• Published 23rd May 2013
  • 931 Views, 13 Comments

Crusaders of the New Lunar Republic - ShadowBrony

It has been 10 years since Equestria had been at peace and Elements of Harmony had dissapeared and Luna, leaving to find them, only for her to dissapear as well. Celestia becomes mad with greif. Now a new Crusade has begun. A crusade of the NLR

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Diamonds and Demons

Chapter 2 Diamonds and Demons

The CMC all turned toward the door as the knocking became faster and more desperate with each passing second. With a sigh, Apple Bloom made her way toward the barn door, unbolted it and opened the door. A grey blur shot inside and slammed the door behind it. Upon leaning up against the door catching her breath, the grey blur revealed itself to be a grey mare with blond hair. She was a unicorn and the CMC immediately recognized her as Dinky. Apple Bloom rolled her eyes, “Dinky, remember what we told you? It was knock three times, wait five seconds, then knock twice.” Dinky shook her head, “Sorry, but I need to warn you. Some of the Revolution Cleaners are in town and they are heading in your direction. We have 2 minutes at best.”

Both Scootaloo and Apple Bloom froze as they took this information in. Revolution Cleaners were put into effect after Celestia had become there one true queen. There had been protesters and arguments already about how Celestia was running things even before then, but soon their Queen grew tired of their rebellion and forced a new law that prohibited anypony from so much as spiting in the direction of the crown. Ponies could no longer speak ill of their queen. Free speech, in essence, was no more. Then to enforce it, volunteers from both the royal guard and even those of her own subjects (mostly nobles and the very wealthy), came together to form the Revolution Cleaners.

Soon almost all will to fight was gone as ponies soon found themselves being thrown from their homes and searched for anything the was considered treasonous toward the crown or her kingdom. Weapons, posters, or anything that did not reflect their queen in a good manor was considered hierarchy. Anything found was thrown into a big bon fire that was started in the middle of all towns and cities in Equestria. Many homes themselves were burned and ponies found guilty of their treason soon found themselves beaten. Any that tried to fight back were thrown in jail.

Ponyville was hit hard and lost a lot of good ponies that day. From then on, that day was forever known as the Fall of Equestria. Since then however, the Revolution Cleaners continue to find small pockets of rebellion amongst the pony society, so they continue to lead there charge. So if they were coming here, things were not going end well if they found anything. Sweetie Bell, instead of being frozen in shock, dashed around the barn. Switches were pulled and buttons were pushed as brown sheets feel from the roof covering up their inventions and weapons. Secondary walls fell over the existing ones, hiding their maps and posters. A very large sheet unrolled on the side of the barn covering up their flag. Then buckets of flour were dumped giving everything a dusty look. In just under a few seconds, the barn looked like an average barn except for the table and chairs in the middle.

Sweetie Bell ran over to the table and with her magic, threw the cross-bow under one of the already covered contraptions. As soon as she had done this, there came a heavy pounding on the door. This time, it was a lot less frantic sounding and more affirming of power. Apple Bloom, feeling like she had no choice, opened the door. Two ponies immediately pushed their way in. One was pink with purple curly hair with a white stripe running threw it. The other was silver coated with whitish-silvery hair. Both had aura of power and wealth surrounding them. “Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon,” Dinky whispered.

Diamond Tiara scoffed as she looked around the barn before acting like she just now noticed the ponies standing around her. “Well, if it isn’t the sister-less bunch and their grey friend. I had heard rumors that you are all leading a rebellion. Of course I knew it had to be false. You’re all too stupid to lead one anyways.”

Diamond Tiara's eyes filled with satisfaction as she watched Scootaloo squirm where she was standing. Diamond knew that whatever she said, she could get away with due to being a messenger of the queen and her guards standing outside. It was time to have some fun with the ex-blank flanks. She casually walked over to Apple Bloom.

“It’s so good to see you again. How long has it been?” Before Apple Bloom could answer she continued, “I’d say since your sister up and left you. She abandoned you and your family. Either that or she’s dead. Not a very good sister if you ask me. Not to mention a lazy worker who complained when my father asked for more crops. More like a troublesome adult who made it difficult for all of us to have fun when we were young. She was annoying wasn’t she?” At this point, Apple Blooms face matched the color of her hair. It was taking all her will power and then some to not attack her where she stood. Diamond raised an eye-brow as she stared into Apple Blooms face, daring her to strike. When Apple Bloom didn’t move, Diamond shook her head before moving on to Scootaloo.

“Let’s not forget that moment we last saw each other; you had just gotten your cutie mark. You had told me you were going to show it to Rainbow Dash and that from then on, your life was going to be awesome. Well I guess she never saw it. Oh well, that's life. You know, I think those adoption papers might make good fire wood; doesn’t matter if there is a bit of ink on them.” A tear fell from Scootaloo’s face but she managed to hide it behind her look of pure rage. Diamond continued, “And those fake wings, I am sure that only some pegasi call you a freak now. But I say they fit you perfectly. After all, they do a great job of covering up what a real freak you are on the inside.” By this point, it was taking all of Scootaloo’s will and Apple Bloom holding her back just to keep her from killing Diamond Tiara on the spot. Diamond Tiara giggled at the sight before moving on to her next victim, Dinky.

Diamond grinned as she began talking to Dinky, “So I believe we have yet to really get to know each other yet. I know so much about you but you know so little about me. For example, did you know that it was I who threw you’re mother in jail? That’s right, the day that she decided to assault me. Oh of course she said it was an accident that she bumped into me, but we both know that she was purposely trying to attack me. Those guards however can be so brutal though. It makes me wonder if she got those weird eyes before or after the guards were done with her. Oh well, at least you seem like a nice pony, unlike your mother who is currently going to spend the rest of her life in the dungeon. I think the last words before the hulled her off was 'It's going to be ok, Muffin'. I wonder who that is?” Dinky felt her legs give out from underneath her. She fell to the ground in a fetal position as tears fell from her eyes. Diamond stared down at the poor mare before finally moving on to her last bit of fun.

“Oh Sweetie Bell, your sister was always loved by my family, to bad she had to be mixed up in the crowd of ponies who got lost and never came home. If only she had a better sense of direction. She always did end up in the wrong crowd. I guess she will always be nothing a peasant at heart. After all, her dresses just never could compete with the ones my daddy used to buy for me. But at least her shop did come in useful. After all, we needed something to start that big bon fire.” Sweetie Bell grimaced but held up her hoof. Diamond stopped her banter as she looked at Sweetie Bell in surprise.

Sweetie Bell took a deep breath then stared at her in a menacing look, “You talk as though if my sister was dead. Well I have news for you, she isn’t. I am Rarity’s sister and as such I can feel when my sister is in trouble or if she is alive or dead. And right now I feel her. She is faint but still out there. And I can promise you that as long as I continue to feel her presence she remains alive.” She pointed her hoof at Diamond Tiara with a look of hope beaming from her face. “You came here to break our spirits, but guess what? You instead have done the complete opposite, I am ready to go out and find her now more the ever. So you can take your insults and stick them up your rear because a bitch like you isn’t going to come between me and my sister.”

With that, she brought her hoof down smacking the floor with a look of triumph. Diamond Tiara growled before turning and walking out the door. Once outside she yelled for Silver Spoon to follow her. Silver looked at Sweetie Bell before going up to her slamming her hoof into Sweetie Bell’s side. Sweetie Bell fell to the ground as she felt precious air leave her longs. She then whispered something to Sweetie Bell before leaving and slamming the door behind her. Apple Bloom broke from Scootaloo once the door had shut. Scootaloo smacked the door with her hoof as hard as she could a couple of times while Apple Bloom went to check on Sweetie Bell.

Apple Bloom bent down but Sweetie Bell was already getting to her feet as she felt air return to her lungs. “Are you alright?” Apple Bloom asked. Sweetie Bell nodded her head before handing her a piece of paper she was holding against her chest. Apple Bloom began to look it over as Sweetie Bell walked over to Dinky who was still curled up trying to hold back any more tears. She sat down and rubbed her back, trying to comfort Dinky. Scootaloo stopped pounding the wall as her hooves were starting to hurt, and went over to her friends. “Well that sucked,” she said as she sat down beside Dinky, trying to regain some of her toughness back (though a tear still fell from her face).

Apple Bloom shook her head, “I know that what just happened hurt a lot of us, but there is at least some good news to all of this. Sweetie Bell nodded as Dinky, having finally gained some control over herself, looked up in confusion. Scootaloo shared a similar expression. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Bell smiled. Apple Bloom handed Scootaloo the piece of paper, “We may have just been given the final clue needed to find our sisters and the rest of the Elements of Harmony.”

Author's Note:

Hope this helped introduce the other antagonists well. I mean Celestia is going to be a big villain but lets face it, it's the lesser ones that do the most harm. Hope you all enjoyed. Should have the next chapter out in a week.

Edit: Just want to help spread the word around. On June 15th, be at My Name is Generic's channel. The New Lunar Republic movie comes out on that day.