• Published 11th Feb 2012
  • 11,554 Views, 774 Comments

The Next in Line. - gmoneywalker

After a night of drunken debauchery you find yourself in the service of Ponyville's premiere fashionista, and you can't help but fall for her. But is she your bride to be? Or just the next in line?

  • ...

No Reason At All

“So, that’s how your son and I met.” Rarity finishes, gently lifting up the steaming cup of tea and pressing the fine porcelain against her lips, gently sipping at the warm liquid within.

“Aw, that was sweet of him.” The scarred mare across the table coos, the mother’s lips morphing into a pleased smile.

Rarity giggles at the fond memory, warm thoughts of your tenderness and caring personality flashing through her mind. “Indeed.”

Rarity had been entertaining her guests for the better part of an hour, brewing up some tea and serving some brunch. They seem like wonderful ponies, kind, generous, loving, they care about you more than anything else it seems. And the unicorn has been enjoying their company, even if she should probably be spending her time finishing up the literal mountain of orders she has.

But, she’s willing to put her work aside in order to share a few moments with your family. She was so curious, you rarely, if ever, spoke of them, and meeting them has been so wonderfully fascinating. Like a door had been opened, a door that let her see into a portion, if not a large portion, of your life.

Rarity bit her lip, a few moments of silence brewing between the three ponies as she considered her thoughts. It wasn’t like this had really been all thatprofitable though, not as far as your past has been concerned. For every answer provided, new questions had sprung up. They’d been willing to share with her a few small details, things she might have idly wondered about but not really put that much thought into. But any attempt to so much as bring up what exactly had prompted your moving away from Manehattan, or the events leading up to it, were danced around, if not totally ignored.

Why? Why!? What could have possibly happened to you? Could it really be so terrible that not even your parents wish to speak of it? The unicorn thinks she knows you well... but all this mystery... she’s starting to reconsider that.

“So, tell me Miss Rarity.” The red stallion, who had introduced himself as Garnet Canter, spoke up. His voice filled with mirth as he let loose a chuckle or two. “Was it love at first sight?”

Rarity felt her cheeks flush a little, she... well, really doesn’t know how to answer that. She’d been observing you during your first couple months in Ponyville, to this day she still isn’t really sure what caused her to become so interested in you. Perhaps it was your all around chivalrous personality. It was the small things she’d noticed from afar, holding open doors for passing mares, letting ponies go ahead of you in line at Sugarcube Corner. She giggles again. She’d even seen you help Granny Smith across the road once, though, that hadn’t ended very well, since your reward had been a swift smack over the head. Apparently Granny Smith wasn’t fond of being treated like an old saggy mare... despite being... an old saggy mare.

“Well... the apple had been, wonderfully romantic, don’t get me wrong.” The unicorn spoke, setting her tea back down upon the hard wood of the table below. “But, it was a significantly more chivalrous act that ended up winning my heart.”

“Ooh...” The two mumbled in unison, and the fashionista felt a smile dance across her cherry red lips as the married couple exchanged an interested look. “Do tell.”

“Um...” The unicorn uttered the sound, how much detail would really be appropriate? She didn’t really feel up to describing the whole thing, partially because the majority of the story is rather uneventful, and partially because it’s... a bit difficult to recall, since it all happened so fast.

“To get straight to the point Madame Petal...” The unicorn’s eyes met with the older mare’s, her shining blue eyes sparkling. “Your son saved my life.”

The two exchange a look that measures somewhere between shocked and intrigued. It’s the husband who speaks this time. “Saved your life?”

She nods. “My friends and I, we like to have get togethers on occasion, and it’s not uncommon for these little events to last quite a while.” The mare fidgets ever so slightly in her chair. “Normally I’d have just stayed at my friend’s and enjoyed an impromptu sleepover, but I had some work to do, so I decided to brave the night and walk home myself.”

Both Garnet Canter’s and Spring Petal’s faces grow taught with focus, listening intently to Rarity’s tale.

“During the trip I was...” Rarity bit her lip as she searched her mind for an appropriate word. “... Accosted, by an unruly stallion. I’m not altogether unfamiliar with the treatment, I’ve had to deal with a few... rude suggestions before but... he was getting a bit forceful.”

Rarity looks up to see Spring Petal’s eyes cast downwards, to the floor, a comforting leg wrapped around her shoulders.

“H-how forceful?” She asks, her voice barely above a whisper.

Rarity steels herself, the realization as to the blue stallion’s intentions had never escaped her. She’d been more or less aware as to what he may have done had you not arrived.

“Too forceful.” Rarity’s horn lit up as she secured a magical grip around her cup of tea, sipping at it to try and calm herself, out of the corner of her eye she could see the mare at the opposite end of the table weakly nod her head.

“But then he came to my rescue...” The fashionista smiles, putting the cup back down. Chuckling lightly in an attempt to alleviate the heavy atmosphere. “Let me tell you mister Canter, your son has a mean right hook.”

The stallion chuckled and nodded his head, absently reaching up with a hoof and massaging his jaw. “Yeah... don’t I know it.”

Though Garnet seemed somewhat cheery, Rarity’s joke seemed to have little effect on his wife, and the fashionista found herself idly wondering if she’d said something wrong.

“A stallion should never force himself on a mare.” She mumbles, her eyes still focused in on nothing in particular. “Ever...” She shook her head back and forth, as if regaining some of her composure. “Um, Rarity, dear, you’re a fashion designer?”

The unicorn’s eyes widen just a tad, somewhat stunned by the sudden change in topic. “Why, yes, I am.”

“Well, um, my husband and I have a big event coming up, and we’d like to look our best.” Spring Petal looks over to her husband, the unicorn nods.

“We’ve got a few ideas planned, but we’d love to go wearing something made by our son’s lovely marefriend.” He nervously reaches up with a hoof and toys with the silver pendant that hangs loosely around his neck. “Would you be opposed to making something for us?” He queries, smiling. “We’ll pay you full price, of course.”

Rarity forces a smile. More orders? She... she doesn’t know if she can handle any more. “I’m a bit... bogged down at the moment. How elaborate do your outfits need to be?”

Spring Petal grins and waves a dismissive hoof. “Not very, it’s a social event, but, nopony too important is going to be there. Some close friends, some distant relatives, nopony else really.”

Rarity sighs inwardly, she loathes the idea of an even heavier workload. But, it’d be most unladylike to turn away your parents of all ponies.

The unicorn offers them both a weak smile. “Very well.” She pushed against the table with her front hooves, scooching her chair out, giving her enough space to step down. “If you would both be willing to follow me upstairs, I’ll gladly get your measurements taken.”


“Why do you always do that!?”

“Do what?”

“Don’t pretend like you don’t know.”

“I seriously don’t know!”

“Whatever, I try to do something nice for you and you’re too busy doing that to even care.”

“Bu- bwu- I don’t even know what’s going on right now...”

“I know you don’t.”

“Am I alive right now? Or did my marefriend finally go so crazy that she butchered me with a kitchen knife?”

“I kind of want to butcher you with a kitchen knife.”

“I love you too honey.”

You tentatively take a step closer to the quarreling couple, your eyes darting back and forth between the light brown stallion at one end of the table and the sky blue pegasus at the other. Apparently you’d stumbled right into a rather... interesting conversation. This restaurant doesn’t include kitchen knives in the silverware napkins do they? You certainly hope not, you’re not really in the mood to get blood all over you, it’d be incredibly difficult to explain to Rarity.

“Hey uh, Caramel!” You announce your presence, approaching the table and shooting your friend a smile, the stallion sits up, both he and his soon to be wife looking over to you with happiness in their eyes.

Hey!” Caramel chirps, sitting up a little straighter in his seat, their outdoor dining table shakes a little in response to the movement, the table isn’t level apparently. “How have ya been buddy!?”

“Well, despite being crushed by a bookshelf, then pining for days in the hospital hoping one of my best buddies in the whole wide world would pay me a visit.” You see the caramel coated stallion roll his eyes in response to your words. “I’m doing pretty good. May I?”

“Of course.” Caramel scoots aside, and you pull up a chair, taking a seat next to him. The shade cast down from the open umbrella above a welcome relief from the sweltering heat.

“I’m glad to see you’re up and about.” Wind Whistler chimes in, her voice noticeably cheerier than it had been only a few moments prior. “I take it you’re out running errand for Rarity today?”

You shift a little in your seat, that same niggling feeling of guilt you’d been grappling with all day returning full force. “Sort of, Rarity and I... well, w- I, sort of did something I shouldn’t have and I figured it’d be best for me to leave the boutique for a bit.” It was true enough, you figured that Rarity probably doesn’t really want to see you right now... not like you really deserve to be seen.

The couple share a look you can’t quite read, and you feel Caramel lay a comforting hoof on your shoulder. “First big fight?” He asks, his tone sympathetic.

“Not really, I... well...” You purse your lips and look away. What are you going to tell them? That you’d assaulted your marefriend? “Sure, something like that.”

“Don’t be too down on yourself.” Wind Whistler says, and you look up to see her scooting her chair over towards your own, stopping on your opposite side. You shiver a little as the mare begins running a tender and motherly hoof up and down your back. “Couples fight, you two will work it out.”

You manage a chuckle, despite yourself. “I know couples fight Wind Whistler.” You shoot the mare an impish grin. “You two are perfect examples of that, believe me.”

The mare retracts her hoof, and rewards your joke by playfully smacking you on the leg.

“But, I want to make it up to her.” You state, shifting your eyes away as you feel yourself become wracked with nervousness. “By, you know, getting her something nice.”

You feel your ear twitch as Caramel chuckles. “Oh boy, here it comes.”

“Do you guys have any of those chocolates left over?” You ask hopefully. “Rare really liked those chocolates, a-and I don’t suppose you know any place in town where I can get some cheap flowers?” You curl your lip a little. “Preferably from a flower shop that isn’t run by Lily.”

Caramel actually looks a little relieved. “Really? That’s it?” You look up at him, slightly bewildered, then proceed to dumbly nod your head. “Whew... I thought you were about to ask me for some bits or somethin’.”

His fiance ‘tsks’ at him. “Caramel!” She opens her mouth to continue scolding the stallion, before you quickly cut her off, trying to end another argument before it actually starts.

“No! It’s fine Wind Whistler, this wouldn’t be the first time I’d have asked him for some bits.” The pegasus’ wings droop a little, and she turns her snout up in the air.

Stallions...” She mutters, intentionally loud enough for the two of you to hear.

“I could never ask you two for money right now.” You say, fiddling with your hooves. “Not with the wedding coming up.”

“Oh please, you wouldn’t be asking for much.” The pegasus chimes, her previously aggressive mood easing somewhat. “Our parents are paying for most of it.”

Your eyes widen, and you cock your head to the side, raising an eyebrow at the stallion. “Oh really? Well, in that case...”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa!” Caramel waves his hooves in the air, as if physically trying to shake away your incoming request. “Key word there is most loverboy.” He shrugs his shoulders a little. “And ya got to keep in mind that I’m working off a farmhoof’s salary here, even the little bit I am paying for is pretty expensive. How about we just go with plan A and I get you those chocolates?”

You feign disappointment. “Ugh... I guess I can live with that.”

Caramel claps his hooves together, smiling like a fat businesspony who’d just successfully haggled his way out of donating to a charity. “Good! Say, Wind Whistler and I just finished our lunch, why don’t you come with us and we’ll hook you up with those chocolates.” He bumps you on the shoulder in a friendly manner. “Might even have some flowers for you to pick in the garden, right Windy?”

The mare shakes her head. “You’re not touching my flowers.”

“See, she’s all for it!”

You cast Wind Whistler a curious glance, the mare’s glare seems hot enough to burn a hole through her beloved’s skull.

“Caramel honey... did you leave any of the kitchen knives out?”

The stallion puts a hoof up to his chin, thinking. “I might have left one or two on the counter. Why?”

An unsettling smile creeps across her face. “No reason... no reason at all.”


Author's Note:

I know this is short, but I'm paranoid that you guys think I'm not going to update this any longer. Truth is, I've just been really busy working on a new fic I have planned. This is just a tiny snippet of the chapter I have in the works right now, and I uploaded it just so I can get everyone to see this and know that I'm not dead, and, or dying.

Thank you all for sticking with me and this fic, please comment and let me know what you think, and a like and stuff really helps me out and does wonder for my motivation.

Yeah I'm whoring myself out... w-what do you mean I should feel ashamed? I-I... yeah... I'm ashamed.