• Member Since 5th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen June 3rd


Nov 7th "Maybe"



This story is a sequel to Maybe once you do...

Part 33 in the Maybe series... A baby unicorn's magic may be strange and untenable, but when a unknown event sparks a problem in Ponyville thoughts about a normal day are pushed aside as Twilight is call for help.

To my old readers, I welcome you to the continuation of the maybe series new arc of the , hope you enjoy it as we near our end in this string of short stories.
To new readers even thought I suggest starting at an earlier part, you might be able to start here if you would keep an open mind but I suggestion starting earlier.

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 32 )

:pinkiesad2:so endearing

the text it's.......different.........it looks...........................bold now. What game are you playing at now Fatty!!!!


Should't be different, looks same to me.

Anyways, Hi! Welcome to the new part :rainbowwild:


Look look with your special eyes :applejackconfused:

A NEW ONE WOOT! The title to the end of the maybe series: maybe it's the end

I thought he got his memory back :applecry:

[yoda] Good your writing are, but improving your boundings with The Writing you still can! Ready for the next step in mastering the Word you be.[/yoda]

So, no mistakes for your current level of Writing.
Good work for this Level. ^^
To be simply honest, you have reached a very stable Skill level and from here on you can go ahead up to the next level, from a good "leisure quill-driver" to The "shores of professionals".

What does you say?

:rainbowderp: ohw?... Evil snow ahead?

Ntsh. (Nothing to say here.) ^^

Twilight looks down for a moment as she talks, "This is Violet? She ou-.." Her voice is cut off as Rarity pushes her out of the room.

ha? Rair's... deheck, what? Is something else 'wrong' with Sweety?:duck:...:unsuresweetie:

ah yes. Ntsh.

"evil" snow, "evil" clouds... *starts to smirk like a cat...*

But something I have to say, right about the scene where Twi leaves to get this book,...
Violet are still unable to understand what others are talking,... and Twi just "vanishes" without saying Violet why and that she will be back in a secound.
Ofcause that causes an panic attack for Violet... by here history... she must have a trauma about being left by her mommy. Don't take that so easy.

And... cant hold back... here it comes... sorry Fatty nothing personal ^^"""... *bumm!*
Hint: people... talk! Speak and explain to children and pets, they aren't cortical inactiv piles of flesh... they are able to understand what you try to comunicate to them... just explain it in an appropriate way!

Really! Even if your child do not speak they are learning very, very fast that this "acustic construct" has a special meaning, explain, really people explain, even if you are sure it is pointless. It is very importent that you do not treat your children or pets like stupid idiots which are STUPID... dear god...

The difference between an adult and younger people is, that the cristaline inteligence of an adult is further developed, because they just know more.
And the liquid inteligence of an adult is further developed because there brain had more time to organice it self more efficiantly.
A Difference in Inteligence do not mean that others are idiotes or unable to understand, it is just more dificult for the person with the lesser inteligence, dear god...
And If someone failes to understand something, than it isn't there fault, its the fault of the one who had, failed, to explain, it properly in an appropriate way...

so enough with the renting... ;p

but still; good work Fatty ^^

The pure Dawwww!!!

I love it ^^

Awww Hell yeaH... dat'z zom jut bart! ^^

good work ^^ [yoda]*eye wigeling*[/yoda]


Dang....you should had started following me sooner, I could had used that name instead of the one I alright got :duck:

Oh well, you all should still be surprised when you see it...I will how ever be using that name or at least something like it . :pinkiecrazy:


WOW, I got a compliment? :rainbowderp: my god...my powers are limitless :pinkiecrazy:

lol thanks for the feedback, hope you enjoyed this one. :moustache:

The part after the last part. Maybe it's not the end... Sequel time. Right?


There is never a true end to a story...its only the spot where you take a break. Just stay tune for the next one. :twilightsmile:

2599425 please let there be a sequel. I play to god for there to be one.

Wow, I left this story back in the early stages because I got caught in like 5 others, reread up to now. You deserve a reward for being so amazing at keeping the updates rolling in.:heart:awsome story, I only wish dash had been the main mare in this.:twilightsheepish:


Wow, that's cool to see that someone that left was able to come back and enjoy it. :twilightsmile:

I hope you will stay around for the rest, you might want to follow I post weird so its easy to fall behind. Mind if I ask what part you originally stopped at? :twilightsheepish:


lol me too, but I came back around part 19. :rainbowwild:

No lie Fatty good job. I really have not expected this story to get repetitive by now. but its not, How many parts are there anyways? :rainbowhuh:

I had stopped reading at about the point when he gets turned into a pony:twilightblush: but as I was reading other stories I bumped back into yours to find it had almost doubled in size:pinkiegasp:

Damn it's been long time since I have read this story so I kinda have a lot catching up. (Not that it's a bad thing!)
Now that is been said GJ Fatty as always!



lol part 33? You got about 19 more parts as of right now, (or at least until the next part is up).

My memories THAY CAME BACK!:pinkiehappy:
Well some of them. I think.

Fuck yeeeeeeaaaaaaaahhhhh!

God you don't have to scream

2598859 rarity said in earlier chapters she didn't want to have to explain to sweetie bell where babies come from... She dosnt want to talk about violet

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