• Published 19th May 2013
  • 5,552 Views, 34 Comments

Fluttershy the Cheerleader. - Souldin

Rainbow Dash has Fluttershy dress up as a cheerleader in order make her better at cheering.

  • ...


Fluttershy the Cheerleader.

Crashed and burned.

This is how Dash would describe what had just happened. Her flight routine, carefully planned and prepared, and she had managed to mess it up. Luckily for her ego this mess up was only occurring in practise and not in an actual race or competition. Still she had goofed up. Worse yet, she had goofed up an easy part of the routine, crash-landed on the floor.

As far as the veteran of crashing could tell, she had broken nothing in the fall, nor sprained anything, though her body ached all over. She was also dazed, her vision and hearing a little out of whack, as she could only roughly make out the sight and sounds of something approaching. The very creature that had caused her to, as she put it, crash and burn, and it was with much irony that Rainbow Dash knew this was a fault of her own creation.

“Yay.” Fluttershy cheered… quietly.

Rainbow Dash could only sigh as the soft words barely reached her ears. The words of cheer and encouragement that were supposed to be, without control, screamed and hollered with passion were difficult to hear even when standing directly in front of her cheering friend. Admittedly this was no different than usual but there in lay the problem.

“Okay, this isn’t working.” Dash groaned, shaking her head.

The smile that had accompanied Fluttershy’s earlier cheer dropped off her face, sadness and guilt quickly forming as she mumbled out her apology, “I-I’m sorry Rainbow Dash.”

The sudden turn of her friend’s behaviour bothered Rainbow, and so quickly reassured her, “It’s not your fault Fluttershy. You’ve been trying hard just, well; you aren’t getting much better at this whole cheering thing.”

To anypony else those words probably wouldn’t have done much to reassure them but to Fluttershy, used to Rainbow’s blunt nature, they were appreciated.

”Probably could have said that better,” Dash realised afterwards, deciding to add to it, “It’s just, practise hasn't been going well lately. I’ve been off my game, sluggish even but it's not like I've been doing anything differently…”

“Maybe your body's getting sore from excessing so much,” Fluttershy suggested with concerned tone, “Would you like me to give you a massage? It may help.”

“N-no, I feel fine, no need to worry about me.” Rainbow Dash shot down the idea immediately, the thought of her best friend rubbing and soothing her body making her feel uncomfortable. “Anyway, I figured it might help things if you were to improve your cheering. Y’know, start cheering more like you did at the young flier’s competition; that was awesome.”

“Oh my, it wasn’t all that special.” The humble pegasus murmured looked to the ground with a small, pleased blush.

“Are you kidding?” The proud pegasus bellowed as she swung a foreleg around her pal's shoulder, “Your cheering back then was incredible. It was… really nice to see you cheering for me like that.”

A flattered Fluttershy continued to look towards the ground as her blush grew, her smile grew, and a giggle escaped her lips.

“So it would be really awesome if you could try and cheer for me like that again.” Rainbow said, meeting the shy mare eye to eye.

“I-I don’t know if I can, I was so caught in the moment and…” Fluttershy explained, “I don’t think I fit the role of a cheerleader well.”

“I got it!” Rainbow Dash yelled as something in her mind clicked.

“G-got what?” A startled Fluttershy asked.

“I know just how we can help you to cheer better,” Dash beamed a grin towards Fluttershy before turning around and flying off the ground, “Be here tomorrow.”

Rarity could hear her name being called, even with her being inside Carousel Boutique, and the voice outside. She was in the midst of work but not with her sewing machine and as such could tell that the caller was rapidly approaching her store. In being able to tell who was coming by voice alone the unicorn used her magic to open her front door in preparation.

“Rarity, Rarity, Rari-Argh!” An open door proved disastrous for the speeding Rainbow Dash, as instead of stopping against the front door as intended she found herself unprepared for impact with the interior wall of the boutique.

A downed Rainbow Dash rubbed her head for a couple of seconds, before leaping up onto all four hooves. “Ow, why did you open the door? I needed that to stop myself.”

“Well dear, I’m sure you’ll find it surprising to learn but my door is not there to work as your brakes.” Rarity replied, continuing to focus on sketching a design fitting for one of her recent customers.

Watching Rarity at work Rainbow Dash was immediately reminded of why she had come to the store, “Hey Rarity, you busy?”

The fashionista finished the last few pencil strokes and finished the outline of her new design, responding to Dash with a dry, “No more than usual.”

“Great! I need you to make some clothes for me.”

Rarity then stopped work. She turned around to her friend, shooting her an incredulous look.

“Well, it’s for Fluttershy but it’s for me as well.” Rainbow explained quickly, scooting over to Rarity and whispering in her ear her order.

“Wow, I never thought that you… she, very well then, I’ll have it ready by tomorrow.”

“Really! Thanks Rare.” Rainbow Dash cheered as a grin exploded on her face for the second time that day, “But are you sure you’ll be able to get it done by tomorrow. Don’t you need me to get Fluttershy for you?”

Rarity chuckled, “There’s no need, I’ve memorised Fluttershy’s measurements.”

“You’ve… memorised Fluttershy’s measurements?” Rainbow said questioningly, as Rarity turned around to prepare materials.

“Hmm, curious?” Rarity remaked, a smirk popping up on her face.

“What no, why would I, no!” The cyan pegasus protested as she bloomed a bright scarlet face, “Argh, I’m out of here.”

Rainbow Dash sped for the door and exited, though briefly popped her head back into the Boutique to say, “Oh, thanks again Rare, I’ll be back tomorrow morning.”

Rarity waved Rainbow adieu as the door shut. With Rainbow Dash gone the unicorn decided to focus on her new order, scrolling up her current design, and storing it away for later. Retrieving a blank piece of paper, and reminding herself of Fluttershy’s measurements, the unicorn got to work.

As the design started to go from her head to the paper, she mused, “I knew there was something between those two but I never imagined they would be into roleplaying.”

Rainbow Dash would often have to wait on Fluttershy. The athlete was always early to her training spot, and usually in the midst of warming up or even practising already when Fluttershy arrived. So it took the Fluttershy by surprise to see Rainbow Dash waiting on the ground for her, rocking back and forth as a sign that she was growing impatient.

“Thank Celestia you’re here, just sitting down on the ground and waiting for you is really boring.” Dash moaned, hopping up onto her hooves.

“I’m sorry… but you didn’t have to wait for me on the ground. Why aren’t you flying?” Fluttershy tones shifted from both apologetic to curious smoothly.

“Hee-hee, because I wanted to give you this of course.” Dash snickered as she grabbed a box from behind her, and presented it towards her fellow feathered friend.

“Aww, Dashie, you didn’t need to get me a present.” Fluttershy cooed, accepting the box with a large smile.

She wasted no time in opening the box up. What was inside though was something she never would have expected. Wordlessly Fluttershy retrieved from the box various articles of colourful clothing, laying them out on the grass to fully inspect what she had just been given.

“A… A cheerleader’s uniform?”

“Yep, I figured it might help your cheering if you got into the role by dressing the part. So I asked Rarity to make one for you.” Rainbow Dash explained, and with a wave of a hoof urged, “Go on, put it on.”

Fluttershy looked from the bright uniform to her enthusiastic friend, back to the uniform and then back to her friend. With trepidation in her voice, Fluttershy agreed, “Okay then.”

Rainbow Dash watched as Fluttershy picked up the smallest article of clothing, a piece of clothing Rainbow noted, that had her rainbow lightning cutie mark printed upon it. The mare’s pink eyes followed the material, remembering from her school days in the junior speedsters that they were called kickpants, as Fluttershy began to pull it up her hind-leg. Rainbow’s gaze continued to focus on the kickpants trailing up the slender and soft yellow leg-“Rainbow Dash.”

“Huh,” Rainbow mumbled as her attention was pulled away from Fluttershy back half and towards her front half, notably her flustered face.

“R-Rainbow Dash, I know we’re both mares and we don’t normally wear clothes and, um, but could you possibly look away while I put the uniform on?” Fluttershy finally mustered out with an ‘eep’.

Fluttershy’s face had been, as previously described, flustered, and this was carried over to Rainbow Dash as she heard the request, “Oh, I-I, sure, yeah sure.”

Rainbow quickly spun around, her back now turned towards Fluttershy, “Thanks Dashie, I know it sounds weird but if felt like you were ogling me.”

“I can’t believe I was ogling Fluttershy.” Rainbow Dash berated herself before shaking her head and thinking with denial, “No way, I wasn’t ogling her, just watching her. I mean, I was just watching my best friend put on a cheerleaders uniform, nothing wrong with, not creepy at all.”

Fluttershy continued to change in awkward silence, while Rainbow Dash continued to engage in mental warfare with her hormones. The process of putting clothes on was not a long one and so it was Rainbow Dash who was disrupted from her argument in her mind by the following statement, “Rainbow Dash, I’ve finished putting it on.”

Dash spun around to witness her fellow pegasus garmented to suit the role of a cheerer. The vest and skirt were of pink and white, horizontal stripes going down both the vest and skirt, as well as white stripe along the rim of the vest's neck. ‘RD’ was printed onto the vest, in a bold blue that stood out from the lighter, more mellowed colours. To finish it off, Rarity was even nice enough to include two rainbow coloured pom-poms with the outfit.

“Do I look okay?”

“Yeah! You look great Fluttershy!” Rainbow Dash beamed, leaping up into the air and spreading her wings, “With a cute cheerleader I’m sure to perform well today.”

“Cute?” Fluttershy noted and smiled.

Rainbow Dash stretched her wings and readied herself to take flight when her ‘cute’ cheerleader asked, “Um, Rainbow Dash, what do I do with these?”

Dash looked back towards Fluttershy, holding up the pom-poms made to match her own prismatic mane and tail.

“The pom-poms?” Rainbow Dash repeated as a question, and once a nod of confirmation was given thought back to the cheerleaders she remembered from the Junior Speedsters, “You shake them about, y’know, bob back and forth, just wave them about, and do a little chant while you cheer.”

“Okay,” Fluttershy said as she shook the pom-poms up and down, “But what should I say for the chant? Is there anything you’d like me to say in particular?”

“I guess I just want a regular chant, something about me, what I can do, how I’m a good racer and flier and all that stuff,” Dash began to explain, “Here, let me give you an example.”

Rainbow retried the pom-poms from Fluttershy but did not start immediately. Instead placing a pom-pom to her chin as she thought, mumbling to herself. About a minute it took for Dash to decide on what she would say, and began to sing a chant.

“Friend of the animals,
Voice of the angels,
Don’t stare into her eyes,
One look you’re lost to its wonders,
Let’s hear it for Fluttershy.”

Rainbow blushed with embarrassment the moment Fluttershy began to applaud her. Throwing back the pom-poms to her still applauding cheerleader, Rainbow wasted no time in turning her attention back to her flight practise.

“I’m going to start flying now. You start cheering.” With that Rainbow flew off higher into the sky, enough so that she could reach the lower clouds.

Rainbow Dash touched down on a cloud for a brief second. That instance being all the time she needed to get into position, and kicked off against the cloud. Keeping to the same altitude, the pegasus flew around the scattered clouds in the sky, her wings tip often but a couple of millimetres from the bodies of liquid droplets. Once she grew bored of flying in such a manner she spiced up her cloud dodging exercise, soaring up and launching downwards, then from diagonals, and soon she was mixing it up in all sorts of combinations.

“Yay.” Rainbow’s ears managed to catch the slight sound of Fluttershy’s cheers and so stopped, looking down to check on, or possibly out, her cheerleader.

“Yay.” Fluttershy called out once again, a little louder, but still within her usual range of volume.

Fluttershy was hovering off the floor a little, flying as to keep the stance of standing on her hind-legs, without the strain such a posture would start to put on a four legged equines body. Nervously Fluttershy had begun to sway, and wave the pom-poms, but all her motions were slight, barely visible, matching with her voice. She looked up to Rainbow Dash, her face a question as to how she was doing.

“Uh, you’re doing better,” Rainbow Dash yelled down and followed through with some advice, “Try to move about a bit more, shake those pom-poms, sway your hips, get energetic, excited!”

“Hmm, maybe I can get her a bit more excited.” Rainbow thought to herself as she readied her next practised stunt.

The pegasus descended towards the ground. Of course she flew back up before hitting the ground, and ascended straight through one of the clouds. Liquid droplets began to fall, early rain falling to the world below, but a rainbow blur zoomed past the droplets and flew straight up into the falling water. Dash proceeded to rinse and repeat, breaking another cloud upon ascent, diving back down faster than any of the drops of water, and then ascending through and towards any of the water still in the midst of falling.

“You rock, Rainbow Dash.” Rainbow heard this cheer clearly, and whilst slowing down, spotted the cheering and pom-pom waving Fluttershy with a big smile on her face.

“I can’t hear you!” Rainbow teased back.

“I said, You Rock Rainbow Dash!” Fluttershy yelled back, a pleasant surprise for Rainbow Dash.

“Alright then, now try some chants. Just like I showed you but for me this time ‘kay.” Rainbow Dash called back down as she proceeded to loop and barrel roll in the sky.

“Okay a chant, let’s see…” Fluttershy whispered as ideas for chants began to form, “Um, R-A-I-N-B-O-W, no, that’s too long. Go Rainbow Dash g-no, Dash would want something more interesting than that. Rainbows going by… um, I think…”

Taking a deep breath, and in her head playing out the various movements, Fluttershy began her chant;

“Rainbow whizzing by,
That’s our girl!
Dashing past all ponies,
That’s my girl!
The only one to win,
Rainbow Dash, Rainbow Dash, go go Rainbow Dash!”

Just for that the flier in the sky flew out the shape of a butterfly.

With excitement and enthusiasm, Fluttershy continued to cheer, chant, and praise Rainbow’s practise flight. Rainbow Dash continued to pull off more and more tricks, eager to get Fluttershy more impressed than she already was. Starting up a nosedive Rainbow Dash decided to shoot a look towards her cheerleader, see how her proud friend was doing… that was Rainbow’s undoing.

It was at that moment Rainbow Dash was distracted. What Rainbow saw stunned her, completely through her off her game, and would cause a then inevitable crash. Unprepared for what she was about to see, Rainbow’s mind was reduced to a gooey mush as her body screamed with joy… and in a few seconds pain.

Fluttershy performed a high kick. Rainbow Dash nosedived into the ground. Crashed and burned.

“Rainbow Dash! Rainbow Dash!” Fluttershy yelled out as she sat down by the prismatic maned pegasus, inspecting her friend, “Are you okay Rainbow Dash?”

”I can’t believe I got distracted by Fluttershy… again,” Rainbow chastised in her head, “Seriously, why can't I keep my eyes off her while training.”

Rainbow Dash moved her head to better view her concerned cheerleader, and in turn to admire "I guess I can't really blame myself this time. With her flailing her hooves and yelling out my name, swaying from side to side, shaking pom-poms... that short skirt..."

A hoof was gently laid against Rainbow’s cheek, and the downed mare's thoughts halted, her focus and eyes turned to directly meet the worried gaze of Fluttershy, “Rainbow Dash… are you okay?”

“Y-yeah, just a slight crash, no big deal.” Rainbow replied with a slurred voice, and tried to sit up, only to fall back down, “A little woozy though.”

Rainbow Dash went to try and sit up but this time had a yellow leg supporting her back. Fluttershy eased Rainbow into a sitting position, all while continuing to check for injuries, little worries being ushered from her lips.

“Fluttershy, stop worrying, I’m fi-“ Rainbow’s words ended with an ‘eep’ as Fluttershy hugged her.

Fluttershy’s hooves wrapped around Rainbow’s body, and Rainbow could both see and feel Fluttershy’s face brushing up against her own. The cursed uniform that had resulted in her crash could also be felt. The vest against her chest, the skirt parting against her leg, even the kickpants Fluttershy was wearing whom she imagined must be fitting rather snugly around Fluttershy’s-“Rainbow Dash, are you sure you’re okay, your face is very warm.”

“I…I, yeah, just a little sore.” Rainbow Dash managed to say as normally as she could, all while cursing her hormones.

"Your wings are twitching a lot as well... and you're breathing heavily." Fluttershy noted much to Rainbow's embarrassment.

"My wings? They're just twitchy, muscles feeling a little tight," Rainbow Dash explained as pleaded for her wings, currently held down by Fluttershy's embrace, to calm down, "and my breathing. A little winded, that's all."

“Dashie,” Fluttershy cooed softly into Rainbow’s ear as she started to rub her hooves against the cyan pegasus’ back, “All that sounds like you need a massage. Would you like that massage now?”

“S-sure,” Rainbow relented, as she decided it was okay to wrap her own hooves around Fluttershy, and hold her distractingly cute cheerleader in a tight hug.

"If this is the result of crashing and burning" Rainbow Dash thought as she took pleasure in the current embrace with Fluttershy, “I should crash and burn more often.”

Author's Note:

Special thanks to Rated PonyStar for proof-reading this story despite asking him on such short notice.

Also for the very existence of this story you should thank Flutterguy89 for swiping the prompt I was going to write a story for in the FlutterDash Group Collab before I could. This forced me to extend the idea I had from a 500 word fanfic and give you this short and sweet fanfic you see, based around the prompt of cheering.

Comments ( 32 )

A story of yours I wasn't asked to edit... :pinkiesad2:

The process of putting clothes on was not long one

needs an a between not and long, or remove the one. your call

Edit: all in all, an enjoyable story.

Love the story. FlutterDash is always a great ship. I look forward to reading more of your stories in the future. Keep up the great writing!

Rainbow, you were distracted because you find Fluttershy attractive and wanted to snuggle when you saw her in that cheerleader outfit. :pinkiehappy:

This was a cute little one-shot, pal! :yay: I was wondering what you would've done if you did have the prompt. And now you did! Hooray! :twilightsmile::raritystarry:

And of course...


Fluttershy is always willing to come and cheer Rainbow Dash on, be it for flight competitions, races, or even practise sessions. Unfortunately Fluttershy’s cheering leaves a lot to be desired. Rainbow Dash however has come up with a solution to this problem; dress Fluttershy up as a cheerleader.


ok that was hillarious!

Rarity's assumption was great and I wonder what everypony would think when they saw RD making a butterfly in the sky :pinkiehappy: not that I think that she'll mind much now.

....Just a shame that there was no Flutterdash in it, only hints.

2598903 Yeah that's right.... I kinda would want a little more Fluttershy though :rainbowderp:
But other than that good story:raritywink:

*nose bleed* cheerleaders...

WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO FLUTTER DASH!!!! Loved every second, an error here or there but honestly nothing major, made my entire day, always in the mood for a good Flutter Dash story, thank you very much:twilightsmile:

Very interesting. Always up for some FlutterDash. :yay::heart::rainbowkiss:

This was one great ship, I loved it! Fine job, mate! :fluttershysad: :heart: :rainbowkiss:

Well, that was very cute and silly. :rainbowkiss:

Very adorably cute! Just the idea of Fluttershy in a cheerleader outfit is adorable.

I can totally empathize with Dash's plight...

Cheerleader Fluttershy would be distracting as hell.

Fluttershy performed a high kick. Rainbow Dash nosedived into the ground. Crashed and burned.

Literary poetry in motion there...


I just love this story. 5/5 Big Mac's :eeyup::eeyup::eeyup::eeyup::eeyup:

So then, 19 comments and 93 likes, considering this is but a short, sweet, and simple story to which I managed to write up in a single day I am actually quite satisfied with this. Anyway, I shall be replying to comments now, probably should be replying to comments on my collaboration with Rated PonyStar, Kisses are Complicated, first however there are far more comments there. Still I doubt I will be able to reply to all the comments in one fell swoop tonight (NCIS tonight and I've got work in the morning) but I will give it a go.

Before I begin I shall inform you all of two things. First, although minor, I have into account the comments that critiqued this work and as such have ironed out the errors. Secondly, as with all my fanfics I have a blog post dedicated to its development and the ideas behind it, click here for it. With that said let's begin replying. :twilightsmile:

2598329 :pinkiesad2: I'm sorry Ugugg, I had my reasons. I wanted this fanfic to be a surprise for as many of my readers and followers as possible, and as such I wished to be able to upload it before I could even get the chance to talk about it in the fanfiction progression section of my blog (as to why I did not just consider withholding said information, didn't feel it was honest :ajsmug:). The last time you proof-read for me, it became apparent your life is quite busy at the time and as such I did not wish to request your services without giving you sufficient warning in advance. I knew Rated had just finished collage and so had spare time on his hands which is why I went to him for his aid. Apologies if this has displeased you but you will be pleased that I will be requesting your services for future projects, so worry not.

So then... did you enjoy the fanfic? Thanks for commenting Ugugg. :pinkiehappy:

2598330 Jake Roberts, bravissimo to see a comment from you. You'll be happy to know that, as this is a short fanfic and thus easy to edit, I have corrected all of the mistakes you have pointed out. Thanks for that.

I'm glad you enjoyed this story for what it is, a short but cute and funny tale. As for my canon, I've actually been a little unsure as to how I would place this story. As you may or may not know, I like for my fanfics to have continuity, and in regards to MLP I have three fanfiction continuities. Everyday (pending title) which includes Thank You Cider, Secrets which includes Open to Interpretation and Nintendo Gal's officially approved canon entry Snuggles and Nibbles, and the Truth series which starts with Magnetism and has five further entries planned. This story was not thought out with the intention of being apart of the three continuities but I feel it must be applied to one. It's clearly not a part of the Truth series, so that leaves it open to being a story set before the events of Everyday story Thank You Cider or Secret stories Open to Interpretation and Snuggles and Nibbles. I will have to figure this out at a later point. For now I will just say once again thank you for commenting, I appreciate it Jake Roberts. :twilightsmile:

2598369 You know, amusingly enough when I read the first line of your comment I thought you were demanding for the whole Fluttershy putting on clothes scene to be longer :rainbowlaugh:. Considering that as it was from Rainbow's perspective it was being described in a rather risqué manner (K rated risqué at least), I was a little worried as to what you were asking to have extended. Alas you were simply pointing out an error of mine, and you'll be happy to know I have already corrected it. It's easy to do with a one-shot as short as this one.

I'm glad you enjoyed Zyr, thanks for commenting. :twilightsmile:


FlutterDash is always a great ship.

Too true, too true. :yay::heart::rainbowkiss: Forever!

Well then I'm pleased to hear you enjoyed this story. I'm also of course pleased to hear that you'll be looking forward to my future stories. If there are any of my past works you haven't read I would advise a read of them, if you liked this story I'm sure you'll like them as well(romance, comedic, and of course, FlutterDash). Thanks for the comment. :twilightsmile:

2598468 I seem to have a running theme of characters refusing to admit the obvious. C'mon Rainbow Dash, I'm sure Fluttershy will understand if you put practise aside for one day and instead spend some good quality time with her... preferably through the activity of kissing :scootangel:. I figured you would like this story, cutesy FlutterDash here after all.

Yeah, this is close to what I would have done for the prompt, obviously extended though. If you add in the first scene and then the last scene, with a little moment describing how Fluttershy looks in a cheerleader outfit, then that's pretty much what it would have originally been. I'm glad I was able to extend it though, writing the two adorable chants was neat and I absolutely loved writing Rarity's short scene in this fanfic. So then, I'm glad you enjoyed this fanfic, I hope I was able to take you by surprise with its sudden release, and here's hoping for a future where I have both free time and manage to claim a prompt in the FlutterDash group I have an idea of a story for. Thanks for commenting as always NintendoGal. :twilightsmile:

2598766 Clever indeed, Rainbow Dash should do this more often.

Rainbow Dash: Now the best way to help improve your medical skills is by wearing this nurse outfit.

Fluttershy: Um, Rainbow Dash, I take care of animals, shouldn't I be wearing a vet’s uniform?

Rainbow Dash: Nope, nurse outfit is sex-better! It’s better to wear a nurse outfit! Now just put it on… but take your time, put it on as slowly as you want.

I could probably write an entire one-shot where Fluttershy begins to catch onto these various 'attempts to improve her skills by dressing up' ideas. More of an image than a comment but thanks you for a humorous post all the same. :twilightsmile:

Cute! I love flutterdash shipping :yay::heart::rainbowkiss:

Rainbow watch Fluttershy naked ---> no reaction :rainbowhuh:
Rainbow watch Fluttershy dressing up ---> start oggling :rainbowwild:
F*cking logic, I love this story. :yay:
And I think this is the first time that Rainbow is the one with 'strange feelings' in one of your stories. (beeing allergic doesn't count)

Okay then, nothing to be stopping me tonight or tomorrow, I'm getting these replies written up now.

2598903 Well I'm glad it has managed to humour you. One of the goals of this story has been accomplished. Now then, was it cute, because that would achieve the other goal of this short story. :pinkiehappy:

Aside from Rainbow crashing upon Fluttershy performing a high kick, all of Rarity's scenes in this story are probably my favourite. In fact, I enjoyed writing Rarity so much in this fanfic that I was tempted to have a little end scene with her spying on the two 'gushing over how cute they were whilst demanding they hurry and kiss' :rainbowlaugh:.

I wonder how others would react as well. I kind of imagine it to be a very FlutterDash shipper styled view; most ponies assume they are already a couple.

As for the lack of definitive FlutterDash (there is feelings there, obviously)... yeah, I pondered about that before uploading. The point is this story was unplanned and intended to be short, and as I looked over the story I felt that to have it lead into on-page FlutterDash (as in you readers get to see it) would require more time and content to feel proper, to satisfy myself that the relationship developed smoothly. One way around this could have been to have Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash already being a couple however I felt that would interfere with the awkward humour this story used so very much. I can't promise you that my next fanfic will feature definitive and on-page FlutterDash but when NintendoGal and I finish our collaboration, Openly Secret Date, which serves as a sequel to Open to Interpretation and Snuggles and Nibbles, then you will definitely get some. Thanks for the comment FlutterDash7. :twilightsmile:

2599043 Great to hear you think so and while I'm at it, although I need not say it yet again, thanks for the speedy and efficient proof-read. Also thanks for commenting. :twilightsmile:


>> FlutterDash7 Yeah that's right.... I kinda would want a little more Fluttershy though :rainbowderp:

As you were replying to FlutterDash7's comment, whose one criticism was the lack of concrete FlutterDash, I'm assuming this is what you meant to say. If this is the case then my reply to FlutterDash7's comment should suffice as an explanation.

In the case you meant Fluttershy, well, I don't really have much to add to that. I was going to have Fluttershy turning up to meet Dash again take place from Fluttershy's perspective until Rainbow Dash flew up into the air (where it would be focused on Dash again) but I decided to stick with Rainbow Dash as the key focus. I could have added a small Fluttershy scene, perhaps delving into her thoughts a little, but again this was a short fanfic written up in a single day, I went with what came to mind first mostly.

I'm pleased to hear that you found it to be a good story and I thank you for commenting. :twilightsmile:

2599419 It's not mine but thanks all the same. It’s one of my favourite pictures and a pretty old one in terms of the fandom... pretty old considering it was one of the first FlutterDash pictures I ever came across. When I decided to write this fanfic, this was the first picture that came to mind. Thanks for the comment. :twilightsmile:

2599534 Yeah, pretty sure that was Rainbow Dash's mind-set by the end of this story. You seem to have enjoyed this here story and thanks for the comment. :twilightsmile:



:duck: Hmm, it may just be me but I think you may have enjoyed this fanfic. :pinkiehappy:

I'm very pleased at this here comment and I'm glad you were able to enjoy every second of it. Sorry to hear about the small occasional errors but thanks to reader feedback I have gone through and ironed out all of the mistakes that have been pointed out to me. So yeah, glad you enjoyed and thanks for commenting. :twilightsmile:

2599675 If you're always up for FlutterDash then you'll be happy to know that all four of my MLP stories contain FlutterDash, as well as the collaboration I wrote alongside Rated PonyStar (linky). Please feel free to take a look-see if you haven't already. Thanks for the comment. :twilightsmile:

2599733 Ah, the S.S. FlutterDash is a fine vessel indeed, and while it may not be much I have brought on board for it some extra entertainment. Let this ship sail on forever :yay::heart::rainbowkiss:. Also, thank you for commenting. :twilightsmile:

2600013 Cute and silly was what I was aiming for so job well done there... okay, I was aiming more for short and sweet but I'm pretty sure cute and silly comes under that umbrella. Thanks for commenting. :twilightsmile:

2600760 Indeed, Cheerleader Fluttershy is such a cute thing. In saying that though, I'm pretty sure Rainbow Dash was thinking of cheerleader Fluttershy as little more than just cute :rainbowlaugh:. I appreciate being told that this is a cute fanfic, thank you for the comment. :twilightsmile:

2628281 yes it was cute. You had me buzzing the whole way.
You could always do a story set after this one... With more cute and some added Flutterdash. :rainbowwild::yay:
That story with rarity spying on rainbow and Fluttershy would be cool. :pinkiehappy:

Heads a little foggy and unfocused but I have time right now so I shall finish replying to these comments.

2601973 Yeah, Fluttershy in a cheerleader uniform is quite adorable to picture. I wonder if that would happen in the show. I think the FlutterDash shipper in me would leap for joy if at one of Rainbow's races they had Fluttershy dressed in a cheerleader uniform... although the whole dressing up thing seems more like something Pinkie would do... perhaps Pinkie would and then proceed to rope Fluttershy into also dressing up. Ah, I'm going off topic here.

From your nice little comment it seems you enjoyed this here story and that in turn pleases. Thanks for reading, thanks for commenting. :twilightsmile:

2604402 I guess I could explain my reasoning for writing that sequence in the short stunted manner I did.

I wanted the action to be quick, for the reader to learn what happens in that moment without pause. For that I opted out of describing the scene and made sure to simply tell of the action happening rather than the details or describing of it. The joke, or punch line of the sequence, is the action Fluttershy does, followed by Rainbow Dash's reaction, and finishes with the consequence. I felt that narration or description would slow down the delivery of the joke, without really adding anything to it. This was a sequence for humour, not one of an action scene delivering an expansion of plot, and the actual event had already been informed to the reader at the very start of the story. So a quick sudden delivery without description or narration slowing it down and that was what I was going for.

I'm sorry to hear that you did not enjoy this moment but I hope the rest of the fanfic proved enjoyable for you. Thanks for the comment. :twilightsmile:

2614566 Wonderful to hear, glad you enjoyed this story. I loved your comment, have five moustaches; :moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache:. Thank you for commenting. :twilightsmile:

2616728 If my five MLP stories are anything to go by (one of them is a collaboration uploaded on Rated PonyStar's profile) then I too love FlutterDash :yay::heart::rainbowkiss:. My MLP OTP and my second favourite ship of all (Kirby and Ribbon from the Kirby series shall always remain my favourite). Great to hear that you think it's cute, great to see you enjoyed this story, and thanks for the comment.

2623333 :rainbowlaugh: This was a hilarious comment. It reminds me of this one comic, with Rainbow Dash on the PC going 'yes, now put on the winter boots, slowly'. The concept of putting on clothes being the equivalent to stripping for humans is humorous to imagine.

Hey now, Rainbow Dash having strange feelings for Fluttershy isn't that rare from me. Remember Kiss-

(beeing allergic doesn't count)

:twilightangry2: Darn it!

What about Thank You Cider! That sort of has Rainbow Dash having strange feelings for Fluttershy (though that may have been brought to light by the incident that occurs in the story). Anyway, glad to see you enjoyed the story, and I love that adorable avatar of yours (for future reference in case you change it and anyone stumbles upon this comment, it's filly Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash sleeping together... in a cute puppy like way, not the other way). Thank you for the comment. :twilightsmile:


What about Thank You Cider! That sort of has Rainbow Dash having strange feelings for Fluttershy

Yeah but this is a story with Fluttershy's point of view. Rainbow's point of view only appears at Chapter 3 if I remember :duck:

And thanks for the avatar, I've just changed it yesterday. I've discovered that if there is one thing that I love more than FlutterDash, Scootalove, and Tank, it's filly FlutterDash :rainbowkiss:

EEEEEcute! >w< Sequel, sequel! X3!

Added to Twilight's Library on a contributor's recommendation.

cool! :twilightsmile:

Derpy luvs chu all!

Nice, short and sweet.

Another fine work.:twilightsmile:

huh? In thank you cider they were getting...like together in a relationship-ish way and now they are back to friends? I am highly confused. I liked them better in thank you cider cause they were in love for real. :pinkiesad2:

A very nice story to had read before going to sleep my friend. Nice work. *now can't stop thinking of Fluttershy in a cheerleader uniform*


You and me both, bro'. :rainbowwild:

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