• Published 27th May 2013
  • 2,486 Views, 16 Comments

I'm Not Crazy - RainbowFlash96

Pinkie Pie reflects on who she really is

  • ...

Why Me?






Why do ponies think of me this way? What have I ever done to them? I love to have parties, eat cake and have fun. Why do other ponies label me this way?

I love to make other ponies smile and laugh. All I want is to see my friends smile. I sang a whole song about it.

But I'm still labeled like this.

There were some times that I have done things that were out of the ordinary, but it was all in good fun. Some ponies even think worse of me. What could be worse than this you ask?


Others think that I am capable of such a thing. How could I possibly be a murderer? Ponies always say, "You don't suspect the nice ones, but they are the most dangerous."

I've seen the videos, I've heard the comments, and I’ve read the stories

"Pinkie Pie is a serial killer, Pinkie Pie is crazy. You would never think sweet little Pinkie could do such a thing."

They're right, I can't.

How could I ever do that to somepony? Others assume I'd go so far as to drug another pony with a cupcake, so that I could lure then into the basement...

I could never.

I guess I could figure out where these assumptions came from. I thought my friends didn't want to come to my party because they didn't want to be my friend anymore. I was wrong to act the way I did, but how would you feel if the thing you loved most in life was just taken away, along with your friends?

I throw parties all of the time, and I love to do it. When I got my cutie mark, it was one of the happiest days of my life. I realized that now I would be able to bring joy to others for the rest of my life. Seeing the smiles on pony’s faces is the greatest gift I could ever get.

Just because I know more things than other ponies, doesn't mean I'm crazy. I will admit I am weird sometimes, but I would never think of myself as crazy.

I think that I have a sixth sense if you will. Pinkie Sense I like to call it. I even don't fully know how it works. Over the years, I've been able to match my twitches with the outcomes, but sometimes, I even get it wrong. Some ponies think that this is strange, and I agree with them. This 'sense' is not normal, but I didn't choose to have it.

My party canon, ha, that's another story. Where I keep that will forever be a secret. Maybe one day, if I ever have foals of my own, I'll tell them. I'll say one thing though, when you grow up on a rock farm, you have a lot of free time.

I sometimes wonder how my life would be if I were normal. Would I still be the Element of Laughter? Before I could even think about that, I have to think about what it means to be normal. Is anypony really normal? My friends are not normal, I'm not normal.

Everypony has flaws, but it's what they do with their flaws that make them special.

I accept my flaws, and I try to make the best of them. It's not always easy, but I don't mind. Sometimes I have to remind myself that other ponies might not want a peppy pink pony in their faces all of the time.

I'm not going to go through my friends flaws, who knows, what I could think of as flaws, could be their strengths.

I'm eccentric.

I feel like that is an accurate description of me. I can get overly excited and hyper, and that is one of my flaws. However, I choose to accept that and try to make it better. When I get overactive and excited, that is when I get some of my best party ideas. I use my flaw for the benefit of others.

I embrace what makes me different. Others might think that because I'm a little different, they can make assumptions, and think of different stories they can make about me. Do they even think about how I might feel? How would you feel is somepony made assumptions about you and turned them into stories?

Sometimes ponies don't think before they act.

Some of the stories I have read disgust me. I haven't been able to actually read a full one.

I don't know what's worse, stories labeling me as a murderer, or stories that ship me with another mare!? I know for a fact that none of my friends appreciate those stories. It is true that there are ponies like that in Ponyville, but we don't judge.

Other ponies think that I have a dual personality, and during the night my other half comes out to terrorize others.

Sometimes I wonder how ponies come up with this stuff.

Pinkamena has been, and forever will be a part of me. She's not another, more scary me. We are both the same. My name is really Pinkamena, I use Pinkie for short. When I look in the mirror, I don't see a flat mane and a dark face, I see a bubbly, happy Pinkie Pie.

I've had a long time to think about myself, and what I want to do with my life. I love who I am and will never want to change. I have great friends, and I know they will always be by my side.

I have my moments, some better than others, but doesn't everypony?

I will still throw parties for others; I will throw parties until the day I die. It's what I love to do.

"So what do you want, Pinkie?" the journalist asked.

Pinkie Pie sighed, "I just wished that others wouldn't judge me until they really got to know the real me."

She picked her head up to look the reporter straight in the eye, "The real Pinkie Pie."

The next day Pinkie Pie woke up feeling better about herself. She hoped that talking to that reporter yesterday might make things better.

She opened the door of her bedroom, and stepped on today's newspaper. The Cakes must have put it there for her to look at.

She stared at the front page of the paper and read the headline,


Pinkie Pie smiled, "Yeah, things are going to get better."

Author's Note:

I almost watched the Cupcake video... glad I didn't. The picture alone scared me for a week. I love Pinks, can't she just be fun loving and not have to be crazy?

I should also not write stories in the middle of the night... they tend to be weird.

Comments ( 16 )

Pretty good story.

Like, favorite, and follow!

Very good!
I like this story & it makes life feel less crap for some reason.
Fav & upvote. :pinkiesmile:

I love stories which acknowledge how ridiculous the constant f/f shipping is

Thanks everyone for the positive feedback!:scootangel:

Love this story.:twilightsmile: People really do give Pinkie too much of a bad rep.

I'm sorry to say this one really didn't do it for me. I didn't hate the piece- I just didn't much like it either. There really wasn't anything about it to make it interesting to me. Maybe if it had some kind of narrative framing (e.g. casting it as a diary entry or a "Letter to the Editor" of a local paper) it would have been able to grab my imagination. As it is- a straightforward monologue with no context- meh.

I mean we don't even really know what's going on to prompt Pinkie's dialog. Has her fame as an element Bearer prompted the ponies of Equestria to start writing horrible fanfic of her? Did she use her fourth-wall breaking powers to look over some Brony's shoulder as he was reading Cupcakes? Answers to those sorts of questions could give this piece extra zip.

Like I said- I don't hate it. I just feel like this needs something more.

A (very soft) thumbs-down from me.

Okay you make very good points, i'll try to fix some of thoes things and maybe your vote will change:twilightsmile:

I agree with Halfling pony I'm afraid, this isn't really a story. Maybe you could set it in the form of an interview (therapist or journalist) with pinkie (possibly in disguise) discussing her cultural impact (maybe they could be brony/cupcakes author/Lauren Faust or something like that)? That would allow you to use your ideas without distracting from your message?

Okay, you both are right. I'll fix it as soon as I can, most likely tonight. I should have explained it more.:facehoof:

Sorry it took so long, but i added some more stuff to the end. Tell me what you think:pinkiehappy:

It feels more like a story, but I don't really feel that it has much punch to it as it where. But it seems to me that this style of story telling is quite hard to pull off. Anyway thanks for taking my comments into consideration.

Yeah, this wasn't easy. I probably won't write another like this again. But I do thank you for the comment, and the feedback.:pinkiehappy:

This was about Pinkie Pie's discovery of Fimfiction, apparently. And to be perfectly blunt, I agree with what she's saying (I am so sick of seeing blood thirsty Pinkie Pies.)
Really good story! Have a like and favorite! Cheers:pinkiesmile:

Thank you! Im so glad you liked it!

The cupcakes fad needs to go NOW! I seriously hated how cupcakes made her look bad

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