• Published 26th Jun 2013
  • 14,531 Views, 674 Comments

Unwell - HazamaBrony

Twilight Sparkle struggles to balance a new relationship with Rainbow Dash and her mental illness.

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Twilight Velvet

I was so proud of my little filly.

Only fourteen years old and already the toast of Canterlot. Only fourteen years old and already magical enough to perform magical transformations. Only fourteen years old and the apprentice of the Princess herself!

Maybe proud was an understatement. After all, proud is for when your filly gets an A on a quiz. The word seemed somewhat insufficient for what my little Twilight Sparkle has accomplished.

So, taking out your filly to a cutie mark and Princess apprenticeship celebration was quite justified. I, my husband, our colt Shining Armor, and even Princess Cadance were all going to be there. Shining had to ask for the day off from his guard training, but after explaining that his sister was the pony that had hatched a dragon and become the student of the Princess, the guard had relaxed the rules and let him have a day off.

I think that they might have been scared that they would have been transformed into plants if they had refused.

In any case, the family was together for the first time in ages! And yes, I do count Cadance in there with the rest of the family. Goodness knows that she had spent enough time with all of us. Besides, Twilight would have been devastated if “the best foalsitter in the history of foalsitters” wasn’t able to come.

Twilight had been given the choice of where to go for dinner, and she had of course chosen the Bale. Goodness, that little filly could not get enough hay burgers and fries. It was a little bit… quaint for the great Twilight Velvet, but it was the decision of the guest of honor. And, dare I say, she had earned it.

So there we all were, having a good time and laughing in a diner across town and listening to Cadance tell some of the tales that she heard in her lifetime. (I must say, I could be quite jarring to be reminded that that youthful looking mare was actually many times older than myself.)

“… and then I said, ‘that’s not part of the pillow, that’s one of my feathers!’” Cadance said, a large grin on her face as she finished her joke. “Needless to say, he never made that mistake again.”

“Cadance, honey, do remember that there are children at the table,” my husband, Star Sparkle, said.

“I know, I know,” she said, still grinning. “I’ll keep it foal friendly.”

“You don’t have to do that!” Shining Armor quickly interjected. “I’m an adult!”

“We know, Shining, but your little sister is not,” Cadance said, looking a little bemused at Shining’s outburst. In fact, she looked a little like a wife amused at her husband’s antics.

I was going to have to ask her about that. I mean, it was true that Shining was of age now, but the thought of somepony as ancient as Cadance dating him right away was a little odd. I mean, she practically helped raise him.

Oh well, a conversation for another time. Right now, the evening was all about my wonderful little filly.

“So, Twilight, how are you liking the dinner?” I asked.


“Do you want dessert?”


“What is the magic word?” Star Sparkle asked, and I shot him a glare. Of all the days to nitpick about manners, you would think that our filly’s celebration party would be near the bottom of the list.


I frowned. Twilight was being unusually frugal with her words. Ah well, it was probably just nerves. After all, I would be quite nervous if I had been chosen to learn from the princess herself, and with Twilight’s slightly neurotic personality, I can only wonder how nervous she must be.

But after all, that was part of why we threw this little party. After that harrowing test, we all needed a chance to unwind. Really, it is a far cry from relaxing to suddenly find yourself a potted plant.

That night, I woke up to the sound of crying coming from my dear Twilight Sparkle’s room.

“Honey, wake up,” I said, blinking the sleep out of my eyes as well. “Twilight probably had a bad dream. Come on, wake up.”

It was no use. My husband had always been a very heavy sleeper. Why, sometimes I had to practically slap him to rouse him.

Another loud sob from Twilight’s room broke me from my reverie. “I’m coming, Twilight!” I yelled down the hall, hoping to calm her a little.

I could tell that something was wrong the instant I entered her room. It looked like the aftermath of one of my children’s pillow fights. Feathers were everywhere, and both the pillows were resting on the floor, completely shredded. The only difference was that Shining was nowhere to be found, having headed back to barracks to continue his guard training, and that my little Twilight was curled up into a ball in the corner of the room, weeping.

“Twilight, darling, what’s wrong?” I asked, trying to stroke her mane to calm her down. To my surprise, however, she pulled away from me.

“Don’t hurt me!” she wailed, covering her face with her forelegs. “I swear I didn’t tell my dad anything! Please don’t hurt me!”

“Shh, Twilight, it’s alright. I would never hurt you, and dad wouldn’t either, no matter what you’ve kept from us,” I said in my most soothing voice. She must have had quite the nightmare to be this scared.

“LIAR!” She practically spat the word in my face. “You aren’t my mom! Stop pretending! You're one of them!”

“Sweetie, what are you talking about?” I was beginning to get a little scared of what was happening to my little filly. Normally she had calmed down by now after one of her nightmares, but the way that her mood had flipped from terrified to angry was anything but calm.

“Stop it, stop it, stop it! Stop pretending! I want my real mom! Let her go! Where is she?” she demanded, her horn lighting up.

Before I knew it, she had charged up and unleashed a powerful blast.

Luckily, she wasn’t aiming at me, but that didn’t save the lamp that shattered into a million tiny pieces with a loud bang.

“No!” Twilight shouted, “I broke it! The shadows! What will stop them now?” As soon as her outburst faded, she went back to crying.

Before I could say another word, however, Star Sparkle rushed into the room.

“What happened?” He asked, looking rather panicked. “I heard a loud bang!”

“Never mind that, Star!” I said, thinking quickly. “Go get the magic suppression stone that Celestia gave us!”

“But…” he protested, looking from Twilight to me and back again.

“GO!” I shouted, and then immediately hoped that my shout hadn’t upset Twilight even more.

He nodded and galloped out of the room. I turned my attention back to Twilight. Luckily, at least in some twisted definition of the word, Twilight was still crying and not attacking anything.

I tentatively reached out and began stroking her mane. She had always like that, and hopefully it would calm her down. Fortunately, it seemed to work.

A minute later, my husband rushed back in, holding a rainbow colored rock in his mouth. He quickly spat it on to the floor and crushed it under his hoof. I immediately felt all the magic in the room flee, leaving the three of us without even the slightest levitation spell.

Satisfied that Twilight could no longer smash anything with her incredible magic, I turned to my husband. “Dear,” I said, keeping my eyes on the sobbing filly in front of me, “go send a letter to Celestia. Your magic should work outside of this room.”

For a moment I was worried that he would protest, but thankfully he just turned and ran out of the room again, leaving me alone with Twilight.

“Oh, my precious Twilight,” I said, “what is happening to you?”

Author's Note:

Well, here we go again. After a long hiatus, I decided to get back into writing fan fiction. So, let me know what you think.
And let me give a shout out to my proofreader, who I will call Root Beer because it annoys him.