• Published 27th May 2013
  • 4,732 Views, 109 Comments

Discord joins the Justice League - Dark Half-Brony

Discord leaves Equetria and has discovered the Justice League. He now wants to join them

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Talking,fighting,meeting, and Discord

Lois meet up with the stranger at lunch time later that day, since she was already late for work and things were tough since Clark was on early vacation ( being a superhero takes time out of your work schedule) and they couldn't find someone to fill in for him yet so she had to do more work at the office. since she knew he was Superman she wasn't angry with her boyfriend , but she still didn't like all the extra work. She was very surprised to see strange man was actually at the restaurant waiting patiently for her ( even if the roads in the area were the same color as a checkerboard). They got a booth and ordered their lunch. Lois got a salad with a name so fancy Discord wouldn't remember while he got a BLT sandwich ( minus Bacon. Living in a world full of ponies you tend to pick up habits like not eating meat).

"I'm surprised you showed up when I told you to meet me here later." Lois said

" Well I always put effort into something I'm interested in." Discord said "Anyway , to get back on track and the reason we're here, what is this Justice League?"

So Lois explained all about the Justice League to Discord. She told him about the group of heroes who founded it ( you know who they are if you watched the show), The number of times they saved the world, How they protected the innocent people, helped the community, and all the known heroes who are members of it.

"By the way I never asked you your name." Lois asked as she decided to learn more about this strange man.

" Oh that's right I never Introduced myself, how rude of me." The Spirit said as he started to panic a little on the inside. he couldn't say his real name as it wasn't a human name , but you know that Discord oh so slick, he thought up a lie and he thought it up quick. " I'm Dan. Daniel Anarchy, But you can call me Dan. He said.

" I'm Lois Lane and I work for the Daily Planet" she said as Discord started drinking just his glass ( which surprised Lois)." You know.... the Justice League has been recruiting a lot of super powered people, I'm sure they would let you join. " she said as Discord spat out his glass.

" What makes you think a normal guy like me could join them." Discord asked innocently.

" You're obviously responsible for the crazy stuff that's been happening around here." she pointed out since she already knew. " Although you have been giving my company a great source of new material for our newspaper.

'' Glad I could help." he said with a chuckle as he stopped pretending "Though what gave me away?"

" Whenever a strange knew person shows up here crazy things happen and that strange new person is usually responsible." Lois said " Hate to bruise your Ego, but you aren't the first oddball here and you won't be the last, by the way why did you do all this stuff ?"

Discord already liked this person. " ego not hurt, and to answer your question I did that stuff because it's funny when people freak out at something not normal, plus I was bored and I am interested in meeting these heroes, and it does sound like it could be fun doing the crazy stuff you told me they do" he said not knowing the full weight of being a hero.

" He's like a super powerful child." Lois thought " we'll I think you could make a good Hero, maybe a great one in time and I know someone who could help." she said as she whipped out her phone with her Kryptonian Boyfriend's number on speed dial, but before she could push a button there was a giant crashing sound a large BOOM as something big hit the Earth.

" Wasn't me this time. " Discord said before everyone in the restaurant ran outside ,saw what happened, and ran the other way except for two people who went in the direction of what they saw. The black jet Discord saw earlier was back , but it was in the middle of the street crashed and in ruins. Lois and Discord ran up to the front of the jet to help the Pilot. Discord removed the top of the cockpit by having is sprout a pair of legs, get up, and walk away while Lois helped a pretty banged up Batman out of the jet. "Least we know what caused the crash ." Discord said pointing to a large boulder next to the plane. said boulder was covered in small black pieces of the plane and looked like something ripped it out of the ground.

" Be careful, I didn't see who threw that, but whoever did is probably on their way to finish the job." Batman said while leaning on Lois .No sooner as he said that everyone could feel tremors in the ground like two very large pairs of feet were stomping toward the ruins of the jet.

" I'll get him out of here, you see what's coming our way." Lois said to Discord as she started to move Batman.

"It's too dangerous !" Batman said trying to move out of Lois's grasp.

" My dear man the spirit of Danger is one of my cousins and at the last family reunion I beat him at Poker, It's where the phrase Dealing with Danger came from." Discord said to the two confused humans before running off to see what threw the giant rock.

* * *

Humans were screaming and running past Discord as he walked down the street. They were all screaming the same word Discord noticed

" Wow, they must be really scared if they all think it's the end of the world." he thought as he passed the last of the running civilians. "Wait, If I'm gonna face a monster, I should look my best." Discord said looking at his current form. He snapped his fingers and took his favorite human form. Favorite because it looked the most like his original form in many ways.( see story cover). Suddenly in the distance he saw the creature that the humans were running from. It looked like someone mixed a old man and a rock monster and that was the end result. "Wow man , your even uglier than me !" Discord called to the creature. Not knowing he was taunting one of the most dangerous of Superman's enemies. The Legendary Doomsday.

Doomsday roared and charged toward DIscord." Oh, I better defend myself with a weapon." he said looking through his coat and pulling out various objects. " Lets see Excalibur... no...riffle...no.... Bazooka....no....nuclear launch codes...no....Thor's hammer...no". Doomsday was getting closer ,death in his eyes, ready to rip him to pieces. ''Sword of omens...no.... Null void projector...no''. The ground cracked under Doomsday's feet, his clawed arms spread out as the distance between the two got shorter. " Laser gun.. no... Chaos Emeralds no...Doomsday slayer...no... The Autobot Matrix of Leadership....no. The distance between them was twenty five feet which quickly turned to ten feet. "Wait a minute!" Discord said as he pulled out a round shield colored red, white, and blue, with a star in the middle. "I don't know why in this certain universe I have Captain America's shield , but I have a feeling someone is gonna get sued."

Author: "for the love of God man he's gonna kill you!! Do something!!"

Right before doomsday got to him Discord yelled "Aha!" and pulled out his choice weapon. The powerful and feared..... Rubber chicken!!!

Doomsday lunged, but discord ducked under him and in one millisecond stretched his arm and took a tip off of one of Doomsday's spikes and used it to make the chicken turn into the same material doomsday was made of while still looking like a rubber chicken. His plan was basically fight fire with fire and beat Doomsday with the same material he's made of. He rolled away, jumped, and hit Doomsday in the face. The chicken letting out a loud "BUCKA!!" Doomsday fell back, a large mark forming on his face. Discord took advantage of his dazed state and kept hitting him over and over with the rubber chicken. Each time it hit him it let out a loud "Bucka!!" sound. He hit doomsday over and over with the chicken as the rubber creature kept going" Bucka!!, Bucka!!, Bucka!!, Bucka!!" After the assault Doomsday fell to the ground unconscious. Discord didn't know how strong this stranger was, but he didn't want to have to go through another annoying encounter with this weirdo so he took the monster, put him on the cracked road, and rolled him up in concrete like one of those pigs in blankets treats and teleported with Doomsday back to Lois and Batman. The two were very surprised at what they saw but their attention returned to another battle that was taking place while Discord dealt with Doomsday

" Is that a robot T-Rex ?" Lois asked out loud and indeed it was. The creature was built and shaped like a T-Rex, but it was silver and billowing smoke from it's nostrils, a obvious sign showing it was a giant robot. It was also covered in large green gems and it was shooting a green beam of light from It's mouth directly at red and blue figure flying around it. "It's fighting Superman and..... I think it's winning." she said in a scared voice as she saw Superman get hit by a green beam a third time and almost fall from the sky.

" It's covered in kryptonite" Batman said as he observed while still leaning on Lois "Must have been a failsafe if Doomsday failed" he said gesturing to the unconscious villain in a concrete taco. " If we don't do something Superman is done for."

" What's Kryptonite ? " Discord asked feeling a bit left out since he didn't know.

" Superman's one weakness and he's getting shot with it, he needs our help but how?" Lois answered and asked out loud.

'' I can help with that ." Discord said as he snapped his fingers. Superman was suddenly wrapped in a yellow glow and the beam of Pure kryptonite bounced off him.

" I don't know what's doing this, but I'm glad it's happening" Superman said. Not questioning his knew shield since he knew better to use it to his advantage. He charged the Jurassic Machine and in a few moments it was pure scrap metal. After he finished with that bit of fighting he flew to remains of the Bat Jet looked, around with his powerful vision and saw Lois and Batman. He quickly flew to them and went right past Discord ( which Discord found rude) and talked to them. " How you holding up ? " he asked Batman.

"I'm fine but we would both be not so fine if it weren't for our mysterious savior." Batman said gesturing to Doomsday and the yellow shield still around The Man of steel.

''Who did all this to help us?" Superman asked shocked at seeing Doomsday again and wrapped in concrete too.

"I Did !" came a voice from behind him. Superman turned around and got a good look at Discord. Discord walked up to him while whipping a cane out of midair. The cane was purple and yellow stripped with a big black gem on it. a piece of cotton candy appeared near his face and moved so he could take a bite and then moved away. Discord flipped himself upside down in the air and put out his arm for a upside down handshake to a very confused Superman.

" Sorry to ask ,But we never got your name. So who are you?" Batman asked while smirking on the inside at Superman's confused face.

Discord smiled and said" I'm Discord, spirit of chaos and disharmony and I would like to join the Justice League.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the wait, but now a new chapter is here at last.

This was originally something I whipped off the top of my head but know it has my full dedication so expect some more of this.

Hope you all enjoy it and the next will be as soon as possible.