• Published 22nd May 2013
  • 2,120 Views, 32 Comments

Decisions - MadMan

Left or right? I have to decide....

  • ...


I only hesitated a moment longer before diving down the right passage and running like my tail was on fire and my mane was catching. My hooves were skidding and slipping, but I managed to dig in enough to get a decent pace going. I was going so fast that I never saw the flight of stairs until I was tumbling down them. Luckily they were short, so it wasn't long before I landed at the bottom, a pile of hooves and bruises. I perked up my ears as I lay, listening for any sign of persuit. I couldn't hear any, but that didn't mean they weren't coming. I hesitated another moment, just to be sure, before clumsily climbing to my feet and continuing down this hallway I had found myself ungracefully in. I walked some steps, joints popping in an unnatural way, then trotted, before finally regained my purposeful gallop. I kept more of an eye out this time, more wary of anything in my way that could potentially be detrimental to my health.

It's kind of funny how adrenaline affects how you see the world. No matter how often you get an adrenaline rush, each time it's a little different. Every time, you learn something about life that seems so obvious, but you never saw before. You notice how you can suddenly smell your own sweat, and from then on you can never ignore it. You realize the way you walk, the way every single muscle pulls in such a perfect way to create a unique gait. You realize how weak you are, how tender, how soft. How something no larger than a pebble can kill you, if given the proper application of force. Ponies are so squishy.

Perhaps I am too morbid for my own good.

I kept running down this incurably desolate hallway at a heavy pace, keeping an eye out for dangerous stairs and the like. After a time with no harm, I grew more confident in my hectic run, until I was going nearly as fast as I was before the stairs. I had grown nearly confident enough that I was barely keeping my eyes on my surroundings, but I still somehow managed to catch a glimpse of the line of shiny spikes, barely protruding from the ceiling. A split second later I saw the trip line across the floor, barely a hoofwidth's high. Even so, that doesn't mean I noticed it in time to avoid hitting it. I felt the tiniest bit of resistance as it broke against my leg, then a loud grinding that I presumed was the spikes sliding down with deadly force from their vantage point on high. I knew I couldn't stop, so I did the opposite, and jumped for all I was worth. I heard a loud clank, and was suddenly arrested from my flight and slammed to the floor.

A thought flew through my mind that I had been impaled and was now bleeding to death on the apathetic floor, but then I realized I felt no pain. Opening my eyes, I looked back and saw that my body was intact, and the spikes were now a wall of bars across the hall behind me. I smiled weakly, at least glad that they would halt any pursuers, however there was still the problem of my abrupt and painful midair halt. Looking a bit past my side, I saw that my tail had been impaled near the end by one of the spikes, and was now firmly pinned against the floor. A quick tug informed me that it was not going to come free anytime soon. I felt a brief twinge of remorse; my tail was long and graceful, and I was quite proud of it. I groomed it and my mane often, and they were long and soft. My wife often enjoyed playing with them, wrapping the fine brown hair around her hooves for hours while I slept under her care. However, that didn't stop me from immediately summoning a burst of pinkish white magic, crudely severing it about halfway up and freeing my hindquarters. It will grow back.

I resumed my travels along the hallways, at a much more cautious pace than before, barely a trot. I knew now that whoever inhabited this place had some dark secrets, and was willing to kill to keep them.

At length I found myself at the end of the hallway. A small door blocked my path, not much more than a hatch made of wood. I cautiously crept forward and placed a hoof on it, gently pushing it open. The hinges turned without protest, and the door silently opened a small amount, which was all well and good, for if it had made noise I would have interrupted the soft yet unmistakable voice I had been craving.

"He'll come for me, I know he will."

Maybelline! She's alright!

Before I could burst through the door to save my imprisoned wife, a soft male voice growled from somewhere directly on the other side of the door.

"You seem so sure, but I am getting impatient. He may be clever, but how clever exactly? No, my dear, I'm afraid it seems your fate is my decision now."

I tenderly pushed the door wide, and took a moment to observe the chamber. It was large indeed, and filled wall to wall with glittering objects I'm sure were all beyond the wealth of most mortals. I had a splendid view from my location, as I had emerged on a narrow metal walkway suspended from the high ceiling. I looked about for my wife, but didn't immediately see her. What I did see, however, was a pony standing barely a stone's throw away, leaning over the guardrail and looking down to my left. It took him almost a moment to notice me, framed in the small doorway. He smiled, perfect teeth gleaming in the low light. He spoke in an oily voice. "Well! Looks like I spoke a moment too soon. You might just yet be saved, Maybelline. Come, stranger, let us talk."

Before I could take a moment to ponder his words, he enveloped himself in an aura of grey magic and levitated over the guardrail, floating down and out of sight to the floor below. I had never been the best at levitation, but this was not the time for doubt. I grabbed myself in a rough embrace of pink, and followed suit.

As soon as I touched the ground again, I looked about, searching for this evil genius. A voice slithered from behind me.

"Over here, savior."

I spun about, simultaneously lowering my head and pointing my horn forward, coming to rest pointing straight at this fellow, who was now standing beside a large table. I was so intent on my target, it took me a moment to distinguish the pink and white mound atop it was my wife, chained my all four legs, flat on her back. It infuriated me to no end at her compromising position. It was another charge on this mysterious villain's tab, and I was hoping that I was the one to finally collect in full. I tore my eyes away from her, not wanting to look away from my quarry too long. My voice echoed in the wretched hall. "Just hold still Maybelline, I'll be there in just a second."

The stallion laughed lightly, and I narrowed my eyes at him. I hated him purely. I hated his steel grey coat, his slick black mane, his silver spectacles, his shiny horn, and especially that stupid red bow tie around his neck. I wanted to tear him limb from limb for the trouble he caused me and my beloved. My voice quivered with rage so much, I think he actually thought I was scared. "Let her go. Now. Then start running," I growled.

His light laughter infuriated me further, something I thought was impossible. He moved his beady little eyes from me to Maybelline. "I'm sorry, I'm afraid that's practically out of the question. She's mine now."

He turned his vicious smile back to me, reaching out a leg to caress her leg at the same time. A terrified whimper came from the table along with the rattle of chains as she tried in vain to avoid his touch. I thought I was going to explode, and a few sparks sizzled along my horn. The stallion saw this, and his smile grew faint. "Now, I didn't say it was impossible. I am willing to negotiate," he purred.

I snorted angrily. "That's inconvenient, because I just so happen to not be in a negotiating mood!" I stamped a hoof as a few more sparks fizzed and popped around my horn. I took a step forward, but so did he. His smile returned. "Don't get too cocky. It is I who am in control here."

I decided I had had enough with his nonsense. A rope of pink jumped from my horn, and bound his legs together. Another followed quickly, wrapping one end around his horn and the other the base of his tail, pulling him backwards into a crescent. A little pulling and I could snap his spine like a dry twig. I stood above him, leaning over so I could stare into his eyes. "Do you feel in control?"

He didn't have to answer, as the screams from the table did the job for him. I looked over to see the chains around Maybelline enthralled in grey and writhing like snakes, ensnaring her tightly. I began to panic when I saw one stretch around her throat and squeeze, cutting off her screams, then her breathing. She squirmed, but the chains could not be fought. I looked back at my enemy in near hysterics. "Let her go!" I shouted. Dissolving the ropes around him, I dashed to the table, pulling in vain at the chains. He stood, far too slowly for my liking. I ran back over to him, wrapping my hooves around his neck and shaking him. "If she dies, then so do you!"

He kicked my in the chest, knocking me onto the floor, gasping for air. He took his turn to lean over me. "I am in control," he hissed. "You are too headstrong. You don't even know what I want or who I am, yet you attack. You and yours shall suffer for your insolence."

"All I need to know is that she's in trouble!" I yelled. Bypassing him, I climbed to my feet and ran to the table, where Maybelline's struggling was growing weaker. I looked into her eyes, those beautiful blue eyes, and saw no fear, just sorrow. I pulled at the chain around her neck with all my strength, but to no avail. The blue eyes rolled back and closed, and the struggling slowly dissolved into twitches, then stillness. I pulled at the chain for a few more seconds, even though I knew I was fighting a lost battle. Once she was completely still, I lay my hoof ever so tenderly against her face, savoring her last warmth. I had a few seconds, precious seconds left of her fire inside, and I wanted to be there for those seconds, but another fire was building. It was a fire inside me, one that demanded feeding, and only blood would suffice.

I turned, slowly. He still stood where he was when I ran past him, simply watching. My horn began to sputter and spark. His horn began to glow in return, but mine was brighter. Pink flames were soon licking across my forehead, burning my flesh, but I didn't feel them. All I could feel was the inferno inside. He turned and tried to run, but I knew he was mine. "You can run, but you'll only die tired!" I shouted, my voice raw, layered with undertones granted by the unbelievable magic gathering around me. He turned back to see if I was following, but it was his detriment. He tripped over some useless piece of treasure, sprawling on the floor. He began to stand, but by then I was ready.

A pink wave of ensorcelled flames burst forth from my horn, creating a wall of fire before me. It rushed forward, turning him to ash instantly, and catching everything around me on fire. Uncountable priceless treasures burning to worthless dust around me, I fell to one knee, nearly blacking out from the exhaustion that accompanies extreme magic. I turned my head and looked at Maybelline, reeling. She was lit from many angles by my unstoppable inferno, and never had she looked so beautiful. The flames around us grew higher, but I disregarded them. I crawled over to the table, taking her hoof in mine, wanting nothing more than to die with her by my side. As I took her hoof, she began to slide off the table, no longer bound by her restraints. I caught her weakly, the pair of us tumbling to the floor. As we lay in the awkward pile, I saw her eyes open and she poke to me hoarsely, her whisper barely audible above the roar of the blaze around us.

"Please... Escape. I love.... "

I held her close, begging for the last word, but none was forthcoming. Her head went limp, falling against my chest. Tears fell from my eyes, evaporating almost instantly in the heat. As much as I wanted to hear it, I knew it would never come. I carefully lifted her off of me and stood. A small amount of logic was returning to my tortured mind. As much as it pained me, I knew I could never hope to take her with me and escape alive. All I had left now was her dying wish, which was for me to escape.

I looked about, but any doors were blocked by the fires, which were encroaching on me quickly. A sudden thought had me look up, and an idea formed. I levitated up to the catwalk where I had came from. The heat was more intense, but the flames weren't surrounding me anymore. Limping towards the door, I tumbled through it, then down the hallway beyond. When I came to the iron bars blocking my path, I paused. Looking behind me, I could faintly see the pink glow from the fire. It had escaped the dungeon below, and was slowly burning it's way through the mansion. I knew I had minutes, if not seconds, so I had to do something quick. Turning back to the bars, I cast a thin pink shred at the bottom of one. Where my magic hit, it left a small scar on the metal, biting into it a little. Encouraged, I cast another, and another, and another, until finally I had broken through. Readjusting my aim, I began the process again further up, the roaring of the fire growing louder the whole time. Sweat dripping into my eyes, I began to despair, thoughts of failure and being burned to a crisp haunting me. Finally, when I could feel the heat against my back again, the bar toppled over, leaving a gap just big enough for me to wriggle though.

Running down the hallways in reverse as fast as my brutalized body would let me, I eventually emerged from the mansion, strength fading as I fell into the grass. The cool night air kissed me, and new tears joined the old ones as I was reminded of my wife. It was a haunting memory, one that I savored, like every other memory of her.

Opening my eyes, I looked back to the mansion, now devoured by the pink fire. Shadows flickered in the light, jumping as if trying to escape their bonds. I lay there and watched the mansion burn down until the moon was low in the sky, and the horizon was lightening. Finding that I had the strength to stand again, I did so, and without another look back, walked away to begin my life alone. I knew I could never go back to our home on Ponyville, as there was too much of her everywhere, in the furnishings and decorations, in the rooms and walls.

A vision of a lonely cabin the woods came to me as I wandered, an old stallion living out his days in peace and finally dying, lonely and broken. His body and home would be slowly overtaken by the forest as it reclaimed it's property. The flesh would rot away and become sustenance for grass and bushes, while vines crawled over the house, eventually bringing it down. The bones would become a home for insects and small critters for a few years, before finally turning to dust. Eventually, nothing would be left, not even a memory.

I am too morbid for my own good.