Equestria, Rainbow Dash and Applejack!"

Rarity leaned over to whisper in Twilight's ear. "You planned this. Didn't you?"


Celestia, not indicating that she heard their exchange beyond giving a slight smile, continued with her speech. "As I'm sure most of you are aware, this afternoon's ceremony shall be rather… unconventional… in nature. To begin, both brides have prepared speeches to be given before their vows are made. So, without further ado, Rainbow Dash!"

Princess Celestia stepped back to allow Rainbow Dash and Applejack to step up to the podium. They stopped so that they faced each other, both with their sides to the assembled audience. Rainbow Dash blushed slightly as she looked out over the crowd of her friends and neighbors. There was a piece of parchment laid out across the podium with her speech on it, but she neglected it. She already knew everything by heart. She took a deep breath, and began.

"Applejack,…" Rainbow paused, stopping for a mere moment to stare into her lover's eyes. Her cavalier attitude was gone. "Ever since we first met, I knew I had found a friend. Over the years, we've had our fair share of competitions and our fair share of fights, but in the end, it always made us closer. We came out stronger after every trial we've faced together. I realized a long time ago that I might love you. I had always admired your bravery, your strength, your friendliness, and of course, your honesty. I always considered you one of my best friends, and I knew I wanted us to be more, but I always held back.

"I had to come to terms with the way I am at an early age. I'd known the way I felt about other mares for years, but I never met another mare quite like you. I never found another mare who I wanted to spend every possible moment with before I met you. But still, I held back. I never told you about my feelings because I could never know if you would share them. So I distracted myself by trying to become a Wonderbolt. It was all I could focus on. Then, when that dream was destroyed, I didn't know what to do. I didn't know where to turn. That was the day I thought everything was over for me, and that was the day you saved me.

"You saved me. You carried me to the hospital. You stayed there until I woke up, and then you stayed by my side that night and every night after that. That was when I decided I couldn't live without telling you how I felt, but I had never imagined you felt the same way." Rainbow Dash stopped to wipe a tear from her eye, only to stop when she saw droplets running down Applejack's cheeks. She gave a small smile, let her own mirthful tears fall, and continued. "When I didn't know what was happening with my life, you gave me yours. You let me into your home and you gave me a reason to wake up every morning.

"You've been my life ever since. And now… now I know… I know that there's nothing I want more – nothing I've ever wanted more – than to spend the rest of my life by your side. You're my life, Applejack, and you're the one I love."

Save for the occasional muffled sob or sniff, there was no noise. The assembled guests all sat in perfect silence, allowing Rainbow Dash's words to sink over the crowd and permeate the very air. Everyone's eyes were on the cyan pegasus, but her magenta orbs remained fixed on her partner. Applejack and Rainbow Dash held each other's' gaze for an untold length of time before Applejack began her own piece.

"Rainbow, Ah've never met another pony like you. No matter how aggravatin' ya ever got, and no matter how many times we tussled, ah've always considered you to be the best friend Ah've ever known, and more. Growin' up on the farm, ah never knew very much about love. Ah always just assumed Ah would wind up settlin' down with some stallion someday just like Ma and Granny Smith. Ah never thought… Ah never thought Ah'd fall fer another mare.

"Ah never thought that until the day Ah found you… the day I brought you to the hospital. When Ah saw you, lyin' on the ground like that, not movin' or anything, Ah couldn't bear to think about what might happen. Ah couldn't bear to think Ah might lose you. That was when… that was when Ah realized that Ah couldn't live without you. Ah was so worried, waiting for you to wake up at the hospital. In the back of mah mind, Ah kept thinkin' it would never happen.

"When Nurse Redheart said you were awake, Ah was relieved. Ah knew, then and there, that Ah never wanted to be away from ya again. Ah knew that Ah loved ya. When ya told me the same, Ah knew it was everything Ah ever wanted. Ah wanted to stay with you, to keep watch over ya, to spend every day and every night with ya, because you meant everything ta me and Ah never wanted ta see you hurt again.

"Ah know that Ah want to spend mah life with ya. Ah love seein' yer face when Ah wake up every mornin'. Ah love makin' ya smile and makin' ya laugh. You know Ah'd do anyhtin' for you, and now… now… now I know you'd do anythin' for me. You've given me everything, and Ah only hope Ah can pay you back. Rainbow Dash, you're the one Ah love."

A hushed silence remained in place over the crowd. The assembled bowed their heads out of a mixture of respect and shock. Rainbow Dash's tragic story was known to many of them, and for those who were unaware, the pure, raw emotion in the brides' words was enough to quiet them. Overhead, several birds, unaware of the serenity of the event unfolding below them, chirped loudly as they flew past. The sky was a pure, cool blue, specially cleared for the occasion. The sun had risen high into the sky, yet it was not warm. The days were growing colder. Autumn was coming, and everypony knew it. The wind, a subtle reminder of the changing season, blew through the quiet town. The light breeze washed over the ponies assembled in the town square. A few shivered, Big Macintosh included.

Normally, the cold did not get to the large stallion very easily. A lifetime of work and his heavyset frame had granted him a special tolerance for temperature extremes. As he stood, however, at the front of the crowd, dressed up in his best suit and watching his sister, braced against the wind, he couldn't help but tremble. Of the many ponies assembled, he was one of the few who knew about Applejack's disastrous trip. She had told him everything the morning after she returned. His joy at seeing her once again was quelled as detail after sordid detail of the journey was revealed to him. He knew he shouldn't have let her go – he hadn't trusted Cider from the beginning – but no matter how much she tried to assure him otherwise, he couldn't shake the overbearing feeling that everything that had happened was somehow his fault. With time, he had been able to let go of much of his guilt. Yet, he still felt bound and determined to watch over her, and so he shivered in the wind as he took in her words.

It seemed like a lifetime had passed before Princess Celestia stepped back up to the podium, standing between both Rainbow Dash and Applejack. The silence that reigned after their speeches had seemed, if possible, almost as deeply resonating within the hearts of those gathered than their words had been. Celestia took a few moments to gaze out over the crowd – her subjects – before she continued the ceremony. "I believe I speak for everypony here when I say how deeply moving those words were." Celestia tilted her head first to Rainbow Dash, and then Applejack. "I believe, now, that it is quite time for each bride to say their vows."

Rainbow Dash nodded, and began. "I, Rainbow Dash, take you, Applejack, to be my life-long partner, my wife."

"And I, Applejack, take you, Rainbow Dash, to be mah life-long partner and mah wife."

"No matter where this journey takes us," Rainbow Dash continued.

"No matter what we do with our lives," Applejack added, nodding her head.

"No matter how long the road is,"

"No matter what direction we take,"

"No matter how far we are separated by day,"

"No matter how close we hold each other at night,"

"No matter what happens,"

"No matter what happens,"

"I will always love you."

"And Ah will always love you."

"And I will always be yours."

"And Ah yours."

Rainbow Dash and Applejack both bowed their heads mere inches from one another. Their forelocks hung loosely in front of their faces, almost touching. Princess Celestia stepped back to allow them space. Another light breeze played itself over the crowd. Near the front, a mint-green unicorn mare leaned happily against a cream-coated earth pony. Both of them sighed in fond memory as the wind fluttered their manes together. Big Macintosh stared at his sister, watching over her, as he had for many years and would for many to come. Rarity watched intently, the hopeless romantic in her bursting with the desire to see love come to fruition. Fluttershy, unable to control her joy, was close to tears. Pinkie Pie rocked back and forth on her hooves, looking fit to burst from excitement. Twilight Sparkle smiled inwardly, knowing that somehow, none of this would be possible were it not for her. Celestia opened her eyes. She spoke. "Then by the power vested in me, I hereby declare you mare and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Perhaps it was because this was the moment they had anticipated for months. Perhaps it was because they found themselves surrounded by friends, family, and neighbors, feeling the eyes of everyone they cared most about resting on them. Perhaps it was because of the hardships they had endured together, and the strength they had gained together. No matter the reason, Rainbow Dash and Applejack had never shared a more perfect kiss, or a more perfect moment.

Comments ( 38 )

Makes me sad face to see this end. But what a fucking ending this was! I'ma have me some baws dreams tonight! Another fine work BronyNeumo, I look forwards to more! You still have the best Appledash on this site!

Damn good, sir. Damn good ending. I still like To fix You better, but this is great. :rainbowdetermined2:

Awesome ending it was so full of happy :pinkiesmile: :heart:

nobody else writes a better appledash fic then you bronyneumo! thanks for the time and dedication you put in to write this amazing story! looking forward to your future works:pinkiehappy:

A fine conclusion to the story.
I enjoyed the whole thing quite a lot, especially the amount of detail you include.
My one criticism about this however is that Rainbow Dash seemed out of character. It's understandable that she was changed after her ordeal but apart from her fight with Cider, I can't recall any moments where she truly behaved liked Rainbow Dash.
But apart from that, I thoroughly enjoyed the story. Looking forward to what you write in the future :pinkiehappy:

I thought play-wrestling with AJ right before their wedding would have been something along the lines of "Rainbow Dash-ness"

Oh yes, that too :facehoof:
The fighting and wrestling was certainly reminiscent of the Rainbow Dash we know. However, I still believe that she quite out of character for the most part of the story.

Well, she's quite messed up for most of the story.

And despite the fight reawakening some of her former self within her, after an ordeal like she suffered, it's hardly possible to revert back to her former emotionally callous state. So what we wind up with is a Dash who can still be rambunctious or short-tempered, but also gets rather emotional at times, especially when with her Marefriend. She also comes out a far more caring and loving individual, which is part of the lesson she learns over the course of both stories.

i think that i would be like rinbow if that happened to me but after AJ "died" dash didnt really seem suicidal at all she was upset and mournful but not suicidal i think that that event might have fixed her.

ps. best ending ever thanks dude for such an epic book:scootangel:

Really great story, but I would like to comment on the story characters you have chosen in your description. You don't have Applejack or Rainbow Dash selected, so if someone filters by those characters, your story doesn't show up. "Main six" doesn't mean you will find this story by filtering with any of the characters that are part of "Main six". It's kinda silly that you can find this story by filtering Bic Mac, who has couple of lines in the entire story, but you can't find it by filtering with it's main characters.

You lost points for the DEM in the previous chapter, but that aside this has been an amazing read. Well done. 3/5 stars.

And many manly tears were shed!


I have a ready-made explanation for Cider's character, if you care to read it.

"If I'm honest, I never really envisioned a motive for him other than his motive for coming to Ponyville in the first place, which was essentially to be a part of his kid's lives again. When he returns to his old life, however, he quickly slips back into his old drinking-habits, which, as an alcoholic, he certainly hasn't broken out of.

Then, of course, it is when he's drunk that we see his true colors. I, of course, planned for everyone to just accept him as a "drunk bastard" and take that at face value, but for the sake of artistic integrity, I'll do my best to give his character a more in-depth explanation.

Cider has always had a certain degree of machismo, which could manifest itself in a rather poor mistreatment of women. (If you recall his constant ogling of Sweet Apple in the flashback sequence). I like to think that the true, genuine love he developed for Sweet Apple kept him from being an abusive husband/father until she died, and then it was the emotional turmoil and trauma of her sudden death that drove him over the abusive edge (particularly to AB, who he, of course, sees as the cause of his one true love's death). So, after turning to drink and slipping even further into the depths of despair, paranoia, abusiveness, and drunken machismo, he leaves, and finds a little hell-hole to spend the rest of his days.

The entire premise of his return to Ponyville was he still feels like he should have some level of control. Again, it's a manifestation of the machismo - he wants to be a bigger part of his kids lives, ergo, he wants to be able to exert his will over somepony. On the journey, of course, he sobers up, and then constructs the story about how he has "realized what is wrong with his life path" and "wants to make amends". Really, the entire story I created in chapter 2 was a complete pack of lies. Cider, in my mind, at least, never wanted reconciliation form his children, rather, he wanted a more dominant position in their lives. In this respect, when he is at the house, he purposefully doesn't voice his suspicions about Rainbow Dash (and thereby doesn't call AJ's sexuality into question), because he wants to win AJ over. The combination of his sob-story and AJ's own willingness to believe that he is changed allow him to win her over, of course, but the rest of his plan backfires when Big Mac doesn't believe him at all.

Of course, the entire idea of bringing AJ back to his own house would be to have someone there who he could retain that element of control over. And he does essentially exploit her willingness to help him by getting her to do the majority of the work cleaning up. then, he leaves to go and drink.

I think I must not have been clear enough on the part where he first hits AJ, because in writing this: "He wanted her to stop telling him what to do and to leave him alone, and when she decided to do exactly that, he still didn't accept it," it seems clear to me it must have been misinterpreted. Cider isn't mad at her because he wants her to leave him alone, he's mad because, essentially, she's being insubordinate. He feels that he is the dominant male figure (again, the machismo), and he should therefore have the utmost control over her, both as a mare and as his daughter. He hits her because he thinks she disobeyed him. The morning after, he remains cold and unfriendly because he realizes that he might wind up losing her (he thinks she might leave), and that would mean losing that semblance of control and power over her he so desires.

So, when she confronts him at the bar, he, even in a drunken state, realizes that she might very well leave and deprive him of that power. Of course, when he tries to hit her again (in his mind: "correcting insubordination"), and she anticipates it and knocks him onto his belly, he is even further angered. In his mind, here is this mare, his daughter, who should be completely inferior to him , yet she has just put him on the ground. It is at this point (probably because he feels an added element of blind rage) that he decides to play the "filly-fooler" card, in order to humiliate her, and thus "put her back in her place". In doing so, he accomplishes just that, and succeeds in knocking her out (or, "reprimanding her").

In this light, the taking her back to the house, tying her up, and beating her becomes even more understandable. Above all, he wants control. He wants influence over her. What better way to assume the position of a dominant, male parental figure than to put her in an indefensible, weaken, subordiante position? Tied-up, on the floor, and at his mercy, she is inferior, and he is superior. This is exactly what he wants. From this position of surperiority, he is able to punish her for all of the "grievous wrongs" that she has done, in his view. [namely, insubordination, denial of his parental authority, and being a filly-fooler in the first place (which he does despise)]. This is the ultimate position of power for him, and, as the machismatic stallion who believes in male-dominance and ultimate parental authority, he relishes it.

How's that for motive?"

I guess everyone likes this kind of stuff, but for me, the story was ruined. These miracles you pulled, randomly making Applejack be able to be brought back to life, was just unnecessary and stupid. If you wanted her alive, keep her alive. If you had reason for her to be dead, kill her. You cannot have both. It doesn't work that way.

There is no reason to tell a story, there is no reason to go through trial and hardship, and there is no reason to even exist if every problem you have can be spontaneously solved out of the blue by impossible feats.

You had two options with the end. You could have killed Applejack as it were and ended it with Rainbow's response, be that acceptance and understanding, suicide, or whatnot. Or, you could have left Applejack alive in the first place and ended with this wedding. Chapter seven was a joke that spit at the entire purpose of writing.

I'm still giving this an upvote because I did like how your story progressed, and it was very personal to me, but it was a shame that the story had to be handled like this.

Hope to see more from you in the future.

Woah, "unnecessary and stupid", "no reason to tell a story", "A joke that spit at the entire purpose of writing"?

That, my friend, is some pretty hateful language. You need to take it down a few notches. Who are you to pass all-knowing judgements, anyway?

Now, not to dwell on your rather intentionally hurtful word choice, I do get the gist of what you're saying. And, I'm sorry to say, but you have failed to grasp the entire purpose for this story.

Now, the show itself deals with the 'Magic of Friendship'. I like to say my stories deal with the 'Magic of Love', for lack of a better (less sappy) term. Now, in writing this story, my entire premise (which you seem to have failed to understand) in writing this tale is the idea that "The 'Magic of Love', most specifically, true love, can conquer all else."

Now, if we follow this idea to it's logical conclusion, the climax of this story must, of course, involve the 'Magic of Love', coming into conflict with that force which we all deem to be un-conquerable: death.

Chapter 7, which you seem to have so blindly hated because of preconceived notions about the nature of writing and story-telling, dealt directly with this conflict, between love and death, and love wins, because love conquers all. Sappy? Yes. I don't deny that my stories ooze more sap than a Canadian forest.

I like to think that the 'Spark of Life' spell isn't so much a cure-all for any death than it is a mechanism used to channel life energy born out of pure love. The spell would have failed utterly and completely had Rainbow Dash not loved Applejack as much as she did. The spell, in and of itself, is but a mechanism. It is the love that carries the life-force. So, really, Rainbow Dash's love, more so than the spell, is what brings Applejack back.

Impossible feat? Yeah, in the real world. But in our mystical pony-verse, it works. And because this is an expression of love, and the healing power of true love, and the ability to conquer death with it, it's far more meaningful than a simple cure-all spell. And it certainly doesn't come from "out of the blue", love is a deeper, far more complex and powerful force than that. It has to come from a special place, the heart, if you will. It has to come from Rainbow Dash, who was ultimately willing to sacrifice everything for the chance to get the one she loved back. That's meaningful. Deus ex machina be damned.

I wish I had the ability to write this out a lot further but I'll leave it at this. The story was absolutely amazing. I felt that you hit several deep emotions with amazing precision. I cannot even begin to express how much this story moved me (along with the prequel). You are an amazing writer and you should continue what you do.

I also want to say that there was nothing "sappy" about the magic in this story. Of course it puts people off kilter to find out that the one person who just died is able to come back to life but you did NOT harp on the death too long nor did you allow Twilight to feel smug about bringing her friend back to life which ultimately would have killed the moment when they realized she was alive.

Great Job...

Applejack's death did feel a little nerfed, but this story just wouldn't have resolved as beautifully as it did had it been written any differently. It was a grand endeavor and I shall admit that manly tears were shed. Oh who am I kidding? I cried like a little filly. I felt a bit more fulfilled at the end of "To Fix You" but this one garnered a stronger emotional response. Expertly written and I thank you for the opportunity to share in these moments you have created. :twilightsmile:

Bravo. I loved this story so much. I've starting reading a lot of fimfics the past couple of days and this one is just over the top. The way your two stories play together works perfectly in my opinion. I've never felt such suspense, anger, sadness and joy while reading. And to that I sir applaud you. I'm definitely going to recommend this to all my friends. What is this other Fic I've seen you commenting about? Because I will sure be there to read it.


If you mean "Shattered" then that's my newest, which should be on my main page and story page.

Well it's getting kind of late. I just read To Fix You and What If. Which took me about 4 hours total but it was well worth it. I will be sure to look at your profile then for all the stories. Because I can already tell I love your writing style. Keep up the good work.:pinkiehappy:

I found this and 'to fix you' on EQD some time back, I found it again here and had to give it a reread. Great story.


Ah, great! I already wanted to ask you about this after i read chapter 5...or 6. I couldnt understand why he came to ponyville in the first place and pretend to be the nice poor guy, only to smack her in the face afterwards, This background story fits very well and "goes" with my headcanon.

Actually i hated cider since he showed up in ponyville. I didnt trust him. And because he didnt even thanked Applejack for cleaning his house and so forth, i knew he only wanted to control somepony again. I would write more about it, but english isnt my native language and i dont wont to look like an idiot because of my grammatical issues :pinkiehappy:

I just wanted to tell you that this was the most touching story ive ever read (including to fix you of course). Great job, you really brought me to tears a few times. I even like it more then "Applejoy"......maybe because i also went over a major depression a year ago, so i can understand rainbows grief very well!


For everyone who says Rainbow is out of character in this fic.....EVERYBODY with a major depression is "out of character"!

:fluttercry: That was so beautiful!
And I never get emotional.
:rainbowdetermined2::ajsmug: out

ah its like sipping a fine wine, i've read this at-least three times and it still holds my attention despite no longer provoking emotions its is not less awesome.:rainbowdetermined2:

Fluttershy is going to be traumatized forever because of what happened in chapter 7. I was beginning to think that I was going to have to hunt you down and kill you for what you did to Applejack. You saved your soul from eternal damnation at the very last moment. You had best thank the angel that is looking over you for that. Chapters 6 and 7 were both great. I shed manly tears during both. Kudos for such an impressive feat. Great writing, please keep it up.

A truly beautiful way to end such an emotional story. I loved the way that you had the wedding play out. I once again shed a few happy manly tears. These are the kinds of stories that earn followers. I greatly look forward to reading other stories of yours once you finish them. Keep up the truly phenomenal writing!

I must say that I've read both the Applejoy Series and the Fix you series and you are an amazing author. One of my favorites, how you portray the characters and the emotions you stir up are amazing.

wow, just... wow. The perfection in this fic is just... Wow. I want to say more but I just can't.

Okay, I had to wait about 30 minutes for me to collect myself before continueing this comment. As you could already see you touched me big time on the emotional lever. Your writing was flawless, both grammar and style. You managed to make me doubt the ending when I already knew it, that takes skill. All I have to complain about is at the wedding scene ther was no rings, no hoof hands, no symbol of there unity. Besides that... Flawless.

-Michael A.

This story moved me a lot... I was sad when Applejack had died, and I was sadder when Twilight's heart stopped. But that epilogue, that was extremely moving

This fic isnt my normal jello, but holy hell this was emotional, in the best ways a fic can be.

Comment posted by pinkamenafanboy deleted Nov 27th, 2013
Comment posted by pinkamenafanboy deleted Nov 27th, 2013

Excellent ending to a great story. It grabbed hold of my emotions and wouldn't let go until the very end.

Fantastic job :rainbowdetermined2::ajsmug:

As I said in "To Fix You" I am commenting here too. This is probably one of the best series of stories I've read here in a long time! So many emotions were being conveyed, tears were shed :fluttercry:. It is a shame to see this story have to come to an end, but I wouldn't have wanted it any other way. The emotional rollercoaster! Really made me question my own life! Bravo, bravo, all I can say is I love this story! "To Fix You" and "What If?" Are both amazing, I thank you.

That story was BEAUTIFUL!!! :raritycry: The best story ever! Sadly the story has come to an end. :fluttercry: This is my favorite story EVER!!! :rainbowkiss:

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