• Published 15th May 2013
  • 4,290 Views, 217 Comments

The Princess of Themyscira - iowaforever

Soarin' meets Diana, daughter of Hippolyta and Princess of Themyscira

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The Shape of Things to Come

The Shape of Things to Come

Even though most of Manehattan had not been exposed to Ares’ army, news of the attack spread quickly. Panic had set in initially, with dozens of ponies fearing a possible demonic incursion, but panic had been replaced by celebration when word got out about the three heroes that had saved Manehattan from the forces of Tartarus.

Diana was rather confused by Equestrian celebrations. They contained many things she was familiar with, such as food and dancing, but the Equestrians seemed to get rather wild in their revelries, as if Dionysus himself had come among them. There was no ritual or tradition or their celebration; just wild flailing and swaying that they said was “dancing”.

“I still do not understand what the importance of ‘wubs’ is.” she said as she walked along the street with Soarin’, dressed in a business suit enchanted with several disguise spells to avoid being noticed.

“Well, it’s just the way things are around here.” Soarin’ said. “Most ponies like to have their music loud because they feel that it allows them to get into the mood of things.”

“... Well, it’s still odd.” they crossed the street, passing by a newsstand with the words “Who is the Wonder Mare?” printed in prominent letters. “‘Wonder Mare’... I don’t really see what’s so wondrous about it.”

“An Earth Pony with super strength that can fly, and you don’t see what’s wondrous about it?” Soarin' asked, giving Diana a playful smirk.

“Well, yes. And besides, it wasn’t wholly my... err, her victory; you, Twilight, and that officer all played their roles in defeating Ares.”

“True, but still; flying Earth Pony." Diana's ears drooped slightly as Soarin' continued. "I don’t want to sound like I’m devaluing my help, but we Equestrians tend to get obsessive over things that are not commonplace. I remember hearing about this mare in Cloudsdale-”

“I know, you’ve told me.” and it should be interesting to meet this ‘Supermare’ someday. there was a pause, Diana allowing her eyes to wander about Manehattan. “So... Soarin’?”


“I was thinking... would you be able to accompany me as I continue my journey?” Soarin' stopped walking, blinking in surprise for a moment.

“You’re staying here?” he asked.

“Yes." Diana nodded, giving Soarin' a smile. "I still have a bit to learn about the mortal realm, and no doubt other threats will emerge. I want to stay here as long as I need to, and since you are more knowledgeable about Equestria and understand my background then you’d be perfect as an escort.”

“I’d love to, Diana, but...” Soarin’ fidgeted for a moment. “I can’t. I’ve got my own responsibilities to deal with right now, and I can’t face some of the things that you can.” Diana's ears dropped again.

“But you stood against Ares’ forces.”

“Yeah, I know that, but that doesn’t mean I want to repeat the experience.” he sighed. “Look, Diana, I’ll help you out as best I can, but actually go around Equestria with you... I just don’t have the time.” Diana frowned, but did not respond right away. After all she and Soarin’ had been through, he would just... leave? But she allowed herself to think rationally for a moment before speaking.

“I... I suppose that’s fair. I must respect your desires, after all.” there was a pause. “But, if you wouldn’t mind... do you think we could spend today together, before you have to leave?”

“... Sure. Where do you want to go?”


Ares sat at the edge of the River Styx, looking out across its dark waters. He had tried crossing them several times, but to no avail; something kept holding him back, and even his powers could not break through.

So, as his frustration built, he turned his thoughts to the cause of his misfortune: the Amazon Princess, the so called "Wonder Mare".

I should have made sure she was dead when I first encountered her... he thought. I should have burned Themyscira to the ground before turning my sights to Equestria. But no... I allowed my desire for revenge to cloud my judgement. Well no more; once I break free of here, I will kill that whore and all of her kind.

“See what your foolishness has done, Ares.” the voice of Hades rumbles from the dark. Ares turned as the shrouded alicorn stepped forward, followed closely by Persephone. “You deliberately broke into my realm and violated the peace I have maintained, and for what? A smudge on your pride?”

“What would you know of pride, Hades?” Ares spat before standing to face the Lord of the Dead. “I have had the world trembling at my hooves many more times than you have. I was merely retaking what is mine by inheritance.”

“And yet you ended up here, in my domain.” Ares snorted before turning away.

“So? I’ll be back in Olympus soon enough. You cannot keep me here like one of your prisoners.”

“Yes, I can.” Ares blinked, his composure breaking for the briefest of instances.

“... What?”

“You used the Alicorn Amulet to break into Tartarus. By violating my realm in such a way, you have bound yourself to the Underworld, and thus to me.” Ares could not see very well under Hades’ hood, but he was certain that the gaunt alicorn was smiling. “I am your master until I decide otherwise. If I want you to start a war, you will; if I want you to leave the Underworld, you will.”

“That’s... that’s impossible!” Ares stomped his hooves, cracks forming in the rock. “I am a god! I will not be bound like some weak spirit!”

I created the Alicorn Amulet; I decide what punishments befall those that misuse its power like you did.” Ares could barely contain his rage, shifting his glare from Hades to Persephone.

“You... you did this!” he screamed, glaring at Persephone. “You knew this would happen to me if the Amulet was broken!”

“Well... yes, I did.” the mare responded, giving a small shrug. “Hades has looked for a way to keep you in check, and I thought that giving you the Amulet might bring you under his control.” she smiled and nuzzled Hades’ neck. “And I would do anything for my Wubby-Dubby Shmoopie Do!” Ares felt like vomiting, and from Hades’ apparent blush the Lord of the Dead was embarrassed as well.

“As I was saying, you will serve me and Persephone until such a time that I do not need you, after which you will be allowed to return to Olympus.” Hades turned to leave, Persephone following close behind. “You may start by finding Charon; he is still very upset that you have not paid him yet.” Ares ground his teeth together. He wanted to blast Hades with as much of his power as he could, but Hades had disappeared into the shadows once again. With a roar he stomped again, the River Styx rippling slightly from his power.

“I will not stand for this.” he growled. “I will not be Hades’ slave.”

“That makes two of us.” a different voice said from further down the river. Ares turned as he was approached by a purple unicorn mare clad in a green and gold cape.

“I thought Hades would have kept his prisoners contained.” Ares muttered.

“I’ve been a good girl, so I get a little breathing space.” the mare said. “But I couldn’t help but overhearing your conversation with Hades, and how you broke something of his and that got you stuck here.”

“Why would you care? You’re more of a prisoner than I am. And I did not break it; it was that Amazon twat that dared to defy my power.”

“Wait...” the mare took a step forward. “An Amazon sent you here?”

“Again, what does it matter to you?”

“Please, my lord Ares.” the mare smiled. “Would you be so kind as to call me Circe? I think we might have a common enemy on our hooves and I don’t think we should be too standoffish.”


Hippolyta stood on the beach of Themyscira, looking to the west. The sun was setting, painting the sky with a mixture of reds and oranges, and a cool breeze was coming in from the south. She closed her eyes and opened her senses to the world, taking a few deep breaths to calm her spirit and release her tension.

“My lady?” she opened her eyes as Phillipus approached, a scroll resting in the other mare’s grasp. “I did not mean to disturb you, but this letter arrived a few minutes ago.”

“A letter?” Hippolyta turned, eyebrow raised.

“Yes, my lady. It just appeared at your throne in a flash of green fire, and after checking for enchantments I came looking for you.” Hippolyta took the scroll from Phillipus and opened it. A small piece of paper tumbled out of it, but Hippolyta was able to catch it before it fell to the ground.

The piece of paper was a picture, a picture of Diana and the colt from before. The two were standing in front of a large green statue, smiling. Hippolyta studied the picture for a long time, as if searching for some signs that not all was right. Maybe it will be explained in the letter. Hippolyta redirected her attention and began to read.

Dearest Mother,
I am writing this to you to inform you that Ares has been defeated and sealed away in Tartarus. I doubt that he will stay there for long, but he will not threaten the world for some time.
You have most likely found the picture I have included in this letter. Well... I have thought about it, and you were wrong about the mortal realm.
Understand that I mean no disrespect to you, mother, but so much has changed since your time. The mortal realm has its problems, no doubt, but I have seen so much potential in Equestria, and just cutting ourselves off from the world has hurt both our kind. Imagine what we could teach the Equestrians, and what they could teach us, if we just get over our past grudges and begin talking with them.
As such, I wanted to inform you that I shall be staying in Equestria, to act as its guardian and as an ambassador between them and Themyscira. With your blessing, I am sure we can bring about an era of peace and understanding between us and mortals.

Your loving daughter,


Hippolyta lowered the letter and looked out to the west. She wanted to respond to Diana’s letter and order her to come back, but deep down she knew she could not. Diana was her daughter, but what kind of mother would she be if she stopped her daughter from doing what she felt was right?

Just like when she prevented me and Phillipus from killing each other, she thought.

“My lady?” Hippolyta turned back to Phillipus. “What did the letter say, if you don’t mind me asking?”

“Diana is staying in the mortal realm and will act as our ambassador.” Hippolyta replied, noticing Phillipus’ shocked expression.

“She can’t be serious, can she?" the other mare started. "After all that the mortal realm has done to us, she would disregard her sisters-”

“Phillipus, I trust Diana’s judgement, and if she is wrong she is strong enough to return to us.” Hippolyta looked back out across the ocean. “Diana has given the mortal realm a chance... it seems only fitting that we give her one as well.”

“And not a moment too sooner.” a third voice said before a grey-eyed alicorn materialized next to Hippolyta and Phillipus. The two Amazons quickly bowed, averting their eyes from Athena’s presence.

“My lady,” Hippolyta said. “We were not informed of your coming.”

“That is my fault, dear Hippolyta." Athena replied. "But I cannot waste time on pleasantries. We have a problem.”

“What is it, my lady?” Hippolyta asked, rising. “Does it have something to do with Ares?”

“In a way.” Athena fluffed her wings before speaking. “My daughters informed me that Ares’ attack has exposed a crack in the barrier between our world and Apokolips. They have tried to seal it as best they can, and your daughter’s actions have helped, but the crack is too large for any of us to fully seal.”

“You mean...”

“Yes.” Athena looked out at the sunset. “The War in Heaven will start again, and I believe that your daughter shall be in the center of it all.”

The End

Wonder Mare will return in Justice League of Equestria

Author's Note:

Too bad Wonder Woman doesn't have her own feature film. Oh well, use the music from the animated film if you think it's good closing music.
Oh, and the bit with Hades and Persephone? That's where the Love Poison came from in this universe.
Anyway Princess of Themyscira is finished. I think there are some parts I'd like to rewrite, but I'll deal with that later.
I'll focus on In Brightest Day and A Dark Knight Over Trottingham now, and I'm still taking title suggestions for my Flash story.
I don't own ponies or Wonder Woman. Likes and comments are appreciated, and if I screwed something up please let me know.

Comments ( 38 )

C-C-Circe?! OH SHIT!

I never got the logic of war being good for Hades. All will die in time, and that time is relatively short for an immortal god, and if you killed off the mortals quickly they would not have time to reproduce and create more souls that will one day enter his realm. And I would think, although this isn't as concrete as the other parts, that a sudden influx of souls from war would cause at least a little chaos. Glad to see Persephone wasn't being an idiot in giving the Alicorn Amulet to Ares.

Flash titles...

Living Lightning
Move Forward
The Fastest Stallion/Mare on Four Legs

Or if you want to go with the title of Showcase #4:
Mystery of the Equine Thunderbolt

First up, the Flash: Lyras' machine should end up being her version of the 'cosmic tread mill'. As for her powers, have her gain them when the machine accidentally taps into the speed force during one Barrys' and Zooms' battles, and that overloads her machine with Speed Force energy, which then blasts her with it- Thus gaining her Superspeed/speed force based powers (in other words, she gets her powers by doing exactly what she set out to do. Find humans).

The Flash Fic should be named "The Fastest Mare Alive"

As for Fate- I still think during the battle with Darkseid, that Twilight should be drawn into the events in the the fic linked here simply because it keeps her out of the main fight, but you can return her when need her the most. But that's just an Idea I'm throwing out there.

Also, I have the origin of the Spectre for this verse. The Spectre is a ancient entity that the Olympians try to summon to aid them in the "original war in heaven", but due to not having ever summoning him before, they didn't know they needed to bind him to a dead soul/body to do it. Thus he has been unable do anything until present time when Royal Guard Investigator (a J.A.G/N.C.I.S type) Spectral Force is murdered in in cold blood, and the Spectre offers to bind his powers to restore him to life and bring justice to not only for his murder but other who cry for justice/vengence. Might not be your cup of tea, but it is an Idea.

I'd rate this Wonder Mare fic, a solid 9 out of 10 (it only gets that, since I'm not much of a fan of Wonder Woman).

Is it too late at this point to again say how much I don't want Darkseid to be a pony? Because I really don't want him to be a pony. He's too serious for a draconqu... a draquana..... for one of Discord's species, so the only really fitting thing is either a dragon or a demon goat like Grogar.

Nice, can't wait for the Justice League of Equestria. Who's gonna be part of it?

3947531 I really don't see what the problem is

I think he's worried that turning Darkseid into a pony will detract from how badass and intimidating he is. I've seen godlike antagonists in MLP fics. -thinks back to Titan in The Immortal Game- I'm not worried in the slightest. I know you'll absolutely nail it with Darkseid.

This went from like a 13 to a 17 just for continuing it

Ah, who's Circe?:rainbowderp: I didn't read any of the comics.

Great conclusion, but I found a very minor thing you may want to edit.

Ares could barely contain his rage, shifting his glare from hades to Persephone.

Hades should be capitalized.

3948906 In Greek Mythology, Circe was a sorceress who turned men into animals, most famously pigs (she stopped doing it when Odysseus seduced her). In the comics, she was banished to Tartarus by Hippolyta and so holds a grudge against the Amazons


It's not that I don't think it can work, I just think that the god of evil shouldn't really be an herbivore. He needs to be something huge and powerful, and I think being a pony would make that difficult.

Which was precisely the "twist" in the book for "The Lightning Thief." I put quotes around twist because Hades being the bad guy was so obvious it couldn't be him. Which is why I'll never watch the movie. (Hades is my favourite Greek God)

Wait, who's going to be The Flash?
Argh, who do we have as wo so far?
You already said Pinkie would become Plastic Man I think, so there's that.
Blueblood is Batman(e), RD is Supermare, Twi is Doctor Fate, Diana is a pony, and Shining's a Green Lantern.
Am I missing anyone?

3949659 Lyra's going to be Flash, Trixie is Zatanna, and I've heard that a changeling will become Martian Manhunter and that Fancy Pants will be Green Arrow.

Not bad. It's not the best WW origin I've ever read, but it's pretty hard for anyone to beat the George Perez run. I'm not sure how Circe can make an impression after Ares' big debut, but I'm waiting with baited breath to find out. :rainbowlaugh: Wubs. :twilightsmile:

3955128 Not sure how I feel about Fancy Pants, but if Blueblood is Batman I guess it'll work out pretty good.
And when were the changeling, Fancy Pants, and Lyra announced, anyway?

3955243 The changeling as Martian Manhunter: throughout my blogs and comments to Mare of Steel
Fancy Pants as Green Arrow: see above
Lyra as Flash: author's notes and blog posts

3955243 It was the mustache that made Fancy Pants work for me. :moustache:

I'm glad that Hades is portrayed as a good guy. He's actually one of my favorite Greek gods. The only real mar on his record is his Stockholmish relationship with Persephone.

Read this after discovering Mare of Steel, and I'll be honest, reading Mare of Steel nearly put me off of this story. After reading, though, I'm happy to say this is a much better story than Mare of Steel. Perhaps some of it is that Wonder Woman's Greek myth background fits the world of MLP much more seamlessly than the science fiction of Superman, I don't know. What I do know is that this is much better paced and much more enjoyable than the previous story, and I'm looking forward to seeing what the rest of your DCU stories end up looking like.

And so the legend of the wondermare was born. The 2nd member of the DC pony trinity. Though if my hunches are correct, we'll be seeing more of Diana the amazon before long. (maybe have her show up in a side story of supermare? Hint, hint.) While Diana's still not use to Equestrian modern dancing, she still has some time to learn, and though Sorin won't be around all the time, he did promise to help out whenever he could. :pinkiesmile: Though they'll never reach romance point like Rainbow and Thunder did, they'll at least be respectful team players.

Also, for some reason I found Ares's imprisonment hilarious. That Persephone who I originally thought was a naive goddess ended up giving Hades a master stroke to bring his god of war under control. Come to think of it, Hades as a god has a pretty hard job. He gets to meet every mortal before long, but doesn't feel compelled to rush them. His only real regular companion is his wife persephone and maybe some of the good monsters residing down here. Charon, Cerebus, the judges, and maybe the cyclops uncles. A pretty lonely existence but one that he carries out with some relatively good cheer. And persephone originated love poison? :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh: And it appears that an alliance for the sequel is building. Ares and Circe, the wondermare's greatest enemies, slowly biding their time before getting another shot at the amazonian princess.

A princess who's about to see the dark god come down, and thanks to her heritage being closer to the matter than so many of the others, be perhaps more central to the battle than perhaps even Supermare, Plastic Pony, Flash, Zatanna, or Batpony could be. Until later wondermare, defender of the mortals and ambassador of the amazons.:rainbowdetermined2:

Oh, and as for a flash story title? How about In a Flash or Lightning Speed?

4009939 I think it's probably the pacing; Mare of Steel was the third fanfiction I'd ever written, as well as the first superhero fanfic I've written, so I consider most of what happened trial and error that I can build off of

I'm still taking title suggestions for my Flash story.

How about Flash Sentry? iz good pun

Should have named it Themarescira.

Name for Flash story? How about Flash of Lytning. Get it? Cuz Lyra+ lightning= Lytning?

Comment posted by The Portal Passer deleted Jan 20th, 2022
Comment posted by The Portal Passer deleted Sep 6th, 2016
Comment posted by The Portal Passer deleted Jan 20th, 2022
Comment posted by The Portal Passer deleted Jan 20th, 2022

7543817 I don't subscribe to the "Scootaloo is an orphan" theory; I've just seen it done a lot on this site, and I figured that it would be nice if she had a family for once (even if their impact on the story is practically nil). And I am not much for characters pulling "double duty" as it were; Scootaloo is already the Jimmy Olson of this universe, and I would like to keep things a bit more split up.

7543828 still though you can't deny that out of all the CMC, scoots is most likely to become a superhero (heres my point) sweetie was finally able to use magic, AJ trusts AB that she can be independent, but Scoots still can't fly. besides i'm not saying scoots should have a horible childhood, Barry was an orphan but thanks to his friends he had a good childhood... sort of. but if scoots really isn't going to be the flash there are others. the flash should probably: have connection to a police force or military, believes in something no one else believes, very determined, backstory unknown, still new (to police force or military), clumsy, and always late to everything (its a running joke inn the show, get it running). Lyra does fit some of the criteria, but i think Flash sentry could be a good fit, since twi hasn't become a princess that means Flash sentry is still new to the guard, and his history is unknown, besides it will be hilarious since his name is flash. but still, please think about the possible super hero name and story line (Speedasus (Speed-pegasus), CW The Flash):twilightsmile:

And yet another tale draws to a conclusion.

You Should do a Story about doctor fate, and so twilight doesn't interfere with RD, my idea is, Nabu brings twilight to another dimension and tells her that the multiverse is now under her protection, and she would need to cope with it. Based on the doctor strange movie:pinkiehappy: really want to see a doctor fate story centered on twilight

“Well... yes, I did.” the mare responded, giving a small shrug. “Hades has looked for a way to keep you in check, and I thought that giving you the Amulet might bring you under his control.” she smiled and nuzzled Hades’ neck. “And I would do anything for my Wubby-Dubby Shmoopie Do!” Ares felt like vomiting, and from Hades’ apparent blush the Lord of the Dead was embarrassed as well.

Oh I like her.

“Well... yes, I did.” the mare responded, giving a small shrug. “Hades has looked for a way to keep you in check, and I thought that giving you the Amulet might bring you under his control.” she smiled and nuzzled Hades’ neck. “And I would do anything for my Wubby-Dubby Shmoopie Do!” Ares felt like vomiting, and from Hades’ apparent blush the Lord of the Dead was embarrassed as well.

Her what? That is hilarious :rainbowlaugh:

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