• Published 24th May 2013
  • 11,530 Views, 592 Comments

Under the Sun's Wings - Foxy Kimchi

A changeling is forced to make a life changing decision.

  • ...

6: Shattered


Solaris frowned as he lifted his broken quill, looking down at the large tear in the middle of his parchment. Frustrated, he bit his lower lip as he unfurled his large wings and gave them a hard flap, scattering loose pieces of paper in its gust.

He sighed loudly as he folded his wings and rested his head on a forehoof, taking a minute to calm down. Slowly, his mind wandered to the meal he had with Luna.

Are you not taking out your anger on the only changeling you can get a hold of?

Solaris frowned. It had been over a month since the changeling invasion. Everyone played their part. Twilight came to the rescue and freed both Cadence and Shining Armor, who then used their powers to repel the invading force. Luna did damage control in the background, making sure key structures and facilities were intact. Lastly, he played his part. He feigned defeat and let himself be humiliated. With that, Equestria won.

But rumors were floating across the neighboring nations. That Solaris was not as strong as others believed, that he was getting soft. Solaris clenched his teeth.

I know what I had to do, but why, why can’t I get this out of my head? Why is the invasion still bothering me now?

It would be too dangerous to fight. I can not risk another incident. I did the right thing, so why am I still so tense?

Solaris let out another sigh. His horn glowed as he levitated the mess he made into a trash bin, already filled with broken quills and torn parchments. Staring at another blank sheet of parchment, his ears dropped slightly. He pulled out a new quill and resumed his work, the sounds of writing once again filling the air.

Like before, his mind began to wander as he wrote, drifting back to the invasion. He could hear Queen Chrysalis’ mocking laughter. He clenched his teeth and his eyes narrowed, red creeping up in the corners of his vision.

An abrupt knock came from the door, causing yet another quill to snap in his tense grip.

He turned his head, his mane and tail starting to sway rapidly. "Who," Solaris snarled, his voice suddenly dropping several octaves, low and rumbling that it almost shook the paintings on the walls and came out more as a terrifying growl than a voice, "is it?"

“Now, just one last stop, and we should be done for the day,” Feather announced as she led Honeycomb up a flight of stairs.

“Oh… okay,” Honeycomb panted as she climbed the stairs. Her legs were sore. She would have loved to fly up but was informed earlier that flight was prohibited inside the palace. Honeycomb gasped as she made it to the top. She fell to her haunches, panting slightly.

“Oh my, Honey dear, if you were tired, you could have told me,” Feather said, a worried look on her face.

“It’s... alright… I am just... out of shape right now,” Honeycomb said.

Feather frowned as she looked at her own flank. “You and me both…”


“Nothing!” Feather exclaimed. “Now, our last stop is Lord Solaris’ personal chambers—”

“Lord Solaris?!” Honeycomb shouted as she instantly stood up.

“Yes, of course,” Feather continued. “No need to be worried, dear. Just need to show you where it actually is, and he told me he wanted to talk to you before you start tomorrow anyway. Now, before we go in, I just want to give you some general tips.”


“First, always address him with respect. Not only does he want that, but we, as the staff, want to be professional. Second, if sitting in the same room with him, remember to sit with good posture. Keep the back straight and don’t slouch. Again, we want to look professional to him and to the public. And lastly, if you need any help with anything, don’t hesitate to ask me, any of the other staff, or the guard. We’re happy to help. Is that clear?”

Honeycomb nodded.

“Excellent! Come now, Honey dear, his room is right over here.”

Honeycomb followed Feather Duster, making their way until they stopped at two large wooden doors, a large sun engraved on them. Beside them stood two unicorn guards.

“Good day, boys,” Feather greeted as she walked up to them.

“Good day, Mrs. Feather Duster,” they both replied in unison.

“Just here to drop off Lord Solaris’ new assistant, Honeycomb,” Feather remarked as she made her way up to the door.

Honeycomb watched as the guards nodded then returned to staring at the wall in front of them. She looked back at Feather Duster who was adjusting her uniform and straightening herself out.

This… this may not be that bad after all...

Honeycomb stood at attention when she heard Feather Duster knock on the door.

“Who,” a deep and foreboding voice suddenly called out, “is it?”

Honeycomb gasped as her eyes widened, and the fur on the back of her neck stood upright. The voice was deep, guttural, and menacing. She could feel it rumble throughout the halls, even throughout her own body.

She looked around, her heart pounding in her chest. Both the guards and Feather Duster held the same expression as her: Eyes wide, fur on end, and trembling.

Feather Duster worked her jaw, beads of sweat forming on her forehead. She looked at both guards shakily then back at her. Honeycomb saw it in her eyes… Fear.

Feather gulped loudly, her body shaking like a leaf in the wind. “U-um,” Feather replied in a shaky voice. “I-it’s me, Feather Duster. Y-you told me you wanted me to bring your n-new assistant to see you today...”

The three ponies and disguised changeling stood outside, on edge, awaiting the response which seemed to take all too long to come.

“Bring her in,” Solaris commanded from his chambers, his voice suddenly normal. Both guards exhaled simultaneously. One of the doors unlatched and creaked open ever so slightly.

Feather looked back at Honeycomb, a forced smile on her face while the rest of her body shivered. She motioned to her with a hoof, pointing at the opened door.

Honeycomb gulped again as she slowly got up. She walked in front of the door, placing a hoof on it. She turned to look back at Feather Duster who had a weak smile on her face. It did not help calm her own nerves, especially when she could see Feather was just as scared as she was.

Tentatively, Honeycomb opened the door and made her way in, gently closing the door behind her. She sat down, shivering slightly.

In the middle of the room was a huge, sturdy, and ornate oaken desk, behind which sat Lord Solaris. Even though she sat as far as possible from the ruler, his presence towered over her. His mane and tail waved as if it were a large flame in a breeze. Remembering what Feather Duster told her, she straightened herself. Honeycomb silently sat there, watching him write.

With Solaris ignoring her for the time being, her eyes started to scan the large, spacious room. She saw the lush white carpet covering the floors, a massive bed on one end of the room, and a large book case crammed with books and scrolls on the other side. There was a large glass door that led to a balcony and another partially open door that must have been the bathroom.

Suddenly, he stood up and walked in front of his desk. Honeycomb almost jumped on the spot, instantly sitting up straight.

Solaris lifted up a hoof, beckoning her. “Honeycomb, come here.”

Honeycomb obeyed as she sat in front of Solaris, looking down at the ground to avoid eye contact.

“I take it you met Feather Duster?” Solaris asked, an emotionless expression on his face.

“Y-yes, Lord Solaris,” Honeycomb weakly answered, adding a slight bow of her head.

“And she showed you around the palace?”

“Y-yes, Lord Solaris.”

“Good,” Solaris answered. “Honeycomb, look at me.”

Honeycomb slowly lifted her head, staring into the crimson-red eyes of Solaris. She was slightly smaller than the other ponies, but sitting in front of Solaris made her feel like she was sitting in front of a dragon.

“I am only going to say this once, Honeycomb,” Solaris spoke, his voice smooth and calm and his expression merely emotionless. “I have been around for a long time, and many have tried to change that. But I still stand. Consider this your first and last warning,” Solaris stated as he lowered his head, bringing himself to eye level with her. “Do not try me, Honeycomb, I will not hesitate to act. Is that understood?”

Honeycomb quickly nodded, her whole body shaking while her heart pounded in her chest.

“Good,” Solaris replied as he lifted his head. “I will see you at 8:00 AM tomorrow.”

As Honeycomb scurried out of the room, she silently thanked the heavens that this day was over.

Honeycomb tossed and turned in her bed. The sound of someone rushing through the hall reached her ears, but she ignored it, desperately trying to catch at least a few hours of sleep.

A deafening crash was heard right outside her door.

Honeycomb’s eyes shot open. She looked around in a panic, wondering what was going on. There was a loud rumble as the floor shook. Honeycomb quickly jumped out of the bed, fumbling for the light switch.

The door suddenly blew off its hinges.

Honeycomb yelped, ducking as the door flew past her. Slowly, she lifted her head and looked up.

“Honeycomb!” a blatantly undisguised changeling called out as it appeared in the doorway. “Quickly, we’re here to save you!”


The changeling closed his eyes, a green aura coming from his twisted horn. A green bolt of energy shot out, flying towards Honeycomb.

Honeycomb yelped as the projectile hit her neck. The band that she was wearing clattered to the ground. Honeycomb gasped as she felt a weight suddenly released itself from her. Her eyes drifted to her hooves, black and hard, just like they were supposed to be. She glanced into the mirror on the wall and saw her usual black chitin coat shining in the moonlight that was coming in from the window. She could see her insectoid wings had returned as well. Tears of joy welled up in her eyes.

“We’ve come to free you, now let’s go!”

“Wait, really?” Honeycomb asked, choking slightly as she hiccuped.

“Yes! Now hurry!”

Honeycomb quickly got up, ready to sprint towards the door. “Wait,” she cried out as she turned around, grabbing her diary on the nightstand next to the bed. “Okay, I’m ready.”

At that moment, time seemed to slow down for Honeycomb. Her fellow changeling was still standing right outside the door, beckoning to her with a hoof, albeit very slowly.

Then, a bright orange light started to glow in the hallway. The changeling blinked in confusion, turning his head to see what the source was. His eyes slowly widened in horror.

Honeycomb covered her face with a hoof as she was hit with a blast of hot air. In front of her door was a massive inferno, the changeling from before was nowhere to be seen.

“H-hello?” Honeycomb whimpered.

“Where,” a deep, low rumble came from the fire as two crimson dots appeared amongst the smoke and flame, “do you think you’re going?”

Honeycomb gasped, stumbling back as a large, white form emerged. Honeycomb whimpered loudly as she bumped against a wall behind her. “L-Lord Solaris!” she cried out.

His horn glowed, a yellow aura forming around Honeycomb’s neck.

Honeycomb cried out as she was roughly lifted in the air, futilely grasping the aura with her forehooves while her wings and legs flailed wildly. “I-I was not planning anything! I swear!” she cried out, tears rolling down her cheeks. She gasped as felt the grip tighten.

“I warned you!” Solaris growled, his eyes glowing red.

Honeycomb struggled to breathe, choking loudly. “I’m sorry!” Honeycomb sobbed as she stared into Solaris’ burning eyes. “Please spare me! It was a mistake, I won’t leave! Please, it won’t happen again!”

Solaris flicked his head, throwing the hapless changeling across the room. Honeycomb hit the floor face first, skidding across the floor. She groaned, trying to crawl away.

“No,” Solaris growled, as he lowered his horn, pointing it directly at Honeycomb, “it won’t.”

“PLEASE NO!” Honeycomb screamed.

But Solaris was not there. Nothing was there but a dark and quiet room. She panted loudly as she looked around her moonlit residence. She turned to her nightstand, fumbling to turn on the lights. Catching her breath as her heart raced, she looked down at her hooves, still soft and covered in brown fur. Her hooves drifted up to her neck, feeling the collar that trapped her in more ways than one.

It was just a dream…

She reached for her journal with a shaky hoof.

365 days left.

Honeycomb curled up and started to cry.

Author's Note:

Special thanks to me editors amactia, Kevinltk and theRedBrony.

And yet again, a massive thanks to Conicer for yet again drawing me another awesome picture. I owe this beautiful man so much. Please give this man thanks.