• Published 18th May 2013
  • 961 Views, 108 Comments

The Nine Trials - InspectorSharpWit

The Main Six go into Sebastian's mind in order to battle Discord, but as they go deeper and deeper into his mind, it becomes apparent that Discord is merely a channel; it is Sebastian that they are facing.

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Prologue, or “In Which Chaos Sets the Stage”

Multicolored lights surround me, swirling at a dizzying pace around my feet. I turn around, trying to keep up with them all. They whisper to me in differing voices, some quiet, some loud.

Let’s focus on crushing the former rulers…

They must feel the pain that we have…

You know better than to mouth off to our ruler!

You know you can’t, simply because you don’t have the guts to…


The sounds of drums begin to fill the air, getting faster and faster and louder and louder until they blocked out all of the voices. A cackling laugh pierces the air suddenly-

I wake up with a start, sweating like mad. What the hell was that?! I ask myself as I start to calm down.

“Sebastian?” a tired voice ask me. “Y’all alright, sugar cube?”

I turn to see that Applejack is at my side. I feel a wave of guilt run through me as I notice her worried expression. “Yeah, I’m fine,” I say in a voice much shakier than I would have liked it to sound. “I just a bad dream, that’s all.”

“Again?” she asks, peering at me in a protective manner. “That’s the sixth one this month!”

I try to laugh it off. “Maybe I should lay off the hot sauce before bed,” I joke, trying to lighten the mood.

She doesn’t buy the act. “Alright, Sebastian, what’s goin’ on?” she ask sternly.

I sigh and turn away from her. “It’s nothing, ok? Just go back to sleep.”

She turns me over roughly so that I’m facing her again. “Look here, sugar cube, y’all have been jumpier than a cricket on a hot griddle for the past few weeks. Wither y’all tell me just what the hell’s goin’ on, or Ah’m gonna have to shove mah foot up yer ass.”

I groan in defeat. “Fine, I’ll tell you. But you’ve got to promise not to judge me, alright?”

She props herself on her elbows and nods. “Ah promise,” she says solemnly.

I take in a deep breath and tell her everything: The drums, the midnight walk, the voices, the drums, and the dreams I’ve had since that faithful encounter. The last thing I mentioned was how eerie the statue seemed afterwards. After I was done, I look to her expectantly. “So what do you think?” I ask tentatively.

She looks at me seriously. “Sebastian,” she says in a low, grim voice. “ya can’t trust Discord about anythin’. He ain’t tryin’ to help out. He ain’t tryin’ to warn us. All he’s fixin’ to do is cause chaos! If he’s talkin’ to you, what we need to do is get the Princesses to strengthen the spell around the statue to make sure that crazy bastard never gets out!”

I look at her, stunned. “But think of all the information he just gave us! We know that Blueblood’s planning something! We know that he knows that you guys are here! He’s got the Doctor in his clutches! You’ve got to admit, Discord’s given us a huge leg up here!”

She looks at me, fire in her eyes. “Now you listen here, boy,” she says menacingly. “Discord is not trying to help us! Odds are he probably made the vision you saw just to drive you nuts!”

I huff and jump out of bed. “You see, this is why I didn’t want to tell you!” I growled, and I grab my things and stomp out of the room.

As soon as I leave, however, I feel a stab of remorse run through my gut. What the fuck, man? I groan inwardly to myself. She’s just trying to help!

I sigh and go back into Applejack’s room to find her wrapped in the covers. “Applejack?” I say tentatively.
“Go away,” she grunts.

I sit down next to her and put my hand carefully on her back. “I’m really sorry about my little diva tantrum,” I say quietly.

She snorts in derision. “LITTLE diva tantrum?”

I grin wryly. “Ok, I went full-bitch, alright? Is that good enough for you?”

“Nope,” she said bluntly, burying herself into the pillows.

I sigh. “What do I have to do to make it up to you?”

She stays silent for a moment before looking at me with a devious smile. “Sing that bitch song by the gay feller.”

My face falls at the request. “Please, anything but that!” I plead.

She turns up her nose and crosses her arms. “Then Ah guess you can’t make it up to me!”

I groan and stand up. “Fine,” I say in defeat.

She lets out an uncharacteristically girlish giggle and reaches in her nightstand. Within seconds, she pulls out a pink feather boa and tosses it in my face. “Go ahead, bitch-boy!” she smirks.

I sigh and wrap the damn thing around by neck. Twirling it around my fingers, I channel the late Elton John and strike a pose: (0:54 to 1:16)
“Imma BITCH, Imma BITCH, oh the bitch is back! Stone cold sober, as a matter of fact! Imma BITCH, Imma BITCH, cause I’m better than you! It’s the way that I do things! The things that I do! Oh oh oh!”

She roars in laughter as I finish my bit, banging her hand against the table. “Oh, Sisters, that gets me every time!” she cackles, nearly out of breath.

I glare at her reproachfully and throw the feather boa on her face. “I hope you choke on them,” I growl, plopping down next to her on the bed.

“Aw, are you gonna throw another hissy-fit, bitch boy?” she coos, wrapping her arms around me.

I roll my eyes. “I should have just kept on walking,” I sigh.

She chuckles and lies her head down on my lap. “Ah think I was a bit too harsh on you, sugar cube,” she admits, biting her bottom lip a little.

I smirk. “A bit?”

“Ah mean, Ah don’t think I explained mahself too well,” she goes on, ignoring my snide comment. “See, the last time Discord was out, it nearly cost meh friendship with tha gals. Ah don’t wanna risk that, especially not with you.”

“Oh, gag,” I grin. “Are you starting to get romantic with me, Jackie?”

She stays quiet for a while. “That’s another thing Ah wanted to talk about,” she admits, looking a bit redder. “Ah mean, we’ve been doin’ this booty-call stuff for a while, and Ah was wonderin’ if… If it can’t become somethin’ more.”

My body begins to seize up. “Oh… Jeeze, I don’t know, Applejack…” I say, scratching the back of my head awkwardly.

She draws away from me slowly. “What do you mean, you don’t know?” she asks defensively.

I look around, trying to think of a nice way to say it. “It’s just… When we set this up, we both agreed that there wouldn’t be any strings attached,” I say nervously.

Her eyes become downcast. “Ah guess you’re right,” she says softly.

“And I mean, we’ve had a lot of fun together these past few months, right?” I ask, hopeful for a positive answer.

She nods slowly, still not looking at me. “Ah suppose so…”

“It’s not that I don’t like you!” I say quickly. “In fact, you’re one of my closest friends! I share nearly everything with you! It’s just-“

“You ain’t ready for that kind of commitment?” she finished, fiddling with her hair.

“No it’s not that!” I say defensively. “It’s just… It’s complicated, alright?”

Seriously, someone should give you a calendar with original ways to break it to people that you don’t want to date them. A snide voice chuckles in my head. Here’s one: Why don’t you start a conga line! That way, I can see other people behind your back!

I try to ignore that voice and press on. “I mean, you’re kind of throwing me a curve ball, Jackie!” I say defensively. “We both agreed that-“

“Ah know what we agreed on!” she growled, moving to the other side of the bed. “Ah’m sorry for havin’ the nerve to think that it could be somethin’ more! Now, if you’ll excuse me, Ah’d like some alone time right now!”

I’d put my hand on her shoulder. “C’mon, Jackie, don’t be like that,” I plead.

She gives me a poisonous look. “Now!” she snarls.

I sigh and pick up my things. Looking to her for one last time, I sigh and step out of the room.

As I leave the room, I notice that Big Mackintosh, Apple Bloom, and Granny Smith had been listening from the kitchen. As soon as I look to them, they quickly focus on their breakfasts. “How much did you hear?” I ask sardonically.

“What?” Granny Smith said loudly. “Ah can’t hear a thing! Ah’m gettin’ too old fer this!”

I chuckle a bit. “Please, the old lady routine won’t work on me.”

She gives me a smile. “Yer purty clever, boy, Ah’ll give you that.”

“Not clever enough to make this work, apparently,” I sigh, sitting down at the table. Big Mac wordlessly passes me a bowl of oatmeal, not even looking up.

“Quite frankly, Ah think Applejack’s the one getting’ her knickers in a knot!” she chuckled, pouring a liberal amount of sugar in my bowl. “Honestly, ya did have an agreement!”

I look at her incredulously. “You’re on MY side?!”

“Course not!” she scolds, smacking me upside the head. “Ah just think she’s over reactin’, that’s all!”

I sigh and spoon some of the oatmeal into my mouth. “At least this is good oatmeal,” I admit.

Granny Smith chuckles. “Apple Bloom made it.”

I look at the red-headed little girl and grin. “I’ve been wondering why you’ve been so quiet!” I laugh. “What’d you put in it, cinnamon?”

She looks down at her feet and sighs. “Why don’t you wanna be with Applejack?” she asked plaintively.

My face falls. “I don’t know, Apple Bloom,” I sigh. “I just don’t know.”

“Is it cause you like Twilight better?” she suggests.

“Now where did you hear that?” I ask, raising my eyebrows.

“That’s how it works in the movies,” she shrugs. “The secretary falls fer the boss, and they all live happily ever after or some crap like that.”

“Language,” scolds Granny Smith. She turns to me with a quizzical look. “Although Ah gotta agree with the young’un here, that is how it normally works.”

I think back to the promise I made Twilight a few months ago. “Maybe it does work like that,” I say, mostly to myself. Suddenly, shaking myself out of my thoughts, I put on a disciplined look. “No, that wouldn’t be fair to Applejack,” I say sternly. “I’m not going to start dating Twilight when I just told Applejack that I don’t want a relationship!”

“There’s a good boy,” Granny Smith says fondly, pinching my cheek. “Always a gentleman!”

Apple Bloom sighs and plays around with her oatmeal. “Do ya still promise to help me get to level 50 Cleric today?”

I smile fondly at the little girl. “You know what, Apple Bloom? I’ll help you get to level 60 so you can use that Sorcerer’s Blade you got in the Caves of Yor!”

Her face lights up. “Will Ah be able to beat Scootaloo’s Night-Elf then?”

I chuckle. “I’d be surprised if you couldn’t take down Dinky’s Troll!”

She grins and begins to gobble down her oatmeal at lightning speed. When she finishes, she gallops over to her room. “Ah’ll get with ya after Ah finish cleanin’!” she hollers.

“Remember to wipe down those windows of yers!” Granny called after her.

I laugh at little Apple Bloom’s antics. “I swear. Getting them into World of Warcraft was the best decision I’ve ever made!”

“Ah better one would be tah make up yer damn mind about Applejack,” Big Mac said quietly.

I shake my head and get up. “You’re right, I need to think about this,” I admit. “Tell Apple Bloom to bring her laptop down to my place so I can help her.”

Big Mac chuckles. “Ah’ll make sure to tell her.”

I grin thankfully and walk out the apartment. So… who will it be? I think to myself.

I begin to walk down the stairs, lost in my thoughts as I make my way to my apartment. Applejack’s great! She’s gorgeous, and funny, and outgoing… But Twi’s smart, just as gorgeous, and more stable! How could I possibly pick?!
Suddenly, I bump into someone in the hall. “Oh, sorry about that,” I say without looking up. “Didn’t see where I was going!”

“Lost in your thoughts, huh?” a familiar voice chuckles softly. I look up to see a grey-faced man in a brown striped suit grinning at me. He had big, mismatched red eyes, one iris bigger than the other, and wild white hair. A big, sharp tooth protruded from the front of his mouth, and he had a short white beard on his unusually sharp chin. “Maybe I can help?” he chuckled.

I’d gasp in shock and realization. “You can’t really be here!” I say breathlessly. “You’re supposed to be trapped in that statue!”

He lets out a gleeful cackle. "Oh, please,” he snorts in derision. “When has that ever stopped me?!”

I wake up with a start, sweating profusely. Was that all a dream? I ask myself as I look around frantically. It can’t have been… It was all so real…

I’d sigh and run my hand through my wet hair. “I just need some time alone right now,” I’d moan to myself. “Seriously, just give me a second to sort this all out!”

Almost as if the universe wanted to give me the bird, my door bursts open to reveal a pale skinned woman in a midnight blue military outfit as well as a night-sky hair. “SEBASTIAN FABIO ESPINOSA DE SALVADOR!” she bellows loudly. “YOUR PRESCENCE HAS BEEN REQUESTED BY THE ROYAL COURT OF EQUESTRIA!”

Author's Note:

Hello there, dear readers! As promised, here's my second arc! Don't worry, this one will be much more action packed, focused on character development, AND will contain an actual plot! And why do I include music? Because it makes it that much funnier!