• Published 20th May 2013
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notes for Cranky D. Donkey - Uncle Knot

Postcards to Cranky while searching for Matilda

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Chapter 7

Letter # 7 – 12,011
To: C.D. Donkey C.C.: PC, BR, Z, FdL, BR, FP, AD, PdF, CotG
From: Sumponeigh Knot Yew

Dear Cranky, I can no longer argue your decision to retire. You have served Equestria well. Princess Celestia would honor you, but you have declined. I think this is a mistake, yet I know your stubborn streak and will not oppose you. I have one last task for you, find someplace quiet to retire to and remember that you did your best. You certainly exceeded my expectations. I will miss you.

As for the subject of the mirror, your entrance into Baltimare must have attracted notice. Our mysterious culprit came to Manehatten. Just by chance I was visiting with our old ‘friend’ Greenstreet, when, as I was leaving, who should I chance to bump into on the street? Can you guess? Rock Trucker! He was carrying a large (at first I thought a portrait) package, but as it turned out – our mysterious mirror. The local constables were happy to assist me in detaining him for questioning.
While he admitts no wrong doing, his greasy nature could not hide the guilt of what he had been doing with the mirror. Having read some notes from Dr. Mez Mer, I was able to recreate the hypnotic technique that some pony had been using to defraud others of their money.

I used that technique on Trucker, and he was most susceptible to my suggestions, to forget the mirror’s natural enhancement to the hypnotism and possible quit all criminal activity altogether.

Do not think me foolish that he would so easily succumb to my suggestions. It took several sessions of eye to eye contact with me and the mirror to dissuade his former inclinations. The real difficulty was in replacing his previous activities with something constructive. By chance I remembered that not only did Rock Trucker do Greenstreet’s dirty deeds, but also acted as his cook. Clearly Trucker has some skill in preparing food fit for any culinary sophisticoto. Perhaps he had missed his true calling, so I left him with the (post hypnotic) suggestion to open a restaurant, which would also serve as a soup kitchen on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays.

I must report that the restaurant is doing great. The food is great and Rock Trucker appears quite happy with his new vocation. Even Greenstreet is not only a regular customer, but is acting as the dining room manager. At first I was a bit skeptical about this arrangement, but Greenstreet is most amicable to this new profession and happy to redress his former wrong doings. In restitution he has donated much (if not all) of his ill-gotten gain from his former lifestyle to ensure the restaurant will have the capital to support the more autistic soup kitchen.

There is one other task, if you would accept; make your new home a place to keep other artifacts so that new ponies working for me can deposit them into your safe care.

I was surprise about your decision to live in Pony Ville. I have not been to this area since just before it commenced. I used to live in what they now call the library. Some pony special (like a daughter) to me lives nearby; you may remember the verification term ‘Zecora’. Introduce yourself to her.

Alas in another matter, I am disappointed in you. Your decision to abandon the search for your true beloved would be heartbreaking to most. I will not comment any more on this.

If fate so allows me, I will visit with you and Zecora for a cup of tea. Indeed, your resolve to live in Pony Ville (or is it Ponyville?) prompts me that I have been remiss in visiting with my little zebra. I hope to catch up with you before you leave Baltimare and deposit with you the infamous mirror, for your safe keeping.

Sincerely, Uncle Knot